eSIM Korea Selatan

Tetap terhubung di Korea Selatan dengan harga terjangkau mulai dari Rp 8,350 per hari.

Pilihan eSIM yang Direkomendasikan untuk Perjalanan ke Korea!

1GB/Hari 3 Hari

  • Data1GB Hari
  • Validitas3 Hari
  • HargaDari Rp 31.565

1GB/Hari 7 Hari

  • Data1GB Daily
  • Validitas7 Hari
  • HargaDari Rp 60.079

30GB 15 hari

  • Data30GB
  • Validitas15 Hari
  • HargaDari Rp 268.205

Mencari opsi fleksibel lainnya? Sesuaikan dan pilih dari produk eSIM kami untuk Korea!

eSIM Korea

  • CakupanKorea
  • Data500MB hingga 50GB
  • Validitas1 hingga 30 Hari
  • Hargadari Rp 8,350
  • ulasan (5 ★)861 ulasan
  • Bookings26K bookings

Korea eSIM

  • CakupanKorea
  • Data500MB hingga 50GB/ Unlimited
  • Validitas1 hingga 30 Hari
  • Hargadari Rp 8,554
  • ulasan (4.6 ★)979 ulasan
  • Pemesanan27K+ Pemesanan

eSIM Korea

  • CakupanKorea
  • Data500MB hingga Unlimited
  • Validitas1 hingga 30 Hari
  • Hargadari Rp 8,588
  • ulasan (4.4 ★)269 ulasan
  • Pemesanan2K+ Pemesanan

6 alasan untuk membeli eSIM di

✔ Kecepatan Tinggi, Kuota Data yang Melimpah (5G)

Dengan eSIM dari, dapatkan akses ke data 5G dengan kecepatan tinggi di mana saja tersedia. Tetap terhubung dengan kuota data yang melimpah, sempurna untuk streaming, menjelajah, dan bekerja saat bepergian.

✔ Pertahankan Nomor Telepon Asli Anda

Pertahankan nomor telepon asli Anda saat bepergian. eSIM memungkinkan Anda tetap dapat dihubungi melalui nomor utama Anda, memastikan Anda tidak melewatkan panggilan penting.

✔ Aktivasi Instan

Aktifkan eSIM Anda segera setelah pembelian dan mulai menggunakan data segera setelah Anda tiba. Tidak perlu mengunjungi toko atau menunggu pengiriman.

✔ Tanpa Kontrak, 100% Pra Bayar

Paket eSIM kami adalah 100% pra bayar tanpa kontrak jangka panjang. Nikmati kebebasan untuk memilih dan mengubah paket Anda tanpa ada biaya tersembunyi atau keterikatan.

✔ Opsi Paket yang Fleksibel

Pilih dari berbagai macam paket data dan durasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan perjalanan Anda. Apakah Anda membutuhkan data selama beberapa hari atau sebulan penuh, menyediakan solusi untuk Anda.

✔ Harga Terjangkau

Hemat biaya roaming dengan paket eSIM yang memiliki harga kompetitif. Nikmati harga yang jelas dan langsung tanpa ada biaya tersembunyi.

eSIM Populer Lainnya

eSIM Singapore

Mulai dari Rp 21,740 Perhari

eSIM Thailand

Mulai dari Rp 10,775 Perhari

eSIM Malaysia

Mulai dari Rp 25,000 Perhari

eSIM Korea Selatan

Mulai dari Rp 12,194 Perhari

eSIM China

Mulai dari Rp 12,315 Perhari

eSIM Japan

Mulai dari Rp 14,358 Perhari

eSIM Indonesia

Mulai dari Rp 35,881

Apa itu eSIM?

Panduan eSIM
Nikmati Kebebasan dengan eSIM Korea

Ingin pergi ke Korea Selatan tanpa khawatir kehilangan akses internet? Jangan khawatir! Sekarang Anda dapat dengan mudah terhubung ke internet di seluruh dunia, termasuk di Korea Selatan, hanya dengan mengunduh eSIM ke ponsel pintar Anda.

Dalam artikel ini, kami akan memandu Anda dengan cara yang mudah dipahami tentang cara memilih eSIM Korea Selatan dan mengungkapkan keuntungan dan kerugiannya bagi para pengguna baru. Jadi, jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini dan bacalah artikel ini sampai selesai!

Pilihan eSIM yang Direkomendasikan untuk Perjalanan ke Korea!

1GB/Hari 3 Hari

  • Data1GB Hari
  • Validitas3 Hari
  • HargaDari Rp 31.565

1GB/Hari 7 Hari

  • Data1GB Daily
  • Validitas7 Hari
  • HargaDari Rp 60.079

30GB 15 hari

  • Data30GB
  • Validitas15 Hari
  • HargaDari Rp 268.205

Apa itu eSIM Korea Selatan?

"eSIM" adalah singkatan dari Embedded SIM. Berbeda dengan kartu SIM fisik tradisional, eSIM merupakan SIM elektronik yang terpasang di dalam perangkat. Di Jepang, perangkat yang kompatibel dengan eSIM diperkenalkan pada tahun 2018, dan sejak saat itu jumlah pengguna terus meningkat pesat.

Dengan eSIM, Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang kartu fisik yang melengkung atau rusak. Selain itu, untuk menggunakan kartu SIM tradisional, Anda harus memasukkan kartu ke dalam perangkat seluler seperti ponsel atau smartphone, yang memerlukan Anda untuk melepas penutup belakang perangkat dan memasukkan kartu ke dalam slot tertentu.

Namun, dengan eSIM, Anda tidak perlu melakukan hal tersebut karena eSIM sudah terpasang di dalam perangkat. Perbedaan terbesar antara eSIM dan kartu SIM tradisional adalah bentuk, ukuran, dan kerumitan penggantian yang benar-benar berbeda.

Apa itu eSIM Korea Selatan?

Apakah perangkat Anda kompatibel dengan eSIM?

Pastikan untuk memeriksa kompatibilitas perangkat seluler Anda dengan eSIM dan jaringan lokal sebelum memesan. Harap diketahui bahwa biaya administrasi akan dikenakan jika terjadi masalah kompatibilitas ponsel, bahkan setelah memesan. Untuk memverifikasi, langkah-langkahnya mudah!

Cukup buka pengaturan perangkat Anda, cari opsi "Tambahkan rencana data seluler/eSIM" di bagian Seluler/Data Seluler/Kartu SIM, dan Anda siap untuk terhubung dengan jaringan seluler di seluruh dunia. Jadi, pastikan perangkat Anda kompatibel dengan eSIM dan nikmati akses internet yang mudah dan nyaman di Korea Selatan!

【Perangkat yang Kompatibel】

MerekModel yang Kompatibel
AppleiPhone XR, XS, XS Max, 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max, SE 2020, 12, 12 Mini, 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max, 13, 13 Mini, 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max, 14, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max, iPad Pro 12.9-inch (generasi ke-3, ke-4), iPad Pro 11-inch (generasi ke-1, ke-2), iPad Air (generasi ke-3, ke-4), iPad (generasi ke-7, ke-8), iPad mini (generasi ke-5)
SamsungGalaxy S20, S20+, S20 Ultra, S21+ 5G, S21 Ultra 5G, Fold LTE, Galaxy Z Flip, Galaxy Note 20, Note 20 Ultra, Ultra 5g
GooglePixel 3, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 5
LainnyaHuawei P40, P40 Pro, Mate 40 Pro, Motorola Razr 2020

eSIM MVNO vs eSIM Jaringan Lokal

Di Korea Selatan, Anda memiliki dua pilihan utama saat memilih provider eSIM: Operator Jaringan Virtual Seluler (MVNO) dan provider jaringan lokal.

eSIM Jaringan Lokal

  • Provider Utama: KT (Korea Telecom), SK Telecom, dan LG U+ adalah provider jaringan lokal terkemuka di Korea Selatan.
  • Pengalaman Layanan: Ketiga provider ini mendapatkan penilaian tinggi dalam hal pengalaman cakupan 4G, dengan skor mendekati 9,9 dari 10.
  • Aksesibilitas bagi Ekspatriat: Untuk menggunakan layanan ini, biasanya diperlukan Kartu Registrasi Warga Asing (Alien Registration Card) dan paspor, dengan tingkat biaya awal yang bervariasi.

Dengan demikian, Anda dapat memilih antara MVNO atau provider jaringan lokal berdasarkan preferensi dan kebutuhan Anda.

ProviderOpsi LayananKecepatan Unduh 5GKecepatan Unggah 5GKetersediaan 4GAksesibilitas bagi Ekspatriat
KT (Korea Telecom)Milik negara, layanan telekomunikasi yang luas--98,6%Memerlukan Kartu Registrasi Warga Asing dan paspor
SK TelecomProvider terkemuka, bagian dari SK Group469,6 Mbps19,0 Mbps99,3%Sama, dengan kemungkinan biaya awal
LG U+Layanan telekomunikasi yang kompetitif429,6 Mbps19,7 Mbps99,8%Mungkin lebih mudah untuk tinggal sementara


  • Provider: Beberapa MVNO populer termasuk Airalo, Holafly, dan Nomad.
  • Keuntungan: Provider ini umumnya menawarkan rencana yang fleksibel dan hemat biaya yang ideal untuk perjalanan singkat. Fitur-fitur yang disediakan meliputi pembelian dan aktivasi instan, serta kemampuan untuk menggunakan eSIM sebagai hotspot Wi-Fi.
  • Cakupan: Meskipun MVNO menyediakan cakupan yang memadai, namun cakupannya mungkin tidak seluas atau sehandal jaringan lokal di daerah pedesaan.

Ringkasan Penyedia eSIM Korea Selatan Terbaik

Kami telah melakukan evaluasi terhadap beberapa penyedia eSIM, termasuk Airhub, Nomad, Airalo, RedTeaGo, dan GigSky. Dalam proses ini, kami menguji kecepatan jaringan, latensi, serta kemudahan pembelian dan instalasi, dengan tujuan memberikan ulasan yang objektif mengenai layanan-layanan tersebut. Temuan kami, yang terfokus pada performa jaringan dan kegunaan secara keseluruhan, akan membantu para pelancong dalam memilih opsi eSIM yang dapat diandalkan untuk perjalanan mereka ke Korea Selatan dan destinasi lainnya. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang pengalaman kami dan mendapatkan panduan yang akurat, tetaplah bersama kami!

Berikut adalah tabel yang menunjukkan kecepatan jaringan, metode instalasi, dan lokasi roaming/routing dari masing-masing penyedia eSIM yang kami evaluasi.

ProviderKecepatan JaringanMetode InstalasiLokasi Roaming/Routing
Trip.com150 MbpsKode QRKorea Selatan
Nomad80 MbpsKode QRHong Kong
Airalo50 MbpsDalam AplikasiKorea Selatan
RedTeaGo44 MbpsDalam AplikasiHong Kong
Airhub150 MbpsKode QRHong Kong
GigSky42 MbpsDalam AplikasiAmerika Serikat

Info Detail tentang eSIM Korea Selatan

Kapasitas KomunikasiData tanpa batas, 600MB, 1.5GB
Standar KomunikasiJaringan 4G LTE berkecepatan tinggi
Area KomunikasiKorea Selatan
Masa BerlakuBerlaku selama 30 hari sejak tanggal pemesanan
Yang Tidak TermasukPanggilan suara, SMS
Perangkat Tidak DidukungPerangkat terkunci SIM, perangkat spesifik operator, router Wi-Fi
PrecautionsJika penggunaan harian Anda melebihi batas, kecepatan koneksi akan berkurang.
Voucher berlaku selama 1 hari setelah dikeluarkan.
Hanya dapat digunakan sekali.

Cara Mengatur eSIM di Korea Selatan

Sebelum Anda membeli produk eSIM dari, pastikan terlebih dahulu apakah ponsel Anda mendukung penggunaan eSIM. eSIM dari kompatibel dengan berbagai model, mulai dari iPhone terbaru hingga seri Samsung populer dan Google Pixel. Pastikan Anda memeriksa model ponsel Anda sebelum menggunakan eSIM.


  1. Periksa kode QR yang tertera dalam email aktivasi eSIM.
  2. Buka "Pengaturan" di layar utama smartphone Anda, lalu pilih "Data Seluler" (iOS) atau "Manajemen Kartu SIM" (Android).
  3. Setelah Anda menyetujui instalasi "Data Seluler" (iOS) atau "Manajemen Kartu SIM" (Android), Anda dapat menginstalnya dengan memindai kode QR yang tertera dalam email aktivasi.

Panduan Mengatur eSIM

cara menggunakan esim korea selatan

Langkah 1: Pilih paket eSIM terbaik yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.

cara menggunakan esim korea selatan

Langkah 2: Pilih paket data yang diinginkan.

cara menggunakan esim korea selatan

Langkah 3: Terima konfirmasi pemesanan Anda.

Buka email aktivasi eSIM, di mana Anda akan menemukan kode QR untuk aktivasi.

cara menggunakan esim korea selatan

Langkah 4: Tambahkan eSIM Anda.

  • Pada iOS: Buka Pengaturan dan pilih Seluler.
  • Pada Android: Buka Manajemen Kartu SIM. Klik untuk menambahkan Paket Seluler (iOS) atau Kartu SIM (Android), lalu setujui untuk mengunduhnya. Setelah unduhan berhasil, nonaktifkan kartu utama jika Anda sudah memilikinya.
cara menggunakan esim korea selatan

Langkah 5: Pindai kode QR untuk mengaktifkan eSIM Anda.

Aktifkan Paket Seluler (iOS) atau Kartu SIM (Android), nyalakan roaming untuk terhubung ke jaringan, dan Anda dapat mulai menjelajah internet.

Catatan: Jika tidak ada jaringan setelah diaktifkan, aktifkan mode pesawat, kemudian matikan atau restart ponsel Anda.

cara menggunakan esim korea selatan

Cara Menonaktifkan:

Buka Pengaturan Seluler (iOS) atau Manajemen Kartu SIM (Android), dan klik untuk mematikan Paket Seluler (iOS) atau Kartu SIM (Android). Langkah-langkah untuk mengaktifkan dan menonaktifkan adalah sama. adalah eSIM Korea Selatan Terbaik: Mengapa? adalah eSIM Korea Selatan Terbaik: Mengapa?

Harganya Terjangkau

eSIM dari menawarkan berbagai pilihan paket untuk perjalanan ke Korea Selatan. Dengan paket 7 hari yang menyediakan kuota 1,5GB per hari, Anda hanya perlu membayar USD 6,25, yang merupakan harga yang sangat murah. Bahkan untuk paket 15 hari, Anda hanya akan dikenakan biaya USD 10,27, sehingga Anda dapat menggunakan eSIM dengan tenang dan tanpa khawatir akan biaya yang tinggi. Jika Anda tidak berencana untuk menggunakan eSIM secara intensif, kami sangat merekomendasikan paket dengan kuota 500MB per hari.

Ulasan Sangat Baik

Dukungan Pelanggan 24 jam

Terdapat banyak pilihan eSIM untuk Korea Selatan, namun eSIM telah mendapatkan reputasi yang sangat baik dari para pengguna.

Koneksi langsungnya sangat cepat dan mudah dilakukan, bahkan bagi pemula sekalipun.

Saya merasa sangat terbantu dengan dukungan yang diberikan.

Berikut adalah beberapa testimonial dari pengguna eSIM untuk Korea Selatan yang dapat memberikan ulasan lebih jelas:

Seperti yang telah diulas oleh pengguna lain, mengambil kode QR dari voucher dengan menggunakan ponsel lain jauh lebih mudah dan lancar dibandingkan dengan tangkapan layar. Kami sangat merekomendasikan Anda untuk melakukannya sebelum meninggalkan negara. Saya merasa sangat lega bahwa koneksi lokal dapat dilakukan dengan mudah ketika tersedia Wi-Fi gratis di bandara. Selama di Korea, saya hanya menggunakan LINE, Google, dan Instagram, dan semuanya berjalan lancar tanpa ada masalah dengan sinyal radio!
Saya membeli dua unit eSIM selama 3 hari tanpa batasan! Komunikasi pada kedua unit berjalan sangat lancar dan pengaturannya pun sangat mudah! Hal yang menarik adalah, saat menggunakan eSIM lain, saya harus terhubung ke Wi-Fi saat melakukan pengaturan, tetapi dengan eSIM, saya merasa sangat senang karena tidak perlu terhubung ke Wi-Fi untuk mengatur waktu pemakaian 🙌
Mudah, mudah diatur, dan tidak ada masalah dengan kecepatan.

Dukungan Pelanggan 24 jam

Dukungan Pelanggan 24 jam selalu siap merespons segala situasi yang tak terduga. Dukungan pelanggan profesional tersedia 24/7, memberikan dukungan dan solusi optimal. Dukungan disediakan dalam beberapa bahasa, termasuk Jepang, Inggris, dan Mandarin, sehingga banyak orang memilihnya. Apapun masalahnya, baik itu terkait eSIM atau masalah perjalanan lainnya, Anda dapat mempercayakan semuanya kepada!

Mana yang Lebih Baik di Korea Selatan? Perbandingan eSIM, Kartu SIM, Router Wi-Fi

Kartu SIM dapat digunakan tanpa perlu khawatir tentang pengisian daya seperti router Wi-Fi, dan tidak menambah banyak beban pada bagasi Anda. Anda dapat memilih dari berbagai pilihan rencana yang tersedia. Namun, ada beberapa kekurangan seperti pengaturan yang agak rumit dan kebutuhan akan smartphone yang bebas SIM.

Di sisi lain, router Wi-Fi memungkinkan beberapa orang untuk berbagi dan terhubung ke beberapa perangkat hanya dengan mengatur setelah kedatangan. Namun, mungkin ada masalah terkait daya baterai, kerumitan dalam penyerahan, dan biaya yang meningkat. Sementara itu, eSIM tidak memerlukan kartu SIM fisik, sehingga tidak perlu khawatir tentang kehilangan atau kerusakan. Pengaturannya relatif sederhana, meskipun perlu diperhatikan bahwa smartphone yang kompatibel terbatas.

Di bawah ini, kami telah merangkum ketiga karakteristik dan langkah pencegahan dalam sebuah tabel.

FitureSIMKartu SIMRouter Wi-Fi
Kemudahan PenggunaanTidak perlu memasukkan kartu, tidak perlu pengisian dayaMemasukkan kartu diperlukanMemerlukan pengisian daya
Kemudahan DibawaTidak perluTerpasang pada smartphonePerlu dibawa
KelebihanTidak perlu menyerahkan tanpa khawatir kehilangan atau kerusakanBanyak pilihan rencanaDapat digunakan bersama oleh beberapa orang
KekuranganAktivasi sebelumnya diperlukan karena smartphone yang kompatibel terbatasRisiko kehilangan smartphone bebas SIMPerlu pengisian daya, peralatan harus dibawa, penyerahan merepotkan

3 keuntungan menggunakan eSIM di Korea Selatan

3 keuntungan menggunakan eSIM di Korea Selatan

1. Anda dapat langsung menggunakannya saat tiba di Korea.

Keuntungan eSIM adalah Anda dapat terhubung ke internet segera setelah mendarat di bandara, tanpa perlu membeli atau mengambil kartu SIM tradisional terlebih dahulu. Ini akan membuat perjalanan Anda lebih efisien, misalnya dalam mengatur taksi atau memberikan petunjuk ke hotel.

2. Tidak ada risiko kehilangan atau kerusakan.

eSIM tidak memiliki bentuk fisik, sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir kehilangan atau merusaknya. Anda juga tidak perlu repot membuka laci SIM atau khawatir menjatuhkan kartu SIM.

3. Kemungkinan menggunakan Dual SIM.

Dengan eSIM, Anda dapat menggunakan dua jaringan pada satu smartphone. Ini berguna jika Anda ingin menggunakan nomor lokal dan internasional secara bersamaan, atau membagi penggunaan data antara dua jaringan. Anda dapat dengan mudah beralih antara dua jaringan tanpa harus menukar kartu fisik.

👉👉👉Sedang merencanakan liburan ke kota Seoul ? Dapatkan penawaran terbaik untuk tiket pesawat hanya di! Nikmati kemudahan memesan tiket pesawat dengan harga terjangkau dan layanan pelanggan yang siap membantu Anda 24/7.

  • Round-trip
  • One way

Crossed out prices are calculated based on the average price of the corresponding route on

3 kekurangan menggunakan eSIM di Korea Selatan

3 kekurangan menggunakan eSIM di Korea Selatan

1. Model Terbatas:

Untuk menggunakan eSIM, Anda memerlukan smartphone atau tablet yang mendukungnya. Namun, beberapa model lama dan perangkat kelas menengah rendah tidak mendukung eSIM. Anda juga perlu mempertimbangkan biaya jika perlu membeli perangkat baru.

2. Tidak Tersedia pada Beberapa Perangkat:

eSIM sulit dipindahkan antara beberapa perangkat. Jika Anda menggunakan beberapa perangkat selama perjalanan ke Korea, ini mungkin tidak nyaman. Kartu SIM tradisional lebih fleksibel dalam hal ini.

3. Tidak Dapat Menggunakan Nomor Telepon Anda:

Rencana data eSIM mungkin tidak menyediakan nomor telepon unik atau memerlukan biaya tambahan. Ini bisa merepotkan jika Anda membutuhkan nomor telepon lokal untuk reservasi restoran atau menghubungi hotel. Kartu SIM konvensional sering menyediakan nomor telepon sebagai bagian dari paket data.

Anda mungkin tertarik dengan konten ini:

Terbang Tinggi Tanpa Khawatir dengan "Promo Tiket Pesawat" Terbaik dari!
Panduan Lengkap tentang Persyaratan dan Proses Permohonan untuk Visa Korea Selatan
Dapatkan Tiket Everland Secara

3 Tips Memilih eSIM Korea Selatan

3 Tips Memilih eSIM Korea Selatan

Ulasan dan Reputasi:

Dengan memeriksa ulasan dan reputasi pengguna lain di internet, Anda dapat mempelajari pengalaman penggunaan mereka secara nyata. Lakukan penelitian menyeluruh untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kualitas dukungan operator, kecepatan komunikasi, dan lain-lain.

Rincian Rencana dan Biaya:

Periksa rincian rencana penggunaan, termasuk biaya panggilan, kapasitas data, dan tanggal kedaluwarsa. Pilih rencana yang sesuai dengan situasi penggunaan Anda, seperti rencana yang mendukung komunikasi di dalam dan di luar Korea Selatan, atau rencana untuk tinggal jangka panjang.

Beragam Operator:

Ada beberapa operator komunikasi di Korea Selatan. Bandingkan area penggunaan, kualitas komunikasi, harga rencana, kapasitas data, dan lain-lain, dan pilih operator yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Penting untuk memilih operator yang dapat diandalkan dan memiliki reputasi yang baik.

eSIM adalah keharusan untuk menikmati perjalanan ke Korea Selatan!

eSIM adalah keharusan untuk menikmati perjalanan ke Korea Selatan!

Jika Anda merencanakan perjalanan ke Korea Selatan, eSIM adalah barang wajib yang tidak boleh terlewatkan. Untuk menikmati sepenuhnya pengalaman di Korea Selatan, akses internet yang konstan sangatlah penting. Mulai dari reservasi hotel, penggunaan peta, hingga mencari rekomendasi lokal, lingkungan komunikasi yang lancar akan membuat perjalanan Anda lebih nyaman dan memuaskan.

eSIM dari telah terbukti handal dan nyaman oleh banyak wisatawan. Jadi, mengapa tidak memanfaatkan kesempatan ini untuk mencoba eSIM dari

🏨✨ Temukan Hotel Murah di Korea Selatan dengan! ✨🏨 Rencanakan perjalanan Anda ke Korea Selatan tanpa khawatir biaya akomodasi! Dengan, Anda bisa menemukan hotel murah dan nyaman yang sesuai dengan anggaran Anda.

Hotel Terbaik di Korea Selatan

5 star

4.7/5Outstanding398 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|0.3km from city center
Amazing stay at a classic hotel celebrating its 110 anniversary this year. Exemplary service from each of the staff. Airport limousine bus stopped directly at the hotel which was super convenient.
FromIDR 3,200,457
4.6/5Outstanding190 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|0.21km from city center
Room is spacious , beautiful view overlook to City Hall . Bedside control panel , curtains and lights can be all controlled without getting out of bed . Will rebook again in next visit.. 😊
FromIDR 3,360,366
4.7/5Outstanding185 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|0.52km from city center
Excellent service. I had my foot ripped off and need an adhesive tape. I made the request at Room Chat and they sent me within 5 minutes. On another occasion, we need to go Sanchon for dinner appointment but couldn’t be able to get any urber or taxi on apps, so we tried to ask hotel front desk. Their staff arranged taxi for us within 10 minutes. Highly commendable for their efficiency and “can-do” attitude! The only setback is breakfast only serves until 10:30am. Would be great if all day breakfast is available as leisure travellers do not have tight schedule and tend to wake up late.
FromIDR 8,820,103
4.4/5Excellent271 Reviews
Hannam-dong/Itaewon Seoul|3.44km from city center
An excellent stay. From the moment I arrived I felt very well taken care of. Every member of staff was polite, friendly, and patient. I booked a twin room but was offered a King size on arrival. I had a river view that was so beautiful! Namsan park is just across the road - the location is perfect, perfect, perfect! Room service was prompt and the food was good. I didn’t have breakfast. I did eat at JJ Mahoney’s and that was excellent - super service!! The one thing that did seem odd was I couldn’t seem to not get water all over the floor when using the shower. Not sure if it was the pressure (which was great), or the angle of the shower head (which I did adjust to try and rectify things). Nice to see sustainability measures in place for amenities, towels etc. Oh - checking in on a Friday seems to be incredibly busy. I came home from an excursion at around 4pm on Friday and the lobby was jam packed (as was the gallery for tea etc.) so perhaps try and time your visit accordingly. Excellent stay, will definitely be back!
FromIDR 6,067,390
4.5/5Excellent341 Reviews
Hannam-dong/Itaewon Seoul|4.43km from city center
The staff is super friendly and helpful. They gave me directions whenever needed and helped me get a SIM card. The hotel is a walking distance from itaewon subway station where you can find a variety of restaurants and shops. The hotel design, cleanliness and services are top notch! The underground ground floor had a library, restaurants, a cafe and a convenience store which I really loved!! Gym, sauna and jacuzzi can be used once a day and are very clean and well maintained. Will definitely come back here it’s worth every penny
FromIDR 3,246,145

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Business travel

4.4/5Excellent1871 Reviews
Dongdaemun Market Seoul|2.61km from city center
Sick of tired of hongdae or myeongdong? Try staying at this hotel in dongdaemun. 24 hours shopping available. Right beside the train station. Get to myeongdong in 10 minutes. Best location to stay in Seoul!
FromIDR 1,308,966
4.5/5Excellent569 Reviews
Seoul Station Seoul|1.79km from city center
Clean, comfortable, and just enough space. In a quiet neighborhood, but there are lots of local restaurants behind (if you’re keen to explore!). It’s a little further away from the station than we thought, but it is all connected and easy to find. Had a nice stay!
FromIDR 2,350,657
4.3/5Excellent2982 Reviews
Yeouido Seoul|8.19km from city center
Good Location, Friendly Staff, Room Needs Improvement The hotel's location is excellent, making it easy to explore the surrounding area. The staff were friendly and helpful, with good English communication skills. They were also accommodating to my specific room requests. The room itself was nicely appointed, but unfortunately, the room temperature was too warm, fixed at 27 degrees Celsius with no option to adjust the heater. This made for an uncomfortable stay, especially at night. Additionally, the bathroom layout, while suitable for solo travelers, would likely be inconvenient for couples due to the lack of a separate door for the toilet area. There's no bidet, which was a bit disappointing. I think the hotel would benefit from upgrading to automated toilets for a more modern and convenient experience.
FromIDR 1,288,407
4.2/5Very Good830 Reviews
Dongdaemun Market Seoul|2.58km from city center
I've booked the basement room for 1 night. Good location and easy to find. The room is very clean and no bad smell! Overall is over my expectations. I will come back again!
FromIDR 925,186
4.2/5Very Good603 Reviews
Apgujeong/Cheongdam-Dong Seoul|8.25km from city center
Value priced hotel if visiting apgujeong. AirPort Express bus stops nearby. Photo of hotel taken from actual express bus stop heading towards airport. Be careful anout bus schedule though. Website may not be up to date. Late at night I called front desk to set up wake up call for the next morning only to be told it can’t be done because reception are not working at this time. Thought that was odd Check out was a breeze. Luggage drop off counter was also very efficient.
FromIDR 1,123,929

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Family friendly

4.3/5Excellent767 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|0.22km from city center
Hotel room style are old. Completed with smart TV, bottle water need to buy, only supply two 500ml. Understandable on recycle gimmick for not to supply one time use goodies, but tooth brush and toothpaste is basic item also not supply, make me buy from the CU next to the hotel. Service from the counter is nice, allow to keep bags pre and post check in and out. Location is perfectly convenient, protestations location too. Haha.. buy the way , double layer window, another fridge in winter.
FromIDR 1,162,764
4.3/5Excellent1355 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|0.51km from city center
Hotel comes with a calming lobby Functional with lockers for guests. 15 steps away is a very popular restaurant with locals serving beef bone soup. All is good except room facing road can be noisy and window shade doesn’t completely block out lighting
FromIDR 1,318,104
4.4/5Excellent580 Reviews
Dongdaemun Market Seoul|2.36km from city center
Got a room from the residence tower. The room was nice and spacious, and the bathroom was huge. Came with a kitchenette and washing machine in the room. Walking distance to dongdaemun night market, plenty of food choices nearby within 10mins walk. There’s a small convenience store around the corner. Towels smelt of bleach, but otherwise, they were always clean! The hotel was by a main road, and it was easy for cabs and a private drop off at the back of the hotel for a longer wait. The lady behind the counter at the cafe located on Level 1, she seems to be dreaming most of the time. Had to keep repeating myself for her to get the message. Room was 72x, she couldn’t find the number in the system despite asking us for it for 3 times. We had to write it down, and she still read it as 32x. 🙂↕️ had to correct her a couple of times that’s it’s SEVEN TWO x. Overall, great stay!
FromIDR 2,720,731
4.4/5Excellent646 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|1km from city center
The hotel was in an excellent location. Right outside a subway station, a mere 2 minute walk to Myeongdong shopping district. Room wise, it is a decent size for a solo traveller. But the walls are thin. People in the corridor were loud. There were protests and performances going on outside. Woke me up a few times. There was no toothbrush and toothpaste provided. You had to get them from the lobby. There are no USB sockets in the room. I had to buy an adapter. In general, it is good for location. The airport shuttle bus to Incheon airport stopped a few feet away from the hotel entrance. Would stay here again but request for a quieter room.
FromIDR 1,213,021
4.6/5Outstanding618 Reviews
Seoul|4.1km from city center
This hotel has been the perfect stay. The room was clean and spacious with great views. The staff was super friendly and it was easy to move around from the hotel to other locations due to the fact that it’s to close to a station. There’s also transport links to the airport from outside the hotel via the airport limousine bus, so overall, it’s very convenient.
FromIDR 2,298,115

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Hot spring

4.2/5Very Good604 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|0.15km from city center
Great location - very close to City Hall subway station, walking distance to Namdaemun and Myeongdong and then cool nightlife scene alone the river. The roads around City Hall are close and traffic jammed due to protests on th weekend, so keep that in mind if you have to leave or arrive in a car. They don't offer free toiletries anymore, but there is a vending machine in the lobby for those extra items. The door in our room 300 was a little hard to close and you'd basically had to slam it to close it properly but the room was very clean and had good cable TV. Nice bakery cafe place in the lobby and it's right near Starbucks and across the street from an Olive Young, so there's already lots of shopping opportunities nearby.
FromIDR 1,055,397
4.6/5Outstanding284 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|0.89km from city center
Little bit disappointed with the promised upgrade. Turns out the room they upgraded to was smaller than the normal room. Had a few of my friends staying in the same hotel as we planned our trip together. Noticed our room at the corner was smaller and after reading the pass reviews.. it has happened before. They “upgraded” the floor but down sized the room. The photo u see is the room I stayed for 1 night (different from the website photos) before switching to another room. How unfortunate! Also I booked king sized bed but it was less than 1.7m in width. What standards are the king size bed for an international hotel brand like IHG. Having known I would have stayed at my regular hotel like the Mondrian. Facilities were basic.. service ok. But size of room for my first night was so small I couldn’t open my bag properly without blocking the walk way. Ruined my experience. Having to move in and out of my room. Only plus point is that it is a new hotel and super convenient- right beside the train station and airport bus stop. Will I come back.. not unless they promise not to mislead people.
FromIDR 2,188,464
3.9/51147 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|0.84km from city center
Location was perfect at the central of the famous street...2 lift was down which was the bad side and a lot of time wasted waiting for the lift... Check in time start at 3pm which is a long wait, unlike other hotel which I stay in, when they hv room available they will let u check in earlier...this one totally follows strictly the timing.. No toothpaste or toothbrush given and extra towel request are charge at a fees (most hotel will give free).. Well.. overall not so bad, as the location was really good with many cafe and food..
FromIDR 1,053,113
4.3/5Excellent897 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|1.61km from city center
The hotel service didn’t feel like a four-star experience at all. Sorry 🙁 The amenities were quite limited—no toothbrush or toothpaste provided. Drinking water was available near the lift through a water dispenser/filter. My room faced another building, so I had to keep the curtains closed most of the time to maintain privacy. However, it did offer a view of Namsan Tower, which was a nice touch. They mentioned that we would be charged if there was a stain on the bedsheet, but when we checked in, there were already stains on both the bedsheet and the curtain. I had to take pictures and videos as proof to show that these stains were there before we arrived and weren’t caused by us. It was quite frustrating. In terms of location, it’s a bit far from Myeongdong, about a 20-minute walk. However, there’s a bus stop just a minute away, which makes traveling to Myeongdong more convenient. The airport pickup point right in front of the hotel was another plus.
FromIDR 1,053,113
4.1/5Very Good974 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|1.05km from city center
Location is great. The room is spacious with simple amenities provided. The receptionists were all very polite and took their time to assist my check in and also luggage storage during the check out. There were some minor protest just outside the hotel daily, complaining about the management. It was a bit uncomfortable to see protests during the major protests on the streets against the ex president.
FromIDR 1,103,370

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4.4/5Excellent2016 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|1.57km from city center
I recently stayed at this hotel and was thoroughly impressed with my experience. The security measures, particularly the access control system, were well-managed and gave me a strong sense of safety throughout my stay. The staff were incredibly professional and courteous, always ready to assist with a smile. The room was spacious and thoughtfully designed, with excellent facilities that made my stay comfortable and convenient. Every detail, from the layout to the amenities, was clearly planned with guest satisfaction in mind. Overall, I highly recommend this hotel to anyone looking for a comfortable and well-managed place to stay. I would definitely return in the future.
FromIDR 1,644,774
4.5/5Excellent1563 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|1.16km from city center
Love this place a lot. It’s near lots of local food restaurants and the subway. It’s also located near myeongdong and easy to move around. The main issues was coming here during winter and we took the airport bus limousine. It was a distance for us to walk and we weren’t ready. It’s was freezing cold so, be ready if you are to take the bus from airport to hotel during winter. Love the bakery near the hotel. See picture.
FromIDR 1,281,553
4.4/5Excellent654 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|0.71km from city center
Absolutely amazing hotel with amazing staff in a prime location! I highly recommend this place. I was happy to call this place home for 5 days. It wasn't directly in the hectic areas of Myeongdong so getting dropped off or picked up by taxi wasn't as stressful. But a few meters down to the side of the hotel is where everything was chaos! So this hotel is literally in a really good spot. Walking distance to pharmacies, olive and young, night food market and so much more.
FromIDR 2,544,832
4.4/5Excellent1895 Reviews
Seoul|3.88km from city center
The hotel is located in a convenient area between Gongdeok and Mapo stations. Behind the hotel there are many eateries and pubs. I usually choose this hotel when I visit because of all the hotels in the area, this typically is always at a favorable price point comparably.
FromIDR 1,372,930
3.8/5525 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|1.2km from city center
It was indeed a bit bad to stay in a hotel for the first time. The room I booked online was not consistent with the actual room. I immediately went to the front desk to change rooms, but he asked me to pay for another room and his attitude was not very good. The service seemed a bit troublesome. Staying in this hotel once is enough
FromIDR 1,050,828

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Swimming pool

4.5/5Excellent607 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|0.73km from city center
A great spot, very central and quality accommodation. George, the concierge, did a terrific job assisting us. The reception team were more hit and miss. It was difficult getting a table for breakfast for four of us when two didn’t want to be eat. Also, they may not check you out if the silly rooms keys they have are left in your room. Overall, a good place to stay.
FromIDR 1,617,362
4.2/5Very Good265 Reviews
Hannam-dong/Itaewon Seoul|3.8km from city center
My no.1 hotel in Seoul, the location was great you can connect both metro and bus in front of hotel and airport limousine drop you directly. Surrounded by Hannam and nice restaurant. Olive young and footlocker just spotted in front of hotel. If you dont mind about noisy this alternative was great !
FromIDR 1,128,498
4.2/5Very Good182 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|1.14km from city center
Very good location. It's easy to go to Myeongdong street and night market. Shops and Michelin guide restaurants, restaurants cafes and street food are within walking distance. The toilet has been updated with the latest system. Heated seat automatic spray and dryer and automatic flush when you close the lid are so appreciated. When i am tired from the walk shop I just go back to the hotel and rest. Too bad reception needs to upgrade their English level knowledge. Don't expect someone to guide you where to go in korea just hail google and do your own research.
FromIDR 1,672,187
4.6/5Outstanding357 Reviews
Yeouido Seoul|6.44km from city center
Conveniently located next to IFC mall. There is a walkway at L1 that leads you directly to the mall with many high end stores. However, I am not quite happy with their pool. Half of the pool is blocked for play. There are about 20-30 kids there. I doubt they are all hotel guests. The remaining two lanes are ”members only,” and ”laps.” I am not sure what kind of membership you need to be able to swim on the members only lane. That lane is usually not occupied. The lap lane is busy. People jump in and out wihtout notifying the people alreay in the lane. I hit severl people by accident because of the lack of warning. When I asked whether I can use the members only lane. I was told no. Again, I am a paying guest for the hotel. Why can't I use the members only lane? In addition, they have to clean the pool every two hours for 15 minutes (pool is closed during the cleaning). I have never seen a pool that needs cleaning every two hours. Very poor management there.
FromIDR 5,596,802
4.7/5Outstanding457 Reviews
Seoul|12.76km from city center
If taking subway you can head to exit 10 of jamsil station and you can go through the lotte world mall before street level, head straight, take the escalator next to the aquarium up, exit the main doors and cross the road to the left for the hotel. (It it not sheltered/ connected directly between the mall/ station and hotel). We took the side entrance lift up to the reception but if you go further down you’ll see the main car drop off and concierge. The staff service was really friendly, although at the check in reception we were given a list of rules and asked if we had any questions, so the hotel vibe felt quite formal and stiff. Was concerned about the rules on the swimming pool booking and bringing outside food in, but the staff around were kind and welcoming so we soon felt at ease. Was able to rent the required swim cap free of charge. Room was classy, spacious and bed and bath comfortable. We booked the lake view room but one can only see it at the side when nearer to the windows. We had indicated we were celebrating our wedding anniversary but there were no special greetings in the room or wishes at reception, which normally hotels would as part of their hospitality. The lake view from breakfast and the pool was beautiful! Heard it would be even more beautiful in spring! We enjoyed walking around the lake and exploring the restaurants on the other side. Great shopping location next to the lotte mall The swimming pool is small with one lane for laps and others for relaxing. There’s a heated jacuzzi outside and within the beautiful changing area was also has a hot bath and another neat amenities. The gym was huge and had so many machines! All in all a great and beautiful stay! Wish we stayed longer than one night! The only con is that you have the transfer lifts at the reception level each time you go out or in so you’ll just have to meet and greet a lot of people along the way.
FromIDR 5,372,930

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4.1/5Very Good676 Reviews
Insadong / Bukchon Seoul|1.15km from city center
I loved the hotel, the service is very nice and the location is awesome, also the amenities you have really close the seoul tower, the bus is around the corner. The place is 20’minute by foot and the popular food market is also 20 minutes by foot. The room is very clean and the cleaning is also a good thing to mention, for a second trip to Seoul I would stay in this hotel. The only is that I wouldn’t pay again is the breakfast, I didn’t find so much option for the food, anyway that’s the only thing that I have to say I didn’t like but it’s not a big deal.
FromIDR 817,818
4.6/5Outstanding445 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|0.58km from city center
As a frequent traveller, bathroom concerns me the most because it’s where I spent most of time during travel. Aloft bathroom has exactly my favourite space design. Just that it’s missing a magnifier mirror & somewhere on the water tab, it has badly scratched my elbow 😅
FromIDR 3,054,255
4.5/5Excellent594 Reviews
Myeong-dong Seoul|0.48km from city center
We booked a family twin edge room. Size is good for a family of 4. Condition of the room is excellent. It is super accessible to myeongdong shopping street and train station. Situation at the opposite of Lotte Department made shopping super convenient. I would want to stay in this hotel if I were to return to Seoul.
FromIDR 2,179,326
4.5/5Excellent1020 Reviews
Dongdaemun Market Seoul|2.2km from city center
Location is great, easy to reach by airport bus no.6001 and a few metro stations are around. Many money exchange shops and convenient stores nearby. Just 10mins can reach Myeongdong by bus. The room is clean and the facilities are quite new. You can control your own room air-con temperature. Although my room at 11th floor and facing the main road, it wasn't noisy. Remember to bring your own toothbrush and toothpaste.
FromIDR 1,160,480
4.6/5Outstanding1485 Reviews
Sinchon/Hongdae Seoul|5.05km from city center
This hotel perfectly combines comfort, convenience, and modern style, making it an ideal choice for anyone visiting Seoul. The hotel is right in the heart of Hongdae, just a few minutes' walk from Hongik University Station. It's surrounded by trendy cafes, local restaurants, shopping streets, and vibrant nightlife. Perfect for exploring the youthful and artistic vibe of the area! The room had all the essential amenities, including a coffee maker, smart TV, and high-speed Wi-Fi.
FromIDR 2,807,539

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