eSIM Thailand

Tetap terhubung di Thailand dengan harga terjangkau mulai dari Rp 10,775 per hari.

Rekomendasi Pilihan eSIM untuk Perjalanan ke Thailand!

1GB 3 Hari

  • Data1GB/Hari
  • Validitas3 Hari
  • Hargadari Rp 21,433

1GB 5 Hari

  • Data1GB/Hari
  • Validitas5 Hari
  • Hargadari Rp 32,501

1GB 7 Hari

  • Data1GB/Hari
  • Validitas7 Hari
  • Hargadari Rp 45,502

Perlu pilihan fleksibel lain? Sesuaikan & pilih dari produk eSIM Thailand kami!

eSIM Asia Tenggara

  • CakupanAsia Tenggara
  • Data500M hingga 100GB
  • Validitas1 hingga 30 hari
  • Hargadari Rp 8,056
  • Ulasan (3.7 ★)3 Ulasan
  • Pemesanan100+ Pemesanan

Thailand AIS 5G eSIM

  • CakupanThailand
  • Data15GB hingga unlimited
  • Validitas7 hingga 10 hari
  • Hargadari Rp 94,549
  • Ulasan (4.8 ★)1,583 Ulasan
  • Pemesanan42,000+ Pemesanan

eSIM Thailand

  • CakupanThailand
  • Data500M hingga unlimited
  • Validitas1 hingga 30 hari
  • Hargadari Rp 7,380
  • Ulasan (4.5 ★)368 Ulasan
  • Pemesanan8,000+ Pemesanan

6 alasan untuk membeli eSIM di

✔ Kecepatan Tinggi, Kuota Data yang Melimpah (5G)

Dengan eSIM dari, dapatkan akses ke data 5G dengan kecepatan tinggi di mana saja tersedia. Tetap terhubung dengan kuota data yang melimpah, sempurna untuk streaming, menjelajah, dan bekerja saat bepergian.

✔ Pertahankan Nomor Telepon Asli Anda

Pertahankan nomor telepon asli Anda saat bepergian. eSIM memungkinkan Anda tetap dapat dihubungi melalui nomor utama Anda, memastikan Anda tidak melewatkan panggilan penting.

✔ Aktivasi Instan

Aktifkan eSIM Anda segera setelah pembelian dan mulai menggunakan data segera setelah Anda tiba. Tidak perlu mengunjungi toko atau menunggu pengiriman.

✔ Tanpa Kontrak, 100% Pra Bayar

Paket eSIM kami adalah 100% pra bayar tanpa kontrak jangka panjang. Nikmati kebebasan untuk memilih dan mengubah paket Anda tanpa ada biaya tersembunyi atau keterikatan.

✔ Opsi Paket yang Fleksibel

Pilih dari berbagai macam paket data dan durasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan perjalanan Anda. Apakah Anda membutuhkan data selama beberapa hari atau sebulan penuh, menyediakan solusi untuk Anda.

✔ Harga Terjangkau

Hemat biaya roaming dengan paket eSIM yang memiliki harga kompetitif. Nikmati harga yang jelas dan langsung tanpa ada biaya tersembunyi.

eSIM Populer Lainnya

eSIM Singapore

Mulai dari Rp 21,740 Perhari

eSIM Thailand

Mulai dari Rp 10,775 Perhari

eSIM Malaysia

Mulai dari Rp 25,000 Perhari

eSIM Korea Selatan

Mulai dari Rp 12,194 Perhari

eSIM China

Mulai dari Rp 12,315 Perhari

eSIM Japan

Mulai dari Rp 14,358 Perhari

eSIM Indonesia

Mulai dari Rp 35,881

Apa itu eSIM?

Panduan eSIM
Tips Menggunakan eSIM Thailand untuk Liburan

Rekomendasi Pilihan eSIM untuk Perjalanan ke Thailand!

1GB 3 Hari

  • Data1GB/Hari
  • Validitas3 Hari
  • Hargadari Rp 21,433

1GB 5 Hari

  • Data1GB/Hari
  • Validitas5 Hari
  • Hargadari Rp 32,501

1GB 7 Hari

  • Data1GB/Hari
  • Validitas7 Hari
  • Hargadari Rp 45,502
  • Jenis konektivitas: 4G/5G kecepatan tinggi
  • Fitur berbagi hotspot: Didukung
  • Jenis SIM card: eSIM hanya untuk internet
  • Tidak mendukung: Panggilan suara, SMS, atau pengisian ulang lainnya
  • Aplikasi yang dapat digunakan: Google Maps, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, dan LINE.

Apakah Anda khawatir tentang akses internet selama merencanakan perjalanan ke Thailand? 💕 Jangan khawatir lagi, karena masalah tersebut dapat diatasi dengan mudah dengan berlangganan eSIM di smartphone Anda. 😋

Dengan eSIM, Anda dapat dengan bebas menggunakan internet di luar negeri, termasuk di Thailand, tanpa perlu khawatir kehilangan koneksi. Sungguh sangat nyaman! ✨ Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan eSIM terbaik dan nikmati pengalaman terbaik Anda di Thailand! 👇

Apa itu eSIM?

Apa itu eSIM Thailand

eSIM, atau SIM Tertanam, adalah bentuk SIM elektronik yang berbeda dengan kartu SIM fisik tradisional. Berbeda dengan kartu SIM fisik yang harus dimasukkan secara fisik ke dalam perangkat, eSIM ditanamkan langsung ke dalam perangkat.

eSIM memungkinkan Anda untuk terhubung ke jaringan seluler tanpa perlu menggunakan kartu fisik, sehingga memudahkan pengguna dalam mengakses layanan seluler di berbagai negara. Di Jepang, perangkat yang kompatibel dengan eSIM mulai diperkenalkan pada tahun 2018, dan sejak itu, penggunaan eSIM telah mengalami peningkatan yang pesat.

Berbagai Opsi eSIM Thailand

Berbagai Opsi eSIM Thailand

Mayoritas penyedia eSIM di Thailand menawarkan paket dengan kecepatan yang sebanding, dengan perbedaan utama terletak pada jumlah paket dan harga yang ditawarkan. Artikel ini akan mengulas beberapa paket eSIM terbaik yang cocok untuk wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Thailand. menawarkan berbagai paket eSIM yang cocok untuk perjalanan Anda di Thailand. Mulai dari 500 MB per hari hingga data tak terbatas, ada pilihan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Dengan harga ekonomis, paket-paket ini memberikan solusi terjangkau dan nyaman untuk tetap terhubung selama perjalanan Anda. juga menyediakan layanan pelanggan 24/7 untuk membantu Anda dengan masalah apa pun yang mungkin terjadi. Dapatkan akses cepat, hemat biaya, dan mudah beradaptasi dengan paket eSIM yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda saat berada di Singapura., sebuah anak perusahaan dari perusahaan GIGAGO yang berbasis di Vietnam, adalah penyedia eSIM yang khusus melayani para wisatawan di Thailand. Meskipun masih baru di pasar, mereka memiliki keunggulan kompetitif karena fokus pada pasar Thailand, menawarkan berbagai paket yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan anggaran pelanggan. menawarkan rentang paket eSIM yang paling lengkap, dengan 13 pilihan berbeda berdasarkan durasi tinggal Anda dan kebutuhan data Anda.


Holafly adalah penyedia eSIM lainnya untuk wisatawan di Thailand, dengan kehadiran pasar yang signifikan dan produk yang tersedia di lebih dari 190 negara dan wilayah. Mereka menggunakan jaringan 02, DTAC, dan TrueMove H di Thailand, memberikan akses internet di sebagian besar area, termasuk perkotaan, pedesaan, dan lokasi terpencil. Holafly menawarkan hanya paket Unlimited, namun penting untuk dicatat bahwa ada batasan pada jumlah internet berkecepatan tinggi yang dapat Anda gunakan sebelum kecepatannya berkurang.


Airalo, penyedia eSIM lainnya, telah hadir di pasar sejak tahun 2019 dan menawarkan eSIM untuk lebih dari 200 negara dan wilayah. Mereka memiliki aplikasi yang memungkinkan pelanggan untuk membeli, menggunakan, dan mengelola eSIM. Di Thailand, Airalo menggunakan jaringan DTAC, yang menawarkan kecepatan jaringan yang cepat dan stabil. Mereka menawarkan 8 paket eSIM untuk Thailand, tetapi hanya 2 paket yang eksklusif untuk Thailand, sementara 6 paket lainnya mencakup wilayah lain termasuk Thailand. Hal ini dapat menjadi mahal bagi wisatawan yang hanya mengunjungi Thailand dan tidak melakukan perjalanan ke negara lain.


Nomad adalah penyedia eSIM global yang melayani para pelancong jangka pendek, pelancong yang sering bepergian, dan mereka yang mengunjungi beberapa negara dalam satu perjalanan. Untuk menggunakan eSIM Nomad, Anda hanya perlu mengunjungi situs web mereka, memilih tujuan Anda, dan memilih paket eSIM yang sesuai. Nomad menggunakan jaringan AIS, salah satu dari 3 jaringan terbaik di Thailand. Namun, seperti Airalo, Holafly, dan Mobimatter, Nomad hanya menyediakan paket eSIM data, bukan nomor telepon lokal, dan harga mereka relatif tinggi dibandingkan dengan penyedia lainnya.

👇 Tabel Perbandingan paket eSIM Thailand 👇

Trip.com30-50GB 5G high speed8-10 Days$5.22-$6.80
HolaflyUnlimited5-90 days$19 - $99
AiraloUnlimited8 days$9.90
Thailandesim.com6GB8 days$24.90
NomadUnlimited1-10 days$7 - $30

🤔 Sebagai perbandingan, eSIM adalah opsi termurah dan tercepat! 😏

Cara mengatur eSIM Thailand

Untuk menggunakan eSIM, penting untuk tidak memindai kode QR dari kamera atau aplikasi selain perangkat yang dimaksud. Selalu pastikan untuk mengatur eSIM dari perangkat yang akan Anda gunakan. Ini akan memastikan bahwa eSIM terhubung dengan perangkat yang tepat dan dapat berfungsi dengan baik.

Panduan Mengatur eSIM

Panduan Mengatur eSIM:

Langkah 1: Pilih paket eSIM terbaik yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.

Langkah 1: Pilih paket eSIM terbaik yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.

Langkah 2: Pilih paket data yang diinginkan.

Langkah 2: Pilih paket data yang diinginkan.

Langkah 3: Terima konfirmasi pemesanan Anda.

Buka email aktivasi eSIM, di mana Anda akan menemukan kode QR untuk aktivasi.

Langkah 3: Terima konfirmasi pemesanan Anda.

Langkah 4: Tambahkan eSIM Anda.

  • Pada iOS: Buka Pengaturan dan pilih Seluler.
  • Pada Android: Buka Manajemen Kartu SIM. Klik untuk menambahkan Paket Seluler (iOS) atau Kartu SIM (Android), lalu setujui untuk mengunduhnya. Setelah unduhan berhasil, nonaktifkan kartu utama jika Anda sudah memilikinya.
Langkah 4: Tambahkan eSIM Anda.

Langkah 5: Pindai kode QR untuk mengaktifkan eSIM Anda.

Aktifkan Paket Seluler (iOS) atau Kartu SIM (Android), nyalakan roaming untuk terhubung ke jaringan, dan Anda dapat mulai menjelajah internet.

Catatan: Jika tidak ada jaringan setelah diaktifkan, aktifkan mode pesawat, kemudian matikan atau restart ponsel Anda.

Langkah 5: Pindai kode QR untuk mengaktifkan eSIM Anda.

Perangkat eSIM Thailand yang tersedia

Catatan: Sebelum membeli eSIM di, harap periksa apakah ponsel Anda dapat menggunakan eSIM.

Perangkat eSIM Thailand yang tersedia
Perangkat eSIM Thailand yang tersedia
Perangkat eSIM Thailand yang tersedia

Cara mendapatkan eSIM Thailand

Dapatkan eSIM Secara Online:

Pilih Penyedia eSIM Anda: Tetap terhubung selalu di Thailand dengan memilih dari penyedia eSIM terkemuka seperti AIS, TrueMove H, dan DTAC. Penyedia-penyedia ini akan memastikan Anda tidak pernah kehilangan kontak selama perjalanan di Thailand.

Pilih Paket Data Ideal Anda: Dengan mudah pilih paket data yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan konektivitas Anda. Dari pilihan jangka pendek hingga cakupan yang luas, temukan paket yang sempurna hanya dalam beberapa klik.

Aktivasi eSIM Tanpa Usaha: Aktifkan eSIM Anda dalam sekejap dengan memindai kode QR dari penyedia yang Anda pilih. Ikuti instruksi sederhana di perangkat Anda, dan nikmati konektivitas instan tanpa repot.

Dapatkan eSIM Offline

Meskipun mendapatkan eSIM secara online menawarkan kenyamanan dan memulai perjalanan Anda dengan lancar, penting untuk diketahui bahwa Anda juga dapat memperoleh perlindungan saat tiba di tujuan. Para wisatawan yang mendarat di Bandara Internasional Suvarnabhumi (BKK) di Bangkok memiliki fleksibilitas untuk memperoleh kartu SIM turis atau eSIM dari penyedia seperti AIS, TrueMove H, DTAC, dan penyedia lainnya yang tersedia di bandara.

Namun, dengan memilih pembelian eSIM secara online, Anda dapat menyederhanakan persiapan perjalanan Anda, sehingga Anda dapat melewati antrean dan langsung menikmati akses internet begitu Anda tiba.

❤️❤️❤️❤️Anda mungkin tertarik dengan konten ini:

Panduan Lengkap Tentang ETA Thailand
18 Tempat Wisata di Thailand yang Lagi Hits!
Visa Thailand: Apa yang Perlu Anda Ketahui Sebelum Berkunjung
Terbang Tinggi Tanpa Khawatir dengan "Promo Tiket Pesawat" Terbaik dari!

Biaya eSIM di Thailand

Biaya eSIM di Thailand

ESIM SUPER CEPAT DAN MUDAH untuk Thailand dari, tersedia mulai Februari 2024, dengan kuota data sebesar 30GB yang dapat digunakan selama 8 hari. 🤤 Dengan kuota yang besar ini, berapa banyak komunikasi data yang dapat dilakukan?

30GB ÷ 8 hari = 3,75GB/hari (perkiraan penggunaan harian)

Anda dapat menggunakan sekitar 3,75GB data per hari selama perjalanan ke Thailand. Ini sudah mencukupi untuk penjelajahan web umum dan penggunaan media sosial, serta menonton lebih dari 10 jam video di YouTube setiap hari. Jika Anda ingin menghemat data, gunakan Wi-Fi lokal yang tersedia di banyak tempat di Thailand.

eSIM Thailand dari

Detail Paket eSIM

  • Pasang eSIM setelah tiba di Thailand untuk menghindari penghitungan masa berlaku sebelumnya.
  • Total kapasitas kecepatan tinggi yang disediakan adalah 30GB.
  • Setelah kuota 30GB habis, kecepatan akan dikurangi menjadi 384kbps.
  • Promosi tambahan: Jika Anda menghubungi 7777664# di Thailand, Anda bisa mendapatkan tambahan 20GB, sehingga totalnya menjadi 50GB yang dapat digunakan dalam 10 hari.
  • Paket ini mencakup panggilan tak terbatas di jaringan AIS.
  • Anda juga akan mendapatkan pulsa gratis sebesar 100 Baht.
  • Penghitungan harian dari paket ini mengikuti waktu lokal di Thailand, dengan 24 jam per hari.

Ulasan Pengguna

Saat pertama kali menggunakan eSIM, saya merasa agak cemas. Namun, setelah terhubung ke Wi-Fi gratis di Bandara Suvarnabhumi, saya senang menemukan bahwa eSIM berfungsi dengan baik dan saya dapat terhubung ke internet secara normal. Pengalaman ini sangat nyaman bagi saya karena selama perjalanan saya, saya selalu dapat menggunakan eSIM dengan kecepatan tinggi.
Saya biasanya menggunakan SIM lokal saat bepergian, tetapi mencoba eSIM untuk pertama kalinya. Performanya bagus, pengaturannya mudah, dan penggunaannya nyaman. Saya berencana untuk menggunakan eSIM lagi di masa depan.
Saya khawatir karena ini adalah pengalaman pertama menggunakan eSIM. Namun, eSIM ini terjangkau dan berfungsi dengan baik di Phuket, Pulau Phi Phi, dan Bangkok di Thailand selama 7 hari tanpa masalah sinyal.

  • Pulang-Pergi
  • Satu Arah

Harga yang dicoret dihitung berdasarkan harga rata-rata rute terkait di

Perbandingan eSIM Thailand, Kartu SIM dan Router Wi-Fi

Perbandingan eSIM Thailand, Kartu SIM dan Router Wi-Fi

Perbedaan antara eSIM dan kartu SIM dan Router Wi-Fi

eSIM- Tidak ada risiko kehilangan atau kerusakan karena tidak ada fisik kartu SIM yang harus dipasang
- Mudah untuk diatur karena tidak perlu memasang kartu fisik
- Dapat digunakan segera setelah kedatangan karena tidak perlu membeli kartu fisik di tempat tujuan
- Terbatas pada sejumlah smartphone yang dapat digunakan karena tidak semua smartphone mendukung eSIM
- Nomor telepon tidak dapat digunakan untuk menerima panggilan atau SMS jika Anda menggunakan eSIM
Kartu SIM- Tidak perlu diisi daya karena hanya perlu memasang kartu fisik
- Tidak berukuran besar sehingga mudah dibawa
- Tersedia banyak pilihan paket dengan berbagai harga dan kuota
- Memerlukan pengaturan awal seperti memasukkan PIN dan mengatur APN
- Memerlukan ponsel bebas SIM karena tidak semua ponsel dapat menggunakan kartu SIM dari semua operator
- Perlu membeli kartu fisik di tempat tujuan jika tidak membawa kartu fisik dari negara asal
Router Wi-Fi- Dapat digunakan segera setelah kedatangan karena tidak perlu memasang kartu fisik
- Dapat digunakan bersama oleh beberapa orang karena dapat memancarkan sinyal Wi-Fi
- Dapat terhubung ke beberapa perangkat seperti laptop, smartphone, dan tablet
- Khawatir tentang masa pakai baterai karena router Wi-Fi membutuhkan daya baterai
- Kesulitan dalam menerima dan mengirimkan sinyal jika berada di daerah yang jauh dari pemancar sinyal Wi-Fi atau jika terdapat banyak pengguna yang menggunakan sinyal Wi-Fi yang sama

Dengan tabel ini, kami bisa mendapat info bahwa:

  • Kartu SIM adalah pilihan yang ringan dan dapat digunakan tanpa khawatir tentang pengisian daya. Namun, memerlukan smartphone tanpa SIM dan pengaturan yang rumit.
  • Router Wi-Fi dapat digunakan bersama oleh beberapa orang atau perangkat, tetapi mungkin memiliki masalah daya tahan baterai dan peningkatan biaya.
  • eSIM tidak memerlukan kartu SIM fisik, mudah diatur, tetapi hanya beberapa smartphone yang mendukungnya.

Perbedaan antara eSIM dan kartu SIM

eSIM dan kartu SIM tradisional merupakan komponen penting untuk komunikasi smartphone internasional, meskipun memiliki perbedaan yang mencolok. Kartu SIM tradisional berupa bahan plastik yang dimasukkan ke dalam slot khusus di smartphone untuk diaktifkan.

Jika ingin mengganti penyedia jaringan, kartu SIM harus diganti secara manual. Sementara itu, teknologi eSIM terintegrasi langsung ke dalam perangkat keras internal smartphone tanpa bentuk fisik. Perubahan penyedia jaringan dapat diatur langsung di perangkat, tanpa perlu pertukaran fisik.

ItemKartu SIMeSIM
BentukKartu FisikTerintegrasi (elektronik)
Kesulitan penggantianKartu harus diganti secara fisikHanya pengaturan di perangkat
Perangkat yang kompatibelMemerlukan slot SIMHanya perangkat yang mendukung eSIM
Pergantian penyedia jaringanPerlu membeli dan memasukkan kartu SIM baruDapat diubah di layar pengaturan
Ukuran & BentukBerbagai ukuran seperti micro SIM dan nano SIMUkuran fisik dan bentuk tidak penting

3 Keuntungan Menggunakan eSIM Thailand

3 Keuntungan Menggunakan eSIM Thailand

Dapat digunakan segera setelah tiba di Thailand.

Keuntungan utama eSIM adalah Anda dapat langsung menggunakan internet begitu mendarat di bandara Thailand. Tidak perlu lagi membeli kartu SIM di toko bandara atau menunggu SIM yang telah dipesan. Dengan mengunduh eSIM sebelumnya, Anda dapat terhubung ke jaringan segera setelah turun dari pesawat. Ini memudahkan Anda untuk mengatur perjalanan, seperti memesan taksi atau mencari arah ke hotel.

Tidak ada risiko kehilangan atau kerusakan.

eSIM tidak memiliki bentuk fisik, sehingga tidak perlu khawatir tentang kehilangan atau kerusakan. Anda juga tidak perlu repot membuka laci SIM dengan pin kecil atau khawatir menjatuhkan kartu SIM.

Dual SIM.

Dengan eSIM, Anda dapat menggunakan dual SIM. Ini memungkinkan Anda menggunakan dua jaringan pada satu smartphone. Anda dapat menginstal SIM yang dapat digunakan di Jepang dan luar negeri dalam satu perangkat. Dengan dual SIM, Anda dapat dengan mudah beralih antara lingkungan jaringan saat berpindah dari Jepang ke luar negeri dan sebaliknya. Anda tidak perlu memperbarui lingkungan internet setiap kali mengunjungi beberapa negara.

🎁 Nikmati Kesempatan Terbatas untuk Mendapatkan Kupon Diskon Hotel 🎁

Hotel Terbaik di Thailand

Bintang 5

4.3/5Sangat baik2128 Ulasan
Riverside Bangkok|2.99km dari pusat kota
A stay at Ramada Plaza by Wyndham Bangkok Menam Riverside places you in the heart of Bangkok, a 5-minute drive from Yaowarat Chinatown Heritage Center and 6 minutes from ICONSIAM. This 5-star hotel is 3.9 mi (6.3 km) from MBK Center and 4 mi (6.5 km) from Siam Center.Relax at the full-service spa, where you can enjoy massages. You can take advantage of recreational amenities such as an outdoor pool, a spa tub, and a sauna. Additional features at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and babysitting (surcharge). If you'd like to spend the day shopping, you can hop on the complimentary shuttle.Enjoy international cuisine at The Terrace @72, one of the hotel's 2 restaurants, or stay in and take advantage of the 24-hour room service. Snacks are also available at the coffee shop/cafe. Relax with a refreshing drink from the poolside bar or one of the 3 bars/lounges. Buffet breakfasts are available for a fee.Featured amenities include a business center, express check-out, and complimentary newspapers in the lobby. Planning an event in Bangkok? This hotel has facilities measuring 6458 square feet (600 square meters), including a conference center. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available 24 hours), and free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 501 individually decorated guestrooms, featuring refrigerators and flat-screen televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming is available for your entertainment. Bathrooms with separate bathtubs and showers feature deep soaking bathtubs and complimentary toiletries. Conveniences include phones, as well as laptop-compatible safes and desks.
DariIDR 1,398,712
4.4/5Sangat baik836 Ulasan
Pratunam Bangkok|3.19km dari pusat kota
With a stay at The Berkeley Hotel Pratunam, you'll be centrally located in Bangkok, within a 5-minute walk of Pratunam Market and Platinum Fashion Mall. This 5-star hotel is 0.5 mi (0.8 km) from Erawan Shrine and 0.5 mi (0.9 km) from CentralWorld Shopping Complex.Relax at the full-service spa, where you can enjoy massages. You're sure to appreciate the recreational amenities, which include 2 outdoor swimming pools and a fitness center. Additional features at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and wedding services.Grab a bite at The Berkeley Dining Room, one of the hotel's 3 restaurants, or stay in and take advantage of the 24-hour room service. Snacks are also available at the coffee shop/cafe. Wrap up your day with a drink at the bar/lounge. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a 24-hour business center, dry cleaning/laundry services, and a 24-hour front desk. This hotel has 10 meeting rooms available for events. Free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 788 air-conditioned rooms featuring LCD televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and cable programming is available for your entertainment. Bathrooms have bathrobes and slippers. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and complimentary bottled water.
DariIDR 1,425,828
4.6/5Luar biasa973 Ulasan
Pratunam Bangkok|3.09km dari pusat kota
Amari Bangkok is the city’s leading meetings and events hotel celebrating the moments that matter. From banquets and wedding ceremonies, to company retreats and customised events, our 5-star hotel in Bangkok is an exceptional venue for any occasion, and the place to relax, meet or celebrate with friends and colleagues from near or far.Our Ratchaprasong hotel showcases contemporary design with delicate Thai touches that compliment the city’s charm. The rooms and suites offer subtle reminders of the hotel’s unique central Bangkok location at the crossroads of tradition and modernity; a walk across the street to Platinum Fashion Mall and a short stroll to vibrant markets, revered shrines and world-class shopping malls.Elevate your stay to a Club room or suite and get exclusive access to Club Siraa providing personalised service along with daily breakfast, evening beverages and more premium dining experiences. This is complemented by Amaya Food Gallery, a conceptualised all-day market-style restaurant with Asian food at its heart; Prego, an Italian fine dining from Koh Samui, serving freshly made pasta; and Italthai Cellar, a luxurious setting to drop by or shop for a remarkable spectrum of wine and beverages from around the world.
DariIDR 1,995,255
4.7/5Luar biasa1726 Ulasan
Siam Bangkok|2.71km dari pusat kota
A stay at Centara Grand at CentralWorld places you in the heart of Bangkok, within a 5-minute walk of Ganesha Shrine and Trimurti Shrine. This 5-star hotel is 0.3 mi (0.4 km) from CentralWorld Shopping Complex and 0.4 mi (0.6 km) from Erawan Shrine.Pamper yourself with a visit to the spa, which offers massages, body treatments, and facials. If you're looking for recreational opportunities, you'll find outdoor tennis courts, a health club, and an outdoor pool. This hotel also features complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and gift shops/newsstands. Getting to nearby attractions is a breeze with the complimentary area shuttle.Enjoy international cuisine at The World, one of the hotel's 4 restaurants, or stay in and take advantage of the 24-hour room service. Snacks are also available at the coffee shop/cafe. Relax with a refreshing drink from the poolside bar or one of the 4 bars/lounges. Full breakfasts are available daily from 6:00 AM to 10:30 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a business center, limo/town car service, and complimentary newspapers in the lobby. Planning an event in Bangkok? This hotel has facilities measuring 56511 square feet (5250 square meters), including a conference center. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available 24 hours), and free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 505 air-conditioned rooms featuring refrigerators and flat-screen televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming is available for your entertainment. Bathrooms have complimentary toiletries and bidets. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks.
DariIDR 2,799,684
4.5/5Sangat baik2461 Ulasan
Siam Bangkok|2.39km dari pusat kota
With a stay at Grande Centre Point Hotel Ratchadamri, you'll be centrally located in Bangkok, just a 5-minute walk from ErawanShrine and 14 minutes by foot from Siam Paragon Mall. This 5-star hotel is 0.4 mi (0.6 km) from CentralWorld Shopping Complex and 0.8 mi (1.2 km) from Siam Center.Pamper yourself with a visit to the spa, which offers massages and facials. Additional amenities at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and a vending machine.Take advantage of the hotel's 24-hour room service.Featured amenities include a business center, dry cleaning/laundry services, and a 24-hour front desk. Free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 497 air-conditioned rooms featuring kitchens with refrigerators and microwaves. 40-inch LCD televisions with satellite programming provide entertainment, while complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks.
DariIDR 1,552,367


Perjalanan bisnis

4.4/5Sangat baik694 Ulasan
Bandara Don Muang Bangkok Bangkok|18.68km dari pusat kota
The Narra Hotel provides a great place for travelers to relax after a busy day. The Narra Hotel offers a pleasant stay in Bangkok for those traveling for business or leisure. With Don Mueang International Airport just 8km away and Don Muang Railway Station only 10km away, transportation is very convenient. The nearby area boasts an abundance of attractions including Centara Life Government Complex Hotel & Convention Centre Chaeng Watthana, nt Grand Ballroom and CRA Hall. When guests have some time on their hands they can make use of the onsite facilities. This Bangkok hotel offers parking on site. If you demand a high level of service, our guests have indicated that this hotel has excellent standards. For guests traveling as a couple, this hotel is consistently one of the most popular choices.
DariIDR 402,214
4.6/5Luar biasa1277 Ulasan
Silom/Sathorn Bangkok|0.82km dari pusat kota
Located in Bangkok (Bangkok City Centre), W Bangkok is within a 5-minute drive of King Power MahaNakhon and Lumphini Park. This 5-star hotel is 1 mi (1.6 km) from Silom Complex Shopping Mall and 1.8 mi (2.9 km) from MBK Center.Relax at the full-service spa, where you can enjoy massages, body treatments, and facials. If you're looking for recreational opportunities, you'll find a nightclub, an outdoor pool, and a sauna. Additional amenities at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and gift shops/newsstands.For lunch or dinner, stop by The Kitchen Table, a restaurant that specializes in international cuisine. Dining is also available at the coffee shop/cafe, and 24-hour room service is provided. Relax with your favorite drink at the bar/lounge or the poolside bar. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 6:30 AM to 10:30 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a 24-hour business center, limo/town car service, and complimentary newspapers in the lobby. Planning an event in Bangkok? This hotel has facilities measuring 4607 square feet (428 square meters), including conference space. Free valet parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 403 air-conditioned rooms featuring minibars and LED televisions. Complimentary wired Internet access keeps you connected, and cable programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with separate bathtubs and showers feature jetted bathtubs and rainfall showerheads. Conveniences include phones, as well as laptop-compatible safes and desks.
DariIDR 2,783,866
4.4/5Sangat baik2097 Ulasan
Rachadapisek Bangkok|7.64km dari pusat kota
With a stay at Swissotel Bangkok Ratchada in Bangkok (Huai Khwang), you'll be within a 5-minute drive of The Esplanade Shopping Center and Central Plaza Grand Rama 9. This 5-star hotel is 1.8 mi (2.9 km) from Jodd Fairs and 2.7 mi (4.3 km) from Show DC.Pamper yourself with a visit to the spa, which offers massages, body treatments, and facials. You're sure to appreciate the recreational amenities, including a health club, an outdoor pool, and a sauna. Additional amenities at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and babysitting (surcharge).Enjoy Chinese cuisine at LOONG FOONG, one of the hotel's many dining establishments, which include 3 restaurants and a coffee shop/cafe. Relax with your favorite drink at the bar/lounge or the poolside bar. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 6:30 AM to 10:30 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a business center, limo/town car service, and dry cleaning/laundry services. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available 24 hours), and free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 407 guestrooms featuring refrigerators and minibars. Complimentary wired and wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and cable programming provides entertainment. Private bathrooms with separate bathtubs and showers feature complimentary toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks.
DariIDR 1,007,796
4.3/5Sangat baik466 Ulasan
Bandara Don Muang Bangkok Bangkok|18.59km dari pusat kota
With a stay at TK Palace Hotel & Convention in Bangkok, you'll be 10.8 mi (17.4 km) from Future Park Rangsit and 13 mi (20.9 km) from Victory Monument. This 5-star hotel is 14.5 mi (23.4 km) from Pratunam Market and 14.5 mi (23.4 km) from Platinum Fashion Mall.Pamper yourself with a visit to the spa, which offers massages, body treatments, and facials. You're sure to appreciate the recreational amenities, which include 2 spa tubs, a nightclub, and a sauna. Additional amenities at this Art Deco hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and free babysitting. Guests can get to nearby shops on the complimentary shuttle.Enjoy Japanese cuisine at WYNN Cafe & Bistro, a bistro which features a bar/lounge and a garden view. You can also stay in and take advantage of the 24-hour room service. Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at the poolside bar. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 7 AM to 9.30 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a business center, complimentary newspapers in the lobby, and dry cleaning/laundry services. Planning an event in Bangkok? This hotel has facilities measuring 3229 square feet (300 square meters), including a conference center. A bus station shuttle is provided at no charge (available 24 hours), and free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 376 air-conditioned rooms featuring fireplaces and LED televisions. Your Select Comfort bed comes with Egyptian cotton sheets. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and cable programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with separate bathtubs and showers feature deep soaking bathtubs and rainfall showerheads.
DariIDR 544,571
4.2/5Baik531 Ulasan
Siam Bangkok|2.95km dari pusat kota
With a stay at Samran Place Hotel, you'll be centrally located in Bangkok, within a 5-minute drive of Siam Paragon Mall and Pratunam Market. This hotel is 0.7 mi (1.2 km) from Siam Center and 2.2 mi (3.5 km) from Khaosan Road.Enjoy recreation amenities such as a fitness center or take in the view from a garden. Additional amenities at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, gift shops/newsstands, and a television in a common area.Enjoy a satisfying meal at Bronze Restaurant serving guests of Samran Place Hotel. Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at the bar/lounge.Featured amenities include dry cleaning/laundry services, a 24-hour front desk, and luggage storage. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available 24 hours), and free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 78 air-conditioned rooms featuring refrigerators and minibars. Rooms have private balconies. 32-inch LCD televisions with cable programming provide entertainment, while complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected. Bathrooms have showers and complimentary toiletries.
DariIDR 497,119


Cocok untuk keluarga

4.2/5Baik1982 Ulasan
Sukhumvit Bangkok|7.78km dari pusat kota
With a stay at ibis Styles Bangkok Sukhumvit Phra Khanong in Bangkok (Sukhumvit), you'll be a 1-minute drive from W District and 5 minutes from Lumphini Park. This 4-star hotel is 3.6 mi (5.8 km) from Terminal 21 Shopping Mall and 4.4 mi (7.1 km) from CentralWorld Shopping Complex.Take advantage of recreation opportunities including an outdoor pool and a fitness center. Additional amenities at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and babysitting (surcharge). Getting to nearby attractions is a breeze with the complimentary area shuttle.Enjoy international cuisine at Street Cafe, a restaurant which features a bar/lounge, or stay in and take advantage of the 24-hour room service. Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at the poolside bar. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a 24-hour business center, complimentary newspapers in the lobby, and dry cleaning/laundry services. Planning an event in Bangkok? This hotel has facilities measuring 1076 square feet (100 square meters), including conference space. Free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 255 air-conditioned rooms featuring LED televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and cable programming is available for your entertainment. Bathrooms feature showers, complimentary toiletries, and hair dryers. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks.
DariIDR 727,601
4.4/5Sangat baik806 Ulasan
Pratunam Bangkok|2.99km dari pusat kota
With a stay at Novotel Bangkok Platinum in Bangkok (Bangkok City Centre), you'll be steps from Pratunam Market and Platinum Fashion Mall. This 4.5-star hotel is 0.5 mi (0.8 km) from Erawan Shrine and 0.5 mi (0.8 km) from CentralWorld Shopping Complex.Enjoy a range of recreational amenities, including an outdoor pool, a sauna, and a fitness center. Additional amenities at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and shopping on site. If you'd like to spend the day shopping, you can hop on the complimentary shuttle.Grab a bite at THE SQUARE, one of the hotel's 2 restaurants, or stay in and take advantage of the 24-hour room service. Relax with your favorite drink at the bar/lounge or the poolside bar. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 6:00 AM to 10:30 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a business center, limo/town car service, and express check-in. Planning an event in Bangkok? This hotel has facilities measuring 2906 square feet (270 square meters), including a conference center. Free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 288 air-conditioned rooms featuring refrigerators and LCD televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with showers feature complimentary toiletries and bidets. Conveniences include safes and desks, as well as phones with free local calls.
DariIDR 1,726,359
4.4/5Sangat baik418 Ulasan
Pratunam Bangkok|3.02km dari pusat kota
A stay at Centre Point Pratunam places you in the heart of Bangkok, within a 10-minute walk of Pratunam Market and Platinum Fashion Mall. This 4.5-star hotel is 1.1 mi (1.7 km) from Siam Paragon Mall and 2.4 mi (3.9 km) from Terminal 21 Shopping Mall.Take advantage of recreational opportunities offered, including an outdoor pool, a sauna, and a fitness center. This hotel also features complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and shopping on site.Satisfy your appetite for lunch or dinner at the hotel's restaurant, Blue Spice, or stay in and take advantage of the room service (during limited hours). Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 6:30 AM to 10:30 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a 24-hour business center, complimentary newspapers in the lobby, and dry cleaning/laundry services. Free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 254 air-conditioned rooms featuring refrigerators and minibars. Cable programming and DVD players are provided for your entertainment, while complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected. Bathrooms feature shower/tub combinations, complimentary toiletries, and hair dryers. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks.
DariIDR 1,272,173
4.4/5Sangat baik2400 Ulasan
Wireless/Chidlom Bangkok|3.19km dari pusat kota
With a stay at Four Points by Sheraton Ploenchit, Bangkok in Bangkok (Sukhumvit), you'll be within a 5-minute drive of Siam Paragon Mall and Pratunam Market. This 4.5-star hotel is 0.7 mi (1.1 km) from Erawan Shrine and 2.2 mi (3.5 km) from Terminal 21 Shopping Mall.Be sure to enjoy recreational amenities, including an outdoor pool, a sauna, and a fitness center. This hotel also features complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and babysitting (surcharge).Enjoy international cuisine at The SQUARE, one of the hotel's 2 restaurants, or stay in and take advantage of the 24-hour room service. Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at the bar/lounge. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 6 AM to 10:30 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include complimentary wired Internet access, a computer station, and dry cleaning/laundry services. Planning an event in Bangkok? This hotel has facilities measuring 2583 square feet (240 square meters), including conference space. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available 24 hours), and free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 370 guestrooms featuring minibars and LCD televisions. Complimentary wired and wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and cable programming provides entertainment. Private bathrooms have complimentary toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks.
DariIDR 1,175,008
4.2/5Baik1157 Ulasan
Sukhumvit Bangkok|3.87km dari pusat kota
With a stay at Aira Hotel Bangkok, you'll be centrally located in Bangkok, within a 10-minute walk of Korean Town and Embassy of Pakistan. This 4-star hotel is 0.6 mi (0.9 km) from Terminal 21 Shopping Mall and 0.6 mi (0.9 km) from Bumrungrad Hospital.Take advantage of recreation opportunities such as an outdoor pool, or other amenities including complimentary wireless Internet access and concierge services.Enjoy a meal at Bawarchi Restaurant or snacks in the hotel's coffee shop/cafe. Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at the bar/lounge. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a 24-hour business center, dry cleaning/laundry services, and a 24-hour front desk. Free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 255 guestrooms featuring minibars and Smart televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming is available for your entertainment. Bathrooms feature showers with rainfall showerheads and hair dryers. Conveniences include safes and desks, and housekeeping is provided daily.
DariIDR 1,371,596


Mata air panas

4.5/5Sangat baik2000 Ulasan
Rachadapisek Bangkok|5.42km dari pusat kota
Avani Ratchada Bangkok places you in the heart of Bangkok, within a 10-minute drive of Victory Monument and Terminal 21 Shopping Mall. This 4-star hotel is 3.6 mi (5.8 km) from Pratunam Market and 3.8 mi (6 km) from CentralWorld Shopping Complex.Relax at the full-service spa, where you can enjoy massages, body treatments, and facials. You're sure to appreciate the recreational amenities, including hot springs, an outdoor pool, and a sauna. Additional amenities at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and gift shops/newsstands.Enjoy international cuisine at One Ratchada Restaurant, one of the hotel's 2 restaurants, or stay in and take advantage of the room service (during limited hours). Unwind at the end of the day with a drink at the bar/lounge or the poolside bar. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 6:30 AM to 10:30 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a business center, dry cleaning/laundry services, and a 24-hour front desk. Planning an event in Bangkok? This hotel has facilities measuring 24748 square feet (2299 square meters), including conference space. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available 24 hours), and free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 402 air-conditioned rooms featuring minibars. Complimentary wired and wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming provides entertainment. Private bathrooms with showers feature complimentary toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks.
DariIDR 1,233,759
4.2/5Baik1193 Ulasan
Sukhumvit Bangkok|5.26km dari pusat kota
Homm Sukhumvit34 Bangkok is located in the heart of Bangkok on Thong Lor Road only 1.4 km from the EmDistrict Shopping Malls, The hotel offers accommodation featuring a ground-level swimming pool, Honoka Sento (Private Onsen) in traditional Japanese style, a fitness centre as well as the BAO Eatery restaurant is available daily and BAO Deli which serves healthy salads organic and BAO beverages to start your day.This hotel offers a kids' club, 24-hour front desk services, and complimentary daily shuttle service as well as a small convenient store with a Grab&Go feature.Guests can enjoy air-conditioned rooms equipped with a desk, kettle, a fridge, microwave, safety deposit box, a flat-screen IP TV and a private bathroom with a bidet along with the added convenience of a walk-in closet.Thong Lor BTS Skytrain Station is conveniently located just a 10-minute walk from the hotel. The Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre is approximately 3.5 km away , while CentralWorld is about 4.6 km. Furthermore, Suvarnabhumi Airport is situated 26 km from the hotel.
DariIDR 1,242,797
4.3/5Sangat baik267 Ulasan
Sukhumvit Bangkok|3.9km dari pusat kota
Located in Bangkok (Sukhumvit), S15 Sukhumvit Hotel is within a 10-minute walk of Terminal 21 Shopping Mall and Soi Cowboy. This 4-star hotel is 2.2 mi (3.5 km) from Siam Paragon Mall and 2.5 mi (4 km) from Pratunam Market.Relax at the full-service spa, where you can enjoy massages, body treatments, and facials. This Art Deco hotel also features complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and a television in a common area.Satisfy your appetite for lunch at The Mezzanine Cafe, a restaurant which specializes in international cuisine, or stay in and take advantage of the room service (during limited hours). Mingle with other guests at the complimentary reception, held daily. Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at the bar/lounge. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a business center, limo/town car service, and complimentary newspapers in the lobby. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available 24 hours), and free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 72 guestrooms featuring refrigerators and LCD televisions. Satellite programming and DVD players are provided for your entertainment, while complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected. Private bathrooms with separate bathtubs and showers feature deep soaking bathtubs and complimentary toiletries. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks.
DariIDR 1,240,538
4.5/5Sangat baik461 Ulasan
Sukhumvit Bangkok|6.11km dari pusat kota
With a stay at Staybridge Suites Bangkok Thonglor, an IHG Hotel, you'll be centrally located in Bangkok, within a 5-minute drive of Terminal 21 Shopping Mall and Soi Cowboy. This 4.5-star hotel is 3.8 mi (6.2 km) from Siam Paragon Mall and 4.1 mi (6.6 km) from Pratunam Market.Don't miss out on the many recreational opportunities, including hot springs, an outdoor pool, and a sauna. Additional features at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and a communal living room.For lunch or dinner, stop by Thonglor, a restaurant that specializes in local and international cuisine. You can also grab snacks at the coffee shop/cafe. Wrap up your day with a drink at the bar/lounge. A complimentary buffet breakfast is served daily from 5:30 AM to 10:00 AM.Featured amenities include a 24-hour business center, complimentary newspapers in the lobby, and dry cleaning/laundry services. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available 24 hours), and free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 303 air-conditioned rooms featuring kitchens with full-sized refrigerators/freezers and stovetops. 32-inch flat-screen televisions with cable programming provide entertainment, while complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks.
DariIDR 1,678,906
4.2/5Baik69 Ulasan
Riverside Bangkok|1.94km dari pusat kota
Dengan menginap di Miloft Sathorn hotel, Anda akan berada di pusat kota Bangkok, hanya 5 menit dengan berkendara dari Taman Lumphini dan ICONSIAM. Hotel ini berada 3,4 mi (5,4 km) dari MBK Center dan 3,5 mi (5,6 km) dari Kompleks Perbelanjaan CentralWorld.Nikmati fasilitas rekreasi seperti kolam renang outdoor atau nikmati pemandangan di teras. Fasilitas tambahan di hotel ini mencakup akses Internet nirkabel gratis, salon rambut, dan TV di ruangan umum.Nikmati hidangan di restoran atau makanan ringan di kedai kopi/kafe. hotel juga menawarkan layanan kamar (jam tertentu).Sambil berendam di kolam renang hotel, Anda bisa memesan minuman favorit Anda dari bar di tepi kolam. Sarapan prasmanan gratis tersedia setiap hari mulai pukul 07.00 hingga 10.00.Fasilitas unggulan antara lain check-in ekspres, check-out ekspres, dan koran gratis di lobi. Merencanakan kegiatan di Bangkok? hotel menyediakan ruang seluas 200 meter persegi yang terdiri dari ruang konferensi dan 2 ruang rapat. Antar-jemput ke bandara disediakan dengan biaya tambahan (tersedia 24 jam), dan parkir mandiri gratis tersedia di lokasi.Nikmati kenyamanan rumah Anda sendiri di salah satu dari 100 kamar berpenyejuk udara yang dilengkapi dengan lemari es dan televisi layar datar. Kamar mempunyai balkon atau patio pribadi. Akses internet nirkabel gratis tersedia untuk berbagai keperluan Anda, juga saluran satelit untuk menikmati hiburan. Kamar mandi pribadi dengan shower memiliki shower rainfall dan perlengkapan mandi gratis.
DariIDR 772,794


Pusat Kebugaran

4.1/5Baik1097 Ulasan
Khaosan Bangkok|3.03km dari pusat kota
In Old Bangkok, Prince Palace Hotel Bangkok is right above Bo Bae Tower. 4Km away from Siam Square, MBK Center, Siam Paragon, Erawan Shrine, Big C Ratchadamri and Central World - a wholesale clothing market. Overlooking Mahanak Canal, the hotel offers an outdoor pool and 8 dining options.Guests can relax by the 2 hot tubs and enjoy massage treatments at the spa. The hotel provides a business center and tour desk. Laundry services are available.Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese and international dishes are served at the hotel’s 4 restaurants. Drinks are available at the Sky Lounge & Karaoke, Palace Bar, Sunset Beer Garden and Piccadilly Pub.
DariIDR 831,544
4.3/5Sangat baik1265 Ulasan
Pratunam Bangkok|3.41km dari pusat kota
Located in Pratunam, Baiyoke Sky Hotel is a perfect starting point from which to explore Bangkok. The hotel offers a high standard of service and amenities to suit the individual needs of all travelers. Take advantage of the hotel's 24-hour room service, free Wi-Fi in all rooms, 24-hour security, convenience store, gift/souvenir shop. Guestrooms are designed to provide an optimal level of comfort with welcoming decor and some offering convenient amenities like television LCD/plasma screen, bathroom phone, complimentary instant coffee, mirror, slippers. Enjoy the hotel's recreational facilities, including fitness center, sauna, golf course (on site), outdoor pool, spa, before retiring to your room for a well-deserved rest. Discover all Bangkok has to offer by making Baiyoke Sky Hotel your base.
DariIDR 1,292,509
4.2/5Baik1606 Ulasan
Sukhumvit Bangkok|8.63km dari pusat kota
Located in Bangkok (Sukhumvit), Qiu Hotel Sukhumvit is within a 10-minute drive of Terminal 21 Shopping Mall and Siam Paragon Mall. This 4-star hotel is 7.2 mi (11.6 km) from Pratunam Market and 9.9 mi (16 km) from Khaosan Road. Enjoy the recreation opportunities such as an outdoor pool or make use of other amenities including complimentary wireless Internet access.At Qiu Hotel Sukhumvit, enjoy a satisfying meal at the restaurant. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 6 AM to noon for a fee.Featured amenities include dry cleaning/laundry services, a 24-hour front desk, and luggage storage. Free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 105 air-conditioned rooms featuring refrigerators and flat-screen televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and cable programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with separate bathtubs and showers feature complimentary toiletries and bidets. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks.
DariIDR 596,543
4.4/5Sangat baik2075 Ulasan
Pratunam Bangkok|3.2km dari pusat kota
A stay at Vince Hotel Pratunam places you in the heart of Bangkok, within a 10-minute walk of Pratunam Market and Platinum Fashion Mall. This 4-star hotel is 1.1 mi (1.7 km) from Siam Paragon Mall and 2.6 mi (4.3 km) from Terminal 21 Shopping Mall.Be sure to enjoy recreational amenities including an outdoor pool and a fitness center. This hotel also features complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and a vending machine.Satisfy your appetite for lunch, dinner, or brunch at the hotel's restaurant, Growings Resturant, or stay in and take advantage of the room service. Wrap up your day with a drink at the bar/lounge. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 8 AM to 10 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a business center, dry cleaning/laundry services, and a 24-hour front desk. Free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 238 air-conditioned rooms featuring refrigerators and flat-screen televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and cable programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with showers feature rainfall showerheads and complimentary toiletries. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks.
DariIDR 1,021,354
4.4/5Sangat baik1403 Ulasan
Pratunam Bangkok|3.26km dari pusat kota
With a stay at Centara Watergate Pavillion Hotel Bangkok, you'll be centrally located in Bangkok, within a 5-minute walk of Pratunam Market and Platinum Fashion Mall. This 4-star hotel is 0.6 mi (1 km) from Erawan Shrine and 0.7 mi (1.1 km) from CentralWorld Shopping Complex.Relax at the full-service spa, where you can enjoy massages and facials. Additional features at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and a hair salon.Enjoy international cuisine at Café 9, one of the hotel's 2 restaurants, or stay in and take advantage of the 24-hour room service. Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at the bar/lounge. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 6:30 AM to 10:30 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a computer station, express check-in, and express check-out. Planning an event in Bangkok? This hotel has 1938 square feet (180 square meters) of space consisting of conference space and a meeting room. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available 24 hours), and free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 281 air-conditioned rooms featuring refrigerators and flat-screen televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms have complimentary toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include phones, as well as laptop-compatible safes and desks.
DariIDR 1,127,556


Kolam renang

4.3/5Sangat baik2728 Ulasan
Siam Bangkok|2.71km dari pusat kota
With a stay at Asia Hotel Bangkok, you'll be centrally located in Bangkok, steps from Queen Savang Vadhana Museum and within a 5-minute walk of Saphan Huachang Pier. This 4-star hotel is 0.6 mi (0.9 km) from Siam Discovery Centre and 0.6 mi (0.9 km) from Bangkok Art & Culture Centre.Relax at the full-service spa, where you can enjoy massages. You're sure to appreciate the recreational amenities, including an outdoor pool, an outdoor tennis court, and a fitness center. Additional features at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and babysitting (surcharge).Enjoy Chinese cuisine at Greatwall, one of the hotel's 4 restaurants, or stay in and take advantage of the 24-hour room service. Relax with your favorite drink at the bar/lounge or the poolside bar. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a business center, dry cleaning/laundry services, and a 24-hour front desk. Free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 590 air-conditioned rooms featuring refrigerators and flat-screen televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and cable programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with shower/tub combinations feature deep soaking bathtubs and complimentary toiletries. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks.
DariIDR 817,987
4.3/5Sangat baik1300 Ulasan
Siam Bangkok|2.15km dari pusat kota
With a stay at Novotel Bangkok On Siam Square, you'll be centrally located in Bangkok, steps from Siam Square and Siam Paragon Mall. This 4.5-star hotel is 0.2 mi (0.4 km) from Siam Center and 0.4 mi (0.6 km) from CentralWorld Shopping Complex.Relax at the full-service spa, where you can enjoy massages, body treatments, and facials. You can take advantage of recreational amenities such as an outdoor pool, a spa tub, and a sauna. Additional amenities at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and an arcade/game room.Stop by The Square for lunch, dinner, or brunch, where this restaurant specializes in international cuisine. Dining is also available at the coffee shop/cafe, and 24-hour room service is provided. Relax with a refreshing drink from the poolside bar or one of the 2 bars/lounges. Buffet breakfasts are available daily for a fee.Featured amenities include complimentary wired Internet access, a business center, and limo/town car service. Planning an event in Bangkok? This hotel has facilities measuring 4306 square feet (400 square meters), including a conference center. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available 24 hours), and free valet parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 425 air-conditioned rooms featuring fireplaces and heated floors. LCD televisions with satellite programming provide entertainment, while complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks.
DariIDR 1,678,906
4.4/5Sangat baik1550 Ulasan
Silom/Sathorn Bangkok|0.67km dari pusat kota
Mandarin Hotel Managed by Centre Point is centrally located in Bangkok, a 4-minute walk from Samyan Mitrtown and 14 minutes by foot from Lumphini Park. This 4.5-star hotel is 1 mi (1.5 km) from MBK Center and 1.2 mi (2 km) from Siam Center.Relax at the full-service spa, where you can enjoy massages, body treatments, and facials. You're sure to appreciate the recreational amenities, including an outdoor pool, and a fitness center. Additional amenities at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and wedding services. Guests can get to nearby shops on the complimentary shuttle.Enjoy Thai cuisine at Krua Luang, one of the hotel's 2 restaurants, or stay in and take advantage of the 24-hour room service. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 6 AM to 10:30 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a 24-hour business center, complimentary newspapers in the lobby, and dry cleaning/laundry services. Planning an event in Bangkok? This hotel has facilities measuring 15236 square feet (1415 square meters), including a conference center. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available 24 hours), and free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 367 air-conditioned rooms featuring microwaves and LED televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming is available for your entertainment. Bathrooms have complimentary toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and coffee/tea makers.
DariIDR 849,622
4.1/5Baik2228 Ulasan
Siam Bangkok|2.01km dari pusat kota
With a stay at Twin Towers Hotel, you'll be centrally located in Bangkok, within a 5-minute drive of Siam Paragon Mall and Pratunam Market. This 5-star hotel is 2.2 mi (3.6 km) from Khaosan Road and 3.9 mi (6.3 km) from Terminal 21 Shopping Mall.Pamper yourself with a visit to the spa, which offers massages. You're sure to appreciate the recreational amenities, including an outdoor pool, a sauna, and a fitness center. This hotel also features complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and babysitting (surcharge).Enjoy international cuisine at Gold Teak, one of the hotel's 2 restaurants, or stay in and take advantage of the 24-hour room service. Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at the bar/lounge. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 6 AM to 10 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a business center, limo/town car service, and express check-in. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available 24 hours), and free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 499 air-conditioned rooms featuring refrigerators and LCD televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and cable programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with shower/tub combinations feature complimentary toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks.
DariIDR 542,312
4.5/5Sangat baik1697 Ulasan
Siam Bangkok|3.73km dari pusat kota
A stay at Pullman Bangkok King Power places you in the heart of Bangkok, steps from King Power Downtown Complex and a 2-minute drive from Siam Paragon Mall. This 5-star hotel is 1.4 mi (2.2 km) from Pratunam Market and 1.4 mi (2.3 km) from CentralWorld Shopping Complex.Pamper yourself with a visit to the spa, which offers massages, body treatments, and facials. You're sure to appreciate the recreational amenities, including an outdoor pool, a spa tub, and a sauna. This hotel also features complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and free babysitting.Enjoy a meal at TENSHINO or snacks in the coffee shop/cafe. The hotel also offers 24-hour room service. Relax with a refreshing drink from the poolside bar or one of the 3 bars/lounges. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 6:00 AM to 10:30 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include a business center, express check-in, and express check-out. This hotel has 20 meeting rooms available for events. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available 24 hours), and free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 354 guestrooms featuring minibars and LCD televisions. Complimentary wired and wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming provides entertainment. Private bathrooms with separate bathtubs and showers feature deep soaking bathtubs and designer toiletries. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks.
DariIDR 1,595,300


Termasuk Sarapan

4.1/5Baik668 Ulasan
Sukhumvit Bangkok|5.68km dari pusat kota
A stay at Oakwood Studios Sukhumvit Bangkok places you in the heart of Bangkok, a 4-minute drive from Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital and 5 minutes from Terminal 21 Shopping Mall. This 4-star hotel is 3.2 mi (5.1 km) from Bumrungrad Hospital and 3.6 mi (5.8 km) from CentralWorld Shopping Complex.Take advantage of recreation opportunities such as an outdoor pool, or other amenities including complimentary wireless Internet access and concierge services.Enjoy a meal at the restaurant or snacks in the hotel's coffee shop/cafe. Mingle with other guests at the complimentary reception, held daily. Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at the bar/lounge.Featured amenities include a 24-hour business center, dry cleaning/laundry services, and a 24-hour front desk. Free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 177 air-conditioned rooms featuring minibars and Smart televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and cable programming is available for your entertainment. Bathrooms feature showers with rainfall showerheads and complimentary toiletries. Conveniences include safes and desks, and housekeeping is provided daily.
DariIDR 967,122
4/5Baik200 Ulasan
Pratunam Bangkok|3.85km dari pusat kota
Bangkok City Link Hotel is perfectly located for both business and leisure guests in Bangkok. Offering a variety of facilities and services, the property provides all you need for a good night's sleep. Free Wi-Fi in all rooms, 24-hour security, taxi service, 24-hour front desk, luggage storage are on the list of things guests can enjoy. Guestrooms are designed to provide an optimal level of comfort with welcoming decor and some offering convenient amenities like clothes rack, complimentary tea, locker, mirror, towels. The property offers various recreational opportunities. Bangkok City Link Hotel combines warm hospitality with a lovely ambiance to make your stay in Bangkok unforgettable.
DariIDR 555,869
4.3/5Sangat baik687 Ulasan
Bandara Suvarnabhumi Bangkok Bangkok|12.64km dari pusat kota
With a stay at 130 Hotel & Residence Bangkok in Bangkok (Ramkhamhaeng), you'll be within a 15-minute drive of Terminal 21 Shopping Mall and Pratunam Market. This 4-star hotel is 10.4 mi (16.8 km) from Siam Paragon Mall and 2.4 mi (3.8 km) from Rajamangala National Stadium.Take in the views from a garden and make use of amenities such as complimentary wireless Internet access.Enjoy a meal at the restaurant or snacks in the coffee shop/cafe. The hotel also offers room service. Wrap up your day with a drink at the bar/lounge. Buffet breakfasts are available for a fee.Featured amenities include a business center, express check-in, and dry cleaning/laundry services.Make yourself at home in one of the 168 air-conditioned rooms featuring refrigerators and LCD televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and cable programming is available for your entertainment. Bathrooms have showers and complimentary toiletries. Conveniences include safes and desks, and housekeeping is provided daily.
DariIDR 325,387
4.6/5Luar biasa1252 Ulasan
Sukhumvit Bangkok|4.42km dari pusat kota
With a stay at Carlton Hotel Bangkok Sukhumvit, you'll be centrally located in Bangkok, within a 10-minute walk of Benchasiri Park and Emporium. This 5-star hotel is 0.5 mi (0.8 km) from EmQuartier and 1.2 mi (2 km) from Terminal 21 Shopping Mall.Pamper yourself with a visit to the spa, which offers massages and facials. If you're looking for recreational opportunities, you'll find an outdoor pool, a sauna, and a fitness center. Additional amenities at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and wedding services.Enjoy international cuisine at Plate, one of the hotel's 2 restaurants, or stay in and take advantage of the 24-hour room service. Snacks are also available at the coffee shop/cafe. Relax with a refreshing drink from the poolside bar or one of the 2 bars/lounges. Buffet breakfasts are available daily from 6:00 AM to 10:30 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include dry cleaning/laundry services, a 24-hour front desk, and multilingual staff. Planning an event in Bangkok? This hotel has facilities measuring 12917 square feet (1200 square meters), including conference space. Free valet parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 338 air-conditioned rooms featuring refrigerators and Smart televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and cable programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with separate bathtubs and showers feature deep soaking bathtubs and rainfall showerheads. Conveniences include phones, as well as laptop-compatible safes and desks.
DariIDR 1,983,957
4.2/5Baik571 Ulasan
Silom/Sathorn Bangkok|0.7km dari pusat kota
With a stay at Sora Hotel Silom, you'll be centrally located in Bangkok, within a 5-minute drive of Siam Paragon Mall and Pratunam Market. This hotel is 0.7 mi (1.1 km) from Lumphini Park and 4.1 mi (6.5 km) from Khaosan Road.Take advantage of recreation opportunities such as an outdoor pool, or other amenities including complimentary wireless Internet access and a television in a common area.Continental breakfasts are available daily from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM for a fee.Featured amenities include complimentary wired Internet access, dry cleaning/laundry services, and a 24-hour front desk.Make yourself at home in one of the 70 air-conditioned rooms featuring refrigerators and flat-screen televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and cable programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with showers feature complimentary toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include safes and desks, and housekeeping is provided daily.
DariIDR 727,601



3 Kekurangan Menggunakan eSIM Thailand

3 Kekurangan Menggunakan eSIM Thailand

Kompatibilitas perangkat terbatas.

eSIM hanya dapat digunakan pada smartphone atau tablet yang mendukungnya. Perangkat lama atau dengan harga terjangkau mungkin tidak mendukung eSIM. Pastikan perangkat Anda kompatibel sebelum menggunakan eSIM.

Tidak dapat digunakan pada beberapa perangkat.

eSIM sulit dipindahkan antara beberapa perangkat karena terintegrasi secara internal. Ini mungkin tidak nyaman bagi mereka yang menggunakan beberapa perangkat selama perjalanan ke Thailand.

Tidak dapat menggunakan nomor telepon.

Beberapa paket data eSIM mungkin tidak menyediakan nomor telepon unik atau memerlukan biaya tambahan. Ini bisa merepotkan ketika membutuhkan nomor telepon lokal, seperti untuk memesan restoran atau menghubungi hotel.

Siapa yang cocok untuk eSIM Thailand

Siapa yang cocok untuk eSIM Thailand
  1. Orang-orang yang melakukan perjalanan ke Thailand selama sekitar seminggu. eSIM dari menawarkan paket selama 8 hari. Bagi mereka yang menginap selama sekitar seminggu, Anda dapat memilih paket yang ekonomis dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
  2. Orang-orang yang ingin menggunakan internet dengan biaya terjangkau. menawarkan eSIM dengan harga yang wajar, sehingga sangat direkomendasikan bagi para wisatawan yang ingin menghemat biaya penggunaan internet selama perjalanan mereka.
  3. Orang-orang yang ingin menggunakan internet secara instan. Dengan mengatur smartphone Anda sebelumnya, Anda dapat langsung menggunakan internet begitu tiba di Thailand. Anda dapat memulai perjalanan Anda dengan nyaman tanpa harus menunggu waktu untuk mengaktifkan layanan internet.

Siapa yang tidak cocok untuk eSIM Thailand dari

Siapa yang tidak cocok untuk eSIM Thailand dari
  1. Orang-orang yang melakukan perjalanan singkat atau panjang ke Thailand. Untuk menginap dalam jangka waktu pendek atau panjang, lebih baik mempertimbangkan paket yang dioptimalkan untuk periode tertentu yang ditawarkan oleh penyedia lain.
  2. Orang-orang yang ingin menggunakan internet dalam jumlah besar. Bagi mereka yang mengonsumsi data dalam jumlah besar, disarankan untuk mempertimbangkan paket dengan kapasitas besar yang ditawarkan oleh penyedia lain. Beberapa paket yang ditawarkan oleh mungkin tidak memiliki kapasitas besar, sehingga perlu berhati-hati.
  3. Orang-orang yang dapat mengatur lingkungan internet di Thailand. Bagi mereka yang memiliki fleksibilitas untuk mempertimbangkan pembelian kartu SIM lokal atau menyewa router Wi-Fi, eSIM dari mungkin bukan pilihan terbaik.

3 Tips Memilih eSIM untuk Thailand

Pertimbangkan berapa banyak data yang Anda butuhkan selama menginap di Thailand.

Jika Anda membutuhkan internet intensif seperti mencari informasi tempat wisata secara real-time atau mengunggah foto dan video ke media sosial, pilih paket data dengan kapasitas besar. Jika hanya untuk komunikasi dasar dan penggunaan peta, paket data dengan kapasitas sedang sudah cukup.

Periksa masa berlaku eSIM sesuai dengan jangka waktu menginap Anda di Thailand.

Untuk perjalanan singkat, pilih paket dengan masa berlaku sekitar seminggu. Untuk menginap dalam jangka waktu yang lebih lama, pilih paket dengan masa berlaku sebulan.

Periksa ulasan dan umpan balik dari pengguna lain.

Ulasan positif dan rekomendasi yang baik menunjukkan kualitas dan keandalan eSIM tersebut.

eSIM Thailand adalah kebutuhan penting untuk perjalanan Anda di Thailand!

wisata thailand

Jika Anda merencanakan perjalanan ke Thailand, jangan lupa untuk membawa eSIM! Akses internet yang konstan sangat penting untuk menikmati pengalaman perjalanan yang tak terlupakan.

Dari memesan hotel hingga mencari rekomendasi lokal, eSIM dari telah terbukti handal dan nyaman oleh banyak wisatawan. Jadi, pastikan Anda memiliki eSIM untuk menjadikan perjalanan Anda di Thailand lebih lancar dan menyenangkan!

FAQ-eSIM Thailand

  • Bisakah saya membeli eSIM di Thailand?

    Ya, layanan eSIM tersedia dengan mudah untuk turis di Thailand. Mereka ditawarkan oleh tiga penyedia jaringan utama: AIS, DTAC, dan True Move.
  • Bisakah saya membeli eSIM di bandara Thailand?

    Ya, setelah mendarat di Bandara Internasional Suvarnabhumi di Bangkok, wisatawan dapat membeli eSIM dari penyedia utama seperti AIS, TrueMove H, dan DTAC, bersama dengan kartu SIM turis tradisional.
  • Apakah eSIM tersedia di Bangkok?

    Ya, layanan eSIM dapat diakses di Bangkok dan mencakup 99% wilayah Thailand. Paket City eSIM dirancang khusus untuk memberikan konektivitas jaringan terbaik di dalam kota, menjadikannya pilihan yang nyaman bagi mereka yang berencana menghabiskan waktu yang lebih lama di kota tertentu.
  • Bagaimana waktu penggunaan eSIM dihitung?

    Waktu penggunaan dihitung dari saat komunikasi data dimulai menggunakan jalur eSIM di Thailand. Misalnya, jika Anda membeli paket 3 hari dan menyelesaikan aktivasi pada pukul 10:00 pada tanggal 1 Oktober, tanggal kedaluwarsa akan menjadi pukul 10:00 pada tanggal 4 Oktober.
  • Apa yang harus saya lakukan jika tidak ada jaringan bahkan setelah mengaktifkan BC eSIM setelah tiba di Thailand?

    Aktifkan roaming data untuk BC eSIM dan periksa apakah APN eSIM sudah benar.
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eSIM Thailand