Daftar Hari Libur Malaysia 2025

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By Devid

Terkenal dengan segala-galanya, dari masakan yang lezat hingga keajaiban modern, Malaysia siap menyambut pengunjung dari dalam dan luar negeri. Mengingat Tahun Ular semakin dekat, saatnya merencanakan perjalanan Anda untuk tahun depan, dan kuncinya adalah memanfaatkan sepenuhnya hari libur untuk membuat perjalanan Anda sukses. Kami telah mengumpulkan daftar hari libur Malaysia untuk tahun 2025 di sini untuk membantu Anda memaksimalkan liburan Anda!

Hari Libur Nasional Malaysia 2025-Trip.com
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    • CakupanMalaysia
    • Data600 M hingga tak terbatas
    • Validitas1 hingga 30 Hari
    • Harga Dari Rp 7,935
    • Ulasan (4.6 ★)109 Ulasan
    • Pemesanan1,000+ Pemesanan

Kalender Hari Libur Nasional Malaysia 2025

TanggalHariHari Libur NasionalWilayah
1 JanuariRabuTahun BaruSemua Negara Bagian kecuali Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis & Terengganu
14 JanuariSelasaYDPB N.Sembilan Ulang TahunN.Sembilan
27 JanuariSeninIsrak dan MikrajKedah, N. Sembilan, Perlis & Terengganu
29 JanuariRabuTahun Baru ImlekSemua negara bagian
30 JanuariKamisHari Kedua Tahun Baru ImlekSemua negara bagian kecuali Kelantan
1 FebruariSabtuHari Wilayah FederalKuala Lumpur, Labuan & Putrajaya
11 FebruariSelasahari ThaipusamJohor, Kuala Lumpur, N.Sembilan, Penang, Perak, Putrajaya & Selangor
20 FebruariKamisHari Proklamasi KemerdekaanMalaka
2 MaretMingguAwal RamadhanJohor & Kedah
4 MaretSelasaHUT Penobatan Sultan TerengganuTerengganu
18 MaretSelasaHari Nuzul Al QuranSemua Negara Bagian kecuali Johor, Kedah, Melaka, N. Sembilan, Sabah & Sarawak
23 MaretMingguHari Lahir Sultan JohorJohor
31 MaretSeninHari Raya AidilfitriSemua negara bagian
1 AprSelasaHari Raya Aidilfitri Hari KeduaSemua negara bagian
2 AprRabuHari Raya Idul FitriMalaka
18 AprJumatJumat AgungSabah & Sarawak
26 AprSabtuHari Lahir Sultan TerengganuTerengganu
27 AprMingguLibur Hari Lahir Sultan TerengganuTerengganu
1 MeiKamishari BuruhSemua negara bagian
12 MeiSeninHari WaisakSemua negara bagian
17 MeiSabtuUlang Tahun Raja PerlisPerlis
22 MeiKamisHari Hol PahangPahang
30 MeiJumatFestival KaamatanLabuan & Sabah
31 MeiSabtuFestival Kaamatan hari ke 2Labuan & Sabah
1 JuniMingguHari GawaiSarawak
2 JuniSeninHari Gawai Hari KeduaSarawak
2 JuniSeninUlang Tahun YDP AgongSemua negara bagian
3 JuniSelasaLibur Ulang Tahun YDP AgongSarawak
6 JuniJumatHari ArafahKelantan & Terengganu
7 JuniSabtuliburan hajiSemua negara bagian
8 JuniMingguHari Haji Hari KeduaKedah, Kelantan, Perlis & Terengganu
9 JuniSeninHari Raya HajiKelantan, Perlis & Terengganu
22 JuniMingguHari Lahir Sultan KedahKedah
27 JuniJumatAwal MuharramSemua Negara Bagian kecuali Johor, Kedah, Melaka, N. Sembilan, Sabah & Sarawak
29 JuniMingguLiburan awal MuharramJohor & Kedah
7 JuliSeninHari Kota Warisan Dunia GeorgetownPulau Penang
12 JuliSabtuUlang Tahun Presiden PenangPulau Penang
22 JuliSelasaHari SarawakSarawak
30 JuliRabuHari Lahir Sultan PahangPahang
31 JuliKamisHari raya mendiang Sultan IskandarJohor
24 AgustusMingguUlang Tahun Presiden Negara Bagian MelakaMalaka
25 AgustusSeninLibur Ulang Tahun Presiden Negara Bagian MelakaMalaka
31 AgustusMingguHari NasionalSemua negara bagian
1 SepSeninHari Libur NasionalSemua Negara Bagian kecuali Johor, Kedah, Kelantan & Terengganu
5 SepJumatMaulidur RasulSemua negara bagian
7 SepMingguhari raya maulid rasulJohor & Kedah
16 SepSelasaHari MalaysiaSemua negara bagian
29 SepSeninHari lahir Sultan KelantanKelantan
4 OktoberSabtuUlang Tahun Presiden SabahPagi
11 OktoberSabtuUlang Tahun Presiden SarawakSarawak
20 OktoberSeninHari DeepavaliSemua negara bagian kecuali Sarawak
7 NovJumatHari Lahir Sultan Perakperak
11 DesemberKamisHari Lahir Sultan SelangorSelangor
24 DesemberRabuLiburan Hari NatalPagi
25 DesemberKamisHari natalSemua negara bagian
Kalender Hari Libur Nasional Malaysia 2025
💯Tips dari Trip.com: Ingin menghabiskan liburan yang tak terlupakan di Malaysia? Segera pesan Hotel di Kuala Lumpur dan rasakan pengalaman menginap dengan kualitas tinggi dan lokasi yang sangat nyaman.

Hari Tahun Baru - 1 Januari (Rabu)

Hari Tahun Baru, yaitu pada 1 Januari, menandakan awal tahun dalam kalender Gregorian dan menjadi hari libur umum di banyak negara, termasuk Malaysia. Malam Tahun Baru biasanya disambut dengan penuh kegembiraan di Malaysia, dengan langit yang dipenuhi dengan kembang api yang indah, pameran jalanan yang tersebar di seluruh negara, konser live yang menarik ribuan penonton yang mencari hiburan, dan pesta yang meriah dengan minuman keras di bar-bar di gedung-gedung tinggi. Masyarakat di Malaysia dapat menikmati suasana tahun baru yang luar biasa di negara ini.

🎉"Promo Tiket Pesawat Gila! Terbang ke Impian, Nikmati Harga Spesial!" - Manfaatkan kesempatan ini sekarang juga dengan memesan tiket pesawat jakarta Kuala Lumpur, dan Anda akan menikmati penawaran spesial yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya!

  • One way
  • Round-trip

Crossed out prices are calculated based on the average price of the corresponding route on Trip.com.

Tahun Baru Imlek —29 Januari, 30 Jan (Rabu-Kamis)

Tahun Baru Imlek —29 Januari, 30 Jan (Rabu-Kamis)

Tahun Baru China adalah salah satu perayaan terpenting di Malaysia. Juga dikenal sebagai Tahun Baru Imlek, perayaan ini memiliki signifikansi agama dan budaya yang besar di negara-negara Asia Tenggara, di mana seperempat penduduknya memiliki keturunan Tionghoa. Tahun Baru Cina memberikan kesempatan bagi keluarga untuk berkumpul dan mengucapkan selamat tahun baru yang penuh harapan untuk tahun yang akan datang. Memberikan kartu kepada kerabat dan teman-teman adalah hal yang umum, sementara banyak pertemuan keluarga diadakan pada Malam Tahun Baru Imlek. Tahun Baru Imlek bukanlah perayaan satu malam saja, tetapi biasanya berlangsung selama 15 hari. Penting untuk dicatat bahwa banyak bisnis akan tutup atau memiliki jam operasional yang lebih pendek, dan banyak daerah Tionghoa mungkin akan ditutup selama periode ini.

Hari Raya Aidilfitri/Hari Raya Puasa—31 Maret-1 April (Senin-Selasa)

Hari Raya Aidilfitri/Hari Raya Puasa—31 Maret-1 April (Senin-Selasa)

Hari Raya Aidilfitri, juga dikenal sebagai Hari Raya Puasa, adalah hari libur yang dirayakan oleh umat Islam di Malaysia dan seluruh dunia untuk menandai berakhirnya bulan Ramadan yang suci. Di Malaysia, dua hari pertama Hari Raya Aidilfitri dianggap sebagai hari libur umum, tetapi sebagian besar orang akan mengambil cuti seminggu untuk merayakan perayaan ini dengan lebih lengkap. Hari Raya Aidilfitri dianggap sebagai perayaan yang meriah karena melambangkan keberhasilan dan kesuksesan seseorang dalam disiplin dan penahanan diri, yang melambangkan kehalusan dan kelahiran kembali.

Ketupat adalah salah satu makanan wajib yang disajikan pada Hari Raya. Biasanya disajikan bersama rendang daging sapi (daging sapi yang dimasak dengan santan dan rempah-rempah Melayu) serta sate (daging panggang tusuk).

Hari Buruh—1 Mei (Kamis)

Hari Pekerja, juga dikenal sebagai Hari Pekerja Antarabangsa atau Hari Mei, ditandai dengan cuti umum di lebih dari 80 negara, termasuk Malaysia. May Day jatuh pada tanggal 1 Mei dan telah lama menjadi fokus demonstrasi oleh berbagai kelompok komunis, sosialis, dan anarkis. Perayaan ini merupakan momen untuk menghargai peran penting pekerja dalam membangun masyarakat dan memperjuangkan hak-hak mereka.

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Baik untuk perjalanan bisnis maupun liburan, trip.com akan memberikan pelayanan komprehensif dan pengalaman menginap berkualitas. Ayo pesan hotel di Kuala Lumpur melalui trip.com dan tambahkan keceriaan dan kenyamanan dalam perjalanan Anda!

Hotel Terbaik di Malaysia

5 star

4.1/5Very Good1227 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur City Centre Kuala Lumpur|0.42km from city center
The hotel is in a strategic location with a nice view, making it convenient and pleasant for guests. The check-in process was fast, which is a plus. However, the room cleanliness needs improvement, as there was noticeable dust. The elevators were slow, causing long waits, and the breakfast was average at best. Overall, a mixed experience with some room for improvement.
FromIDR 869,961
4.5/5Excellent1524 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur City Centre Kuala Lumpur|1.14km from city center
Royale Chulan Hotel is a luxury hotel that combines traditional Malay elements with modern comfort. Located in the heart of the city, it offers convenient access to key attractions like the Petronas Towers, Bukit Bintang, and the KL Convention Centre. The hotel is well-regarded for its spacious rooms, well-maintained facilities, and attentive service.
FromIDR 972,444
4.3/5Excellent798 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur City Centre Kuala Lumpur|0.87km from city center
The room is spacious but it’s a little bit old. I can understand the apartment is very big so certain parts were dusty which is not a big issue for me. We did see some small cockroaches. Luckily we had staffs came and make up the room every day. Another issue is the lift, sometimes we did wait for a long time to get up and down.
FromIDR 1,099,977
4.5/5Excellent1023 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur City Centre Kuala Lumpur|1km from city center
I had the best time with Double Tree by Hilton. I did request a simple deco to celebrate our belated anniversary and they did! Love it. Simple and sweet. To our surprise they welcomed us with a slice of cake that happened to be my favourite. Very clean room. The bed is comfy. The pillows are fluffy. The bathroom is clean. I enjoy my stay. My staycation package comes with dinner which I had a good time. Their satay is the best. Delicious. I also had some dessert from the Chinese restaurant which I forgot its name…very tasty (something to do with sweet potato) 🤔. And their varieties of breakfast were quite awesome too… I had Mediterranean couscous for the 1st time and it was delicious. Thanks again Double Tree by Hilton for the hospitality.
FromIDR 1,072,649
4.5/5Excellent2490 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur|1.52km from city center
Great location with lots of food options nearby Walking proximity to Pavilion. We were here to watch concert at mega star arena, venue is just opposite the hotel. We were upgraded to a room with double beds. Everything went well during our stay.
FromIDR 1,448,417

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Business travel

4.1/5Very Good778 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur City Centre Kuala Lumpur|0.49km from city center
This is my 2nd time staying here. The hotel and service didn't disappoint me. The staff is friendly and helpful from the frontliners, the in-room service and cleaners. I enjoyed my time at the spa. The location is within walking distance to KLCC & Pavilion. I will come back again.
FromIDR 1,380,096
4.5/5Excellent1475 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur|2.3km from city center
Fast check-in & check-out process. Friendly staff. Food is a bit salty to my taste. Room a very clean. Pool mid-size. Basic amenities are ok. Location near MRT & LRT Titiwangsa with bus station However the area a bit scary to walking around alone. Women travellor should be careful around this area. There are KK Mart nearby & lots of local food stalls. Overall I'm very happy with the food and service from this Hotel.
FromIDR 776,588
4.4/5Excellent833 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur|1.1km from city center
Commended for its charming atmosphere, convenient location. Praised for its friendly staffs from the Club lounge on the 18th Floor. Clean room and delicious breakfast, dinner and White wine. Will definitely come back!
FromIDR 1,762,696
4.3/5Excellent954 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur City Centre Kuala Lumpur|0.86km from city center
My parents and I had a fantastic stay at the Holiday Inn Express Kuala Lumpur city center. The hotel is well-located, with easy access to key attractions and public transport. The rooms were clean, modern, and very comfortable, offering great value for the price. My parents especially appreciated the generous breakfast selection, which helped them start the day off right. The staff were friendly and attentive, making our stay even more enjoyable. Overall, it was a great choice, and my parents were very happy with the experience. Highly recommend it for anyone visiting Kuala Lumpur!
FromIDR 646,777
4.6/5Outstanding511 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur City Centre Kuala Lumpur|0.73km from city center
Had a memorable stay. Staff were very hospitable, professional and helpful. Celebrated a birthday here and they kindly delivered a cake to us, which was a lovely surprise. :)
FromIDR 1,744,477

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Family friendly

4.4/5Excellent2390 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur City Centre Kuala Lumpur|0.88km from city center
It’s pretty nice hotel . Near to upscale malls . Good breakfast and massive apartment. They are bit old but very well maintained. Thanks to Devi who made our anniversary special by decorating and providing cake . Also to Jimmy in breakfast and praven at reception who were very polite and helpful. Overall great hotel if you want stay at city center .
FromIDR 1,530,403
4.2/5Very Good1172 Reviews
Sri Hartamas Kuala Lumpur|6.19km from city center
Overall is Good, Very Clean Hotel, Can consider very Cheap among 4 star Hotel. Can consider if want to try 4 star hotel or staycation. Good Point: Very Clean, Bed is Nice, soft hard of bed is good, Price also acceptable. Bad Point: The water is not heat during peak, must must must be consider, I wash its hot, then totally change to cold water, no hot water anymore, i in the half way of shower, the water become cold, how cold you can imagined, This is totally i not acceptable. the water of tub also not hot, i not in peak hour, i put water in tub, got tub want to use, can see, cant use, no hot water, very very disappointed on this 2nd, the car park, need to validate everytime go out, validate can only use tng card, credit card , debit card go in parking, cant validate, RM3.50 per hour if no validate. 3rd, breakfast buffet food, so so only, not many option. Normal only, dont put very high expectation. nasi lemak still ok, roti canai totally not nice, others food so so. fruit also not very fresh
FromIDR 532,908
4.3/5Excellent735 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur|1.75km from city center
I had a fantastic experience at Berjaya Times Square Hotel. The check-in process was seamless, and the front desk team was friendly and efficient. I wasn't informed that breakfast is vegetarian! They should inform guests upon check-in. The room was spacious with a sofa and luggage area. I particularly appreciated the luxurious bedding,bath tub, well-stocked minibar. They restocked the minibar everyday! The titbits and drinks were very nice! The hotel's location was ideal, close to the heart of KL - Bukit Bintang and of course, Berjaya Times Square is connected to the hotel. I would recommend Berjaya Times Square to anyone looking for a blend of luxury, comfort, and accessibility. But you may want to consider the vegetarian breakfast buffet.
FromIDR 1,243,453
4.6/5Outstanding1620 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur|8.08km from city center
From the interior to the ammenities, I absolutely loved everything about it. Just that the pool is a lot smaller then I imagined, and there's a lot of kids. So if you're looking for a romantic gateaway. This is not it. A few options for dining is available in M Resort. They have their own hotel buffet and dining by David Chen? David chin? Darren Chin? I can't remember. But it offers either French Fine dining or Thai casual cuisine. Went for the thai cuisine and it was alright. There's spa and gym too. Otherwise it a nice place to get away from all the stressors in life. Would definitely come back again. There many movies selections to chose from in the TV!
FromIDR 1,229,788
4.7/5Outstanding844 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur City Centre Kuala Lumpur|0.66km from city center
Return customer! Loved this hotel so much the first time I came, had to introduce it to friends! Room is super clean and room service is so often. Mini bar in room is free, bathtub is big, room is very spacious. Easy walk in connection link bridge to Pavilion. We all enjoyed our stay!
FromIDR 2,115,691

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Hot spring

4.1/5Very Good919 Reviews
China Town Kuala Lumpur|2.15km from city center
I highly recommend the Pacific Express Hotel. The customer service representatives are friendly, the rooms are clean, and the hotel's central location is ideal for tourists. However, I suggest they consider adding fruits to their breakfast buffet.
FromIDR 378,046
4.1/5Very Good1500 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur|1.62km from city center
We booked with kl view room, the view was amazing if you couldn’t book the city view dont worry they have rooftop where you can see the view as well. The hotel closed to restaurants in kampung baru just walking distance. For the parking they have valet 15.90 for a day just leave the car in front of the hotel find small counter they will park your car
FromIDR 444,090
4.4/5Excellent3190 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur City Centre Kuala Lumpur|0.66km from city center
Prime location!!!! Few mins walk to the Pitronas twin tower. Best Thai restaurant just cross the road. Gym and swimming pool a bit small. Value for money.
FromIDR 728,763
4.4/5Excellent897 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur|1.15km from city center
Me and my husband really enjoyed our stay! It's located very very near to Kg Bharu, only 100m walking distance approx. Booked Junior Suite solely for the view experience. Got KL tower and TRX view, KLCC view need to look abit to the left. Requested for birthday deco for my husb and received a complimentary slice of cake! Breakfast buffet was nice, a lot of malay dished like nasi lemak, nasi kerabu, roti canai...the pool view is stunning! The cleanliness is ok except for bathtub, maybe hsekeeping can rinse the bathtub more bcs still got dirt and strand of hair. Other than that, it was a satisfying staycation!
FromIDR 819,859
4/5Very Good1560 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur|1.99km from city center
Here is my review on my hotel stay.. I booked 3 days 2 night over a weekend. The hotel is rundown which commented by many reviewer is true but the service there We got a free room upgrade to suite. The bed is nice to sleep on. the room is spacious. They do have a good hot shower is what I want( some other 4 stars hotels in KL didn't even have a good hot water for shower) Facilities - there is a gym and swimming pool which is good and there isnt any lacking of equipment in the gym. The breakfast is decent. I didn't like the day2 breakfast but I like day3 breakfast. There is a link bridge to lalaport shopping centre which is very convenient. And also near to berjaya time square Here is the cons. - slow and talkative staff during the checkin I was waiting next in line to check in for 20mins, I noticed the checkin staff was chit chatting with another lady . The lady look like she is not checking in but they chatting loudly and Laughing. I was disappointed by this action. - poor maintenance on the gym equipment, I noticed some of the gym equipments got strapped broken and broken button and etc. but safety are compromised when the gym are found faulty and need to be highlighted to staff but were ignored. Please help to check and make necessary repair
FromIDR 503,302

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4.2/5Very Good973 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur City Centre Kuala Lumpur|0.44km from city center
Really satisfied staying in Corus. Me and my husband we really had our enjoyable time here. Got food bazaar only besides the building and near to Avenue K as well. Near to public transport is A++. Will repeat our stay here, good place to honeymoon over and over again. Tqvm Corus!
FromIDR 758,369
4.3/5Excellent1142 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur City Centre Kuala Lumpur|1.95km from city center
The overall experience at the hotel was decent, but there were a couple of issues. The pillows were uncomfortable and not supportive, making it hard to get a good night's sleep. Additionally, there were three power sockets near the bed, but only one was functional, which was quite inconvenient. Everything else was satisfactory.
FromIDR 819,859
4.3/5Excellent1182 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur|1.26km from city center
Overall was ok. Parking was small and no discount was charged Rm22 for 3 days 2 nights. Location wise was very good. Room was clean, bed and mattress was ok. Only setback was the pillow. Other then that smooth check in and check out and was that dissapointing.
FromIDR 899,567
4.6/5Outstanding640 Reviews
Golden Triangle Kuala Lumpur|1.23km from city center
Great Location, But Disappointing Stay I stayed at Hotel Stripes for 11 nights, and while the location was excellent—close to a train-monorail station, main attractions, and plenty of restaurants in a quiet area—the overall experience was disappointing and not what I expected from a 5-star hotel. The staff were polite and helpful, but they were not always available around the pool area and during breakfast service. The room was a major letdown. With no windows or balcony, limited natural light, and insufficient indoor lighting, it felt dark and claustrophobic. Additionally, the bedding, especially the pillows, didn’t feel clean and should be thoroughly washed or replaced. The WiFi connection was extremely poor throughout my stay, which was frustrating and inconvenient. The swimming pool area was unsafe and poorly managed. I witnessed a guest slip on wet stairs, dislocating his shoulder and requiring an ambulance. No staff were present during the incident, and the wet stairs made the area hazardous. The poolside bar was left unmanaged during day hours, and while there was a water dispenser, water glasses were often unavailable. Breakfast was another disappointment. The food options were very limited, and the quality was poor—not what you’d expect from a hotel with a 5-star rating. While the location and polite staff were positives, the overall experience fell far short of expectations. After 11 nights here, I can confidently say I wouldn’t recommend this hotel or stay here again.
FromIDR 1,104,532
4.4/5Excellent660 Reviews
China Town Kuala Lumpur|1.95km from city center
nice hotel clean , near china town many restaurants around just 5 mints to city center, value for money
FromIDR 519,244

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Swimming pool

4.6/5Outstanding1778 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur|1.16km from city center
This is our first time booked JW Marriot. We booked Deluxe room but upgraded us to Executive room . Their customer service is good and very polite , it’s amazed me. The cons part is the mineral water provided in the room. It’s hard to open and WiFi quite poor , we always got disconnected. The overall experience it’s good and definitely will be back again .
FromIDR 1,651,105
4.6/5Outstanding1309 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur City Centre Kuala Lumpur|0.58km from city center
I recently stayed at Traders Hotel KLCC and had a great experience. Upon arrival, there was a delay in the check-in process, but the hotel more than made up for it by upgrading me to a suite room and offering two complimentary breakfasts. This gesture was highly appreciated and set the tone for an enjoyable stay. The suite was spacious, well-maintained, and offered a stunning view of the KLCC skyline. The amenities were top-notch, with a comfortable bed, a well-equipped work area, and a luxurious bathroom. Housekeeping did an excellent job keeping the room clean and stocked with essentials. Breakfast at the hotel was a highlight, with a wide selection of delicious local and international dishes. The service at the restaurant was attentive, and the overall dining experience was pleasant. The hotel's location is unbeatable, with direct access to KLCC Park and Suria KLCC Mall via a convenient covered walkway. The buggy service to the mall was a nice touch, making it easy to get around. Overall, despite the initial check-in delay, the excellent service, comfortable stay, and prime location made my experience at Traders Hotel KLCC very enjoyable. Would definitely stay here again!
FromIDR 1,564,564
4.6/5Outstanding1500 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur|1.29km from city center
Ritz Carlton is a long standing name in hospitality industry. Ritz Carlton Kuala Lumpur is a nice place to stay. It has that retro vibe of the 80’s and 90’s. The amenities are great and staff all around were extremely friendly and polite. Breakfast was delicious with very generous meals and a great variety of east meets west. Perfect! The location of the hotel is its main advantage if you wanna enjoy shopping and eateries of the Pavilion Malls or just take a walk in the crowded streets of Bukit Bintang. We will certainly come back.
FromIDR 2,227,283
4.4/5Excellent1535 Reviews
Mid Valley City Kuala Lumpur|7.33km from city center
Very spacious good size Car park free I like the king size bed mattress very very comfortable Bathrooms (shower) many molds room 303 Water pressure is really good Aircond need service & cleaning Cleanest need to be improve 7/10 Overall ok
FromIDR 751,537
4.3/5Excellent1076 Reviews
Mid Valley City Kuala Lumpur|7.12km from city center
I arrived at 0020am. Got free upgraded to grand deluxe room. I extended my stays and also can remain on the same room (even i booked standard room). Very spacious room and toilet. I went to work for 2 days at Kepong and left my 10yr old boy alone. This place is safe. Dont worry about ghst or anything else.
FromIDR 1,270,781

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4.3/5Excellent834 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur City Centre Kuala Lumpur|0.89km from city center
Room is clean. Good services from staff. All of the staff that we met during our stay are friendly and approachable. And at the very last minute, we wanted to check out slightly later, staff were understanding and allowed us to check out late. Overall, we love our stay over here.
FromIDR 712,822
4.6/5Outstanding578 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur City Centre Kuala Lumpur|0.6km from city center
We had an enjoyable two days in KL staying at EQ. The staff (from the reception to the security staff) are friendly and helpful which made the stay as stress free as possible. Breakfast at Nipah was excellent with a good selection of International cuisines. We were able to get tables quickly and the service staff were also on hand to clear away used plates and cutlery quickly. I liked the bookshop opposite for its eclectic selection of books as well. I appreciated the complimentary minibar which was topped up daily. Carpark was safe with security staff present at each level and it was relatively easy to get my EV charged during my stay. The room was really clean and well-maintained and other than the malfunctioning coffee maker that was replaced, I thought it was comfortable for a party of 4 (3 adults and 1 child.). As the hotel is located in the heart of town, expect the roads to be congested during peak hours which will make travel by car more inconvenient than normal. Thanks to the entire staff of EQ for a wonderful experience! Keep up the good work!
FromIDR 3,117,741
3.9/5384 Reviews
China Town Kuala Lumpur|1.73km from city center
The bathroom and toilet area got cockroaches. The room space is wide. Nearby only have mini mart. Beside got a GBM building. Some fast food restaurants. Th Check in counter the lady staff is very friendly and polite. Will try their 2 bedroom suites next time.
FromIDR 396,265
4.5/5Excellent786 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur|2km from city center
Room is clean and spacious. Best feature is the water dispenser with both hot and cold water which makes water refill so easy. Bathroom has basic amenities and the shower head has a comfortable water pressure. Reception and security staff are friendly and helpful. Location is convenient, a short walk to Berjaya Times Square, although need to dash across the busy road. Overall a satisfactory stay.
FromIDR 847,187
4.1/5Very Good263 Reviews
Kuala Lumpur|1.62km from city center
It was good but it could be better, especially ranked as a 4-star hotel, they can do more to improve their customer experience. I dialed the reception to double check it a late check out was ok and he said “Yes, before 1 pm” and about 12:18 he called my room and asked what time I wanted to check out. Well, huhh?? The pool was ok. Without the barriers you would enjoy the views more but I understand the safety protocol. The location is in the city center, so.
FromIDR 448,645

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Hari Waisak—12 Mei (Senin)

Wesak, juga dieja Vesak, adalah hari libur yang dirayakan oleh umat Buddha di seluruh dunia. Istilah Vesak berasal dari nama bulan dalam kalender India. Perayaan ini merupakan salah satu perayaan yang paling penting dalam kalender Buddha karena memperingati tiga peristiwa penting dalam kehidupan Buddha Gautama, yaitu hari kelahirannya, pencerahannya, dan kematiannya. Kadang-kadang juga disebut sebagai Hari Lahir Buddha, Hari Buddha, atau Buddha Purnima. Wesak adalah momen yang dihormati oleh penganut Buddha untuk merenungkan ajaran Buddha, melakukan persembahan, dan berbuat kebajikan.

Ulang Tahun YDP Agong—2 Juni-3 Juni (Senin-Selasa)

Hari Keputeraan Yang di-Pertuan Agong disambut pada hari Isnin pertama pada bulan Jun dan jatuh pada 3 Jun pada tahun 2024. Cuti umum ini memberikan orang Melayu kesempatan untuk merayakan hari lahir raja mereka. Hari lahir kepala negara ini dirayakan di seluruh Malaysia, tetapi acara utamanya berlangsung di Kuala Lumpur. Perarakan tentera yang berwarna-warni diadakan untuk menunjukkan kesetiaan mereka kepada raja yang berkuasa, dan ribuan tamu kehormatan termasuk pegawai kanan kerajaan, komandan tentera, dan anggota keluarga kerajaan Malaysia hadir dalam acara tersebut. Mereka semua berkumpul untuk merayakan ulang tahun Agong dan menghormati peran pentingnya dalam kepemimpinan negara.

Anda mungkin tertarik dengan konten ini:

Terbang Tinggi Tanpa Khawatir dengan "Promo Tiket Pesawat" Terbaik dari Trip.com!
18 Tempat Wisata di Malaysia yang Lagi Hits!
Panduan Lengkap tentang Visa Malaysia 2025

Hari Raya Haji—7 Juni-9 Juni (Sabtu-Senin)

Hari Raya Haji—7 Juni-9 Juni (Sabtu-Senin)

Hari Raya Haji, yang dianggap sebagai nama tempatan Malaysia untuk hari raya umat Islam Eid al-Adha, juga dikenal sebagai "Hari Raya Korban" atau "Aidiladha". Hari ini jatuh pada 18 Jun 2024. Secara umum, masyarakat tempatan merayakannya dengan bangun awal untuk melaksanakan salat, pergi ke masjid untuk mendengarkan khutbah, mengenakan pakaian baru, mengunjungi keluarga dan teman-teman, serta menikmati hidangan besar dan perayaan. Hari Raya Haji adalah momen penting bagi umat Islam di Malaysia untuk mengenang kisah Nabi Ibrahim dan pengorbanannya yang besar. Selain itu, juga menjadi kesempatan untuk saling berbagi dengan memberikan daging kurban kepada yang membutuhkan. Semoga perayaan ini membawa sukacita dan kebersamaan bagi semua umat Islam di Malaysia.

Awal Muharram—27 Juni-29 Juni (Jumat-Minggu)

Awal Muharram—27 Juni-29 Juni (Jumat-Minggu)

Awal Muharram (dikenal sebagai Maal Hijrah di Malaysia) adalah perayaan yang menyambut awal tahun baru Islam dan memiliki makna sejarah yang penting bagi umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Nama "Awal Muharram" berasal dari kata "haram", yang berarti suci, dan bulan ini dianggap sebagai bulan yang paling suci setelah bulan Ramadhan. Selama Awal Muharram, umat Islam dianjurkan untuk menjauhkan diri dari konflik dan pertikaian.

Dalam rangka memperingati Awal Muharram, umat Islam di Malaysia menghadiri berbagai kegiatan keagamaan seperti nyanyian rohani, pertemuan agama, serta melaksanakan solat hajat dan mendengarkan khutbah khusus di tempat-tempat umum dan masjid. Perayaan ini diadakan di seluruh negara untuk menghormati peristiwa hijrah Nabi Muhammad SAW dari Mekah ke Madinah, yang merupakan titik awal dalam sejarah Islam.

Awal Muharram juga menjadi waktu yang penting bagi umat Islam untuk merenungkan dan memperkuat keyakinan mereka. Selain itu, ini juga menjadi kesempatan untuk mempererat hubungan dengan sesama umat Islam dan menyebarkan pesan perdamaian dan kasih sayang di antara komunitas. Semoga perayaan Awal Muharram membawa kedamaian dan berkah bagi umat Islam di Malaysia dan di seluruh dunia.

Hari Nasional—31 Agustus-1 Sep (Minggu-Senin)

Tanggal 31 Agustus menandai hari kemerdekaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dari Inggris pada tahun 1957. Secara umum, masyarakat Malaysia merayakan acara ini dengan penuh kegembiraan, kembang api, dan Perarakan Merdeka. Meskipun setiap kota besar memiliki perayaan Hari Merdeka mereka sendiri, Kuala Lumpur menjadi pusat perayaan yang tak terlupakan.

Pada hari tersebut, bendera berkibar dengan gagahnya dan senyum terpancar di setiap sudut, melambangkan patriotisme dan cinta rakyat Malaysia terhadap negara mereka yang unik. Ini juga menjadi pengingat bagi semua warga Malaysia untuk menghargai perjuangan yang telah dilakukan oleh nenek moyang kita dan untuk mendidik generasi saat ini tentang semangat kemerdekaan.

Perayaan Hari Merdeka juga menjadi waktu yang penting untuk merenungkan nilai-nilai kebebasan, persatuan, dan kemajuan yang telah dicapai sejak kemerdekaan. Ini adalah kesempatan bagi masyarakat Malaysia untuk bersatu, meningkatkan semangat nasionalisme, dan berkomitmen untuk membangun masa depan yang lebih baik bagi negara mereka.

Hari Malaysia——16 Sep (Selasa)

Hari Malaysia adalah hari kebebasan yang dirayakan setiap tahun pada tanggal 16 September, yang menandai pembentukan Persekutuan Malaysia. Dalam bahasa Melayu, Hari Malaysia dikenal sebagai Hari Malaysia. Karena tema Hari Malaysia secara keseluruhan sangat patriotik bagi banyak warga Malaysia.

Untuk memperingati kedaulatan Malaysia, Hari Malaysia telah ditetapkan sebagai hari libur resmi sejak tahun 2010. Hari libur ini memberikan kesempatan bagi warga Malaysia untuk mempelajari sejarah negara mereka sambil menikmati perayaan bersama teman dan keluarga.

Hari Malaysia juga menjadi waktu yang penting untuk merenungkan nilai-nilai persatuan dan keragaman yang menjadi dasar pembentukan Persekutuan Malaysia. Ini adalah kesempatan bagi warga Malaysia untuk menghargai warisan budaya mereka dan memperkuat ikatan sosial antara berbagai etnis dan agama yang ada di negara ini.

🔥🔥🔥🔥Temukan Tiket Pesawat Malaysia dengan Harga Terjangkau hanya di Trip.com! Dapatkan penawaran menarik dan pilihan maskapai terbaik untuk perjalanan Anda. Pesan sekarang dan rasakan pengalaman perjalanan yang tak terlupakan!

  • Round-trip
  • One way

Crossed out prices are calculated based on the average price of the corresponding route on Trip.com.

Hari Deepavali——20 Okt (Senin)

Deepavali adalah perayaan paling meriah bagi umat Hindu di seluruh dunia, dan merupakan hari libur resmi di banyak negara dengan populasi Hindu yang signifikan, termasuk Malaysia. Tanggal Deepavali ditentukan berdasarkan kalender lunar Hindu, sehingga tanggalnya dalam kalender Gregorian berbeda setiap tahun.

Deepavali, juga dikenal sebagai Festival Cahaya, adalah perayaan yang dipenuhi dengan kegembiraan dan keceriaan. Perayaan ini melibatkan pemujaan kepada Dewi Lakshmi, dewi kekayaan dan kemakmuran, serta menghormati kemenangan cahaya atas kegelapan dan kebaikan atas kejahatan.

Hari Natal——25 Des (Kamis)

Hari Natal——25 Des (Kamis)

Hari Krismas dirayakan di seluruh Malaysia setiap tanggal 25 Desember untuk memperingati kelahiran Yesus. Sebagai salah satu acara penting dalam kalender liburan tahunan, Hari Krismas juga menjadi waktu yang sibuk untuk berbelanja dan bepergian. Orang-orang di Malaysia biasanya merayakan Hari Krismas dengan pertemuan keluarga tradisional dan pertukaran hadiah.

Kuala Lumpur, sebagai ibu kota Malaysia, memiliki iklim tropis yang membuatnya musim panas sepanjang tahun. Di mana-mana terdapat kehidupan tumbuhan hijau yang indah. Pengunjung dapat mengunjungi Dataran Merdeka atau Masjid Negara untuk menjelajahi lanskap budaya. Mereka yang lebih suka menghabiskan liburan mereka dengan mencoba makanan lokal yang lezat dapat pergi ke Petaling Street atau mencoba hidangan fusion di restoran mewah seperti Cilantro.

🎉🎉🎉Nikmati Promo Code Hotel dan Promo Tiket Pesawat yang menarik hanya di Trip.com! Dapatkan diskon eksklusif untuk penerbangan Anda dan jadikan perjalanan Anda lebih hemat dan menyenangkan. Pesan sekarang dan manfaatkan kode promo ini untuk pengalaman perjalanan yang tak terlupakan.

Kesimpulan Hari Libur Nasional 2025

Cuti umum Malaysia 2025 menawarkan gambaran yang menarik tentang kepelbagaian budaya dan tradisi yang bersemangat di negara ini. Baik Anda seorang penduduk tempatan yang ingin merencanakan tahun Anda atau seorang wisatawan yang ingin menjelajahi budaya lokal, panduan ini memberikan wawasan berharga dan praktis. Nikmati perayaan, hormati tradisi, dan nikmati pengalaman unik yang ditawarkan oleh cuti umum Malaysia.

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Hari Libur Malaysia