Daftar Hari Libur di Jepang 2025

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By Rama

Jepang, sebuah negara yang kaya akan budaya dan tradisi yang memikat, menawarkan pengalaman liburan yang tak terlupakan bagi para wisatawan. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan menjelajahi keindahan budaya Jepang yang unik dan tradisi yang mempesona yang dapat dinikmati selama hari libur di Jepang yang menakjubkan ini.

Kalender Hari Libur di Jepang 2025-Trip.com
❤️❤️❤️Apakah Anda berencana untuk mengunjungi Jepang? Jika ya, maka inilah saatnya untuk memastikan Anda memiliki eSIM Japan yang tepat sebelum berangkat! Dengan eSIM, Anda akan merasakan kemudahan dan kenyamanan dalam menjelajahi negara yang menakjubkan ini, termasuk kota-kota utama seperti Tokyo, Kyoto, dan Osaka.

Perlu pilihan fleksibel lainnya? Sesuaikan & pilih dari produk eSIM unggulan Jepang kami!

4G/5G eSIM Jepang

  • CakupanJepang
  • Data100MB hingga 50 GB
  • Validitas1 hingga 30 Hari
  • Hargadari Rp 9,655
  • Ulasan (4.6 ★)779 ulasan
  • Pemesanan12k+ Pemesanan

5G eSIM Jepang

  • CakupanJepang
  • Data500MB hingga 30 GB
  • Validitas1 hingga 30 Hari
  • Hargadari Rp 9,655
  • Ulasan (4.6 ★)352 Ulasan
  • Pemesanan4k+ Pemesanan

KDDI 5G eSIM Jepang

  • CakupanJepang
  • Data5G/hari,100G
  • Validitas4 hingga 15 Hari
  • Hargadari Rp 149,110
  • Ulasan (4.6 ★)82 Ulasan
  • Pemesanan1k+ Pemesanan

Kalender Hari Libur di Jepang 2025

Hari libur di Jepang merujuk pada hari-hari yang diakui secara resmi sebagai hari libur nasional di negara tersebut. Hari libur ini memberikan kesempatan bagi penduduk setempat untuk beristirahat, merayakan, dan menikmati waktu luang mereka. Selain itu, hari libur juga menjadi waktu yang populer bagi wisatawan untuk mengunjungi Jepang dan menikmati keindahan budaya serta tradisi yang unik. Berikut adalah daftar tanggal Hari Libur Nasional di Jepang beserta nama hari.

TanggalNama Hari
1 JanuariHari Libur Tahun Baru
Hari Senin ke-2 JanuariHari Peringatan Dewasa Baru
11 FebruariHari Pendirian Negara
23 FebruariHari Ulang Tahun Kaisar
20 atau 21 Maret*Hari Keseimbangan Musim Semi
29 AprilHari Showa
3 MeiHari Konstitusi
4 MeiHari Hijau
5 MeiHari Anak
Hari Senin ke-3 JuliHari Laut
Hari Senin ke-3 SeptemberHari Hormat kepada Orang Tua Tua
22 atau 23 September*Hari Keseimbangan Musim Gugur
Hari Senin ke-2 OktoberHari Kesehatan dan Olahraga
3 NovemberHari Budaya
23 NovemberHari Peringatan Buruh
🎉"Promo Tiket Pesawat Gila! Terbang ke Impian, Nikmati Harga Spesial!" - Manfaatkan kesempatan ini sekarang juga dengan memesan tiket pesawat jakarta tokyo, dan Anda akan menikmati penawaran spesial yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya!

  • One way
  • Round-trip

Crossed out prices are calculated based on the average price of the corresponding route on Trip.com.

Hari Libur Tahun Baru

1 Januari

Hari Libur Tahun Baru di Jepang, yang dikenal sebagai "Shogatsu" dalam bahasa Jepang, adalah salah satu perayaan paling penting dan meriah di negara tersebut. Perayaan ini dimulai pada tanggal 1 Januari dan berlangsung selama beberapa hari.

Selama Hari Libur Tahun Baru, orang Jepang mengambil cuti panjang dan menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga mereka. Mereka melakukan berbagai tradisi dan kegiatan khusus untuk menyambut tahun yang baru.

Salah satu tradisi yang paling terkenal adalah "Hatsumode", yaitu kunjungan ke kuil atau kuil untuk berdoa dan mengucapkan terima kasih atas tahun yang lalu serta memohon keberuntungan untuk tahun yang baru. Kuil-kuil terkenal seperti Kuil Meiji di Tokyo atau Kuil Fushimi Inari di Kyoto menjadi tujuan populer bagi orang-orang yang ingin melakukan Hatsumode.

Hari Libur Tahun Baru

Hari Peringatan Dewasa Baru

Hari Senin ke-2 Januari

"Seijin no Hi" atau "Hari Peringatan Dewasa Baru" adalah hari libur nasional yang dirayakan setiap tahun pada hari Senin kedua bulan Januari.

Hari Peringatan Dewasa Baru adalah perayaan penting di Jepang yang menandai transisi remaja menjadi dewasa. Pada hari ini, orang-orang yang berusia 20 tahun pada tahun tersebut diundang untuk menghadiri upacara khusus yang diadakan di kota-kota mereka.

Selama upacara ini, para pemuda dan pemudi mengenakan pakaian tradisional Jepang yang disebut "furisode" (untuk wanita) dan "hakama" (untuk pria) dan menghadiri pidato dan acara seremonial lainnya. Mereka juga menerima ucapan selamat dan hadiah dari keluarga dan teman-teman mereka.

💯💯Tips: Jadikan liburan Anda lebih berkesan dengan menginap di hotel di tokyo yang menakjubkan. Temukan promo code menarik di Trip.com dan rasakan sensasi liburan yang sesungguhnya!

Hari Pendirian Negara

11 Februari

Hari Pendirian Negara di Jepang, yang dikenal sebagai "Kenkoku Kinen no Hi" dalam bahasa Jepang, dirayakan setiap tahun pada tanggal 11 Februari. Hari ini memperingati berdirinya Jepang sebagai negara yang disatukan di bawah pemerintahan Kaisar Jimmu pada tahun 660 SM.

Perayaan Hari Pendirian Negara dimulai dengan upacara resmi di Kuil Kashihara Jingu, yang terletak di Prefektur Nara. Upacara ini dihadiri oleh anggota keluarga kekaisaran, pejabat pemerintah, dan warga Jepang lainnya.

Selain upacara resmi, terdapat juga berbagai acara dan perayaan yang diadakan di seluruh Jepang. Ini termasuk parade, pertunjukan seni tradisional, festival makanan, dan pameran budaya yang menampilkan warisan dan sejarah Jepang.

🎉🎉🎉Mungkin Anda juga Ingin Baca:
16 Tempat Wisata di Jepang yang Akan Membuat Anda Terpesona-Trip.com
Panduan Lengkap eSIM Japan-Trip.com
Panduan Lengkap tentang Persyaratan dan Proses Permohonan untuk Visa Jepang

Hari Ulang Tahun Kaisar

23 Februari

Hari libur ini ditetapkan untuk merayakan ulang tahun Kaisar Jepang. Kaisar adalah simbol dan pemimpin spiritual Jepang. Hari Ulang Tahun Kaisar adalah hari libur nasional di Jepang dan merupakan kesempatan penting bagi rakyat Jepang untuk mengungkapkan penghormatan dan doa terbaik kepada Kaisar.

Pada hari ini, Jepang mengadakan berbagai acara perayaan. Di ibu kota Tokyo, ada parade besar yang menarik ribuan penonton. Parade ini menampilkan berbagai pertunjukan, musik, dan tarian untuk memperlihatkan budaya dan tradisi Jepang. Orang-orang juga mengunjungi Istana Kekaisaran untuk melihat-lihat. Meskipun biasanya tidak dapat diakses oleh publik, pada Hari Ulang Tahun Kaisar, sebagian dari Istana Kekaisaran dibuka untuk umum, sehingga orang-orang dapat merasakan keagungan dan sejarah Kerajaan.

Hari Ulang Tahun Kaisar
😍😍Trip.com menawarkan berbagai kode promo terbaik yang tidak boleh Anda lewatkan! Sebelum memesan hotel di tokyo atau tiket pesawat jakarta ke tokyo, pastikan untuk mengunjungi kami dan temukan penawaran menarik yang dapat menghemat pengeluaran perjalanan Anda.

Hari Keseimbangan Musim Semi

20 atau 21 Maret*

Hari libur ini merayakan peralihan ke musim semi. Hari Keseimbangan Musim Semi adalah momen penting dalam kalender lunar Jepang yang menandai awal musim semi. Pada Hari Keseimbangan Musim Semi, orang-orang berterima kasih atas anugerah alam, berdoa untuk kesehatan, kebahagiaan, dan panen yang melimpah.

Pada Hari Keseimbangan Musim Semi, orang Jepang mengunjungi kuil atau kuil Shinto untuk berdoa atas keamanan dan keberuntungan. Mereka memberikan bunga segar, lilin, dan papan doa sebagai ungkapan penghormatan dan doa kepada dewa. Beberapa kuil dan kuil juga mengadakan upacara khusus dan acara perayaan yang menarik banyak peserta.

Selain itu, Hari Keseimbangan Musim Semi juga merupakan waktu yang baik untuk menikmati bunga. Jepang terkenal dengan keindahan bunga sakura, setiap musim semi, ribuan orang berkumpul di taman dan kebun untuk menikmati mekarnya bunga sakura.

Hari Keseimbangan Musim Semi

Hari Showa

29 April

Hari Showa adalah salah satu hari libur nasional di Jepang yang dirayakan setiap tanggal 29 April. Hari ini memperingati masa pemerintahan Kaisar Showa, yang merupakan nama gelar Kaisar Hirohito, yang berkuasa dari tahun 1926 hingga 1989.

Hari Showa memiliki makna penting dalam sejarah Jepang karena mencakup periode yang meliputi Perang Dunia II dan masa pemulihan pasca perang. Selama masa pemerintahan Kaisar Showa, Jepang mengalami banyak perubahan sosial, politik, dan ekonomi yang signifikan.

Pada Hari Showa, orang Jepang mengadakan berbagai upacara dan acara peringatan untuk menghormati warisan dan kontribusi Kaisar Showa. Di Tokyo, ada upacara kenegaraan yang dihadiri oleh anggota keluarga kekaisaran, pejabat pemerintah, dan masyarakat umum. Selain itu, orang-orang juga mengunjungi kuil dan kuil Shinto untuk berdoa dan memberikan penghormatan kepada Kaisar Showa.

🔥Mungkin Anda juga Ingin Membaca Informasi Berikut:

💕Panduan Lengkap tentang Visa Jepang
🌸Panduan Lengkap Tokyo Metro bagi Wisatawan Indonesia
💕Daftar Hari Libur di Jepang 2025
🌸Disneyland Tokyo: Petualangan Ajaib di Dunia!
💕16 Tempat Wisata di Jepang yang Lagi Hits!
🌸Beli Tiket Shibuya Sky Sekarang!
💕Panduan Lengkap eSIM Japan

Hari Konstitusi

3 Mei

Hari Konstitusi, atau yang dalam bahasa Jepang disebut "Kenpo Kinenbi", adalah salah satu hari libur nasional di Jepang yang dirayakan setiap tanggal 3 Mei. Hari ini memperingati berlakunya Konstitusi Jepang pada tahun 1947.

Konstitusi Jepang, yang dikenal sebagai "Kenpo" dalam bahasa Jepang, adalah hukum dasar negara yang menetapkan struktur pemerintahan, hak-hak warga negara, dan prinsip-prinsip dasar yang mengatur hubungan antara pemerintah dan rakyat. Konstitusi ini menggambarkan Jepang sebagai negara demokratis yang menghormati hak asasi manusia, kedaulatan rakyat, dan perdamaian.

Hari Konstitusi adalah kesempatan bagi masyarakat Jepang untuk merayakan dan menghargai pentingnya nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam Konstitusi Jepang. Pada hari ini, banyak orang menghadiri upacara kenegaraan, seminar, atau diskusi yang berkaitan dengan konstitusi dan demokrasi. Sekolah-sekolah juga mengadakan kegiatan khusus untuk mempelajari dan memahami arti penting dari Konstitusi Jepang.

Hari Hijau

4 Mei

Hari Hijau, atau yang dalam bahasa Jepang disebut "Midori no Hi", adalah hari libur nasional di Jepang yang dirayakan setiap tanggal 4 Mei. Hari ini merupakan bagian dari Golden Week, serangkaian hari libur berturut-turut yang dimulai pada akhir April hingga awal Mei.

Hari Hijau adalah hari untuk menghargai alam dan lingkungan. Banyak orang Jepang menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan alam terbuka seperti hiking, piknik, atau mengunjungi taman atau kebun botani. Selain itu, ada juga kegiatan yang berfokus pada pelestarian lingkungan, seperti membersihkan pantai atau mengikuti lokakarya tentang penghijauan.

🌟🌟Tips: Segera rencanakan liburan Anda dengan mendapatkan tiket pesawat jakarta ke tokyo melalui Trip.com. Manfaatkan promo tiket pesawat terbaik dan mulailah petualangan tak terlupakan di ibu kota yang dinamis ini!

  • One way
  • Round-trip

Crossed out prices are calculated based on the average price of the corresponding route on Trip.com.

Hari Anak

5 Mei

Hari Anak, atau yang dalam bahasa Jepang disebut "Kodomo no Hi", dirayakan setiap tanggal 5 Mei. Hari ini adalah bagian dari perayaan tradisional Jepang yang dikenal sebagai Tango no Sekku atau Hari Pemurnian. Pada Hari Anak, orang Jepang merayakan kebahagiaan dan kesehatan anak-anak.

Salah satu simbol utama dari Hari Anak adalah koinobori, yaitu bendera ikan yang terbuat dari kain yang dikibas-kibaskan di udara. Setiap ikan melambangkan anggota keluarga, dengan ikan terbesar mewakili ayah, diikuti oleh ikan yang lebih kecil mewakili ibu dan anak-anak. Selain itu, orang Jepang juga menghiasi rumah mereka dengan iris dan daun eukaliptus, yang diyakini memiliki kekuatan melindungi anak-anak dari bahaya.

Hari Anak

Sumber dari Tokyo Disneyland

🥰🥰🥰Temukan pengalaman menginap yang tak terlupakan di Jepang dengan Trip.com! Kami menawarkan pilihan hotel murah dan berkualitas tinggi yang akan membuat perjalanan Anda semakin istimewa.

Hotel Terbaik di Jepang

5 star

4.7/5Outstanding533 Reviews
Central Tokyo Tokyo|2.87km from city center
Great hotel close to stations and very walkable area with places to eat. Def recommend. A few things to note is that check in desk does close for the night. Other than that i dont see many flaws, rooms are spacious with nice views.
FromIDR 4,404,464
4.7/5Outstanding959 Reviews
Ginza/Tsukiji Tokyo|0.66km from city center
The hotel is magnificent, with the luxury of the last century. The rooms are comfortable and well equipped. After staying, you will feel the attentive service everywhere. Problems are dealing quickly and efficiently. If you sit near the window in the restaurant on the 17th floor, you can enjoy the view of Hibiya Park and the garden of Imperial Palace. Ginza is also within easy walking distance and Takarazuka Theatre is nearby. When you need a taxi, there is always one waiting to serve you. If you need to buy gifts, the underground level has everything.
FromIDR 7,503,985
4.6/5Outstanding880 Reviews
Tokyo Tower Area Tokyo|2.04km from city center
This hotel offers exceptional service and breathtaking views of Tokyo Bay. The staff are attentive, ensuring every detail of your stay is flawless. Rooms are spacious, well-appointed, and boast floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the shimmering bay. The tranquil ambiance, combined with easy access to attractions, makes it a perfect retreat in Tokyo.
FromIDR 5,752,676
4.6/5Outstanding2657 Reviews
Suidobashi/Tokyo Dome Tokyo|3.75km from city center
The location was great for families with kids, lots of activities and attractions near by. Breakfast was good and friendly service. However, a bit hard to find family-friendly restaurants near by at night, they're mostly 18+ bars. Bedroom was very nice, however the bathrooms are a bit dated and needs and upgrade to match the rest of the room. The hotel had a pool but charged a ridiculous amount per person just to use it, I'm a frequent traveller, but this is the first time I've ever experienced being charged to use the pool, so that was a let down. Overall decent stay though.
FromIDR 1,856,069
4.5/5Excellent945 Reviews
Tokyo Tower Area Tokyo|2.41km from city center
The room is super big and with king size bed 🛌 We can view the Tokyo tower in our room balcony 🗼 Must order in room service breakfast the night before 😍most of the staffs in Japan do not speak fluent English but this hotel do! Staffs are helpful and polite The bathroom got a jacuzzi 😍 super nice Skincare set is available !
FromIDR 5,167,388

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Business travel

4.4/5Excellent1039 Reviews
Ginza/Tsukiji Tokyo|0.29km from city center
Great location in the heart of ginza with nice lobby and amenities. Rooms are small as expected but clean and comfortable. Breakfast options are limited and quality is ok
FromIDR 1,607,834
4.6/5Outstanding719 Reviews
Ginza/Tsukiji Tokyo|0.49km from city center
The location was unbeatable, offering breathtaking views of the city skyline, especially at night. The rooms were modern and impeccably clean, with all the amenities you would expect from a high-end hotel. The staff was extremely courteous and helpful, going above and beyond to ensure a comfortable stay. However, the only area that could use some improvement was the in-room Wi-Fi. While it worked, the connection was not as reliable as I would have liked. This minor issue aside, I would highly recommend this hotel to anyone visiting Tokyo—it’s truly an exceptional place to stay, and I look forward to returning!
FromIDR 2,985,652
4.5/5Excellent1175 Reviews
Tokyo Tower Area Tokyo|2.05km from city center
The room was clean but a bit on the smaller side, and some of the hotel facilities, like the shower head, seemed a bit outdated and weren't the most comfortable. Despite this, I thoroughly enjoyed my stay at Prince Hotel. The staff was attentive and friendly, always responding promptly. Honestly, if you're looking for a hotel with a great view of Tokyo Tower, this would be a fantastic option. However, if the view isn’t a priority, you might want to explore other hotels within the same price range.
FromIDR 2,748,804
4.4/5Excellent431 Reviews
Ginza/Tsukiji Tokyo|0.34km from city center
This hotel is fantastic. My teenager son and I stayed at Standard Twin Room for 7 nights. Wonderful comfortable stay with good housekeeping staff who changed our bedsheets daily. We also love the helpful and polite front desk staff. They were very accommodative to our request to top up a some difference to stay in same room as we had multiple bookings as the same room type wasn't available at point of booking. Big plus point for having a smart pack machine which we used to compress our clothings and soft toys for 100yen per pack. Its the best thing for a hotel to have! Location was good. Short & easy walk to 3 train stations. Surrounded by popular restaurants and coffee places. We will surely stay in this hotel again when we return to Tokyo in ffuture. Con: room doesnt come with bottle water but u can request or get beverages from the beverage counter next to front desk on L2. Combini has alot of beverages to choose from so we weren't too concerned about it. Compact bathroom but it serve its purpose
FromIDR 2,336,598
4.5/5Excellent476 Reviews
Tokyo Station/Nihonbashi Tokyo|0.99km from city center
Good location, nearby commercial and biz buildings, Tokyo station (which is accessible to multiple JR and metro lines) and Kobayashi Station (Ginza Line). There are a number of good food outlets nearby, worth to walk around. Hotel Amenities are good except the room pillow (very grainy and hard). One pax only can select 1 pillow from their pillow selection near the reception, but not the regular “western” fluffy hotel pillow. Free drink and cocktail at lobby in the evening. Public bath available too! Coin Laundry available at 300yen and dryer is for free. They do segregate ladies and men level for public amenities. Thumbs up! But a guy came down to the ladies level to use the dryer (all the ladies were staring down at him, but he seems oblivious or pretend not to care). It was raining during the period of my stay. The reception was able to loan out umbrella! Great service! Room was small but sufficient for 1 pax. It’s Japan, I adapt. All in all, great place to stay in. Will definitely be back in the future!
FromIDR 1,890,230

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Family friendly

4.4/5Excellent3054 Reviews
Shinagawa Tokyo|5.46km from city center
Good sized room with a decent sized bathroom. You can choose from a number of eateries for the included breakfast. The breakfast buffet alone was worth the stay. It is right next to Shinagawa station, which allows for easy access to the metro, JR Lines, and Shinkansen
FromIDR 1,359,599
4.7/5Outstanding257 Reviews
Ginza/Tsukiji Tokyo|0.57km from city center
Classical hotel with modern facilities. We stayed in the Deluxe twin room, walk-in wardrobe with dressing table, bathroom with separate toilet, shower and bathtub, and two basins, bedroom with lounge, dining table and desk. There are both 110/240 volt power supply everywhere in the room, which is really convenient if you need to use equipment using 240 volt power supply. The room is huge, a total of 54 square meters! Services were excellent, I called the hotel to let them know that we will be arriving around 7am due to the flight schedule, when we arrived at 6am, surprisingly, our room was ready to check in! Restaurants were superb and the strawberry afternoon tea in the lobby was excellent. Hotel also has a full size gym, a huge swimming pool and a big spa as well. Overall, it is a great hotel!
FromIDR 17,699,841
4.7/5Outstanding413 Reviews
Ginza/Tsukiji Tokyo|0.74km from city center
We surprisingly found this to be a very convenient and charming hotel. It is a bit older, but because of that, it was quite spacious. The bed was large and comfy and there was a good variety of pillows to satisfy the different preferences. It was handy there was a limousine bus to the airport (Narita) right outside the front. Additionally we found out on day 2, there was a basement level that connected us directly to the train lines. Shinbashi station is very centrally located with a variety of subway and train lines, so it's very convenient to get around. The porters were very helpful on check out, and the newspaper service was a nice old school touch. Although older, everything worked. the elevators came promptly, the buttons, key card, air cond, heating, water, etc worked perfectly and were in even better working condition than some of the newer hotels we stayed at during our trip to Japan. Family Mart, Lawson and 7-11 all nearby which is handy and Ichiran 200m away as well. Walkable distance to Ginza's main shopping strip if you're up for it. Additionally, windows with a view - train station and other buildings but it was an open view where you could see the sky. Some other hotels we'd been to, our view was basically the building windows next door.
FromIDR 3,657,481
4.6/5Outstanding931 Reviews
Odaiba Tokyo|4.87km from city center
Nice and new hotel located close to train station. The room is clean and tidy with spacious area even it’s a 3-bed room. The breakfast is fantastic with varieties in Japanese and Western style for your selection. It’s a good choice when you stay at Tokyo Bay Area.
FromIDR 3,648,372
4.4/5Excellent1027 Reviews
Ueno/Asakusa Tokyo|4.66km from city center
Location is good, just opposite Ueno JR station and Metro is just right next to the hotel.  Lots of restaurants and shops nearby, very convenient.   The room is spacious and cozy compared with most of the hotels in Tokyo.   Friendly staff who offered free early check in for us.  This is the second time I stay in this hotel, sure will stay again for my next visit to Tokyo.
FromIDR 2,678,205

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Hot spring

4.3/5Excellent504 Reviews
Ginza/Tsukiji Tokyo|0.31km from city center
I love the location it’s super convenient. Staff are super polite and smiley. Service wise is not good too many strange rules firstly, there is no phone in the room. In case u need one it’s near the elevator on each floor to speak to the staff. The twin bed are way too big for us 2/3 of the room. I can’t even open my suitcase easily. Only one elevator in this 14 storeys hotel right next to their emergency stairways. There is a sign saying if you are in a rush please use the stairways but we were on the higher floor and it’s so cold February a few degrees Celsius ???? Well no thanks I shall wait patiently then…… No daily cleaning service we stayed 5 nights the hotel offered one time cleaning during our stay. All the dirty linens and garbage have to be placed outside your door by 10am if new towels needed. Strangely one bottle complimentary water was given to 2 guests daily together in a bag of towels and slippers toothbrush garbage bags. Only one washing machine ¥600 35mins, dryer ¥300 60mins available (cashless payment only) Onsen too small and poor facilities.
FromIDR 1,963,106
4.6/5Outstanding42 Reviews
Tokyo Station/Nihonbashi Tokyo|1.83km from city center
Hoshinoya is a very distinctive hotel. From the moment you enter the lobby, you have to take off your shoes. The lobby, corridors, elevators, and rooms are all decorated in tatami style, which is very clean. There is a very good hot spring on the top floor. After enjoying the hot spring, you will be served a glass of delicious ice milk. It is worth staying. Because the distance between the buildings is small, it is dark in the room, and there is no problem staying at night. But it will be a bit uncomfortable to stay in the hotel all day. The set meals ordered into the room are exquisite, but monotonous. So you can't always order in the room. This is the second time I have stayed in the same hotel, and the feeling is a little different. The first time was a bit shocking and very special. The second time, the experience is still very good, and the service quality must be five stars. Some waiters at the front desk are not good at English. Finally, a special point, in the afternoon, there was a traditional performance in the lobby, which echoed the traditional Japanese style inside the building, and it was very stylish.
4.2/5Very Good178 Reviews
Shinjuku Area Tokyo|5.44km from city center
We got recommended this hotel by numerous people and it had great reviews online but we did find it a bit overhyped and our least favourite hotel during our time in Japan. The room was a bit scuffed up and could have done with a bit of a freshen up in terms of decoration. That being said it was clean and fine for our stay. The staff were very friendly but didn’t really do much as you had to self check in and check out and I was not told I needed a special card to enter the women’s onsen. The hotel was a bit too busy as well and meant you had to wait a long time to get into the very slow lifts. The location was good though and in a very lively area. I think this hotel would be better suited to friends travelling together rather than a couple.
FromIDR 5,069,460
4.5/5Excellent582 Reviews
Ueno/Asakusa Tokyo|5.55km from city center
Room was quite small but expected for a hotel in the city. Some of the reception staff were helpful but some were a little rude. Cleanliness was not really up to expections but given the high volume of people in the hotel, it seems like they cannot keep up with the cleaning. Was quite disappointed as our stays in another onyado nono hotel was an amazing experience hence we wanted to come back to the same chain again.
FromIDR 2,076,976
4.6/5Outstanding908 Reviews
Odaiba Tokyo|4.46km from city center
Best hotel out of 4 hotels we stayed at. Central location, even though it was a bit of a walk to the station, but behind the hotel is literally a big shopping centre. Onsen is available at a discounted price for hotel guests, but we didn't go because the hotel room has a bathtub, so we use them as our private onsen. There is a free shuttle bus to Haneda Airport, but the earliest time is 8:30 am which might not be suitable if you have an early flight. Fortunately there is an Airport Limousine nearby too (same bus stop area) which you can book in advance, the earliest schedule is 7 am, and arrive at 8 am at Haneda Airport.
FromIDR 1,380,096

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4.6/5Outstanding1295 Reviews
Ginza/Tsukiji Tokyo|0.89km from city center
Provide the gym room and close to the subway . Only 3 mins.very small room but services is very good as they can replied my email about the language shipping question and help me pick up the luggage. Provide the skin care . Love it so much
FromIDR 2,682,760
4.6/5Outstanding925 Reviews
Odaiba Tokyo|4.76km from city center
I was there to join exhibition at big sight. Very near by exhibition centre and convenient. Room was small, but U know Japan….its cozy and got everything I need in such small room. Anyone to stay in the hotel, don’t miss the breakdast, which is excellent and a lot better than U may expect!
FromIDR 3,158,734
4.4/5Excellent162 Reviews
Akasaka Tokyo|2.21km from city center
Great Service Service is great. The hotel is located in a business district, so it's not so lively at night albeit it is close to Rippongi which is the the party place, and it's also easy to get to Shinjuku, Shibuya and Ginza, among others. the location is very good, near the subway station. Staff were all extremely accommodating, amicable and make it simple for the check in and check out process. Meals were good - generally great. We like the manners in which staff are so responsive and learned in their service to us.
FromIDR 7,096,333
4.7/5Outstanding186 Reviews
Shiodome Tokyo|0.94km from city center
I am very satisfied with every aspect of the hotel. The staff are warm and thoughtful, and the room is very clean. When I checked in near Christmas, I was given a limited-edition Christmas bear. It takes about 15 minutes to walk to Ginza.
FromIDR 5,420,178
4.7/5Outstanding399 Reviews
Tokyo Station/Nihonbashi Tokyo|1.42km from city center
The entrance to the hotel is at lobby level 1 but the reception is at level 27. Those who will travel to kyoto or Osaka. This hotel is just a walking distance to JR Shinkansen line. The subway or JR staff at the counter are able to communicate in English. The Green color suica card can be bought from the ticketing machine except the red color suica card for tourist (28days usage) only can be bought at airport. Restaurants and daimaru are in the JR building... Very convenient.
FromIDR 2,234,115

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Swimming pool

4.5/5Excellent643 Reviews
Odaiba Tokyo|5.01km from city center
My stay at Hilton was great! Overall I’d give it a 3/5 though. As amazing as the staff was, I was a bit disappointed with how they had extra charges for services and amenities. To use the pool there was an extra charge for each time. Luckily I was already a Hilton Honours member but if I wasn’t I’d have to pay for wifi as well. Just with the above 2 it’s a bit lame in the sense that they are pretty standard services. Like even train stations provide free wifi so it should be included in the charge. And for the spa it’s understandable if there’s a charge but for the pool ? Kinda a bummer. Anyways that’s the only negatives. For the pros, the location is just THE BEST!! You want to go anywhere, the station nearby is can take you to mainline stations within minutes. Odaiba itself is also pretty great itself with 2 big malls, many photogenic spots and the Gundam statue within 5 minute walk of the hotel. Staff is also exceptionally friendly and courteous. There’s heaps of restaurants within the hotel itself that have fine dining. Room was also pretty big and I had requested 2 twin beds and they made it happen. Overall for a 5 star hotel, the room could have been a bit fancier but it still sufficed. Would recommend a stay for sure!
FromIDR 4,593,487
4.4/5Excellent357 Reviews
Shinagawa Tokyo|4.69km from city center
The service was outstanding. Every staff member I encountered was friendly, attentive, and went out of their way to ensure that my stay was perfect. The concierge team was particularly helpful, providing great recommendations and assisting with transportation and reservations.
FromIDR 4,204,054
4.7/5Outstanding266 Reviews
Shibuya Tokyo|6.16km from city center
The room is spacious. The staff at the lobby are all helpful and friendly. Although the location is a bit far from the train station, it is still in an acceptable walking distance.
FromIDR 6,187,657
4.8/5Outstanding124 Reviews
Tokyo Station/Nihonbashi Tokyo|1.59km from city center
I chose Amman when I traveled to Tokyo for the first time. The hotel is really beautiful. The room was very quiet at night and I had a good rest. Unfortunately, I was out all day and didn't go to the restaurant in the hotel.
FromIDR 43,145,069
4.8/5Outstanding160 Reviews
Tokyo Station/Nihonbashi Tokyo|1.09km from city center
The historic and artistic Tokyo Station Hotel is one of my favorite hotels and has a great location with direct access from the airport and other cities. The staff is friendly and outstanding. I encountered some problems with my booking and the reception staff was very helpful and solved it quickly and efficiently, I was completely impressed by their professionalism and customer service. Breakfast was superb and the restaurant staff greet the guests with a smile and always be courteous. I stayed for 12 days and feel like home.

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4.6/5Outstanding252 Reviews
Central Tokyo Tokyo|3.01km from city center
The staff was great. This is a large hotel. The best things about it are: the gorgeous Japanese garden - just lovely. The rooms are clean. A newspaper was delivered every morning , which was a treat. The hotel is about a 10 minute walk for two different underground stations - but not difficult to get too. Staff arranged a cab to the airport for us. The outdoor pool was closed and there was a 50,000 yen change to use a gym with an indoor pool. We stayed in the “Main” - very nice, but the bathrooms are a wee bit dated and somewhat crowded. Perfectly functional and clean! I have found the pillows in Japan VERY firm and the New Otani is no exception. Perhaps having a pillow selection menu would be nice. We enjoyed our stay.
FromIDR 4,673,195
4.5/5Excellent876 Reviews
Tokyo Station/Nihonbashi Tokyo|2.06km from city center
The room is clean and neat. Although slightly smaller in space but just nice for two of us. understandable because of the location. It located near to the town, near to hibiya line and convenient to travel to famous place like ginza, shibuya, etc. Checkin and out is easy. It will be great if there is plain water dispenser in the lobby (tap water is drinkable and kettle is provided to boil it.) There is public washing machine (i remember is a coin washing machine) that you can wash your clothes and you can also monitor the washing machine status from the TV in your room which is quite convenient as well.
FromIDR 1,421,089
4.4/5Excellent219 Reviews
Ginza/Tsukiji Tokyo|0.36km from city center
It was easy to locate the hotel and there are several convenience stores nearby. The room itself was quite small. We had difficulty trying to open up 2 luggages. And there was limited space for walking. Nevertheless it was quite clean. Would recommend for the location (close to train station and tsukiji market)
FromIDR 2,316,101
4.5/5Excellent529 Reviews
Roppongi Tokyo|3.16km from city center
Excellent overnight stay before my trip to Chengdu. My first two trips to Japan I stayed in Airbnbs, but I liked the area of this hotel. It was clean, bed was good (for my taste) and I liked the pillows and massage chair. Nothing fussy and small, but service was impeccable.
FromIDR 2,063,311
4.4/5Excellent147 Reviews
Ginza/Tsukiji Tokyo|0.41km from city center
Great location. Friendly reception. The room was a bit too dark, the isolation of the window could be better. Clean room.
FromIDR 4,980,642

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Hari Laut

Hari Senin ke-3 Juli

Hari Laut adalah kesempatan bagi masyarakat Jepang untuk menghormati dan mempromosikan kesadaran akan pentingnya pelestarian laut dan sumber daya alamnya. Pada hari ini, banyak orang Jepang mengunjungi pantai, melakukan kegiatan air seperti berenang atau menyelam, atau mengikuti acara dan festival yang terkait dengan laut.

Selain itu, pada Hari Laut, sering kali diadakan upacara peringatan di pelabuhan-pelabuhan dan tempat-tempat lain yang terkait dengan laut. Selama upacara ini, doa-doa ditujukan untuk keselamatan para nelayan dan para pelaut, serta untuk melindungi laut dan ekosistemnya.

Hari Laut

Hari Hormat kepada Orang Tua Tua

Hari Senin ke-3 September

Hari Hormat kepada Orang Tua Tua adalah kesempatan bagi masyarakat Jepang untuk mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih dan penghargaan mereka kepada para orang tua dan orang tua tua atas peran dan kontribusi mereka dalam keluarga dan masyarakat. Pada hari ini, banyak orang Jepang mengunjungi atau menghubungi orang tua mereka, memberikan hadiah atau mengirimkan kartu ucapan, serta menghabiskan waktu bersama mereka.

Selain itu, pada Hari Hormat kepada Orang Tua Tua, sering kali diadakan acara dan upacara peringatan di tempat-tempat umum, seperti pusat perawatan lansia atau rumah sakit, untuk menghormati dan memberikan penghargaan kepada para orang tua dan orang tua tua yang telah memberikan kontribusi besar dalam kehidupan masyarakat.

Hari Keseimbangan Musim Gugur

22 atau 23 September*

Hari Keseimbangan Musim Gugur, atau yang dalam bahasa Jepang disebut "Shūbun no Hi", adalah salah satu dari dua hari dalam setahun yang disebut "Hari Equinox" di Jepang. Hari ini biasanya jatuh pada tanggal 22 atau 23 September, tergantung pada tahunnya.

Hari Keseimbangan Musim Gugur adalah hari libur nasional di Jepang yang dirayakan untuk menghormati perubahan musim dari musim panas ke musim gugur. Pada hari ini, orang Jepang sering mengunjungi makam keluarga mereka untuk membersihkannya dan menghormati leluhur mereka. Selain itu, banyak orang juga menghabiskan waktu di alam terbuka, seperti taman atau taman bersejarah, untuk menikmati pemandangan musim gugur yang indah.

Hari Kesehatan dan Olahraga

Hari Senin ke-2 Oktober

Hari Kesehatan dan Olahraga, atau yang dalam bahasa Jepang disebut "Taiiku no Hi", adalah hari libur nasional di Jepang yang dirayakan setiap tahun pada tanggal 10 Oktober. Hari ini ditujukan untuk mempromosikan gaya hidup sehat dan pentingnya olahraga dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Pada Hari Kesehatan dan Olahraga, banyak sekolah, perusahaan, dan komunitas di Jepang mengadakan acara dan kegiatan yang berfokus pada kesehatan dan olahraga. Ini dapat mencakup kegiatan seperti lomba lari, pertandingan olahraga, aerobik massal, dan berbagai jenis aktivitas fisik lainnya. Tujuannya adalah untuk mendorong orang-orang untuk menjaga kesehatan mereka, meningkatkan kebugaran fisik, dan meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya gaya hidup aktif.

Hari Budaya

3 November

Hari Budaya, atau yang dalam bahasa Jepang disebut "Bunka no Hi", adalah hari libur nasional di Jepang yang dirayakan setiap tahun pada tanggal 3 November. Hari ini ditujukan untuk memperingati dan menghargai kebudayaan Jepang serta mendorong pemahaman dan apresiasi terhadap warisan budaya yang kaya.

Pada Hari Budaya, berbagai acara dan kegiatan budaya diadakan di seluruh Jepang. Ini mencakup pertunjukan seni tradisional seperti tarian, musik, dan teater, serta pameran seni, demonstrasi kerajinan tradisional, dan upacara adat. Selain itu, banyak museum, galeri seni, dan situs bersejarah juga menawarkan diskon atau akses gratis pada hari ini untuk mendorong masyarakat untuk mengunjungi dan menghargai kekayaan budaya Jepang.

Hari Peringatan Buruh

23 November

Hari Pekerja, atau "Kinrō Kansha no Hi", adalah hari libur nasional di Jepang yang ditujukan untuk menghormati dan mengapresiasi kontribusi pekerja dalam memajukan negara.

Pada Hari Pekerja, banyak orang di Jepang mengambil kesempatan untuk beristirahat dan bersantai, serta menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga dan teman-teman. Beberapa juga menghadiri acara atau parade yang diadakan untuk memperingati perjuangan pekerja dan mempromosikan kesadaran akan hak-hak pekerja.

💥💥💥Dengan Trip.com, Anda dapat menemukan penawaran terbaik untuk tiket pesawat ke Jepang. Tersedia berbagai pilihan maskapai ternama yang siap membawa Anda menuju destinasi impian. Nikmati keindahan Tokyo yang modern, merasakan kehidupan tradisional di Kyoto, atau menjelajahi alam indah di Hokkaido.
Tawaran Terbaik untuk Perjalanan Anda! Pesan Tiket Pesawat ke Jepang dengan Promo Spesial dari Trip.com
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kesimpulan Kalender Hari Libur di Jepang 2025

Kalender hari libur di Jepang untuk tahun 2025 menawarkan berbagai kesempatan bagi masyarakat untuk merayakan, menghormati, dan mengapresiasi aspek-aspek penting dalam kehidupan mereka. Hari-hari libur ini juga memberikan kesempatan untuk bersantai, menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga, dan menikmati kegiatan yang beragam.

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Hari Libur di Jepang