Daftar Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan 2025 Terlengkap

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Oleh Devid

Jika Anda sedang merencanakan perjalanan ke Taiwan pada tahun 2025, panduan ini akan menjadi teman terbaik Anda dalam menjelajahi keindahan dan kegembiraan liburan di negara yang menakjubkan ini.

Dalam panduan ini, kami akan memberikan informasi terperinci tentang semua Hari Libur Nasional yang akan dirayakan di Taiwan pada tahun 2025. Mulai dari Tahun Baru Masehi hingga Natal, kami akan memandu Anda melalui perayaan-perayaan yang meriah dan acara-acara khusus yang diadakan selama setiap hari libur.

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan 2025-Trip.com

Kalender Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan 2025

Berikut adalah kalender Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan 2025:

Nama LiburTanggalHari
Tahun Baru 20251 JanuariRabu
Libur Imlek25 Januari ~ 2 FebruariSabtu ~ Minggu
Hari Peringatan Perdamaian28 Februari ~ 2 MaretJumat ~ Minggu
Hari Anak, Hari Pemakaman Nasional3 April ~ 6 AprilKamis ~ Minggu
Hari Buruh (Berlaku untuk Pekerja)1 MeiKamis
Hari Raya Duanwu30 Mei ~ 1 JuniJumat ~ Senin
Hari Raya Kemerdekaan4 Oktober ~ 6 OktoberSabtu ~ Senin
Hari Nasional10 Oktober ~ 12 OktoberJumat ~ Minggu

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan - Tahun Baru

1 Januari (Rabu)

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan - Tahun Baru" adalah hari libur nasional di Taiwan yang dirayakan untuk menyambut tahun baru. Setiap tahun, tanggal 1 Januari ditetapkan sebagai hari libur umum di Taiwan, di mana orang-orang mendapatkan cuti selama satu hari untuk merayakan awal tahun baru. Pada hari ini, biasanya terdapat berbagai acara perayaan, pertemuan keluarga, dan pertunjukan kembang api. Masyarakat Taiwan merayakan tahun baru dengan sukacita, berharap untuk kebahagiaan dan kemakmuran di tahun yang baru. Hari libur ini juga menjadi momen bersama bagi rakyat Taiwan untuk merayakan bersama, menikmati hari istimewa ini bersama-sama.

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan - Tahun Baru

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan - Tahun Baru Imlek

25 Januari- 2 Februari (Sabtu-Minggu)

Tahun Baru Imlek adalah hari libur nasional di Taiwan yang dirayakan untuk menyambut Tahun Baru Imlek. Di Taiwan, Tahun Baru Imlek dirayakan berdasarkan kalender lunar dan jatuh pada tanggal yang berbeda setiap tahunnya. Selama periode libur ini, biasanya terdapat berbagai acara perayaan, pawai, pertunjukan seni tradisional, dan kegiatan keluarga. Masyarakat Taiwan merayakan Tahun Baru Imlek dengan semangat yang tinggi, menghormati tradisi dan adat istiadat mereka. Ini adalah waktu di mana keluarga berkumpul, berdoa untuk keberuntungan dan kemakmuran di tahun yang baru, serta menikmati hidangan khas Tahun Baru Imlek.

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan - Tahun Baru Imlek

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan -Hari Peringatan Perdamaian

28 Februari - 2 Maret (Jumat - Minggu)

Hari Peringatan Perdamaian adalah hari libur nasional di Taiwan yang ditujukan untuk memperingati perdamaian. Hari ini diperingati setiap tanggal 28 Februari untuk mengenang peristiwa penting dalam sejarah Taiwan yang dikenal sebagai Insiden 28 Februari. Insiden ini terjadi pada tahun 1947 dan merupakan awal dari perjuangan demokratisasi di Taiwan. Pada hari libur ini, masyarakat Taiwan mengadakan upacara peringatan, mengunjungi monumen peringatan, dan mengadakan kegiatan budaya yang menghormati para pahlawan dan korban dalam perjuangan tersebut.

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan -Hari Peringatan Perdamaian
😍😍Trip.com menawarkan berbagai kode promo terbaik yang tidak boleh Anda lewatkan! Sebelum memesan hotel atau tiket pesawat, pastikan untuk mengunjungi kami dan temukan penawaran menarik yang dapat menghemat pengeluaran perjalanan Anda.

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan - Hari Anak

4 April (Jumat)

"Hari Anak" atau yang dikenal juga sebagai "Hari Anak Nasional" dirayakan setiap tanggal 4 April. Pada hari ini, fokus utama adalah menghormati dan merayakan anak-anak. Berbagai kegiatan khusus diadakan di sekolah, taman bermain, dan tempat umum lainnya untuk menghibur anak-anak. Selain itu, orang tua juga memberikan perhatian khusus kepada anak-anak mereka dengan memberikan hadiah atau menghabiskan waktu bersama mereka.

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan - Hari Anak, Hari Pemakaman Nasional

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan -Hari Pemakaman Nasional

3,5,6 April (Kamis-Minggu)

Hari Pemakaman Nasional adalah hari libur nasional yang ditetapkan untuk menghormati dan mengenang para leluhur dan orang-orang yang telah meninggal dunia. Tanggal pasti perayaan ini bervariasi setiap tahunnya, tetapi biasanya jatuh pada bulan April atau Mei. Pada hari ini, masyarakat Taiwan mengunjungi makam keluarga mereka, membersihkan dan menghiasi makam, serta melakukan ritual dan doa untuk menghormati dan mengenang orang-orang yang telah pergi.

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan -Hari Pemakaman Nasional

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan -Hari Buruh

1 Mei (Kamis)

Hari Buruh adalah hari libur nasional yang dirayakan setiap tanggal 1 Mei di Taiwan. Hari ini dikenal sebagai Hari Buruh Internasional atau May Day di banyak negara di seluruh dunia. Tujuan utama perayaan ini adalah untuk menghormati dan mengapresiasi kontribusi para pekerja dalam membangun masyarakat dan ekonomi Taiwan.

Pada Hari Buruh, masyarakat Taiwan mengadakan berbagai acara dan kegiatan untuk memperingati perjuangan dan pencapaian gerakan buruh. Terdapat pawai, pertunjukan seni, konser, dan diskusi publik yang mengangkat isu-isu pekerjaan dan hak-hak buruh. Selain itu, sering kali ada kesempatan bagi pekerja untuk beristirahat dan menikmati waktu luang bersama keluarga dan teman-teman.

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan -Hari Buruh

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan -Hari Raya Duanwu

30 Mei-1 Juni (Jumat - Senin)

Hari Raya Duanwu adalah hari libur nasional yang dirayakan setiap tahunnya di Taiwan. Hari Raya Duanwu, juga dikenal sebagai Festival Naga Perahu atau Festival Duanwu, jatuh pada tanggal kelima bulan kelima dalam kalender lunar.

Pada Hari Raya Duanwu, masyarakat Taiwan merayakan dengan berbagai tradisi dan kegiatan khas. Salah satu kegiatan yang paling terkenal adalah balapan perahu naga, di mana tim-tim perahu naga berlomba di sungai atau danau. Balapan perahu naga ini melibatkan kerjasama tim yang kuat dan menjadi simbol keberanian, semangat, dan persatuan.

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan -Hari Raya Duanwu

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan - Hari Raya Kemerdekaan

4 -6 Oktober(Sabtu- Senin)

Hari Raya Kemerdekaan adalah hari libur nasional yang dirayakan setiap tanggal 10 Oktober di Taiwan. Hari ini juga dikenal sebagai "Double Ten Day" atau "Ganda Sepuluh" dalam bahasa Inggris.

Hari Raya Kemerdekaan memperingati berdirinya Republik Tiongkok pada tanggal 10 Oktober 1911, yang menandai awal dari revolusi yang menggulingkan Dinasti Qing. Hari ini merupakan momen penting dalam sejarah Taiwan, yang menandai peralihan dari pemerintahan monarki ke pemerintahan republik.

Selama Hari Raya Kemerdekaan, masyarakat Taiwan mengadakan berbagai acara dan perayaan. Terdapat pawai, pertunjukan seni, upacara bendera, dan kegiatan budaya lainnya yang menghormati perjuangan dan pencapaian dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan. Selain itu, banyak orang juga menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk merayakan identitas nasional mereka dan memperkuat semangat persatuan.

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan - Hari Raya Kemerdekaan

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan - Hari Nasional

10 -12 Oktober (Jumat - Minggu)

Hari Nasional adalah hari libur nasional yang dirayakan setiap tanggal 10 Oktober di Taiwan. Hari ini juga dikenal sebagai "Double Ten Day" atau "Ganda Sepuluh" dalam bahasa Inggris.

Hari Nasional memperingati berdirinya Republik Tiongkok pada tanggal 10 Oktober 1911, yang menandai awal dari revolusi yang menggulingkan Dinasti Qing. Hari ini merupakan momen penting dalam sejarah Taiwan, yang menandai peralihan dari pemerintahan monarki ke pemerintahan republik.

Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan - Hari Nasional

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Tips untuk Merencanakan Liburan Anda di Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan 2025

Tips untuk Merencanakan Liburan Anda di Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan 2025
  1. Periksa tanggal libur: Pastikan Anda mengetahui tanggal pasti Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan 2025. Ini akan membantu Anda dalam merencanakan jadwal perjalanan Anda dengan lebih baik.
  2. Pesan tiket dan akomodasi lebih awal: Karena Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan adalah waktu yang sibuk, pastikan Anda memesan tiket transportasi dan akomodasi Anda dengan lebih awal. Ini akan membantu Anda mendapatkan harga yang lebih baik dan memastikan ketersediaan yang diinginkan.
  3. Rencanakan rute perjalanan: Tentukan tempat-tempat yang ingin Anda kunjungi selama liburan Anda di Taiwan. Buatlah rencana perjalanan yang rinci, termasuk transportasi antarlokasi dan waktu yang dihabiskan di setiap tempat.
  4. Jelajahi atraksi populer: Taiwan memiliki banyak atraksi populer seperti Taipei 101, Kuil Longshan, Danau Sun Moon, dan masih banyak lagi. Pastikan Anda menyertakan beberapa atraksi ini dalam rencana perjalanan Anda.
  5. Cicipi makanan lokal: Taiwan terkenal dengan makanan lezatnya. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mencicipi hidangan lokal seperti xiao long bao, bubble tea, dan makanan jalanan lainnya yang terkenal di Taiwan.
  6. Periksa acara khusus: Cari tahu apakah ada acara khusus atau festival yang berlangsung selama Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan 2025. Ini bisa menjadi pengalaman yang menarik untuk melibatkan diri dalam budaya dan tradisi Taiwan.
  7. Persiapkan mata uang lokal: Pastikan Anda memiliki mata uang Taiwan (TWD) yang cukup untuk keperluan Anda selama liburan. Anda dapat menukarkan uang di bandara atau di bank sebelum kedatangan.
  8. Periksa persyaratan visa: Jika Anda bukan warga negara Taiwan, pastikan Anda memeriksa persyaratan visa yang berlaku untuk negara Anda. Pastikan Anda memiliki visa yang valid sebelum melakukan perjalanan.
  9. Bawa peta dan panduan: Bawa peta dan panduan wisata Taiwan untuk membantu Anda menjelajahi tempat-tempat yang ingin Anda kunjungi dengan lebih mudah.
  10. Nikmati dan bersenang-senang: Yang terpenting, nikmati liburan Anda di Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan 2025. Jelajahi keindahan alam, budaya, dan makanan Taiwan, dan buat kenangan yang tak terlupakan selama perjalanan Anda.
😍😍😍Apakah Anda merencanakan perjalanan bulan madu yang romantis atau ingin menjelajahi keindahan alam Taiwan? trip.com memiliki kerjasama dengan berbagai hotel di seluruh Taiwan, menawarkan pilihan yang luas untuk semua jenis akomodasi yang Anda inginkan.

Hotel Terbaik di Taiwan

Bintang 5

4.3/5Sangat baik2423 Ulasan
Ximenting Commercial Area Taipei|4.53km dari pusat kota
The Caesar Metro Taipei provides a great place for travelers to relax after a busy day. Visitors to Taipei will find that the Caesar Metro Taipei is a fantastic accommodation choice. The hotel is only 100m from Wanhua Station and 12km from Taipei Songshan Airport, giving guests a number of convenient transportation options. The closest major public transportation, Longshan Temple Metro Station, is only 400m away. Seeing Taipei's sights from this hotel is easy with Bopiliao Historical Block, Presidential Office Building and Liberty Square all close by. When guests have some time on their hands they can make use of the onsite facilities. This Taipei hotel offers parking on site. According to our guests, the location of this hotel is one of the best around. This hotel is particularly popular with those traveling with families.
DariIDR 1,013,702
4.6/5Luar biasa3508 Ulasan
Shilin Night Market Taipei|4.49km dari pusat kota
Located in the heart of Taipei City, the Grand Hotel (Taibei Yuanshan Dafandian) offers a panoramic view of Taipei City, including the meandering Keelung River before the hotel, the verdant Yangming Mountain to the rear, the bustling Songshan District to the East and beautiful Tanshui River to the West. The Hotel provides free shuttle bus service every 20 to 30 minutes, and it is eight minutes’ drive from Yuanshan MRT Station, ten minutes’ drive from Shilin Night Market and a 15-minute drive from Taipei Station and Songshan Airport. Taoyuan International Airport is about 60 minutes’ drive away. Chinese and Western cuisines are served at the hotel’s Grand Garden Restaurant, and Cantonese cuisine is served at Golden Dragon Restaurant. Alternatively, Northern China specialties can be found at Yuan Yuan.Business travelers can make use of the hotel’s multi-functional conference rooms and banquet halls to host conferences and events. When it comes time to relax, make sure to take a dip in the outdoor pool, head to the fitness center for some invigorating exercise, or have some fun in the game room. The hotel offers free parking and Wi-Fi access in public areas.
DariIDR 1,056,032
4.2/5Baik1539 Ulasan
Taipei Railway Station Taipei|2.79km dari pusat kota
Formerly known as the Taipei Hilton Hotel, the Caesar Park Hotel Taipei (Taibei Kaisa Dafandian) is situated in the heart of Taipei facing Taipei Railway Station and is connected to exit 6 of the MRT Taipei Main Station.This hotel offers Wi-Fi access in rooms and valet parking on-site.The Dynasty Restaurant provides you the chance to savor authentic Shanghai cuisine, and you can also enjoy yourself at the Western restaurant. The e-Lounge on the first floor offers small meeting rooms, international express, faxing and photocopying services, business card printing and more.
DariIDR 1,013,702
4.4/5Sangat baik609 Ulasan
Taipei Railway Station Taipei|2.61km dari pusat kota
The Cosmos Hotel Taipei provides a great place for travelers to relax after a busy day. Visitors to Taipei will find that the Cosmos Hotel Taipei is a fantastic accommodation choice. The hotel is only 3km from Wanhua Station and 6km from Taipei Songshan Airport, giving guests a number of convenient transportation options. In addition, Taipei Main Metro Station is just a short walk away. With multiple attractions nearby including NTUH (National Taiwan University Hospital), Dihua Street and Miniatures Museum of Taiwan, guests will find plenty to keep themselves occupied. This hotel makes a great place to kick back and relax after a long day of sightseeing. Guests of this Taipei hotel can make use of the parking facilities. According to our guests, the location of this hotel is one of the best around. For guests traveling with families, this hotel is consistently one of the most popular choices.
DariIDR 1,332,294
4.4/5Sangat baik785 Ulasan
Ximenting Commercial Area Taipei|3.74km dari pusat kota
The Taipei Garden Hotel (Taibei Huayuan Dajiudian) is a 5-star hotel just five minutes' walk from the Xiaonanmen and Ximen Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) stations and a five-minute drive from the Taipei Train Station. Also easily accessible are Taipei tourist attractions like the Presidential Office Building, Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall and Longshan Temple.Accommodations in this Taipei hotel are equipped with a variety of amenities including satellite TVs and electric kettles.The Chinese restaurant Jade serves Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Ningbo cuisines. Japanese food lovers can head to the on-site Hanazono. Additionally, guests may enjoy Western items off the buffet at the La Fusion or hand-made desserts and breads at the La Fusion Bakery. This Taipei hotel's function halls are appointed with advanced audiovisual equipment and suitable for organizing events like conferences and banquets.After a day of travel, guests may get pampered in the spa. They may also pay a visit to the La Fusion Bar to have a drink while chatting with new friends.
DariIDR 1,882,589


Perjalanan bisnis

4.1/5Baik567 Ulasan
Taipei Arena Taipei|1.2km dari pusat kota
The FX Hotel Taipei Nanjing East Road (Fuyi Shishang Jiudian Taibei Nanjing Dong Lu Dian) is located in Zhongshan District in Taipei, just 2.7 km (1.6 mi) from the railway station.The hotel offers free parking and Wi-Fi access in public areas.An on-site restaurant serves Western and Chinese cuisine. A coffee shop and executive lounge provide additional spaces for guests to relax with a drink or meet up with friends.Business travelers will find meeting facilities and a business center at their disposal. Guests with free time can work out in the gym.
DariIDR 661,691
4.2/5Baik17 Ulasan
Ningxia Night Market Taipei|2.55km dari pusat kota
The Gloria Prince Hotel-Taipei (Taibei Huatai Wangzi Fandian) is located in the city's commercial and shopping center conveniently near the Shuanglian Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) station. From this hotel, a 15-minute cab ride takes guests to the Songshan Airport.Rooms in this Taipei hotel provide Japanese-style bathrobes, high-speed Internet access and hair dryers in addition to the standard amenities.In terms of dining facilities, guests may enjoy European fare at La Fontaine or Cantonese dishes at the Chiou Hwa restaurant.Variously-sized function rooms are suitable for for holding meetings and banquets alike.Burn off some calories at the gym or relax in the sauna after your long day of wandering or working.
4.3/5Sangat baik700 Ulasan
Zhongxiao Dunhua Commercial Circle Taipei|0.79km dari pusat kota
The Green World ZhongXiao is an ideal spot for travelers wanting to discover the city. The Green World ZhongXiao offers a pleasant stay in Taipei for those traveling for business or leisure. The hotel is only 3km from Taipei Songshan Airport and 4km from Songshan Station, giving guests a number of convenient transportation options. Just a short walk from Zhongxiao Dunhua Metro Station, traveling to most city destinations is a breeze. There is no shortage of things to see in the area, with the Miniatures Museum of Taiwan, Linjiang Street (Tonghua) Night Market and Taipei Arena all nearby. This hotel makes a great place to kick back and relax after a long day of sightseeing. According to our guests, the location of this hotel is one of the best around. This hotel is a popular accommodation for guests traveling with families.
DariIDR 799,822
4.1/5Baik139 Ulasan
Songjiang Nanjing District Taipei|1.29km dari pusat kota
The Green World JianPei provides a great place for travelers to relax after a busy day. The Green World JianPei is an ideal choice for travelers who want to take in the sights and sounds of Taipei. The hotel is only 4km from Taipei Songshan Airport and 6km from Wanhua Station, giving guests a number of convenient transportation options. Just a short walk from Songjiang Nanjing Metro Station, traveling to most city destinations is a breeze. Seeing Taipei's sights from this hotel is easy with Formosa Express, Huashan 1914 Creative Park and Xingtian Temple all close by. After a long day of sightseeing, guests can retire to the comfort of the hotel. This hotel is particularly popular with those traveling with families.
4.1/5Baik266 Ulasan
Songjiang Nanjing District Taipei|1.61km dari pusat kota
Roumei Boutique was constructed of earthquake resistance building materials. And a new modern taste of architecture and interior design makes Roumei boutique a design hotel. With its own unique style and exquisite service, Roumei Boutique offers personalize service to meet every guest's needs.Beauty Hotels Taipei - Roumei Boutique is near the major commercial and financial districts and MRT Luzhou Line - Songjiang-Nanjing Station. Roumei Boutique’s strategical location enables guests to grasp any business opportunities. you will find Roumei Boutique a peaceful haven offering totally privacy and relaxation to each guests.
DariIDR 926,813


Cocok untuk keluarga

4/5Baik2879 Ulasan
Ximenting Commercial Area Taipei|3.46km dari pusat kota
Hotel Midtown Richardson Taipei is located on Xiushan Street (across from Zhongshan Hall) in the heart of Ximending and is conveniently located next to the MRT station. The hotel is located in the heart of Ximending, on Xiushan Street (opposite Zhongshan Hall), near the MRT station, and is known as the "Harajuku" of Taipei, with a mix of fashion and nostalgia.The hotel is surrounded by a variety of trendy stores, including the old Wannian Commercial Building, Shizilin Plaza, and even the later Wan Guo Department Store and Eslite 116, Movie Street, and Wuchang Eslite.At the same time, the Ximen business district is also a gathering place for gourmet food, such as Ah Chung Noodles, Taoyuan Street Beef Noodles, Cheng Du Yang Tao Ice, Tian Tian Lu Marinated Meat, Duck Pian and Duck Noodles, etc., all of which are popular among gourmets.The rooms are spacious and comfortable, equipped with large LCD TV, cable TV, cable and wireless broadband, small refrigerator, and safe deposit box. The perfect facilities and comfortable environment will add more convenience and excitement to your trip to Taipei.
DariIDR 808,733
4.5/5Sangat baik617 Ulasan
Taipei Railway Station Taipei|2.23km dari pusat kota
The hotel is one of the established hotels on the island and has become so much a part of the local scene and such a popular meeting point with locals and foreign guests that it is common to hear “meet me at the Sheraton”.
DariIDR 2,399,465
4.5/5Sangat baik682 Ulasan
Ximenting Commercial Area Taipei|3.46km dari pusat kota
The Just Sleep Ximending Branch (Jiesilv - Ximending guan) is situated in the Ximending commercial area, about a two-minute walk from the Ximen MRT station. It is about a 45-minute drive from the Taoyuan International Airport. This Taipei hotel offers Wi-Fi access in public areas and an airport pickup service.Paying special attention to business travelers, the property has an equipped business center and meeting rooms available for use.Guests can relax or meet with friends in the on-site coffee shop.
DariIDR 2,219,004
4.4/5Sangat baik735 Ulasan
Taipei Arena Taipei|1.33km dari pusat kota
Nestled in the heart of Taipei City, ILLUME TAIPEI is located on the corner of Nanjing East and Dun Hua North Road, a lush green main artery with verdant trees on both sides. Facing the Taipei Arena and next to two MRT stations - Taipei Arena, and Nanjing-Fuxing Station – the hotel is just a mile down the road from Taipei Songshan Airport. In addition to the 7-11 store at lobby level, neighboring shopping venues include Breeze Center Nanjing, its food courts, and IKEA. With the Xinyi Shopping District and Taipei 101 Building only 3km away, the hotel is a super-convenient choice for business and leisure travelers to experience affordable, down-to-earth luxury. Committed to our sustainability goals ILLUME Taipei does not provide any single-use amenities in its guest rooms and facilities. Let's save the earth together.
DariIDR 1,365,712
4.4/5Sangat baik1014 Ulasan
Zhongxiao Dunhua Commercial Circle Taipei|0.76km dari pusat kota
Located in the commercial center of Taipei, the Miramar Garden Taipei (Meilixin Huayuan Jiudian) is just three minutes away by car from East Zhongxiao Road and South Fuxing Road commercial areas. Taipei World Trade Centre, Taipei 101 and Taipei International Convention Center are also within easy reach.Various dinning choices are available at Garden Terrace, Rain Forest, Lounge 81 and Tic-Tac-Toe Bakery.For business travelers, the hotel offers function rooms and banquet halls able to accommodate up to 100 people for small meetings, large conferences and seminars.In addition, make sure to take advantage of the hotel’s sauna and outdoor swimming pool, not to mention the spa aromatherapy room, each an excellent way to spend your leisure time.
DariIDR 1,341,205


Mata air panas

4.1/5Baik137 Ulasan
Yangmingshan National Park Taipei|11.34km dari pusat kota
CHECK inn Select Taipei Yangmingshan is located on Gezhi Road, Shilin District, Taipei. The surrounding environment is beautiful and natural. The hotel is a steel-structured building, and the room design is Japanese-style, which is very warm. There are various types of rooms here, and there are special hot spring rooms. There is a hot spring pool in the room where you can enjoy the scenery. We also have a conference hall equipped with professional conference facilities. In terms of catering, a series of Chinese-style meals are designed in combination with the special ingredients on Yangmingshan, and a Hong Kong chef is hired to provide high-quality catering services for a long time. There are many choices for you to spend a day in the hotel. Beautiful scenery here, allowing you to take a relaxing hot spring trip in the suburbs of Taipei surrounded by mountains and beauty.
DariIDR 1,015,930
4.3/5Sangat baik233 Ulasan
Beitou Hot Spring Area Taipei|11.3km dari pusat kota
1. The hotel has an underground parking lot for accommodation (located on the basement floor of the hotel). The parking space is not reserved and is limited to first-come-first-served. There is no guarantee that parking spaces will be available for all guests.2. Public Hot Spring Area will be out of service for regular maintenance on the first Monday of each month on weekday: 2 Jan., 5 Feb., 4 Mar., 1 Apr., 6 May, 3 Jun., 1 Jul., 5 Aug., 2 Sep., 7 Oct., 4 Nov., 2 Dec. 2024. Please refer to the News and Events on the official website.3. Elder are not allowed to use hot spring service alone (at guest rooms and the public hot spring)
DariIDR 2,236,827
4.2/5Baik406 Ulasan
Beitou Hot Spring Area Taipei|11.17km dari pusat kota
Sitting beside the hot springs in Beitou District's Yangmingshan National Park, the Spring City Resort (Taibei Beitou Chuntian Jiudian) is just 35 minutes from downtown Taipei. Shuttles from the resort take guests to two different MTR stations. World Travel Awards (WTA) named this Taipei hot spring resort Taiwan's Leading Spa Resort three years.Diners can enjoy a mix of Chinese and Western dishes as well as a buffet in Elegant 18, which looks out over the hotel gardens. Japanese Kaiseki cuisine and smokeless barbecue can be enjoyed at Chikurintei Japanese Restaurant or in its private VIP rooms. Melody Sky Lounge offers meals, snacks, cocktails and more along with live jazz music.Several conference rooms offering audiovisual equipment and more are available for business gatherings. This Taipei hotel also offers a banquet staff and wedding planners.Enjoy the natural white sulfur spring treatment provided by the waters of nearby Sulfur Valley (Liuhuang Gu). Relax in one of the nine outdoor spa pools, including a family pool and a whirlpool tub, or in one of the hotel's 13 private hot spring rooms. Special treatments are available at the Lu Lu Spa and Royal Spa.
DariIDR 1,844,714
4.4/5Sangat baik84 Ulasan
Beitou Hot Spring Area Taipei|10.97km dari pusat kota
The Gaia Hotel Taipei provides a great place for travelers to relax after a busy day. The Gaia Hotel Taipei is an ideal choice for travelers who want to take in the sights and sounds of Taipei. The hotel is only 14km from Wanhua Station and 14km from Taipei Songshan Airport, giving guests a number of convenient transportation options. Being just minutes away from Xinbeitou Metro Station allows guests to explore the city with ease. There is no shortage of things to see in the area, with the Beitou Creek Wood Road, Beitou Hot Spring Museum and Shaoshuai Zen Garden all nearby. When guests have some time on their hands they can make use of the onsite facilities. For those driving themselves, parking is provided on site. Our guests consider this hotel to have excellent service.
DariIDR 3,901,081
4.6/5Luar biasa137 Ulasan
Beitou Hot Spring Area Taipei|11.12km dari pusat kota
Situated conveniently in the Beitou District district of Taipei, Radium Kagaya Taipei is set about 700 m from Beitou Hot Spring, about 8 km from Zhishan Cultural and Ecological Garden and about 9 km from Shilin Night Market. Offering a restaurant, the property also has a bar, as well as a hot spring bath and a sauna. The accommodation offers a 24-hour front desk, room service and currency exchange for guests.The units come with air conditioning, a flat-screen TV with satellite channels, a fridge, a kettle, a bath, a hairdryer and a wardrobe. At the hotel, all rooms are equipped with a private bathroom with a bidet.Radium Kagaya Taipei offers a buffet or Asian breakfast.Taipei Confucius Temple is about 10 km from the accommodation, while National Palace Museum is about 12 km away. The nearest airport is Taipei Songshan,about 15 km from Radium Kagaya Taipei, and the property offers a free shuttle service.
DariIDR 4,974,936


Pusat Kebugaran

4/5Baik63 Ulasan
Taipei Railway Station Taipei|2.46km dari pusat kota
When you step into Hotel Cloud, you will immediately feel like you are at home, and feel the elegant decoration and warm atmosphere which we have devoted to. We have the equipment that can help you eliminate the fatigue of the whole day, and the cozy space where you can have meetings with your friends or business partners.The transportation and shopping is very convenient because Hotel Cloud is located within walking distance of Zhongshan MRT Station, the Nanjing Zhongshan shopping and commercial district. If you love shopping the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi and the Shin Shin Department Store is nearby. Whether it is a business or a tourist trip, choosing Hotel Cloud can let you have a good grasp of time.
DariIDR 681,742
4.2/5Baik314 Ulasan
Shilin Night Market Taipei|5.28km dari pusat kota
The Star Beauty Hotel (Shilin Xingmei Shanglv) is located near Taipei Metro Jiantan Station and the Shilin Night Market.The hotel offers free parking and Wi-Fi access in public areas.Guests can enjoy Chinese and Western cuisines at the on-site restaurant.Business travelers will find a business center at their disposal.
DariIDR 786,454
4/5Baik426 Ulasan
Ximenting Commercial Area Taipei|3.47km dari pusat kota
The Green World Hotel Zhonghua provides a great place for travelers to relax after a busy day. The Green World Hotel Zhonghua is an ideal choice for travelers who want to take in the sights and sounds of Taipei. The hotel is conveniently located just 2km from Wanhua Station and 7km from Taipei Songshan Airport. Just a short walk from Ximen Metro Station, traveling to most city destinations is a breeze. This hotel is located near many of Taipei's attractions including The Red House, Bopiliao Historical Block and Ningxia Night Market. In their spare time, guests can explore the hotel's surroundings. According to our guests, the location of this hotel is one of the best around. For guests traveling with families, this hotel is consistently one of the most popular choices.
DariIDR 652,779
4.4/5Sangat baik129 Ulasan
Zhongxiao Dunhua Commercial Circle Taipei|0.39km dari pusat kota
The Eastin Taipei Hotel provides a great place for travelers to relax after a busy day. The Eastin Taipei Hotel is an ideal choice for travelers who want to take in the sights and sounds of Taipei. Seeing Taipei's sights from this hotel is easy with Taipei Arena, Victoria Garden and Miniatures Museum of Taiwan all close by. When guests have some time on their hands they can make use of the onsite facilities. According to our guests, the location of this hotel is one of the best around. This hotel is particularly popular with those traveling alone.
DariIDR 507,965
4.2/5Baik316 Ulasan
Taipei Railway Station Taipei|3.38km dari pusat kota
The hotel has a strong European royal style. The hotel's design is integrated with classical art, creating an atmosphere where time seems to stand still, becoming more elegant as time goes by. Located in a prime location in Taipei West District, close to Taipei Main Station, Nanjing West Road, and Dihua Business District in Chongqing District, it has both cultural, historical, and modern features and has become an important transportation hub in Taipei City. It is adjacent to Citizen Avenue to the east, leading directly to the Taipei World Trade Exhibition Center; to the west, it is adjacent to the Huanhe Expressway; to the north, it is adjacent to Chongqing North Road, connecting to Shilin. Yangmingshan. Heavenly Mother. Beitou and Tamsui are also close to the intersection of Zhongshan Expressway and Chongqing North Road, reducing travel time to and from the airport. Adjacent to the famous 100-year-old Dihua Street and Taipei Main Station. Ningxia night market. Taipei MRT Zhongshan Station and major department stores are easily accessible on foot.
DariIDR 817,645


Kolam renang

4.6/5Luar biasa476 Ulasan
Xinyi District/Taipei 101 Taipei|2.4km dari pusat kota
The Humble House Taipei, Curio Collection by Hilton provides a great place for travelers to relax after a busy day. The Humble House Taipei, Curio Collection by Hilton is an ideal choice for travelers who want to take in the sights and sounds of Taipei.The hotel offers easy access to Taipei Songshan Airport, just 5km away. Being just minutes away from Taipei City Hall Metro Station allows guests to explore the city with ease. With multiple attractions nearby including Raohe Night Market, Sisinan Village Museum and Taipei《Detective Conan 30th Anniversary Commemorative Exhibition》, guests will find plenty to keep themselves occupied.At the end of a busy day, travelers can unwind and relax in the hotel or go out and enjoy the city.According to our guests, the location of this hotel is one of the best around. For guests traveling with families, this hotel is consistently one of the most popular choices.The hotel swimming pool is for In-House guests only, outside visitors are not permitted.Starting October 1st, 2024, hotel will no longer proactively provide single-use amenities in our guest rooms.
DariIDR 2,775,983
4.6/5Luar biasa309 Ulasan
Linjiang Night Market Taipei|1.76km dari pusat kota
From the moment you step into the guest room, you are deeply captivated. The interior seamlessly blends Eastern and Western elegance, with decorations primarily inspired by Song Dynasty art. From the 43rd floor, you have an unobstructed view of the city's dazzling skyline, with Taipei 101 being the most notable landmark.The hotel's most unique feature is the rooftop outdoor pool. You can bask in the sun or swim leisurely while enjoying panoramic views of Taipei from the city's highest pool, surrounded by mountains.Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel Taipei offers comprehensive leisure facilities, including a sauna, fitness center, aerobics studio, and a spa providing professional massages. The rooftop (43rd floor) heated swimming pool provides stunning views of Taipei 101 and the cityscape.
DariIDR 3,569,121
4.6/5Luar biasa800 Ulasan
Taipei Railway Station Taipei|2.43km dari pusat kota
The Regent Taipei (Jinghua Jiudian) is located in the city's financial, shopping and art center, Close to Chifeng Street, Dadaocheng and Nanjing West Road shopping district.offering guests convenient access to the Zhongshan Metro Station. From this hotel, about a 15-minute drive takes guests to the Songshan Airport.The spacious guestrooms at this Taipei hotel come complete with both wired and wireless Internet access. Additionally, there are eight kinds of pillows for guests to choose from. In terms of dining, guests may enjoy Japanese food at Mihan Honke, Sichuan and Cantonese dishes at the Silks House or international flavors at the Brasserie.After a day of travel or work, guests may relax in the spa. To burn off some calories, guests may work out at the fitness center.Convenient Public Transport information: Taipei City Sightseeing Blue Line Bus Stop located right in front of our hotel.
DariIDR 2,457,391
4.6/5Luar biasa179 Ulasan
Xinyi District/Taipei 101 Taipei|2.17km dari pusat kota
W Taipei is ideally situated in the midst of the buzzing Central Business District of Xinyi. Destined to become a stylish meeting place for Taipei’s trendsetters, business leaders and discerning world travelers, W Taipei is one of the city’s largest luxury hotels, with guestrooms showcasing spectacular urban views and views of the city’s iconic Taipei 101 building. The hotel’s design theme, “Nature Electrified” underscores all of its key features, from the signature restaurants and lounges to guestrooms that are each designed as private, quiet sanctuaries filled with natural materials, lush amenities and modern conveniences.
DariIDR 4,460,287
4.4/5Sangat baik259 Ulasan
World Trade Center Exhibition Center Taipei|2.03km dari pusat kota
Standing adjacent to Taipei 101 Mall and Financial Tower, the Grand Hyatt Taipei (Taibei Junyue Jiudian) is conveniently close to the Taipei World Trade Center as well as the Taipei International Convention Center and Exhibition Halls.Diners at this Taipei hotel can enjoy a mix of Western and Asian cuisines including US prime steaks and Taiwanese seafood. Guests can enjoy Western food off the grill at Bel Air Bar & Grill, dine on Japanese food at Irodori or choose from Italian, Mexican and American dishes at ZIGA ZAGA. Shanghai Court serves up a variety of dishes from the "Paris of the East." For something more local, Pearl Liang offers a variety of local food including seafood along with a wine cellar. Guests don't have to choose between East and West with the mix of cuisines at Café.Drinks and snacks are available in the lobby lounge, the Pool Bar next to the outdoor pool, and at Cheers, where guests can enjoy live music at night with their cocktails. Room service is also available.Those traveling on business in Taipei can make use of the hotel's event facilities, which include the unique residential-style grand residence and the pillar-free Grand Ballroom. Venues come professionally equipped and catering and event planning staff are on hand to help events go off without a hitch. A business center is also offered.When you have some free time, enjoy a refreshing dip in the temperature-controlled outdoor pool or lay out poolside. The little ones can have fun in the children's pool. Looking to break a sweat? Hit the hotel fitness center or join an exercise class. Afterwards, relax in the separate men and women's wet areas, which feature saunas, steam rooms, whirlpool tubs, meditation rooms and lounges.FITNESS CENTREEncompassing both indoor and outdoor facilities, the Club Oasis Fitness Centre located on the 5th floor comes complete with the latest body-shaping equipment, a sauna and a landscaped outdoor swimming pool. Please do not wear a swimsuit or other c
DariIDR 3,613,679


Termasuk Sarapan

3.9/5546 Ulasan
Taipei Arena Taipei|1.48km dari pusat kota
The City Hotel (Beicheng Dafandian) is conveniently located near stations on the Taipei Metro's Orange and Brown Lines. Taipei Songshan Airport, which offers flights to other parts of Taiwan and some Asian destinations, is a short drive away.
DariIDR 536,928
4.4/5Sangat baik458 Ulasan
Ximenting Commercial Area Taipei|3.63km dari pusat kota
East Dragon Hotel is located in the prime business district of Ximending, Taipei City. It is conveniently located in a quiet place amidst the hustle and bustle. It has 70 rooms and is only a 5-7 minute walk from Ximen MRT Station. The Red Building, Presidential Palace, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Dihua Street Business District, Longshan Temple, Huaxi Street Night Market and other attractions around Ximending are all tourist destinations worthy of tourists from all over the world. East Dragon Hotel creates every safe, comfortable and convenient leisure space with a local heart, inviting you to enjoy.
DariIDR 826,557
4.3/5Sangat baik349 Ulasan
Taipei Arena Taipei|2.87km dari pusat kota
City Suites Taipei Nandong once again presents its unique design style, upholding the concept of understated luxury and stylish calmness. "City Suites Taipei Nandong" is a fusion of east and west, with elements of color, light, and line, to create a unique living space, from the warm flame at the entrance, to the relaxed and spacious open space, to the personalized multi-functional meeting room, to the calm and low-profile guest room light gallery.The guest rooms are of a comfortable height of 3.6 meters, with gold leaf building materials and million dollar design bathroom space. The room types include standard, exquisite, deluxe, executive and city deluxe rooms, with simple business, colorful luxury and soft Chinese style.The hotel is close to the Raohe Night Market, where you can enjoy all kinds of Taiwanese snacks. The convenient transportation network is only 5-10 minutes away from the Songshan Airport, the Dome, the Dome, the Xinyi Shopping District and Taiwan's landmark 101 Building, and only 15 minutes away from the Neihu Technology Park, the Nangang Software Technology Park, the World Trade Center Exhibition Hall and the Nangang Exhibition Hall.There are banquet halls in B2 and B3, which can accommodate 120 and 70 people respectively. The quiet and spacious space is suitable for holding various events and meetings.
DariIDR 708,477
4.3/5Sangat baik290 Ulasan
Taipei Railway Station Taipei|3.23km dari pusat kota
C U Hotel Taipei stands near the Taipei Circle and the bustling Ningxia Night Market. You will experience the distinct local culture and have a nostalgia trip in the night market, where traditional food must be lingering in your mouth. Located within ten-minute walking distance of the metro station “Shuanglian,” C U Hotel Taipei offers convenient access to many Taipei’s attractions. You will have a great business and leisure trip by enjoying a great shopping of Taipei’s well-known specialties and traditional food in the nearby stands and shops.
DariIDR 300,769
3.6/5283 Ulasan
Songjiang Nanjing District Taipei|1.8km dari pusat kota
The First Hotel provides a great place for travelers to relax after a busy day. Visitors to Taipei will find that the First Hotel is a fantastic accommodation choice. Traveling to the hotel is easy with Taipei Songshan Airport located approximately 3km away and Wanhua Station roughly 5km away. The closest major public transportation, Songjiang Nanjing Metro Station, is only 300m away. The nearby area boasts an abundance of attractions including Dadaocheng Wharf, Ri Xing Type Foundry and NTUH (National Taiwan University Hospital). At the end of a busy day, travelers can unwind and relax in the hotel or go out and enjoy the city. This hotel is particularly popular with those traveling alone.
DariIDR 708,477




Tahun 2025 akan menjadi tahun yang penuh dengan kegembiraan, semangat, dan kebanggaan bagi masyarakat Taiwan. Setiap hari libur nasional akan menjadi momen yang berharga untuk merayakan, menghormati, dan menghargai warisan dan nilai-nilai yang membuat Taiwan begitu istimewa.

Inilah waktu yang tepat untuk mengunjungi Taiwan dan merasakan kegembiraan liburan nasional serta keindahan tempat-tempat wisata yang luar biasa. Jadi, jangan lupa untuk merencanakan perjalanan Anda ke Taiwan dan menikmati semua yang negara ini tawarkan.

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Hari Libur Nasional Taiwan