Home Inn Selected (Shanghai The Nextage, Financial Center)

Ulasan Home Inn Selected (Shanghai The Nextage, Financial Center)

Home Inn Selected (Shanghai The Nextage, Financial Center)

5-6F, No.579 Zhangyang Road, Shanghai, ChinaLihat Detail Hotel
Home Inn Selected (Shanghai The Nextage, Financial Center)
Home Inn Selected (Shanghai The Nextage, Financial Center)Home Inn Selected (Shanghai The Nextage, Financial Center)Home Inn Selected (Shanghai The Nextage, Financial Center)
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K-15 residence
Kamar Single
Menginap di Feb 2024
8 ulasan
Diposting pada 10 Feb 2024
Lokasi strategis mudah dijangkau banyak kuliner
Family Room
Menginap di Agt 2023
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 8 Agt 2023
Layanan penuh perhatian dan antusias, layanan pelanggan yang bersih dan higienis
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Tamu-tamu yang terhormat: Halo! Saya senang hotel dapat menerima komentar baik Anda. Hotel ini memiliki lokasi yang strategis dan dikelilingi oleh fasilitas makan, perbelanjaan, rekreasi dan hiburan yang lengkap, dan sangat populer di kalangan para tamu. Kami selalu memenuhi kebutuhan wajar para tamu sebagai konsep layanan kami, menyediakan layanan berkualitas tinggi yang dipersonalisasi untuk setiap tamu, dan memberikan pengalaman menginap yang lebih nyaman kepada setiap tamu. Kami dengan tulus menantikan dukungan Anda lagi!
Guestroom (2 Beds)
Menginap di Jun 2023
55 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 3 Jul 2023
Dulu berisik sekali karena ada pembangunan di pintu masuk, tapi lokasi sangat bagus dan nyaman sekali. Hotelnya standar Home Inn. Masih direkomendasikan karena hemat biaya. Harganya lebih dari 400 yuan di dekat sini.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Halo! Terima kasih atas kunjungan Anda dan ulasan baik Anda terhadap hotel. Kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang Anda alami akibat renovasi hotel. Pihak hotel telah bekerja keras untuk memberikan pengalaman menginap kelas satu, dan kami sangat prihatin dengan komentar Anda. Kepuasan anda terhadap pelayanan hotel menjadi pendorong kerja seluruh staff hotel. Membuat setiap tamu merasa seperti di rumah sendiri adalah tujuan akhir dari pelayanan kami. Kami menantikan kunjungan anda kembali. Saya berharap Anda dan keluarga Anda bahagia dan sehat
Kamar Double
Menginap di Nov 2022
2 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 2 Nov 2022
Pengingat: Mereka yang ingin pindah dalam waktu dekat harus memberikan sertifikat "asam nukleat" 24 jam dan pemeriksaan kode rencana perjalanan! Saat check-in di front desk akan diberikan peralatan sikat gigi sekali pakai (tapi belakangan ketahuan tidak ada sisir sama sekali). Ruangan secara umum bersih dan rapi, dan tisu desinfektan dan disinfektan akan disiapkan untuk digunakan. Ruang kamar terbatas, cukup untuk satu hunian!
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Kami bertemu satu sama lain dengan penuh kasih dan tinggal bersama dalam kedamaian dan kehangatan. Senyum penuh pengertian adalah hal yang membahagiakan. Mohon maafkan saya atas segala kekurangan~
Carlos Gustavo
Kamar Double
Menginap di Jun 2024
7 ulasan
Diposting pada 8 Jun 2024
Booked SPECIFICALLY a room sith window (natural light) and it was not like that…my “window” was a hole into the wall Also the pipes in the bathroom smelled disgusting
Kamar Single
Menginap di Mei 2024
21 ulasan
Diposting pada 10 Mei 2024
Check in was a bit of a hassle. The staff didn't know how to find my reservation, so it took a long time.
Kamar Double
Menginap di Apr 2024
4 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 23 Apr 2024
I don’t think this hotel is the best choice, because there’s many things need to do better. But I think it’s the best choice for this price. The staff is nice! They did support me the best as they can, such as: book taxi, guide sth we need. The room is good, small space, but nice! Location is the best thing of this hotel. You can walk to the center of the big buildings! However, there is a lot of dust in our room! Maybe because near the main road, but it’s still acceptable.
Kamar Single
Menginap di Mei 2024
21 ulasan
Diposting pada 11 Mei 2024
If only cleanliness and tidiness could be improved. Found the bed looking like this
Kamar Single
Menginap di Jan 2024
8 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 3 Jan 2024
Near By Location is wonderful And everything is near by you can even get a rental bicycle in front of the hotel
Kian Fatt
Kamar Double
Menginap di Nov 2023
12 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 30 Nov 2023
A lot of eateries and shopping mall nearby. Room is clean. Amenities like toothbrush have to request from reception counter when check in. Affordable price and recommended.
Gonzalez Rothvoss Arrieta
Kamar Single
Menginap di Mei 2024
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 7 Mei 2024
The location was GREAT!! opposite to a shopping mall, surrounded by shops, restaurants, etc... and 8/10min away from 2 metro stations. The rooms were VERY SMALL, was even difficult to open my big luggage inside the room. Not all rooms have windows so bear in mind that.
Superior Double Room
Menginap di Mar 2024
42 ulasan
Diposting pada 25 Mar 2024
The hotel is located nearby the subway. I arrived around 12 o’clock (which is the time for check-in), but the room wasn’t ready yet. I was in hurry to leave my bags and go out so, I asked the hotel worker to look if there’s a room available for check-in. The lady gave me a room which was much smaller than what I paid for. BUT (!!!) as soon as I arrived to the room and wasn’t satisfied with it I heard someone’s voice. I went closer to the window which is facing the window to the other room and saw group of people having sex and making video. I quickly went out and asked the lady that I better wait for the room I payed than to be closer to these kind of people. WARNING!!! If you want to safe your money and get a cheap room in this hotel be ready to be close to illegally making ***** videos in the room next door.
Kamar Double
Menginap di Sep 2023
5 ulasan
Diposting pada 22 Sep 2023
The reception is on the first floor near the elevators. No AC. Room was without window but when i booked it was with it. We didn’t change coz it was just for two nights. Be careful about bed bugs.
Kamar Single
Menginap di Feb 2024
18 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 3 Mar 2024
Excellent area. Good Value for money. But, if you have heavy luggage, then you'll have to carry out up to the life visa steps that's inconvenient. Room was small and cozy. Domestic staff were helpful. Delightful view of the city centre. Close to the river that was a delight. Highly recommend location.
Kamar Double
Menginap di Apr 2024
10 ulasan
Diposting pada 3 Apr 2024
Check in was a nightmare! If you are not a Chinese speaker, maybe go elsewhere…