The rooms were little messy and paint of the walls was coming off, fans were covered with dust, i booked the suite room but it was definitely not looking like suite room the shelves shown in pictures were more organized and well painted i could clearly see the cracks in the paint below the shelves and the washroom was not well cleaned as well. I have visited this property many times 2 year ago and i could say it definitely that no renovation was done in the last 2 years. I had a issue with the electrical cattle and i even called the reception about it, they sent a guy to check it he took the cattle saying it’s not working he will change it but he came back with the same catlle after 10 minutes saying it was not wired correctly to the socket and i spent 15 minutes again to heat up my water but still it was not working. They had a clear problem with their parking as in 23 hours of my stay i was called 4 times to take my car out as they were not making the parking properly. I had to go to some place at 1 and i even left my room 15 minutes ago some random person parked his car on the back and i was not able to take my car out after 10 minutes the security gaurd came and said it’s another guest who had came to the property. It’s his duty to make sure that cars are parked in proper manner as they don’t have any vallet there. Overall it was a 40/60 experience for me. 40% of the time was very disappointing for me. I hope they sort out this issue clearly as they are charging almost same as other property for their suite room but the servics they are providing are not upto the mark.