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The fairy neighbor store found in the hot weather, located in the delta, is ordinary with a little blue extraordinary. It is a resting place where villagers and tourists passing by can stop. In addition to coffee, the store also has shaved ice, the most powerful tool to relieve summer heat. You must have two cold oat milk and brown sugar lattes. Sitting in the small pergola at the back, it is sweet but not greasy. The aroma of coffee in your mouth slowly restores your blood volume. There is also a caramel pudding, which is extremely delicious, and it is basically a creme brulee. In the past few days, I have been feeling the enthusiasm of Taiwanese people, especially the bosses, and this restaurant is no surprise. While drinking coffee, the boss brought us a small cup of shaved ice to treat us to, saying that we must have this when the weather is hot. After eating it, I was moved in my heart. Without further ado, I went to eat the ice cream first.
Posted: Jun 22, 2024
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Sanzhangli Park

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