No.1 Xiasha, Dapeng Town, Dapeng New District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, ChinaLihat Detail Hotel
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Kamar King Size Bed Deluxe dengan Pemandangan Laut
Menginap di Apr 2024
12 ulasan
Diposting pada 5 Mei 2024
Rooms are designed in modern style, spacious, clean. Breakfast was poor. Swimming pool is turned into an aquarium in which you cannot swim and the only beach we could use, you have to pay for a sunshade. There is very limited space to swim, around 5m from the beach. Basically, room and view were good, everything else is not worth mentioning.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, hello. Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback, and thank you for your praise of the hotel environment, we attach great importance to your feedback, breakfast questions have been reported to the relevant departments; We are sorry about the swimming pool you mentioned. At present, the project is in the test stage, which is not very stable. The swimming pool is temporarily closed, and swimming can be done later. Thank you again for your feedback. Look forward to seeing you again, wish you a happy life!
Deluxe Sea-view Twin Room
Menginap di Apr 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
13 ulasan
Diposting pada 6 Mei 2024
The hotel is in beautiful nature, has a beautiful beach and a swimming pool, but unfortunately swimming in the pool is prohibited because there are fish, starfish and stingrays in the pool, and even we asked before we booked if it was possible to swim in the pool and on the beach, and the reception told us that on May 1st, swimming will be allowed both in the pool and in the sea. That's a big minus for you as a hotel, another thing is that the lifeguard on the beach only allows swimming in sea water about 5 meters from the shore and you can't swim freely even if someone knows how to swim, so it's a shame that you have beautiful hotel in forest with clean air and you don’t allow swimming, so I think no one will come back and stay in your hotel again. My advice is to change this immediately.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, hello. Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback, and thank you for your praise of the hotel environment. We value your feedback very much. We are sorry for the problem of swimming pool that you mentioned. The fish will be released in the pool to allow guests to enjoy the experience of Marine life, and nurse sharks will be released later. Currently in the test stage of the project, it is not very stable, so it is impossible to swim in the pool; Hotel beach is artificial development, 5 meters away from the seabed is mostly rocks, easy to fall and scratch, do not recommend swimming in the sea, sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. Thanks again for your feedback. Look forward to meeting you again, wish you a happy life!
Standard Twin Room
Menginap di Mar 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
18 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 14 Jun 2024
It’s a nice hotel for a beach holiday or a weekend getaway. The only drawback for a foreigner is a lack of food options. In all other respects, it’s a great choice.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, Thank you so much for your stay and comments and for sharing so much about the hotel. Regarding the dietary diversity you mentioned, we have sent feedback to the relevant departments, and your feedback will help us to continuously improve our services and products. Please believe that we attach great importance to each guest's stay experience, thank you very much for your recognition and support of the hotel, we sincerely look forward to your visit again.
Standard Twin Room
Menginap di Mei 2024
16 ulasan
Diposting pada 10 Jun 2024
The swimming pool was under construction and unavailable. The private beach was open but the area around it under construction. We were a bit disappointed with the breakfast, which had limited options and the dinner. The room was smaller than expected. The hotel lacks an indoor swimming pool and a gym.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, we are sorry to learn that you did not have a pleasant holiday with us. We are deeply sorry. The weather changes during your stay, the pool opening hours are flexible, and the seaside area is currently undergoing an upgrade, which is expected to be completed by the end of July. Regarding the food and facilities you mentioned, we have reported to the relevant departments, and we will further consider how to optimize the hotel facilities. Thank you again for your feedback. Wish you a happy life.
Deluxe Sea-view Twin Room
Menginap di Apr 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 8 Mei 2024
On the upside, the room was clean and cozy. The hotel staff were friendly and always ready to assist, which made our experience pleasant. Plus, the beach is nice, especially with the barbecue area nearby.
However, there were a few disappointments. The swimming pool was off-limits due to sea animals inside, despite checking in advance if the pool will be open. On rainy days, indoor entertainment options were lacking – the movie system was out of order, and the kids' playroom closed too early and we couldn't even order coffee when we wanted as the kitchen is open only on certain times during the day.
There's definitely room for improvement. Addressing the swimming pool issue and enhancing indoor activities could elevate the guest experience at the hotel.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest,hello.Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback and thank you for your recognition of the hotel room and staff.Here is a reply to the facilities you mentioned.We're sorry about the swimming pool you mentioned. At present, the project is in the testing phase and is not very stable. In the later stage, we will open the project of sharing entertainment with Marine life for visitors to punch in and take photos.The children's Activity Center is a temporary children's play project that may rain during the holiday before the festival. The relevant system and other aspects are not perfect, we are so sorry.The hotel is currently cooperating with the third party, and will officially launch Western food, afternoon tea, bar and other projects in July.We apologize for the inconvenience.We are trying to enrich the hotel's play programs to meet the needs of different guests.We will make continuous efforts to provide every guest with a more warm and comfortable stay experience. Thank you for your valuable comments and look forward to your visit again.
Kamar King Size Bed Deluxe dengan Pemandangan Laut
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您對我們酒店的認可。雲海酒店地處深圳東部美麗的大鵬半島,所處的自然環境得天獨厚。酒店擁有超大不同方位的觀海平台,您可以盡情感受微風拂面帶來的絲絲涼意與海洋鹹味,還有豐富的活動-山地網球場、燈光球場、棋牌室、登山路徑、天幕燒烤等,更有不同規格的商務會議室、多種形式的團建內容,滿足您的商務出行、公司團建等~再次感謝您對酒店的肯定與支持,我們真誠的期待您的再次光臨~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,您好。感謝您對我們酒店的認可。雲海酒店位於有着“深圳後花園”之稱的大鵬半島,佔地將近10萬平米,背山靠海,位置絕佳。這裏空氣清新,負離子含量豐富,是遠離都市喧囂、親近自然的理想之地。酒店緊鄰金沙灣海岸,擁有無與倫比的一線觀海視野。真誠期待您的再次光臨。祝您生活愉快~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您對我們酒店的認可。雲海酒店地處深圳東部美麗的大鵬半島,所處的自然環境得天獨厚。酒店擁有超大不同方位的觀海平台,您可以盡情感受微風拂面帶來的絲絲涼意與海洋鹹味,還有豐富的活動-山地網球場、燈光球場、棋牌室、登山路徑、天幕燒烤等,更有不同規格的商務會議室、多種形式的團建內容,滿足您的商務出行、公司團建等~再次感謝您對酒店的肯定與支持,我們真誠的期待您的再次光臨~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您花時間並分享您的入住體驗。關於您提到的“地毯比較臟“我們已反饋至客房部,近期入住率較高,可能是我們同事打掃衞生時有所疏忽,目前我們已要求整改;酒店安保人員的服務態度及意識問題,我們已會加強這方面的培訓。再次向您致以誠摯的歉意,給您帶來的不便敬請諒解,期待您的再次光臨~
Kamar King Size Bed Deluxe dengan Pemandangan Laut
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您對我們酒店的認可。雲海酒店地處深圳東部美麗的大鵬半島,所處的自然環境得天獨厚。酒店擁有超大不同方位的觀海平台,您可以盡情感受微風拂面帶來的絲絲涼意與海洋鹹味,還有豐富的活動-山地網球場、燈光球場、棋牌室、登山路徑、天幕燒烤等,更有不同規格的商務會議室、多種形式的團建內容,滿足您的商務出行、公司團建等~再次感謝您對酒店的肯定與支持,我們真誠的期待您的再次光臨~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您對我們酒店的認可,很榮幸您和您太太在這裡有個美好的回憶。深圳雲海酒店位於有着“深圳最後的桃花源”之稱的大鵬半島,大鵬半島三面環海,蜿蜒曲折的海岸,超美的自然景觀,欣賞日落最好的聖地~在這裏您可以盡情的放鬆,擁抱大自然帶來的寧靜。歡迎您再次選擇我們酒店,也希望您能推薦給您身邊的家人朋友,期待您再次光臨。祝您生活愉快!
Kamar King Size Bed Deluxe dengan Pemandangan Laut
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您對我們酒店認可,深圳雲海酒店位於有着“深圳最後一片凈土”之稱的大鵬半島,大鵬半島三面環海,蜿蜒曲折的海岸,超美的自然景觀,山間空氣清新,負離子含量為市區的15—20倍,是都市人遠離喧囂、親近自然的好去處,也是深圳東部觀海、看日落絕佳聖地~在這裏,您可以盡情享受擁抱大自然,非常歡迎您無論旅行度假或是商務出行再次選擇我們酒店,真誠期待您的再次光臨。祝您生活愉快!
Kamar Superior Queen
Menginap di Des 2024
19 ulasan
Diposting pada 5 Feb 2025
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您下榻深圳雲海酒店,沒能達到您的預期我們深表歉意。梅花鹿觀賞及投喂是與第三方合作後新增的項目,僅僅是為了增加遊玩的趣味性及豐富性;其次秋冬季海邊早晚温差較大,鯊魚池設備等也在升級調試階段,故季節性關閉,等天氣回暖,也會正式向遊客開放~再次向您致以誠摯的歉意,希望在不久的將來能有機會為您奉上更好的服務,期待與您的再次相遇。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您選擇雲海酒店,並花時間寫下如此豐富的體驗細節~酒店緊鄰金沙灣海岸,擁有無與倫比的一線觀海視野。餐廳、觀海平台、部分客房可通過巨大的落地窗,享受無敵海景,將蔚藍的大海盡收眼底。無論是客房服務、餐飲服務還是會議服務,都力求做到盡善盡美;在這裏,可以近距離感受雲海與大海的交融之美,體驗一場極致的雲海浪漫之旅,無論是清晨的日出還是傍晚的日落,都能留下難忘的回憶~再次感謝您對我們的認可,也希望您能推薦酒店給您的朋友且再次入住酒店,期待與您的再次相遇~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您選擇深圳雲海酒店,並花時間給予我們評價,感謝您對我們工作人員認可,您的滿意是我們最大的責任與追求,酒店致力於為客人提供優質的服務,您的到來及肯定是我們不斷進步的動力與方向,非常感謝您對酒店的肯定與支持,我們真誠的期待您的再次光臨。