Baishui Fang. Old Town Palace·Famous Historical Houses

Ulasan Baishui Fang. Old Town Palace·Famous Historical Houses

Baishui Fang. Old Town Palace·Famous Historical Houses

No.34 Baisui Lane, Xinyi Street, Gucheng District, Lijiang, Yunnan, 674100, ChinaLihat Detail Hotel
Baishui Fang. Old Town Palace·Famous Historical Houses
Baishui Fang. Old Town Palace·Famous Historical HousesBaishui Fang. Old Town Palace·Famous Historical HousesBaishui Fang. Old Town Palace·Famous Historical Houses
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Tidur Sesuka Hati - Kamar Double Bed Nyaman dengan Mebel Kayu Dongba Lusha Naxi Buatan Tangan - Matras Memori Busa Tidur Nyaman Khusus - Humidifier - Area Basah dan Kering Terpisah
Menginap di Okt 2024
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9 ulasan
Diposting pada 27 Nov 2024
Kami menginap 3 malam di hotel ini dan mendapat penjemputan gratis. Koper kami di bawa pakai trolly. Pelayanannya bagus, staff hotelnya baik dan membantu kami mentransfer uang ke agen tour. Kami di kasih minum teh dan biskuit. Hotelnya dalam kawasan kota tua dan sangat dekat ke tempat wisata dan tempat makan
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您對【百歲坊】服務的認可;【古城黃金位置】【名人故居】【24小時管家式服務】,這裡是您旅途的一個棲息之地,我們為每個入住的客人提供乾淨、整潔、放心的入住一直是我們的基本標準,如朋友般真誠接待每一位遠道而來的您,提供高品質的服務,您的滿意也是我們前進的最大動力,在您的信任和鼓勵下,我們一定會繼續努力,期望萍水相逢的一面之緣為您留下深刻的印象,茶水已備好,一別之後,兩相歡喜,三生有幸,百歲坊期待您的再次光臨。祝您生活愉快!
Perjalanan Keluarga yang Hangat - Kamar Keluarga Duplex dengan Matras Tidur Nyaman Khusus untuk Teman dan Keluarga - Mebel Kayu Solid Naxi Dongba Buatan Tangan - Humidifier - Pemisah Kamar Mandi Kering Basah
Menginap di Agt 2024
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7 ulasan
Diposting pada 29 Sep 2024
Pelayanan bagus dan ramah sekali sangat membantu
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您對【百歲坊】服務的認可;【古城黃金位置】【名人故居】【24小時管家式服務】,這裡是您旅途的一個棲息之地,我們為每個入住的客人提供乾淨、整潔、放心的入住一直是我們的基本標準,如朋友般真誠接待每一位遠道而來的您,提供高品質的服務,您的滿意也是我們前進的最大動力,在您的信任和鼓勵下,我們一定會繼續努力,期望萍水相逢的一面之緣為您留下深刻的印象,茶水已備好,一別之後,兩相歡喜,三生有幸,百歲坊期待您的再次光臨。祝您生活愉快!
Tidur Sesuka Hati - Kamar Double Bed Nyaman dengan Mebel Kayu Dongba Lusha Naxi Buatan Tangan - Matras Memori Busa Tidur Nyaman Khusus - Humidifier - Area Basah dan Kering Terpisah
Menginap di Feb 2024
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5 ulasan
Diposting pada 2 Apr 2024
Saluran pembuangan di kamar mandi tempat kami menginap pada malam pertama tersumbat. Saat kami mandi, air menyembur keluar dan mengalir melalui bagian tengah lalu ke toilet, memenuhi saluran pembuangan dengan air. Kami terkejut bahwa pemiliknya mengizinkan kami menginap meskipun dia tahu kamarnya belum diperbaiki. Saya ingin pindah ke kamar lain, tetapi pembantu rumah tangga mengatakan bahwa kamar itu penuh malam itu dan hanya dapat dipindahkan ke kamar keluarga keesokan harinya. Meskipun sikap pengurus rumah tangganya baik, dia tidak menunjukkan keramahan apa pun saat kami pergi, hal ini membuat kami sangat tidak puas. Saya tidak akan merekomendasikan menginap di sini.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Terima kasih atas pengakuan Anda terhadap layanan kami; 1. Terkait masalah pancuran di kamar mandi, kami telah mengatur teknisi untuk datang dan memeriksanya, dan telah diperbaiki; 2. Sebelum setiap kamar ditempati, kami telah menambahkan proses pemeriksaan kamar untuk memastikan bahwa insiden serupa tidak akan terjadi lagi di masa mendatang; Anda adalah tamu yang sangat sopan, dan masukan Anda adalah motivasi kami untuk terus maju dan melakukan penyesuaian! Kami di Baisuifang selalu percaya bahwa pelanggan adalah manajer produk terbaik, dan kami menantikan kunjungan Anda lagi!
Dawn Rises Gently | Traditional Chinese Garden View King Bedroom | Customized Deep Sleep Pillow | Handcrafted Lushan Dongba Wooden Furniture | Humidifier | Separate Wet And Dry Areas
Menginap di Agt 2024
9 ulasan
Diposting pada 11 Sep 2024
Penginapannya sudah tua dan sulit ditemukan
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Keluarga yang terhormat, terima kasih banyak atas ulasan lanjutan Anda. Homestay ini terletak di No. 34, Baisuifang, Jalan Xinyi, kota kuno. Homestay ini memiliki lokasi geografis yang unggul. Kota Kuno Lijiang berada tepat di luarnya. Sebagai objek wisata tingkat 5A nasional, Kota Kuno Lijiang telah menerapkan langkah-langkah manajemen lalu lintas yang ketat untuk melindungi integritas kota kuno dan keselamatan wisatawan. Kendaraan bermotor dilarang masuk, jadi kami semua menggunakan pembantu rumah tangga atau becak untuk menitipkan barang bawaan. Barang bawaan Anda juga akan kami jaga dengan baik, dan Anda dapat perlahan-lahan menikmati ***a kota kuno dan pengalaman budaya yang unik. Baisuifang menantikan kedatangan Anda kembali dan mendoakan Anda hidup bahagia!
Hang, Nguyen
Dawn Rises Gently | Traditional Chinese Garden View King Bedroom | Customized Deep Sleep Pillow | Handcrafted Lushan Dongba Wooden Furniture | Humidifier | Separate Wet And Dry Areas
Menginap di Mar 2023
1 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 23 Apr 2023
Hotel yang bagus, kamar yang bagus di lokasi pusat kota tua, mudah berjalan kaki ke mana saja. Staf sangat membantu untuk menjemput kami ke hotel dari Big Wheel, bahkan membawa kami ke halte bus ketika kami memintanya untuk menunjukkan kepada kami cara menuju ke sana (15 menit berjalan kaki dari hotel). Bahasa Inggris tidak populer di sana, kami hanya bisa berkomunikasi melalui sedikit Google Translate. Kami pasti akan kembali. Terima kasih Baisufang.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Terima kasih atas tanggapan positif Anda. Kami menantikan kunjungan Anda lagi dan semoga perjalanan Anda menyenangkan
Perjalanan Keluarga yang Hangat - Kamar Keluarga Duplex dengan Matras Tidur Nyaman Khusus untuk Teman dan Keluarga - Mebel Kayu Solid Naxi Dongba Buatan Tangan - Humidifier - Pemisah Kamar Mandi Kering Basah
Menginap di Feb 2023
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 9 Mar 2023
Air pancurannya dingin atau panas, dan tidak ada insulasi suara.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Terima kasih atas saran-saran berharga Anda: 1. Terkait air panas dan dingin di kamar mandi, kami telah menghubungi teknisi untuk memperbaikinya dan kini telah diperbaiki; 2. Terkait masalah insulasi suara, meskipun rumah kami memiliki keuntungan geografis, karena merupakan bekas kediaman seorang selebriti, terdapat banyak kendala saat merenovasi kamar tamu; selanjutnya kami akan menyesuaikan dan menambahkan kapas insulasi suara serta penyumbat telinga insulasi suara agar dapat meningkatkan pengalaman menginap setiap orang semaksimal mungkin; terakhir, kami di Baisuifang selalu meyakini bahwa pelanggan adalah pengelola produk terbaik, dan kami menantikan kunjungan Anda kembali untuk melakukan inspeksi!
risnayati lammu
Dawn Rises Gently | Traditional Chinese Garden View King Bedroom | Customized Deep Sleep Pillow | Handcrafted Lushan Dongba Wooden Furniture | Humidifier | Separate Wet And Dry Areas
Menginap di Jan 2025
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 6 Mar 2025
We had a wonderful stay in the heart of Ancient Town. Andy reached out to us a day before our arrival to confirm our booking and transportation details. He was incredibly helpful in arranging our pickup and drop-off service between the train station and hotel, making our travel hassle-free. Upon arrival, he warmly welcomed us with a Chinese tea, setting a great first impression. Thorough our stay, he provided helpful directions and patiently answered all our questions. The nighttime view from the balcony was absolutely stunning - you and relax while enjoying the beautiful lights of the Ancient Town. Thank you, Andy, for the excellent service and hospitality. We truly appreciated it!
Wake Up In The Morning And Feel At Ease | Ancient Charm Deluxe King Room | Customized Mattress For Deep Sleep | Naxi Dongba Handmade Solid Wood Furniture | Humidifier | Dry Wet Separation
Menginap di Nov 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 2 Jan 2025
This is my first time in Lijiang. Mr. Andy contact me days before we arriving from Kuala Lumpur to arrange for pick up at train station. But due to my WeChat aps error, we go to the hotel by DiDi and he picked us from the entrance and helped us with the bags as the old city not accessible direct by car. While we were checking in he made us tea, which was really nice. The hotel is very beautiful, just in the center of Lijiang Old Town. You can go out and stroll. The room and environment is beautiful, comfortable and clean and also all the essential are there. The whole staff of the hotel were really nice and always there for me for all the service that I need especially Mr. Andy. He taking care of us. He helped me reserving a trip to the snow mountain & Tiger Leaping Gorger. Mr. Andy led us to the meeting point in the morning. Very good of him. Mr. Andy arrange driver to send us to the train station on our last day in Lijiang. I highly recommended staying at this hotel and will never regret the experience. Will definitely choose here for my next visit to Lijiang To Mr. Andy, thank you so much for your help and kindness. Till we meet again
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you for your praise and love for Baishuifang. We provide butler service for every guest, and your satisfaction is the encouragement for us. We create an unforgettable journey for you through our dedicated service. Your affirmation and encouragement are the sources of our continuous progress. We are always ready welcome you again, and we believe that we will definitely bring you another impressive and perfect encounter. Wishing you all the best!
Tidur Sesuka Hati - Kamar Double Bed Nyaman dengan Mebel Kayu Dongba Lusha Naxi Buatan Tangan - Matras Memori Busa Tidur Nyaman Khusus - Humidifier - Area Basah dan Kering Terpisah
Menginap di Des 2024
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 23 Jan 2025
Highly recommended to stay in this Hotel. The owner Michael, and the staff name Andy is very helpful and friendly. They upgrade my room to the bigger room for free 🥰 My kids also love this place a lot. ❤️ Location of this hotel, very nearby to the center of Ancient Town Lijiang. Just 3min walking.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您對【百歲坊】服務的認可;【古城黃金位置】【名人故居】【24小時管家式服務】,這裡是您旅途的一個棲息之地,我們為每個入住的客人提供乾淨、整潔、放心的入住一直是我們的基本標準,如朋友般真誠接待每一位遠道而來的您,提供高品質的服務,您的滿意也是我們前進的最大動力,在您的信任和鼓勵下,我們一定會繼續努力,期望萍水相逢的一面之緣為您留下深刻的印象,茶水已備好,一別之後,兩相歡喜,三生有幸,百歲坊期待您的再次光臨。祝您生活愉快!
Dawn Rises Gently | Traditional Chinese Garden View King Bedroom | Customized Deep Sleep Pillow | Handcrafted Lushan Dongba Wooden Furniture | Humidifier | Separate Wet And Dry Areas
Menginap di Des 2024
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 20 Jan 2025
This is a very beautiful hotel. The staff has helped us a lot, especially Andy. Here, we tasted delicious mushroom soup and unique Naxi stir-fry. We also went to Yulong Snow Mountain, which left a deep impression on me. My friend will come to Lijiang this month, and he will also stay in this hotel. I think Andy will take good care of my friend.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您對【百歲坊】服務的認可;【古城黃金位置】【名人故居】【24小時管家式服務】,這裡是您旅途的一個棲息之地,我們為每個入住的客人提供乾淨、整潔、放心的入住一直是我們的基本標準,如朋友般真誠接待每一位遠道而來的您,提供高品質的服務,您的滿意也是我們前進的最大動力,在您的信任和鼓勵下,我們一定會繼續努力,期望萍水相逢的一面之緣為您留下深刻的印象,茶水已備好,一別之後,兩相歡喜,三生有幸,百歲坊期待您的再次光臨。祝您生活愉快!
Perjalanan Keluarga yang Hangat - Kamar Keluarga Duplex dengan Matras Tidur Nyaman Khusus untuk Teman dan Keluarga - Mebel Kayu Solid Naxi Dongba Buatan Tangan - Humidifier - Pemisah Kamar Mandi Kering Basah
Menginap di Des 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 19 Jan 2025
Good service. Superb viewing. Can buy tour package directly with hotel. Staff name Andy very helpfull (can speak English).
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您對百歲坊的誇讚與喜愛 ,我們為每一位客人提供管家式服務,您的滿意是給予我們最好的鼓勵。我們通過用心服務為您營造一段難忘的旅程。您的肯定和鼓勵是我們不斷進步的源泉,我們時刻準備着歡迎您的再次光臨,相信一定會為您開啟另一段印象深刻的完美邂逅。祝您一切順利!
Wake Up In The Morning And Feel At Ease | Ancient Charm Deluxe King Room | Customized Mattress For Deep Sleep | Naxi Dongba Handmade Solid Wood Furniture | Humidifier | Dry Wet Separation
Menginap di Des 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
6 ulasan
Diposting pada 19 Jan 2025
Staff friendly. Nice location, walkable to ancient town. Makan muslim pun senang juga. Tapi kene jalan for few mins sepanjang kedai2 lain dekat town tu. Their service paling top notch. Membantu semua serba serbi.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您對百歲坊的誇讚與喜愛 ,我們為每一位客人提供管家式服務,您的滿意是給予我們最好的鼓勵。我們通過用心服務為您營造一段難忘的旅程。您的肯定和鼓勵是我們不斷進步的源泉,我們時刻準備着歡迎您的再次光臨,相信一定會為您開啟另一段印象深刻的完美邂逅。祝您一切順利!
Tidur Sesuka Hati - Kamar Double Bed Nyaman dengan Mebel Kayu Dongba Lusha Naxi Buatan Tangan - Matras Memori Busa Tidur Nyaman Khusus - Humidifier - Area Basah dan Kering Terpisah
Menginap di Des 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 16 Jan 2025
Andy the owner is very helpful and he recommended many places as well in Lijiang. He even provided us list of halal places to eat in Lijiang area. He is so friendly and dont worry about language barrier, he always have google translate in his phone😂😂 thank you again because at the end of the day, my penguin plushie left at our homestay but he was willing to run back and get my penguin plushie😭😭 and thank you as well for giving snacks to my children, he treat them like his own niece🥺🥺🥺 again thank you so much Andy! Hope many people will choose to stay at this place in Ljiang. I give ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for this place! All superb!!!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您對百歲坊的誇讚與喜愛 ,我們為每一位客人提供管家式服務,您的滿意是給予我們最好的鼓勵。我們通過用心服務為您營造一段難忘的旅程。您的肯定和鼓勵是我們不斷進步的源泉,我們時刻準備着歡迎您的再次光臨,相信一定會為您開啟另一段印象深刻的完美邂逅。祝您一切順利!
Muhammad Ameer Farouq Bin
Dawn Rises Gently | Traditional Chinese Garden View King Bedroom | Customized Deep Sleep Pillow | Handcrafted Lushan Dongba Wooden Furniture | Humidifier | Separate Wet And Dry Areas
Menginap di Des 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
4 ulasan
Diposting pada 11 Jan 2025
Well done to hospitality services. They are so helpful and trying their best to manage our itinerary plans to JDSM. This location very near old town. Oh more things, this hotel also guide you to reach halal restaurants nearby and please ask them to provide transportation from Lijiang station. Highly recommended to the muslim visitors please select this hotel for great experience 👍🏼 Thank you so much Dou Dou
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您對百歲坊的誇讚與喜愛 ,我們為每一位客人提供管家式服務,您的滿意是給予我們最好的鼓勵。我們通過用心服務為您營造一段難忘的旅程。您的肯定和鼓勵是我們不斷進步的源泉,我們時刻準備着歡迎您的再次光臨,相信一定會為您開啟另一段印象深刻的完美邂逅。祝您一切順利!
Azmira Akmal
Perjalanan Keluarga yang Hangat - Kamar Keluarga Duplex dengan Matras Tidur Nyaman Khusus untuk Teman dan Keluarga - Mebel Kayu Solid Naxi Dongba Buatan Tangan - Humidifier - Pemisah Kamar Mandi Kering Basah
Menginap di Nov 2024
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 6 Jan 2025
Staying at this hotel is such a pleasant experience, The staff, Andy contacted us days before we arrived and had arranged a pick up car from train. As the hotel is located in the centre of the old town, he came to pick us up from the entrance of the old town. Our luggages were being carried by tricycle driver and the walk from old town entrance to hotel took about 5 min. We were served hot tea as we arrived at the hotel. It was very welcoming and the hotel is so beautiful. The room was clean and warm. It has all the necessities we need. Would definitely recommend staying at this hotel so its great hospitality.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您對百歲坊的誇讚與喜愛 ,我們為每一位客人提供管家式服務,您的滿意是給予我們最好的鼓勵。我們通過用心服務為您營造一段難忘的旅程。您的肯定和鼓勵是我們不斷進步的源泉,我們時刻準備着歡迎您的再次光臨,相信一定會為您開啟另一段印象深刻的完美邂逅。祝您一切順利!