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Kamar Queen Pojok(Cornucopia)
Menginap di 9. 2024
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 19.9.2024
The property is very modern, facilities such as washing machine and dryer are brand new. Staff are very helpful and well trained. We’re given free upgrade to an enormous room. Overall, it’s a good transit hotel to the airport and value for money.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, thank you so much for your kind review! We strive to provide a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all our guests, and your feedback is greatly appreciated. We look forward to welcoming you back again soon. Wish you have a nice day!
Superior Double Room
Menginap di 11. 2024
2 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 21.11.2024
nice and clean together with friendly and helpful staffs.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, we are extremely grateful for your kind words. It is our pleasure to know that you found our hotel nice and clean and our staff friendly and helpful. We always strive to maintain high standards of cleanliness and offer excellent service. Your feedback encourages us to keep up the good work and continuously improve. We look forward to welcoming you back in the future. Wish you have a nice day! IHG Social Listening Team
2 Tempat Tidur Ukuran Twin Standar
Menginap di 12. 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 18.12.2024
The hotel front desk staffs provided good and efficient services. The room is clean and quiet. breakfast has good variety.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的客人您好,感謝您入住昆明雪力智選假日酒店,“盡最大能力滿足客人需求”是小智的服務特色,小夥伴們一直牢記於心,付諸於行動,致力於讓每一位客人都能感受到家人般關懷的温暖。我們酒店嚴格貫徹“智遊之選,智在安全”的全球標準,每時每刻注重品質,每一個細節都致力於為賓客提供安全可靠和乾淨舒適的居停環境。酒店客房舒適整潔,配有舒凈適意的睡床,液晶電視,高速無線網連結,在您一邊享受舒適枕眠的同時一邊盡情休閑放鬆。熱情的盼望您的再次到來,祝您天天開心,事事順心!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Pengguna Anonim
2 Tempat Tidur Ukuran Twin Standar
Menginap di 12. 2024
24 ulasan
Diposting pada 20.12.2024
It is quiet location not in congested area. Shops for food across the road
Kamar Queen Pojok(Cornucopia)
Menginap di 8. 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 24.8.2024
Very clean and good☺️. Breakfast is also delicious. Shampoo and conditioner also I like 👍.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, thank you so much for your kind review! We are delighted to hear that you found our hotel very clean and enjoyed our delicious breakfast. We are also glad that you liked our shampoo and conditioner. We strive to provide a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all our guests, and your feedback is greatly appreciated. We look forward to welcoming you back again soon. Wish you have a nice day! IHG Social Listening Team
Kamar Queen Pojok(Cornucopia)
Menginap di 9. 2024
6 ulasan
Diposting pada 14.9.2024
Very friendly and helpful staff, with a good translation device
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, thank you so much for your kind review! We strive to provide a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all our guests, and your feedback is greatly appreciated. We look forward to welcoming you back again soon. Wish you have a nice day!
Superior Double Room
Menginap di 1. 2024
13 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 8.1.2024
Most things to our satisfaction. Staff service xcellent. Some gym eqpt not working. Bfast is good, but Western selection is very limited.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, Thank you so much for your review of our hotel. All the staff of our hotel offer a warm welcome for your stay. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the malfunctioning gym equipment. We will ensure that our maintenance team is alerted to promptly address the issue and have the equipment repaired or replaced as needed. Regarding the breakfast selection about the limited Western options. We will review our menu and consider expanding the variety to better cater to different tastes and preferences. Your input is valuable in helping us improve the quality and variety of our breakfast offerings. We look forward to see you again! Wish you have a nice day! IHG Social Listening Team
The nerd traveler
Superior Double Room
Menginap di 4. 2024
8 ulasan
Diposting pada 20.4.2024
Overall is fair.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear customer, thank you for your feedback. As a member of the Holiday Inn Express hotel brand, we advocates for a simple and wise travel experience. Simplicity is different from simplicity, with no luxurious decorations or expensive consumption. The supporting facilities are exquisite and complete without redundancy, meeting the simple, efficient, comfortable and worry free accommodation needs of time sensitive business travelers. During your stay, if you encounter any problems or have any needs, you can communicate with the staff in a timely manner, and we will be happy to serve you. We look forward to reuniting with you again, which will earn you full marks of recognition. Wish you have a nice day! IHG Social Listening Team
Pengguna Anonim
Menginap di 8. 2024
4 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 29.8.2024
Good feel
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Guest, we are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us a lot! It is our greatest pleasure to provide you with a memorable experience.We are constantly working to improve and enhance our services to make each visit even better. Your positive feedback motivates us to keep doing what we do.We sincerely hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back soon. IHG Social Listening Team
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人您好,感謝您入住昆明雪力智選假日酒店。很榮幸能得到您對我們酒店的支持與認可,也非常感謝您對洲際酒店集團的信賴。作為洲際酒店集團旗下的中端精選服務類酒店,智選假日在業內有口皆碑,我們的環境安全可靠,客房温馨舒適,衞生整潔清爽,服務熱情周到而又準確高效,讓您在遙遠的旅途中依然能感覺到家的温馨。入住期間,您還可享受暢爽沐浴、優質睡眠、高速網絡、免費的中西式早餐、自助洗衣閣、免費停車場等服務。我們會繼續努力,衷心期待着您的再次蒞臨,祝您旅途愉快,萬事如意!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人您好,感謝您入住昆明雪力智選假日酒店。很榮幸能得到您對我們酒店的支持與認可,也非常感謝您對洲際酒店集團的信賴。作為洲際酒店集團旗下的中端精選服務類酒店,智選假日在業內有口皆碑,我們的環境安全可靠,客房温馨舒適,衞生整潔清爽,服務熱情周到而又準確高效,讓您在遙遠的旅途中依然能感覺到家的温馨。入住期間,您還可享受暢爽沐浴、優質睡眠、高速網絡、免費的中西式早餐、自助洗衣閣、免費停車場等服務。我們會繼續努力,衷心期待着您的再次蒞臨,祝您旅途愉快,萬事如意!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,非常感謝您的肯定與讚賞!您的滿意就是對我們最大的鼓勵和認可。酒店致力於為賓客提供貼心周到的專業服務,想您所想,您在乎的正是我們所考慮的,能幫助到您是我們的榮幸。健康美味的智選早餐是酒店的品牌特色,菜品中西式結合,營養均衡搭配,滿足大人、小孩、長者各年齡段客人的多樣需求,為新的一天注入滿滿活力。期待能迎來您的再次光臨。祝您步步高昇。 智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人您好,歡迎您入住昆明雪力智選假日酒店。酒店地理位置優越,位於昆明市盤龍區金瓦路999號,東二環外側,出行交通便捷,距離昆明長水國際機場(KMG)、昆明站、地鐵3號線金馬寺站及太平村站方便快捷。周邊商林立,購物方便,包括恆隆廣場、瑞鼎城愛琴海購物公園等。小智奉上熱情滿滿的服務,整潔清爽的衞生環境,齊全而不多餘的精智設施,加上優惠實在的親民價格,是您出行最堅實的後勤保障。非常感謝您在入住期間及時的反饋,給予我們及時維護及改正的機會。期待再次為您服務。祝您工作順利,笑口常開。 智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人您好,感謝您入住昆明雪力智選假日酒店。智選式自助早餐是我們酒店的特色,很高興您能喜歡,我們的早餐,除了常規的中西式餐食,還有當地特色美食、現煮麪條搭配多口味的特色菜品、現磨咖啡等,為您開啟全新的一天。同時奉上我們安全可靠的環境,温馨舒適的客房,整潔清爽的衞生,熱情滿滿的服務,讓您在遙遠的旅途中依然能感覺到家的温馨。還有暢爽沐浴、優質睡眠、高速網絡、自助洗衣閣、免費停車場等服務,做好您旅途中堅強的後盾支援。再次感謝您對我們酒店的支持與認可,也期待您有機會能再次入住我們酒店,祝您旅途愉快,笑口常開!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的客人,您好!感謝您抽出寶貴的時間來為我們撰寫評論。小夥伴們深知服務品質與內涵的重要性,始終致力於為每一位客人提供熱情周到、準確高效的專業服務。我們的真誠與友善將伴隨您旅途的每一個瞬間,讓您在旅途中感受到輕鬆愉悦,一切盡在掌握,真正體驗到物超所值。期待您的再次蒞臨!祝您生活愉快,工作順利!智選假日賓客關懷團隊