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Menginap di Jun 2024
Diposting pada 21 Jul 2024
The worst experience in terms of customer service and hospitality! We visited the premises for a weekend , 2 nights, Friday and Saturday, with my husband. Our room was supposed to be a junior suite with sea view. In reality it was a room with an open veranda as an extension to the pool area. The pool area was indeed overlooking the sea. We could spot the sea standing up on our veranda, or sitting up on our bed, however, as the room was at the pool area, rather than us admiring the sea, we ourselves would be admired by the guests sitting in the pool area if we left our room door open or were sitting outside. The room offered no privacy whatsoever, especially at night with the lights on. Our biggest issue however was not the sea view, rather the fact that the hotel had very loud music on the pool area from 19:30 until past midnight. Right outside our room stood one of the speakers. When we asked the management on Friday to lower the volume so we could sleep we got the answer that this is the character of the hotel and that we are lucky they didn't have a live event planned for the weekend. They also offered us a refund and told us to go find another hotel for the weekend on the island (that was on Friday evening at 21:00, at the weekend of 19-21 July, when everything is of course fully booked), They ironically even offered to look for us, which we asked them to do, of course with no luck. To top it up, the room had a veranda glass door and a window and neither of them had any shutters fitted. There was only a white cotton curtain, meaning that there was light coming in 24 hours a day, at crack of dawn, and during the night as the pool area was lit at all times. When we pointed this out to the staff on Saturday morning, we were told that they provide sleeping masks! So we had to sleep both nights with earplugs and a sleeping mask! Finally, the bed was situated in the middle of the room. There was no provision for a plug next to the bed for a phone charger, neither was there a headlight if you wanted to read a book. The whole design was mostly pretence rather than actually thinking of what a guest may need to relax and be comfortable. So, if you are looking for a calm and quiet holiday where you can rest and relax, you may want to avoid this hotel. This is a pretentious party hotel/bar/club.
Menginap di Mei 2024
Diposting pada 18 Jun 2024
We visited the location with my family on the occasion of a dinner party of a baptism, along with many international friends who travelled from several countries around the world to honor the hosts. Sadly, we noticed that our hosts had to become the planners and facilitators themselves because there was absolutely no experience- or even will?- on behalf of the hotel, even though I suppose our hosts chose the specific expensive location expecting to receive the respective level of service in return. The arrival of us guests was a mere nightmare: the hotel is situated on the top of a cliff and the sole access is by a narrow dirt road full of rocks and potholes, where there is space for just 1 car to pass... Τhere was no prediction by the hotel for parking or even regulating the traffic in some way to assist guests... Everything was rolling extremely slow, with dinner being served at 22.30 (!!???), during which, the bar closed (!!??)- obviously due to shortage of staff. On top, the awfully rude lady in charge made a very bad impression to all of us guests, regardless of the attempts of the limited staff who were trying to do their job. Overall a really disappointing experience, felt sorry for our hosts who hoped to offer us a warm high-standard treatment but received such a low quality of service instead. A nice view, a sunset and an infinity pool can be found everywhere in all Mediterranean countries. What makes the real difference is the quality of service that you offer, and this was definitely a disappointment of Greek hospitality.
Menginap di Des 2022
Diposting pada 31 Jan 2023
Ανεπανάληπτη high class εμπειρία διαμονής σε απόσταση αναπνοής από την Αθήνα. Υπέροχη θέα και ηλιοβασίλεμα σε συνδυασμό με άριστο service φαγητού/ποτού . Παρεΐστικη ατμόσφαιρα με στοιχεία elegance και προσοχή στην κάθε λεπτομέρεια. Για όσους είναι ΣΚ οργανώνονται μουσικές βραδιές που σε παρασύρουν σε αμείωτο κέφι με το καταπληκτικό και υποβλητικό one man show που εκτελεί ο Βαγγέλης Τούντας ! Must visit!!
Tanggapan dari Properti: Ευχαριστούμε πολύ για την κριτική σας .Είμαστε πολύ χαρούμενοι που ανταποκριθήκαμε στις προσδοκίες σας ,θα χαρούμε πολύ να σας ξανά υποδεχθούμε στο Aigis. Τάκης ,Λίζα ,Άννα
Menginap di Jul 2023
Diposting pada 21 Agt 2023
(Version française ci-dessous) [ENGLISH] I sparingly post reviews but felt compelled to do it for this hidden gem. Aigis Suite is a boutique hotel in Vourkari, on the island of Kea (also called Tzia). But not just any kind of boutique hotel ! I have been travelling all over Greece over the past four years and for me Aigis is a unique combination of Greek hospitality, breathtaking view and luxury resort. Yes it is hidden on the top of a hill and the road to reach it is an adventure. But it makes it even more rewarding and gives you that feeling of exclusivity which is enhanced by its small size. It is a small paradise which you will only leave the time of a dinner in Vourkari. More than being a guest in a boutique hotel I felt like being invited by a couple of friends for the weekend in their luxury villa to enjoy the sunset, sipping cocktails while enjoying the music and improvising a party by the pool. This is the Aigis experience which Lisa and Takis create with passion. [FRENCH] Je ne poste que rarement des avis mais cette pépite le mérite. Aigis Suite est un boutique hotel situé au-dessus de Vourkari, sur l’ile de Kea (aussi appelée Tzia). Mais pas n’importe quel boutique hotel ! J’ai activement exploré la Grèce ces quatre dernières années et pour moi Aigis est la combinaison unique de l’hospitalité grecque, d’une vue à couper le souffle et d’une villa de luxe. Oui l’hôtel est perché sur une colline et le chemin pour y arriver a surpris le français que je suis. Mais cela ne fait que rendre l’expérience plus enrichissante et vous donne l’impression d’atteindre un endroit très exclusif, réservé à quelques happy few. C’est un petit paradis que vous ne quitterez que le temps d’un dîner sur le port de Vourkari. Pendant quelques jours j’ai eu l’impression d’être plus qu’un simple client, mais plutôt un ami de la famille, invité pour quelques jours dans une villa de luxe. J’ai profité du coucher de soleil en sirotant des cocktails et en dansant au bord de la piscine comme je le ferai avec des amis. C’est ça l’expérience Aigis Suites que Lisa et Takis partagent avec passion.
Menginap di Jul 2023
Diposting pada 19 Agt 2023
Nous avons eu la chance de passer quelques jours de rêve dans Aigis Suites à Kea et c’était une expérience unique !! Un lieu magique avec une vue fantastique et un de plus beaux coucher de soleil qu‘on peut imaginer en Grèce. Très belle déco , avec la signature d’Alekos Fassianos , accueil impeccable par Lisa et son équipe et le tout dans une ambiance très décontractée et conviviale…. L’hospitalité grecque à sa perfection !
Menginap di Mar 2023
Diposting pada 18 Apr 2023
Το Πασχα 2023 στο ΑΙΓΙΣ ήταν ότι καλυτερο ειχουμε ζήσει σε ξενοδοχειο ως οικογένεια !!!Από την μία οι υπηρεσίες ήταν 5 αστερων και παραλληλα η ζεστασια των ανθρώπων του (Λίζα και Τάκης )ήταν απαράμιλλη !! Το προσωπικό Κωνσταντίνος και Κέλλυ απλά φανταστικοι !!Το δωματιο μας υπέροχο,πολύ καθαρό μυρωδάτο και ατμοσφαιρικό.Οτι δοκιμάσαμε -φαγητό και ποτό-ήταν άλλου επιπέδου !!!Η μουσική επίσης που παίζει ο Τάκης από την ώρα που ξυπναγαμε μεχρι αργά το βραδυ μίλαγε στην καρδιά μας.Σε όλα αυτά προστεθηκε και μια υπέροχη βραδια με τον Βαγγέλη Τουντα ...τα λόγια περιττα,Θα ξαναπάμε σίγουρα !!!!