Myself and four friends stayed at Morfeas Hotel towards the end of September and we had the best time and all felt so at home and safe for our whole stay. Perfect location, 24 hour bar, great atmosphere. The hotel staff are absolutely fantastic. The hotel bar has sheets on the walls warning guests about dangerous alcohol which may be used in Kavos bars, and they offer to give out their phone number for guests to contact for help if they find themselves in a dangerous situation or incase anyone thinks they have been spiked. My boyfriend who was with us on the holiday had issues with his phone and was locked out of it for 2 days and the hotel staff happily helped and allowed him to use their laptop to reset his phone. Our group got scammed when we bought tickets for the Booze Cruise online, tickets which we spent 40 euro each on, and although this had nothing to do with the hotel, the manager made a phone call to explain the circumstances and made sure we still got to go on the Booze Cruise anyway. I have been going on holidays my whole life and the staff at this hotel are easily the best I have ever had and I would recommend this hotel to anyone going to Kavos.