An unjustifiably high tariff was charged to me, i.e. 4704 for Room Only (without balcony) for two adults and a child. Upon reaching the hotel, I learned that the room that I had paid for through their own website was not available. However, the manager "upgraded" me to another room. The room was spacious and clean but it had a drainage pipe inside. Whenever the user of the adjacent room used their wash basin (or toilet, I am not aware), the gurgling sound kept disturbing my sleep. Poor Wi-Fi, weak geyser, no intercom, no in-house restaurant. We did not even get tea. We had to step outside and find food. Fortunately, there are many restaurants outside this hotel. Since the room that I was "upgraded" to was in this condition; I cannot imagine the room that I had actually booked which was smaller than this. Manager, Mr. Pandit Rakesh is the only silver lining in this situation. He is polite, courteous, professional and cooperative, and was running around and doing as much as he could to ensure that the place ran smoothly. The other staff members are also humble, but they need more hospitality training and the staff number needs to be increased to cater to the requirements of the guests. I feel I should have stayed in Dharamkot and come down to McLeodganj for sightseeing. I trust the management of this hotel values this feedback and sincerely works on the areas of improvement mentioned. Best wishes.