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Li Ping Toh
Kamar Tamu - Pemandangan Halaman (2 tempat tidur)
Menginap di Agt 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
6 ulasan
Diposting pada 27 Sep 2024
We were not too sure what to expect from our first China trip so it was with much relief to receive such warm welcome and care when we reach our accomodation in Tunxi.
Not only is our hotel a beautifully well-kept centuries-old heritage building, the service rendered by the staff was the highlight of our trip.
They made special arrangements for us to have our breakfast (and it was a awesome breakfast too!) earlier as we were trying to reach Huangshan as early as possible. On our way back, we decided to stay one more night here as my friend was unwell. It felt like we were coming home, when we reached the hotel the second time. The staff even helped us to find a drugstore for us to buy some medicine to treat the stomach upset. My friend was really grateful for help rendered.
The perfect combination- good place, fantastic staff
It was a memorable stay
Kamar Tamu - Pemandangan Halaman (2 tempat tidur)
Menginap di Feb 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
10 ulasan
Diposting pada 1 Apr 2024
I was a little skeptical at first as there was no review from a foreigner yet. However, I was drawn to the photos of the hotel interior and decided to give it a try. No regrets at all. It was a very pleasant stay, so much so that I decided to extend my stay for another night. The hotel staff were all very friendly and welcoming. The house has over 200 years of history and is representative of traditional Hui zhou architecture. On our first day there, the staff, who is also part of the family clan, shared with us the clan and house's history. It was pretty interesting and you can actually find more of their historical background on the internet. All in all, I really enjoyed my stay there and would very gladly choose to stay there again if I ever go back to Huangshan.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you very much for your choice and review! Home stay is located in the beautiful ancient Tunxi Old Street, two hundred years of history of Jiang's residential house, Well designed by famous designers, the original style of the old house is preserved to the greatest extent, and the aesthetic standards of modern people are integrated into it. The beautiful and quiet environment allows people to take a break from the busy life. The housekeeper's explanation is to hope that friends who come to Jiang Garden can know more about Hui style architecture and Hui culture, and have an unforgettable trip . May you always have a pleasant journey in the future, and I look forward to seeing you again~
Best hotel we had so far in China, great place and the staff is helpful and speak English (a little).
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you very much for your choice and review! Home stay is located in the beautiful ancient Tunxi Old Street, two hundred years of history of Jiang's residential house, Well designed by famous designers, the original style of the old house is preserved to the greatest extent, and the aesthetic standards of modern people are integrated into it. The beautiful and quiet environment allows people to take a break from the busy life. May you always have a pleasant journey in the future, and I look forward to seeing you again.
Family Room
Menginap di Apr 2024
5 ulasan
Diposting pada 17 Mei 2024
Very tastefully renovated and designed. Everything was perfect. Will come again next time.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you very much for your choice and review! Home stay is located in the beautiful ancient Tunxi Old Street, two hundred years of history of Jiang's residential house, Well designed by famous designers, the original style of the old house is preserved to the greatest extent, and the aesthetic standards of modern people are integrated into it. The beautiful and quiet environment allows people to take a break from the busy life. May you always have a pleasant journey in the future, and I look forward to seeing you again~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 非常感謝您對我們的肯定及推薦~民宿位於美麗古樸的屯溪老街中心,鬧中取靜,是有着200多年歷史的徽州老宅,讓人有夢迴徽州的穿越感、濃厚徽文化的親身體驗感;管家熱情細緻的服務衹為了讓您在欣賞美景、放鬆自己的同時可以感受到一份貼心的温暖,願您在未來的旅途中,始終保持愉悦的心情,同時也非常期待與您的再次相聚~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 非常感謝您的肯定及讚美!民宿位於美麗古樸的屯溪老街內,兩百多年歷史的老宅,經過著名設計師精心設計而成,最大程度保存了老宅的原本風貌,又融入了現代人的審美標準,精緻古樸,古色古香,店內清幽環境可以讓人從繁忙的生活中抽離出來,享受這一份難得的清閑……也非常感謝您對我們服務和品質的認可,我們將繼續維持這份熱情,給來到江園的家人們美好的入住體驗。期待着與您的再次相聚……
Tanggapan dari Properti: 非常感謝您選擇江園並對我們服務以及品質的讚譽!民宿是典型的徽派建築,白牆灰瓦,建築外牆是磚石,內部有木質結構,但我們位於老街十八個巷子中的的海底巷內,也是絕對的鬧中取靜。住進老宅,感受古徽州人的生活,來一次別樣的體驗·······我們期待您再來江園,感受遠離都市的喧囂,享受獨屬於您的舒適與寧靜~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 非常感謝您選擇江園並對我們管家服務和便利位置的肯定;關於您説的戒指,我們真的有仔仔細細的查找,確實是沒有看到,您聯繫我們後的第一時間,管家和客房大姐就進房間查找了,當天房間內使用的布草整整翻找了5遍,垃圾袋倒出來3遍檢查,怕掉落到角落,我們把牀頭櫃移位,甚至連席夢思床墊、木頭床架全部翻開了,確實是沒有看見。我們非常理解您心愛之物不見了的心情,也真心的希望它可以再次出現,願我們的期望都能實現~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 非常感謝您對我們的肯定及讚美~民宿是位於美麗古樸的屯溪老街,鬧中取靜,民宿內的清幽環境讓人可以從繁忙的生活中抽離出來;優良的品質和細緻的服務衹為了讓您在欣賞美景、放鬆自己的同時既能安心又可以感受到一份貼心的温暖!感謝這份緣份,讓我們在江園相遇,期待着與您的再次相聚……
Tanggapan dari Properti: 很開心能得到您對我們這座有着二百多年歷史古宅的肯定,咱們民宿就位於老街的中心位置,緊挨着新安江。出則熱鬧非凡,入則返璞歸真……江園一直致力於為家人們提供温馨、舒適、乾淨的住宿環境和貼心的管家式服務,希望來到江園就如同回家般温暖。我們會繼續努力,期待與您的再次相聚~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 非常感謝您的選擇及好評!民宿是有着200多年歷史的徽州老宅,三年多的打磨,讓老宅重新煥發新生,讓人有夢迴徽州的穿越感、濃厚徽文化的親身體驗感,但同時也滿足了現代人對居住舒適性的要求;管家會對徽派建築加以講解,我們既是民宿也是景點,讓家人對徽派建築、徽州文化有更加深入的瞭解……貼心的服務以及提供的茶葉、徽州特色小吃都是為了讓您來到江園即有回家的感覺。我們也會繼續努力,以保證更優質的入住環境和細緻貼心的服務,願您在未來的旅途中,始終保持愉悦的心情,期待再次相聚~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 非常感謝您的好評,咱們民宿在老街的中心位置,出門就是老街,緊挨着新安江,出則熱鬧非凡,入則返璞歸真;三年多的打磨,讓兩百多年的老宅重新煥發新生,最大程度保存了老宅的原本風貌,又融入了現代人的審美標準,精緻古樸,古色古香。筍乾肉絲澆頭面是徽州的特色美食,來徽州,就要住進徽州,看見、聽見並且能吃着……江園就是這樣一個能讓人很好的親身感受徽州的地方~感謝這份緣份,讓我們在江園相遇,期待着與您的再次見面……
Tanggapan dari Properti: 非常開心能得到您的認可,我們民宿是一座有着200多年歷史的老宅,處於古樸美麗的屯溪老街內,最大程度保存了老宅的原本風貌,又融入了現代人的審美標準和對居住舒適性的要求,民宿內的清幽環境讓人可以從繁忙的生活中抽離出來;管家熱情細緻的服務衹為了讓您在欣賞美景、放鬆自己的同時可以感受到一份貼心的温暖,願您在未來的旅途中,始終保持愉悦的心情,同時也非常期待您再來黃山,再回江園~~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 很開心能得到您對我們民宿的肯定,您的點評真的讓我們倍感榮幸~兩百多年歷史徽商大宅,經過著名設計師精心設計而成,最大程度保存了原本風貌,又融入了現代人的審美標準,精緻古樸,古色古香;提供温馨、舒適、乾淨的住宿環境和貼心的管家式服務,是我們一直在盡全力做的,衹願每一位來到江園的家人都如回家般温暖,有一次愉快且難忘的徽州之旅;我們將繼續維持這份熱情,給來到江園的家人們美好的入住體驗。再次感謝您的好評及推薦,期待下次相聚,祝接下來的旅程愉快~~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 非常感謝您對我們的肯定及讚美~民宿位於美麗古樸的屯溪老街內,鬧中取靜,民宿內的清幽環境讓人可以從繁忙的生活中抽離出來;管家的熱情細緻的服務衹為了讓您在欣賞美景、放鬆自己的同時可以感受到一份貼心的温暖,願您在未來的旅途中,始終保持愉悦的心情,同時也非常期待您再來黃山,再回江園~