My wife and I were traveling and booked a room at Candlewood Suites in Gonzales while in LA. When we checked into Candlewood, the lobby had very unpleasant sweet smell. We went to our room, and opened the door it was FREEZING! The room temperature was set at 64 degrees. I turned the air-conditioner to heat and the smell coming out of the heater was like burning hair and I immediately turned it off. I checked out the bathroom and found dead bugs in the shower/tub area. I went down to the lobby and asked to be put in another room and was given a new room key. When we opened the door that room was also FREEZING with the temperature also set at 64 degrees. Closed the door and went down to the lobby and told the clerk we were not staying and told him why. He told us we would not be charged and went to the Hampton up the block. I sent an email to the manager telling him about our experience and asked why they rooms were all cold as meat lockers and received no response, which did surprise me. The next day I checked my emails and found an email from Candlewood Suite with the receipt for the room charge which I was told we would not be charged. I called Candlewood and spoke to the clerk and she sent me another receipt showing no charge. We have stayed at Candlewood suites before and were very happy with the chain, but after this experience I don't know if we will stay at another Candlewood again with all of the other quality motels available.