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Kamar Deluxe (Tempat Tidur King)
Menginap di Nov 2024
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 2 Jan 2025
I can’t recommend this hotel enough! From the moment we arrived, the service was absolutely exceptional—truly the friendliest and most attentive staff we’ve ever encountered. The manager went above and beyond to ensure we were comfortable, even arranging for the chef to prepare special dishes just for us. The hospitality here is unparalleled, and it’s clear that every detail is focused on making your stay unforgettable.
The rooms are spacious, well-appointed, and equipped with everything you could possibly need—and more. Plus, the views from the hot tubs are simply breathtaking. Whether you’re relaxing or enjoying the mountain scenery, it’s the perfect place to unwind.
If you’re considering a getaway, don’t hesitate. It’s absolutely worth the 2-hour bus ride up the mountain for the experience of a lifetime.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Sir/Madam, thank you very much for your praise and love of SAMATHA Emei Mountain! We aredelighted to see your praise for the staff and service. Going outand staying comfortable is theexpectation of every traveler anathe ultimate goal of our service. We will continue to workhard to give you more impeccable professional service and detail experience.We lookforward to your visit again!
Superior Scenic Double Bed Room (Private Hot Spring, Scenic Balcony, Dyson Hair Dryer, Smart Toilet, Australian Alpaca Duvet)
Menginap di Okt 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 13 Nov 2024
Hotel was about a 5mins ride away from the railway. 小周took great care of us and showed us great hospitality. She even provided us with a map on Emeishan since we were going there. The hotel provided a plate of welcome fruits, afternoon tea and even dessert! The room was spacious, clean and even had preset lights setting for tv-mode and sleep.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, we are truly delighted to see you so satisfied with our service and hotel facilities! Xiao Zhou has always been a star employee of our hotel, and her warm hospitality can bring a sense of home to every guest. We are delighted to contribute to your journey on Mount Emei, and we hope that the map will make your journey smoother. The fruits, afternoon tea, and desserts you mentioned are all small surprises we have carefully prepared for you. The design of the room is also based on the comfort of the guests, and the pre-set lighting can provide you with a better resting experience. Looking forward to your visit again!亲爱的客人,看到您如此满意我们的服务和酒店设施,我们真的是满心欢喜呢!小周一直都是我们酒店的明星员工,她的热情好客能给每一位客人带来家的感觉。我们很开心能在您的峨眉山之旅中出一份力,那张地图希望能让您的旅程更加顺畅。您提到的水果、下午茶和甜点,都是我们为您精心准备的小惊喜哦。房间的设计也是从客人的舒适度出发,那些预设灯光能让您有更好的休息体验。期待您的再次光临呀!
Kamar Tamu - Pemandangan Kebun (2 tempat tidur)
Menginap di Jul 2023
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 6 Agt 2023
I loved my stay in the hotel. The staff welcomed
So warmly & showed me the whole hotel. The room was amazing and the hot spring mindblowing!!! 💓💓💓 I have been in a lot
of hotels but this one is the best so far ! Vivi (hotel staff) always answered every of my questions (in English) within a few seconds via WeChat and arranged my whole trip to the top of emai mountain: even though I was to late to buy a ticket for the cable car, she showed me what other options I have and arranged everything so nicely according to my wishes. This has been just fantastic🥰🥰🥰 I would definitely recommend this to everyone who wants to visit emai & especially to foreigners! 👍👌 @vivi: thank you so so much for this wonderful weekend & hope to see you again 👋👋
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear madam, thank you very much for your praise and love of SAMATHA Emei Mountain! We aredelighted to see your praise for the staff and service. Going outand staying comfortable is theexpectation of every traveler anathe ultimate goal of our service. We will continue to workhard to give you more impeccable professional service and detail experience. Thank you again for your recognition of Vivi!We lookforward to your visit again!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的客人,看到您的好評,我們整個酒店團隊都激動不已!真的特別感謝您最初選擇了峨眉山芷築酒店,更欣慰能給您帶來超乎預想的體驗。小張作為我們酒店的金牌管家,一直以熱情和專業為每一位客人服務。在您到店前就主動聯繫,幫忙規劃峨眉山行程,就是希望能讓您的旅途更加順暢。提前為您打開空調、放好温泉水,也是想讓您一回到房間就能感受到家一般的温暖與舒適。咱們酒店一直致力於為客人打造全方位的愜意度假體驗,不僅有貼心的服務,更有得天獨厚的地理位置,能讓您近距離感受峨眉山的自然風光。酒店的温泉引自地下深層,富含多種對人體有益的礦物質,在泡湯的過程中,身心都能得到極大的放鬆。新的蛇年已經開啟,在此我們衷心祝願您在新的一年裡,萬事勝意,幸福安康!期待您下次再來峨眉山,峨眉山芷築酒店永遠是您温暖的家,我們一定為您準備更貼心的服務,讓您的每一次入住都充滿驚喜 !
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,您好!非常感謝您選擇入住峨眉山芷築酒店,並抽出寶貴時間分享您的入住體驗!我們非常高興得知您對酒店的設施、環境和服務感到滿意,尤其是房間的寬敞設計和雙洗手盆的細節得到了您的認可。您的滿意是我們最大的動力!特別感謝您對管家小雯的讚揚,我們會將您的鼓勵傳達給她,相信她會更加努力為每一位客人提供貼心的服務。我們一直致力於為客人營造舒適、温馨的入住體驗,您的認可是對我們工作的最大肯定。峨眉山的美景與我們的服務相結合,希望能為您的旅途增添更多美好回憶。期待您再次光臨峨眉山芷築酒店,我們將繼續為您提供優質的服務!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人:您好!看到您如此細緻又充滿熱情的好評,我們滿心感動,真的特別感謝您對峨眉山芷築酒店的認可與大力推薦!從成都到昆明的自駕之旅一定很精彩,很高興您返程途中選擇我們酒店來洗去旅途的疲憊。在眾多温泉度假酒店中,您因為設計風格和裝修年限選擇了我們,這是對我們獨特設計與精心維護的肯定。我們一直致力於打造兼具美觀與舒適的空間,讓每一位客人都能享受獨特的入住體驗。您入住的豪華湖景雙床房,視野開闊,能將湖光山色盡收眼底。舒適的床墊、方便的雙洗手枱,都是為了給您提供更便捷、更愜意的居住感受。能讓您在疲憊的旅途中擁有一個舒適的安睡之所,我們無比欣慰。酒店準備的下午茶,以及您用攜程積分兑換的歡迎水果,都是我們希望為您增添的小驚喜。機器人送上的奶茶,讓您能在泡温泉、賞湖景時多一份甜蜜。雖然當晚因為下雨沒能在室外泡湯,但我們很高興能及時迴應您的需求,這都是我們應該做的,您的舒心就是我們最大的追求。我們酒店每個房間的私湯採用山泉水,富含多種礦物質,對身體有益,能讓您在私密的空間裏盡情放鬆。您對酒店要求嚴格,卻對我們很滿意,這是對我們最大的褒獎。特別感謝您對管家周利羣女士的稱讚,她一直秉持着專業、貼心、周到的服務理念,為每一位客人提供全方位的服務。您的認可會讓她備受鼓舞,我們也會繼續提升服務品質,不辜負您的信任。再次感謝您的支持與推薦!期待您的下一次光臨,峨眉山芷築酒店隨時歡迎您回家,我們一定為您帶來更難忘的度假體驗!準您一切順利~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,看到您對張穎的認可,我們由衷地感到高興!張穎一直以來都秉持着熱情、專業、負責的態度為客人服務,您的肯定是對她最大的鼓勵,我們也會將這份讚揚傳達給她。我們酒店全體員工都會以張穎為榜樣,不斷提升服務質量,期待您的下次光臨,我們將一如既往地為您提供優質的服務~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,非常感謝您對我們酒店的高度評價和認可呀!您的滿意就是對我們最大的鼓勵和支持。我們一直致力於為每一位客人提供安靜舒適的房間、美味可口的餐飲以及周到貼心的服務,能得到您的肯定,我們深感榮幸。關於為孩子們特意安排二樓私湯區和晚退房服務,這都是我們應該做的,衹要能讓您和家人在酒店度過一段愉快的時光,我們就無比開心。期待您下次再來峨眉山時,還能選擇我們芷築酒店,我們會一如既往地為您提供優質服務,讓您再次感受到家的温馨與舒適。祝您生活愉快,一切順利哦!
Deluxe Lake-View Twin Room (Private Hot Spring, Scenic Balcony, Dyson Hair Dryer, Smart Toilet, Australian Alpaca Duvet)
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊貴的客人:您好!看到您留下的這段暖心好評,酒店全體員工的內心都被喜悦填滿,就像冬日裏迎來了最燦爛的暖陽。得知您許久未享温泉之樂,趁着孩子假期特意選擇了我們峨眉山芷築酒店,這份信任讓我們深感榮幸。您原本預訂的雙床房,考慮到孩子同行的便利性,我們主動為您升級為親子房,看到大床小床的搭配正合您心意,我們也由衷地欣慰,畢竟,讓您住得舒適、順心,是我們矢志不渝的追求。説到管家小雯,她一直以來都是我們團隊的服務標桿,用滿滿的熱忱和專業,為客人排憂解難、送上驚喜。這次她精心準備的水果、下午茶,還有細緻入微的景點美食介紹,能助您暢享無憂假期,我們也與有榮焉。您描述的陽台泡湯、湖光相伴的愜意場景,恰是我們努力為您勾勒的夢幻度假畫面。希望這段美好的時光,如同璀璨星辰,在您的記憶長河中熠熠生輝。未來,無論春秋冬夏,我們都期盼着再次成為您旅途的温馨驛站,繼續為您締造難忘回憶。再次感謝您的支持與厚愛,祝您闔家幸福,歲歲歡愉!
Deluxe Garden-View Double Bed Room (Private Hot Spring, Scenic Balcony, Dyson Hair Dryer, Smart Toilet, Australian Alpaca Duvet)
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,太感謝您的高度評價啦!我們酒店選址時,就看中了這面湖的秀麗風光,希望能給每一位像您這樣的賓客帶來心曠神怡的入住體驗,看到您和孩子如此盡興,我們所有的努力都值了。為您升級房間,就是想讓您的旅程更加舒適,兩個洗漱台能節省您的時間,圓形沙發也為房間添了幾分温馨,能符合您的心意,我們特別高興。峨眉山景色隨着季節更迭變換,各有韻味,無論您何時再來,芷築酒店都會以最誠摯的服務、最美的景緻迎接您,盼與您再次相逢!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的貴賓:讀罷您的詳細分享,滿心皆為歡喜與感動。您的認可於我們而言,是至高無上的榮譽。從您選擇芷築的那一刻起,我們便立志不負所望,小周管家的貼心服務不過是我們用心服務的小小縮影。親子房的升級,是希望為您的家庭之旅增添一抹温馨;院落私湯與多元公區温泉的設定,旨在讓您盡享私密與愜意;精心規劃的房間設計與湖景早餐,更是期望能滿足您的每一份期待。能得到您與家人如此高的評價,尤其是令一向挑剔的先生滿意,真的讓我們倍感自豪。我們將始終堅守品質,靜候您與家人的再次光臨,願下次相遇,仍能為您締造超越期待的美好回憶。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人:您好!非常感謝您對我們酒店房間及湖景的高度評價,您的滿意是我們最大的動力。對於您提及的服務主動性問題,我們深感歉意並已銘記在心。我們會立即加強員工培訓,確保今後能主動且及時地為客人提供如浴鹽等洗浴用品,全方位提升服務品質,為每一位客人打造更加貼心、周到的入住體驗。期待您的再次光臨,讓我們有機會向您展示改進後的服務水平。
Pengguna Anonim
Superior Scenic Double Bed Room (Private Hot Spring, Scenic Balcony, Dyson Hair Dryer, Smart Toilet, Australian Alpaca Duvet)