
May Day Travel Portal | Zhongshan Citywalk Cuiheng Village

I finally made it to the other side of the Anywhere Door, the treasure town of Zhongshan in Guangdong! Zhongshan travel, the red tour citywalk, brought me to Cuiheng Village. / Cuiheng Village, a traditional Chinese village formerly known as Caikeng Village, was renamed Cuiheng Village due to the lush greenery of the nearby mountains and forests. It is the hometown of the great man, Dr. Sun Yat-sen. / Rich in regional history, culture, local architecture, and rural construction, it is known as the holy land of modern Chinese revolution and the cradle of traditional Lingnan villages. / ⭕️ 'Citywalk Route': Yang Yin's Former Residence ➡️ Yang Yin Memorial Exhibition Hall ➡️ Lai Li Hall ➡️ 'The Arduous Revolutionary Journey - Exhibition of the History of the Communist Party of China in Zhongshan during the New Democratic Revolution' ➡️ Rishao Yang Rixiang's Former Residence ➡️ Wei Xue's Former Residence / The whole ancient village is not very big at present, but it still retains the traditional architecture and village style of Lingnan rural areas, with grey tile-roofed houses. / ⭕️ 'Transportation Strategy': You can take several buses such as K16/K28/K26 from the city center, get off at Zhongshan Film and TV City, and walk about 800 meters to reach the destination.
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Posted: May 5, 2024
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