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Yu Mei Ren Qiu Yue Quality Sleep Comfort Family Twin Room
Menginap di Okt 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 6 Nov 2024
B&B ini terletak di dekat Menara Lonceng dan Genderang. Jalan Xiyangshi dan Jalan Muslim berada tepat di luar pintu. Ada banyak makanan ringan dan berbagai hari peringatan. Sangat nyaman untuk berbelanja dan makan. Sangat dekat dengan pintu keluar kereta bawah tanah Menara Lonceng Jalur 2 dan pintu keluar kereta bawah tanah Jalan Guangji Jalur 6. Sangat nyaman untuk naik taksi ke Kota Abadi Dinasti Tang dan Prajurit Terakota. B&B ini memiliki lingkungan yang luar biasa dan dilengkapi dengan mesin cuci dan kulkas. Pengurus rumah tangga memiliki layanan penuh perhatian. Hubungi kami lebih awal dan berikan panduan perjalanan.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Terima kasih banyak atas ulasan Anda tentang B&B kami. Kami sangat tersanjung dan bersyukur! Itu selalu menjadi upaya kami untuk memungkinkan Anda menikmati kemudahan dan kenyamanan selama perjalanan Anda. Dikelilingi oleh pasar malam yang ramai, Anda dapat dengan mudah merasakan adat istiadat dan budaya makanan setempat; dan kedekatannya dengan stasiun kereta bawah tanah membuat perjalanan Anda bebas dari rasa khawatir dan Anda dapat dengan mudah bepergian ke setiap sudut kota. Kebersihan ruangan adalah komitmen dasar kami kepada setiap tamu. Kami tahu bahwa ini adalah prasyarat untuk masa menginap Anda yang aman. Oleh karena itu, kami mewajibkan pembersihan setiap hari untuk memastikan setiap sudut memenuhi standar kebersihan, sehingga Anda bisa menginap di sini dengan nyaman dan tenang. Desain halaman adalah tempat kami berupaya sebaik mungkin. Kami berharap dapat menciptakan ruang santai dengan konsepsi artistik untuk Anda melalui lanskap dan suasana yang unik. Biarkan Anda merasakan rasa damai dan keindahan meskipun sibuk bepergian. Secara keseluruhan, kami berkomitmen untuk menciptakan B&B yang nyaman dan khas untuk membuat perjalanan Anda lebih berwarna. Sekali lagi terima kasih atas penegasan dan rekomendasi Anda. Kami akan terus bekerja keras untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas layanan dan memberikan pengalaman akomodasi yang lebih baik kepada Anda dan lebih banyak tamu. Kami menantikan kunjungan Anda kembali dan berharap B&B kami dapat menjadi pelabuhan hangat selama perjalanan Anda!
Huan Xi Sha Mu Yu Comfort Double Bed Room With Projector
Menginap di Okt 2024
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 6 Nov 2024
Xi'an adalah kota dengan sejarah yang panjang. Kali ini saya datang ke sini saat musim sepi. Saya menginap di lokasi paling sentral. Datang Seal adalah pilihan terbaik seperti tembok kota, hutan prasasti, Kuil Xiangzi, Gerbang Akademi, Menara Genderang, dll. Ada banyak atraksi seperti Menara Lonceng, Masjid, Kuil Guangren, dan Yongxingfang. Dekorasi B&B sederhana dan layanannya hangat. Mereka akan mengingatkan kita tentang hal-hal untuk menghindari jebakan, yang sangat perhatian.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: 非常感謝您對我們民宿的評價,我們深感榮幸和欣慰! 能夠讓您在旅行中享受到便捷與舒適,是我們一直以來的追求。周邊就是熱鬧的夜市,讓您輕鬆體驗當地的風土人情和美食文化;而距離地鐵站的近便,更是讓您的出行無憂無慮,輕鬆前往城市的每一個角落。 房間的乾淨整潔是我們對每一位客人的基本承諾,我們深知這是您安心入住的前提。因此,我們堅持每日清掃,確保每一個角落都符合衞生標準,讓您在這裏住得舒心、放心。 院子的設計更是我們用心之處,我們希望通過獨特的景觀和氛圍,為您打造一個具有意境的休憩空間。讓您在忙碌的旅行之餘,也能感受到一份寧靜與美好。 整體而言,我們致力於打造一個既舒適又富有特色的民宿,讓您的旅行更加豐富多彩。再次感謝您的肯定與推薦,我們會繼續努力,不斷提升服務質量,為您和更多客人提供更加優質的住宿體驗。期待您的再次光臨,願我們的民宿能成為您旅行中的温馨港灣!
Sei Wai
Yu Ge Zi Bai Lu Quality Sleep Comfort Double Bed Room
Menginap di Okt 2024
3 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 4 Nov 2024
Sangat responsif, balasan cepat, foto hotel. Dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan semua informasi yang Anda butuhkan selama menginap. Kamar bersih dan tempatnya didekorasi penuh dengan ***a Cina, suasananya tenang dan santai! Sangat direkomendasikan.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Terima kasih banyak atas komentar Anda tentang homestay kami. Kami sangat tersanjung dan senang! Kami selalu berusaha agar Anda dapat menikmati kemudahan dan kenyamanan dalam perjalanan Anda. Daerah sekitarnya adalah pasar malam yang ramai, sehingga Anda dapat dengan mudah merasakan adat istiadat dan budaya kuliner setempat; dan kedekatannya dengan stasiun kereta bawah tanah membuat perjalanan Anda bebas masalah dan mudah untuk pergi ke setiap sudut kota. Kebersihan kamar adalah komitmen dasar kami untuk setiap tamu, dan kami tahu bahwa ini adalah prasyarat untuk ketenangan pikiran Anda. Oleh karena itu, kami bersikeras membersihkan setiap hari untuk memastikan bahwa setiap sudut memenuhi standar kebersihan, sehingga Anda dapat tinggal di sini dengan tenang. Desain halaman lebih penting bagi kami. Kami berharap dapat menciptakan tempat istirahat yang artistik untuk Anda melalui lanskap dan suasana yang unik. Membuat Anda merasakan ketenangan dan keindahan setelah perjalanan Anda yang sibuk. Secara keseluruhan, kami berkomitmen untuk menciptakan homestay yang nyaman dan khas untuk membuat perjalanan Anda lebih berwarna. Terima kasih sekali lagi atas afirmasi dan rekomendasi Anda. Kami akan terus bekerja keras untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan dan memberi Anda dan lebih banyak tamu pengalaman akomodasi yang lebih baik. Kami tunggu kunjungan Anda berikutnya, semoga homestay kami menjadi pelabuhan yang hangat selama perjalanan Anda!
Xi Jiang Yue Ming Chan Quality Sleep Comfort Double Bed Room
Menginap di Feb 2025
Bepergian dengan teman
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 11 Mar 2025
really amazing stay. the couple who owns this homestay is very friendly and attentive! when you walk in from the entrance, you will be greeted with a beautiful inner garden. the experience here is something u will never get out of a regular hotel. 10/10!
also if u r lucky, u might be able to meet their pet dog :)
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您的預訂,並給予5星好評,我們位於西安的中心位置鐘樓附近,致力於打造城市中心商圈唯一的中古風庭院式民俗,讓你能推窗見景,在浮躁的社會中往往讓人疲憊不堪,而擁有一個禪意的空間,能幫我們找到內心的寧靜。讓我們在快節奏的生活中能找到平衡,享受內心的平和與滿足。在這裡能找到熱鬧與安靜的臨界點,出門100米就是繁華人來人往的鼓勵步行街,走進小院就是平靜的,祥和的。在這裏你能出行無憂(鐘樓地鐵口500米),嚐遍西安美食(位於西安美食集散地回民街中)
Yu Ge Zi Bai Lu Quality Sleep Comfort Double Bed Room
Menginap di Jan 2025
5 ulasan
Diposting pada 8 Feb 2025
Excellent location in the muslim quarter. A short walk to the Drum Tower and Bell Tower, and walking distance to the Ancient Wall. Also close to metro. Accommodation has everything you need and front desk is very helpful. Just a note to foreigners. The shower is not enclosed and there was no cleaning service when we stayed there. Otherwise accommodation was very nice and due to the location I will stay there again.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you very much for your comments on our homestay, we are very honored and pleased! To enable you to enjoy convenience and comfort in travel is our pursuit. Nearby is the lively night market, so that you can easily experience the local customs and food culture; And the proximity to the subway station makes your trip carefree and easy to get to every corner of the city. The cleanliness of the room is our basic commitment to every guest, and we know that this is the premise of your peace of mind. Therefore, we insist on daily cleaning to ensure that every corner meets the sanitary standards, so that you can live here comfortably and rest assured. The design of the courtyard is our intention, we hope to create a unique landscape and atmosphere for you to have a mood of the rest space. Let you in the busy travel, but also feel a quiet and beautiful. Overall, we are committed to creating a comfortable and distinctive homestay that will enrich your trip. Thank you again for your recognition and recommendation, we will continue to work hard to continuously improve the quality of service, to provide you and more guests with a better accommodation experience. We look forward to your visit again and hope that our homestay can become a warm harbor for your travel!
Nian Nu Jiao Jiang Yue Family Deluxe Bath Tub Room With Projector
Menginap di Nov 2024
1 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 23 Des 2024
The Homestay was located in the back alley quite a walk from the dropped off, do take note that cars can't go in to this place hence you will need to walk out for Didi (ride-hailing) or to get to the subway, and there are no lift in the building to get to your rooms. However the helpful housekeeper will help you carry the luggage.
Location wise I would say I like it as it gives you a feel to get connected with the locals, and it is just next to the Great Mosque of Xi'an (near muslim quarters) which was our main reason for going to Xi'An.
Mr Chen the housekeeper was kind and helpful and always available to help us with any inquiries needed.
P. S the floor was abit sticky when we arrived, but I was happy cleaning it myself 😅
But not to worry clean toilet, clean bed.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guests, received your so warm feedback, our hearts warm, as if bathed in the spring sunshine! We are close to the landmark bell tower and subway line 2. Here, bustling and ancient music intertwined, step by step, the clock tower, the Drum Tower, Huimin Street are within reach, the ancient capital style panoramic view. Fate is not high in the mountains, looking forward to meeting you again.
Chan Jen Nee Jenny
Yu Mei Ren Qiu Yue Quality Sleep Comfort Family Twin Room
Menginap di Nov 2024
4 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 16 Des 2024
This is v convenient location. We are glad to have this accommodation in which full of food choices just within walking distance. The person in charge of this accommodate is helpful friendly and went out of the way to help us. Highly recommended for small group.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guests, received your so warm feedback, our hearts warm, as if bathed in the spring sunshine! We are close to the landmark bell tower and subway line 2. Here, bustling and ancient music intertwined, step by step, the clock tower, the Drum Tower, Huimin Street are within reach, the ancient capital style panoramic view. Fate is not high in the mountains, looking forward to meeting you again.
Rebecca De Maria
Zui Hua Yin An Xiang Deluxe Family Bath Pool Room With Projector
Menginap di Nov 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
4 ulasan
Diposting pada 8 Des 2024
The hotel was literally breathtaking, with a inner garden and located in the very centre of Xi’An, right above the Muslim Quarter and the Xi’An Mosque. We couldn’t have chosen a better place to stay in for our stay. The owner is amazing and welcoming, he reached out to us and helped us with everything. If we ever come back we will be again for sure! 100% recommended.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guests, received your so warm feedback, our hearts warm, as if bathed in the spring sunshine! We are close to the landmark bell tower and subway line 2. Here, bustling and ancient music intertwined, step by step, the clock tower, the Drum Tower, Huimin Street are within reach, the ancient capital style panoramic view. Fate is not high in the mountains, looking forward to meeting you again.
Huan Xi Sha Mu Yu Comfort Double Bed Room With Projector
Menginap di Nov 2024
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 26 Des 2024
I hugely enjoyed my stay here. The homestay is in a perfect location next to the Great Mosque. There are lots of good food options right next door and the metro is only about 10 minutes' walk away. The owners are very helpful and responsive, and the room and building are beautiful. Will definitely stay here again when I come back to Xi'an!
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you very much for your comments on our homestay, we are very honored and pleased! To enable you to enjoy convenience and comfort in travel is our pursuit. Nearby is the lively night market, so that you can easily experience the local customs and food culture; And the proximity to the subway station makes your trip carefree and easy to get to every corner of the city. The cleanliness of the room is our basic commitment to every guest, and we know that this is the premise of your peace of mind. Therefore, we insist on daily cleaning to ensure that every corner meets the sanitary standards, so that you can live here comfortably and rest assured. The design of the courtyard is our intention, we hope to create a unique landscape and atmosphere for you to have a mood of the rest space. Let you in the busy travel, but also feel a quiet and beautiful. Overall, we are committed to creating a comfortable and distinctive homestay that will enrich your trip. Thank you again for your recognition and recommendation, we will continue to work hard to continuously improve the quality of service, to provide you and more guests with a better accommodation experience. We look forward to your visit again and hope that our homestay can become a warm harbor for your travel!
Nian Nu Jiao Jiang Yue Family Deluxe Bath Tub Room With Projector
Menginap di Des 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 16 Feb 2025
We had a great experience staying here. The staff (or maybe the owner? Idk) served us well although it's a bit hard to communicate due to language barrier but WeChat saved us all. Location also great. In the middle of the food heaven. Only walking distance. Perfect! The room and the whole building also very beautiful. They decorated it nicely following Chinese decoration. The only thing that we have to comment was the temperature control on the shower. It's either we don't know how to use or it's really broken. I'm not sure. But still, the rest are perfect. Thanks for having us.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您的預訂,我們位於西安的中心位置鐘樓附近,致力於打造城市中心商圈唯一的中古風庭院式民俗,讓你能推窗見景,在浮躁的社會中往往讓人疲憊不堪,而擁有一個禪意的空間,能幫我們找到內心的寧靜。讓我們在快節奏的生活中能找到平衡,享受內心的平和與滿足。在這裡能找到熱鬧與安靜的臨界點,出門100米就是繁華人來人往的鼓勵步行街,走進小院就是平靜的,祥和的。在這裏你能出行無憂(鐘樓地鐵口500米),嚐遍西安美食(位於西安美食集散地回民街中)淋浴器是新型的鋼琴鍵款,他側邊有旋轉按鈕可調節水温。
Zui Hua Yin An Xiang Deluxe Family Bath Pool Room With Projector
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您的預訂,並給予5星好評,我們位於西安的中心位置鐘樓附近,致力於打造城市中心商圈唯一的中古風庭院式民俗,讓你能推窗見景,在浮躁的社會中往往讓人疲憊不堪,而擁有一個禪意的空間,能幫我們找到內心的寧靜。讓我們在快節奏的生活中能找到平衡,享受內心的平和與滿足。在這裡能找到熱鬧與安靜的臨界點,出門100米就是繁華人來人往的鼓勵步行街,走進小院就是平靜的,祥和的。在這裏你能出行無憂(鐘樓地鐵口500米),嚐遍西安美食(位於西安美食集散地回民街中)
Huan Xi Sha Mu Yu Comfort Double Bed Room With Projector
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您的預訂,並給予5星好評,我們位於西安的中心位置鐘樓附近,致力於打造城市中心商圈唯一的中古風庭院式民俗,讓你能推窗見景,在浮躁的社會中往往讓人疲憊不堪,而擁有一個禪意的空間,能幫我們找到內心的寧靜。讓我們在快節奏的生活中能找到平衡,享受內心的平和與滿足。在這裡能找到熱鬧與安靜的臨界點,出門100米就是繁華人來人往的鼓勵步行街,走進小院就是平靜的,祥和的。在這裏你能出行無憂(鐘樓地鐵口500米),嚐遍西安美食(位於西安美食集散地回民街中)
Yu Mei Ren Qiu Yue Quality Sleep Comfort Family Twin Room
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您的預訂,並給予5星好評,我們位於西安的中心位置鐘樓附近,致力於打造城市中心商圈唯一的中古風庭院式民俗,讓你能推窗見景,在浮躁的社會中往往讓人疲憊不堪,而擁有一個禪意的空間,能幫我們找到內心的寧靜。讓我們在快節奏的生活中能找到平衡,享受內心的平和與滿足。在這裡能找到熱鬧與安靜的臨界點,出門100米就是繁華人來人往的鼓勵步行街,走進小院就是平靜的,祥和的。在這裏你能出行無憂(鐘樓地鐵口500米),嚐遍西安美食(位於西安美食集散地回民街中)
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您的預訂,我們位於西安的中心位置鐘樓附近,致力於打造城市中心商圈唯一的中古風庭院式民俗,讓你能推窗見景,在浮躁的社會中往往讓人疲憊不堪,而擁有一個禪意的空間,能幫我們找到內心的寧靜。讓我們在快節奏的生活中能找到平衡,享受內心的平和與滿足。在這裡能找到熱鬧與安靜的臨界點,出門100米就是繁華人來人往的鼓勵步行街,走進小院就是平靜的,祥和的。在這裏你能出行無憂(鐘樓地鐵口500米),嚐遍西安美食(位於西安美食集散地回民街中)