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Guestroom - Double Occupancy
Menginap di Apr 2024
8 ulasan
Diposting pada 9 Mei 2024
Very happy and excited to write this review. I would give 10 stars if possible. This hotel is truly a little treasure. We decided to splurge a little in Suzhou and found this hotel. It’s situated just a few steps from the main attraction street where you will see many people dressed up in hanfu taking pictures and enjoying themselves. This hotel is the only one of its kind where you can stay inside a traditional house with many beautiful gardens. The rooms were spacious, clean and comfortable. The fact that it was so close to the main attractions made it super convenient to go rest up in the middle of the day when it was too hot and too noisy. It’s like having a mini vision of the humble administrators garden privately just for you.
Besides the excellent location and space, the service was also worth raving about. They picked us up timely with their golf cart and carried our heavy luggage🥹. As a foreigner, I wanted to deliver some stuff to the hotel and had input the wrong address… the lady at the friend desk was so proactive and helpful, I was so moved because she even offered to go pick it up from the wrong address I entered. I feel like I’ve never had such a kind and sweet host before anywhere and I just want to express my sincere thanks. 🙏
The breakfast was so plentiful and varied, we not only had more than enough to fill our bellies but our eyes as well because they all so well presented. If you are looking for a special place to stay, this is it!
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear distinguished guests, hello: Thank you for your five-point like. Moke Garden is a century-old ancient house of the Ming and Qing Dynasties with three roads and five entrances. Based on the authentic classical garden design and repair techniques of Suzhou, in order to restore the architectural style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties garden, it is a private home forest in Suzhou [No. 97] that can be appreciated, toured and lived in. Moke Garden cultivates the garden and creates a heart. Taking the owner's way of doing things as an example, we use traditional Chinese culture to cultivate and create every employee of our employees, and serve every customer. The gardener often says that you have to move yourself before you can move others. We are willing to take good care of a predestined person who comes here as a kind family member, so that we will be very happy and deeply touched by recognition. Welcome to come back often. We will try our best to make the service more meticulous and warm!
Guestroom - Double Occupancy
Menginap di Jul 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 20 Agt 2024
A jewel! In the palace of a prince, I was treated like a prince.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Moke Garden creates a quiet and elegant space, hidden in the city, flowers and trees landscaping, landscape implications, and hides the good scenery of the entire Jiangnan into the garden. Do not admire the prosperity of the world, only envy the courtyard for self-satisfaction. Thank you for coming! Mokeyuan sincerely looks forward to your visit again. Have a great day!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 姑蘇韻千年流轉,墨客園詩意棲居。感恩您的五分點贊。您的舒適入住體驗是我們前進的最大動力。不慕世間繁華色,衹羨庭院自得樂。冬日温暖可愛詩意棲息,最愜意莫過於沐浴陽光感受這人間的良辰美景。蘇州是一座園林宜居城市,歡迎您們常回來墨客園享受園林之美,祝您新年快樂,生活愉快。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 墨客園裡情綿綿,客言暖心勝春陽。親愛的朋友,十分感謝您對墨客園的用心。您的建議對我們來説,如同珍貴的寶藏,為我們優化園區提供了新的思路。我們致力於將墨客園打造成姑蘇城內獨特的文人樂園,您的反饋如同指南針,指引我們朝着更完善的方向前行。我們會把您的建議融入日常運營的每一個環節,從環境佈置到文化活動策劃,從服務細節到設施升級,全方位進行改進。希望不久後,當您再次踏入墨客園,能感受到我們滿滿的誠意與改變。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 姑蘇城月灑詩韻,墨客園夢醉人心。我們由衷期許,在未來某一個雲淡風輕的日子,能再與您在這真實的墨客園中欣然相逢。那時,您可再次踱步於曲徑通幽處,靜賞繁花似錦;可於軒窗之下,聆聽清風與枝葉的低語;亦可在落日餘暉中,沉醉於水墨般的湖光山色。讓我們一同在這詩意天地裏,續寫屬於您與墨客園的唯美詩行,鐫刻下更多如夢如幻的美好記憶。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 墨客隱平江,幽居日月長。親愛的墨客家人:感恩您的五分好評。墨客園修園造境,造人造心。以園主的做人做事為榜樣,用中國傳統的文化來薰陶培養和造就我們的每一位員工,服務感動着我們的每一位顧客。園主常説先感動自己才能感動別人。我們願意把一位來此的有緣人當做親切的家人一般貼心照顧好,由此內心會非常愉悦,得到認可更是虔誠的感動。歡迎您們常回來,我們會努力的把服務做的更加細緻温馨,把設施設備更加的完善盡美。祝您及家人蛇年大吉,萬事順心!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 墨客園間意悠悠,客情暖融歲月柔。感恩您的五分點贊,墨客園是一座三路五進的百年明清學府古宅,依據蘇州正宗古典園林設計修繕手法,以恢復明清園林建築風格,是集可賞可遊可居的蘇州【第97號】私家園林。墨客園根植於中國傳統文化,把雅生活的方式融入到酒店的日常服務裏的理念,讓每位賓客都能感受到猶如世外桃源般的居住體驗,墨客園期待您的再次入住,祝您生活愉快!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 墨客隱平江,幽居日月長。親愛的墨客家人:感恩您的五分好評。墨客園修園造境,造人造心。以園主的做人做事為榜樣,用中國傳統的文化來薰陶培養和造就我們的每一位員工,服務感動着我們的每一位顧客。園主常説先感動自己才能感動別人。我們願意把一位來此的有緣人當做親切的家人一般貼心照顧好,由此內心會非常愉悦,得到認可更是虔誠的感動。也非常感謝您對我們酒店早餐的肯定,歡迎您們常回來!我們會努力的把服務做的更加細緻温馨,把設施設備更加的完善盡美。祝您及家人蛇年大吉,萬事順心!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 墨客隱平江,幽居日月長。感恩您的五分點贊。酒店出門右轉100米就可以漫步平江路,步行15分鐘就可以到達拙政園,獅子林,博物館。出行非常的方便。感謝您對管家的認可,園主熱情好客,他把心裏的園林夢付諸於行動,不僅實現了自己的園林夢,也一直在園林傳承的路上不遺餘力,是我們所有員工學習的榜樣。好園不厭百回遊,期待您的再次入住,墨客園將會一如既往用最真誠最用心的服務歡迎您的到來。祝您生活愉快!