A great location with peaceful setting - nice design, outlook and some nice touches like a sauna and pretty views of the surroundings. It was all spoiled by having to clean the place on arrival - not a great situation at the peak of the pandemic. Hardly inspires confidence. Be warned that this place is not subscribing to the Air Bnb deep clean policy . Filthy floors, dusty surfaces everywhere, crumbs in the rug and sofa surface from previous guests, dead skink lizard under the sofa, stains and sticky marks from drinks all over the spa, side tables and bedside. Floor hadn’t been mopped in ages and the kitchen extraction above the hob had great and (gross!) flies sticking to it. Really not impressed at this price point; never stayed in such a filthy environment. The owner sent the cleaners back, but the floor wasn’t washed and by then I couldn’t be bothered to complain yet again. They’d also tampered/opened my partner’s suitcase bag, which also added insult to injury. It was just after Christmas, our first holiday in two years and a poor impression. Any reason why there’s no toliet door - tye toliet area is barely screened off from the spa and bathing area. A little odd. If I was the owner, I’d get better cleaners.