No.728 Dacheng Road, Fenghua District, Ningbo, Zhejiang, ChinaLihat Detail Hotel
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Mingcheng Deluxe Twin Room
Menginap di Mar 2023
10 ulasan
Diposting pada 4 Mei 2023
The AC is centralized. No way to change the setting to make it colder.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Man fan: I'm sorry for not bringing you a satisfactory check-in experience, about the hotel air conditioning problem, the hotel did not consider the guest regulation problem in the early stage of decoration so that you have a bad check-in experience Very sorry ~ because the weather is still in the spring and summer communication, the air conditioner was not adjusted to the refrigeration air conditioner in time, you feel that the air conditioning temperature is uncomfortable when you check in, you can call the hotel front desk, here will arrange the air conditioning master to debug the air conditioner for you, and look forward to your next visit~
Kamar Tamu (2 tempat tidur)
Menginap di Jun 2023
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 15 Jul 2023
The room that I had stayed was quite big
Room service is pretty professional and nice as well
Strongly recommended!!!
Tanggapan dari Properti: ([愛心]入住花茶[愛心])親愛的曼粉:您好,感謝您的入住,有時候,一首歌能讓回憶氾濫,有時候,一個簡單的好評,就足以讓我們歡欣鼓舞了,感謝親的支持與鼓勵,祝親生活愉快...
Mingcheng Deluxe Twin Room
Menginap di Mar 2023
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 3 Mei 2023
Coffee machine needs cleaning and people who know how to use it. (Refill water or beans)
Tables need better cleaning afterwards and faster ( maybe more staff)
Clean trashcans in the lobby more often.
Rooms need to be checked before people check in ( temperature wise) (centralized AC is not a good idea. Needs to be changed in May!!)
Please add a proper secured!! Hotel Wifi.
Kids play area was awesome and with a great location. All in all decent but definitely room for improvement.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Manfan: Thank you for your stay and providing valuable feedback. We will definitely improve and enhance it. During holidays and festivals, the hotel occupancy rate is very good. We have arranged sufficient personnel and many guests, but sometimes there are situations where we cannot clean up and tidy up the dining table in a timely manner. We apologize to you. Exchange persistence for eternity, repay sincerity with sincerity, and hope that every time you make a difference in your beautiful journey! Thank you for stopping at Manju and looking forward to meeting you again. Wishing you a pleasant journey!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 【總經理回覆】非常抱歉給您帶來了不愉快的體驗😔!對於小童樂園無人管理和臟亂的問題,我們會立即加強管理和清潔工作,確保為孩子們提供一個乾淨、有序的玩耍環境。關於房間味道重和換房流程的問題,我們會加強對房間的通風處理,同時優化換房流程,提高效率,不再讓客人等待太久🙏。我們非常重視您的反饋,一定會積極改進,希望能給您一個滿意的答覆,也期待您能再次光臨,給我們一個改善的機會🥺。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 非常抱歉給您帶來了不好的體驗😔。關於開關設定的問題,我們會盡快安排工程人員進行檢查和優化,確保燈光控制更加便捷和人性化。對於人手不夠導致早餐牛奶是冰的以及食物種類和菜品的問題,我們會加強管理和協調,增加人手,確保提供温熱的牛奶和更豐富、美味的菜品。我們非常重視您的反饋,一定會積極改正,努力提升服務質量,希望能重新贏得您的信任和滿意🙏。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 【總經理回覆】非常抱歉給您帶來了不愉快的體驗😔。對於床單臟的問題,我們會加強客房清潔管理,確保房間的整潔。關於工程部來換床單,我們會優化流程,避免此類情況再次發生。前台服務不到位我們也會進行培訓和改進。房間沒有電話給您帶來不便,我們會考慮增加相應設備,以滿足不同客人的需求。我們會努力改進,提升服務質量,希望能再次贏得您的信任🙏。再次向您表示歉意!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 【總經理回覆】尊敬的客人,非常抱歉給您帶來了不愉快的體驗😔。關於註冊領禮物流程複雜的情況,我們會進行優化,減少給客人帶來的不便。我們一定會加強培訓,提高服務熱情。對於房間多要水不順利的情況,我們會改進溝通方式,更好地滿足客人需求。設施陳舊和衞生一般的問題,我們會盡快安排更新和改進。非常感謝您指出我們的不足,我們承諾會積極改正,希望能有機會重新贏得您和您朋友的信任,期待您再次光臨指正🙏。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,非常抱歉給您帶來了不好的體驗😔。對於衞生方面出現的問題,我們一定會立刻加強清潔管理,增加清潔檢查的頻次,確保每個房間都達到高標準的整潔度,絕不讓這樣的情況再次發生🙏。也非常感謝您對我們服務和設施方面的肯定,我們會繼續保持和提升。希望您能再給我們一次機會,下次一定讓您感受到我們的進步和誠意🥺。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 【總經理回覆】尊敬的客人,非常抱歉給您帶來不好的體驗😔。關於裝修風格,我們會認真考慮您的意見,爭取在未來的更新計劃中做出改進。對於電視的問題,我們會立刻安排技術人員檢查和維修,確保電視的清晰度和正常使用。我們會努力改正這些不足之處,不斷提升酒店的品質和服務,希望能重新贏得您的信任和滿意🙏。再次為給您帶來的不便表示歉意。
Tanggapan dari Properti: ❤充電樁超方便❤,非常感謝您對我們酒店的認可和評價!您提到房間設施和衞生超過預期,這讓我們十分開心😄。關於小度的問題,我們會盡快檢查和優化,讓它更好地為客人服務。前台服務人員我們也會加強培訓,讓他們更加熱情並完善介紹早餐等相關訊息🥰。再次感謝您的支持和建議,期待您的再次光臨!