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Daryl Kayanan
Kamar Double Elegan
Menginap di Sep 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 8 Nov 2024
This is a great hotel and is only about a 5-minute walk to Taoranting station. It's still in a quiet area even though it is on a major road. There are a couple of restaurants nearby, especially on Taoranting Rd. I especially liked the nuts, bao, and pastry store just immediately south of the hotel - some of the best snacks I've had during my trip were just from those shops! About a 5-minute walk from the hotel on Taoranting road, there is a Beijing cuisine restaurant with peking duck, on a second floor of a building, rather hidden from view. It was among the best restaurants I have ever had in Beijing! The staff can barely speak English (we had to communicate via translator) but they were super helpful and friendly. If they see you staying in the lobby, they will immediately serve you a small cup of house tea. The area is probably not a tourist area and it doesn't look like you can easily find tours or tourist brochures/information in this hotel. The room is clean, looked just like the pictures. Note that the bathroom does not have a lock. The bed was comfortable. The gym was small but at least it had sets of dumbbells. Overall, even with the language barrier, this is a great hotel and I wouldn't mind staying here again, even though it wasn't on the cheaper side in price.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you so careful comments, see you satisfied with the review information, small duo really happy oh, Yaduo is a cultural hotel to read and local photography, believe in guests as family, I believe you must be feeling the warm service of Duoer, Duoer treat each of the guests to Yaduo, will be like the family to do their best! Duoer will be a better self to show you, always accompany in your side, remember to often oh ~
Anna Vichnevetskaia
Kamar Double Elegan
Menginap di Agt 2024
30 ulasan
Diposting pada 8 Sep 2024
The hotel is in a great location for those arriving or departing from Beijing South Station. It's also easy to get to Hutongs and the Palace Mussum by bike.
The room was very clean and quiet. Very comfy bed, so I slept really well. The staff was lovely. Breakfast was very good - Chinese food predominantly. Coffee was alright. Would stay again.
Tanggapan dari Properti: We are honored to welcome you to Beijing South Railway Station Yaduo Hotel. See your praise, Duoer heart is very happy. The hotel is ideally located on Line 4 Taoranting, only 100 meters from the subway entrance. 1.5 km away from Beijing South Railway Station, the subway can be directly reached in one stop, more to meet your travel needs. At the same time, Tian 'anmen Square, the Palace Museum, the National Museum and other attractions are also very close, let you enjoy the fun! Thank you for meeting me. Welcome to Beijing again!
Kamar Tamu (2 tempat tidur)
Menginap di Nov 2024
2 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 28 Des 2024
It was an amazing stay. Really nice staff and central.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 一直相信,有一種緣份,不必在乎天長地久,不必在乎情淺緣薄,衹是您的肯定便是幸福,衹是一個好評便是花開,人生不要太完美,有您的滿意和支持就是滿足~
Mei Chun
Menginap di Feb 2024
5 ulasan
Diposting pada 7 Mar 2024
Good location. Clean and comfortable room. The staff is friendly. Great place to stay during travel.
Tanggapan dari Properti: It is an honor for you to choose to stay in the Yaduo Hotel of Beijing South Railway Station among many hotels. Seeing your praise, Duoer was very happy. The hotel is in a good location, located in Taoran Pavilion of Line 4, only 100 meters away from the subway entrance. It is 1.5 kilometers away from Beijing South Railway Station, and the subway can be reached directly from one stop, which can better meet your travel needs. At the same time, it is also very close to Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City Museum, the National Museum and other attractions, so that you can enjoy it! Thank you for meeting, Duoer is waiting for you with a story again~
Superior Double Room
Menginap di Des 2023
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 4 Feb 2024
Very nice and helpfull staff! Very good breakfast selection and service. Efficient laundry room
Location just opposite Tauranting Station. Tauranting park is 15 Minutes a way, very worth a visit!
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you very much for your recognition. Thank you for choosing to stay at the Yaduo Hotel in Beijing South Station. Hotels are our foundation, and service is our foundation. Welcome to visit China frequently!
Superior Double Room
Menginap di Nov 2023
Bepergian dengan teman
5 ulasan
Diposting pada 21 Jan 2024
Close to the Beijing South station. Rooms are small for that price. Could be cheaper because the rooms are really small.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Duoyou: Hello, thank you for your valuable comments on the hotel. Duoer attaches great importance to it and will actively improve it. The hotel has a superior geographical location and beautiful surrounding environment, so that guests can enjoy the beautiful natural scenery while enjoying luxury facilities. I hope you can upgrade to a better room type next time to give you a good experience. I look forward to your visit!
Crystal_Los Angeles, CA
Superior Double Room
Menginap di Nov 2023
16 ulasan
Diposting pada 30 Des 2023
One subway stop from Beijing South Railway Station. Very convenient.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 完美旅途中,總有不期而遇的温暖,感動常在.我們很樂意去為每一位客人提供熱情周到的服務。您的滿意就是我們前進的最大動力,做再多也是值得的.朵兒們信奉客人為家人,讓您的每一次旅行都有回到家的感覺,對家人的關懷,體貼,照顧,温暖,是每位朵兒送給親最真誠的禮物,亞朵是一家以閲讀和人文攝影為主題的人文酒店,您應該感受到了與別的酒店不同的文化和藝術氣息,希望與您再次遇見!
Owain Kennedy
Superior Double Room
Menginap di Jan 2023
Bepergian dengan teman
8 ulasan
Diposting pada 20 Feb 2023
The hotel itself is fine however, there is one big problem. There is very little soundproof. Constant noise form the corridor and the sound of people using their rooms next door. I wouldn’t advise this hotel for people who wake up easily.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Hello, little master, I didn't get your 5 points' affirmation. Duoer is very sad. Please believe that we Duoer will continue to improve and do better. Duoer will always strive to do better, just to bring you a better check-in experience, and look forward to meeting you again! I hope that the next time you visit Yaduo Hotel, you will see a different Yaduo
Kamar Tamu (2 tempat tidur)
Menginap di Feb 2023
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 10 Apr 2023
a very good experience
Tanggapan dari Properti: 您的滿意和讚許就是對我們最好的肯定,您的滿意是對朵兒們最大的欣慰,最大的回報。同時朵兒們也會不繼續努力提升自己,完善自己,這樣才能更自信的迎接您下一次回來,期待您與朵兒再次相遇
Pengguna Anonim
Kamar Double Elegan
Menginap di Nov 2023
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 24 Des 2023
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的朵友:北京南站亞朵的家人們向您問好!有時幸福衹是一種感覺,衹要用心感受它時刻圍繞在我們身邊,記憶中很多東西,因為幸福的感覺,時間再久,心境依然不變。享受生活,分享喜悦,感謝您對我們的喜愛,因為有您,我們是幸福的!祝您生活愉快!工作順利!北京南站亞朵隨時恭候您的迴歸
Kamar Double Elegan
Menginap di Jan 2025
9 ulasan
Diposting pada 6 Feb 2025
房間佈局很不錯,乾淨整潔,茶几/餐桌/洗手枱都有紙抽,非常便利。mini bar 裏除了贈送礦泉水,還有可樂和啤酒。晚上酒店還推出“深夜粥到”,喝粥暖胃,相當貼心。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 很榮幸您能在眾多酒店中選擇入住北京南站亞朵酒店。看到您的稱讚,朵兒心中甚是喜悦。酒店位置優越,地處4號線陶然亭,離地鐵口衹有100米。距離北京南站1.5公里,地鐵一站地就可直達,更加滿足您的出行需求。同時離天安門廣場,故宮博物館,國家博物館等景點也很近,讓您賞玩不停!感恩相遇,朵兒再次等一個有故事的你~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的朵友: 您好,感謝您指出我們酒店的服務不足之處。我們非常重視您的反饋並會針對您提到的問題,與相關部門進行溝通並進行改善。給您帶來的不便在此朵兒向您致歉本酒店位於北京市西城區菜市口大街66號,隸屬於南站商圈範圍內,距離北京南站坐地鐵僅一站地。酒店大堂設有[竹居],百本書籍供您免費借閲,同時酒店還有免費的洗衣房[出塵]可以使用,酒店設有屬地特色早餐為自助早餐廳,自助早餐廳不僅供應早餐,同時在晚上21:30開始免費供應[深夜粥到],給飢腸轆轆的您帶去一份温暖。很遺憾沒能讓您滿意而歸,請相信我們一直在努力的路上,期待與您一起見證我們本次的改變,我們真誠地感謝您對我們的服務和設施提出寶貴意見,並期待您的再次入住哦!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您在百忙之中給朵小二們做的點評,您的鼓勵就是我們前進的動力!亞朵致力於營造第四空間,作為全國首家人文酒店,始於酒店但不止於酒店,用心的服務,甜美的微笑,貼心的授權,讓您有回家的感覺。亞朵酒店是一家人文酒店,以閲讀和屬地攝影為主題,我們的6F有24h免費的書吧-竹居,您可以免費借閲,同時還有24h免費的洗衣房,健身房。功能設施齊全,配有200M高速光纖,全WIFI覆蓋,為您提供一個舒適的第四空間。希望您在每一家亞朵都有不期而遇的温暖,再次期盼着您的到來。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 很榮幸您能在眾多酒店中選擇入住北京南站亞朵酒店。看到您的稱讚,朵兒心中甚是喜悦。酒店位置優越,地處4號線陶然亭,離地鐵口衹有100米。距離北京南站1.5公里,地鐵一站地就可直達,更加滿足您的出行需求。同時離天安門廣場,故宮博物館,國家博物館等景點也很近,讓您賞玩不停!感恩相遇,朵兒再次等一個有故事的你~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您百忙之中來和朵兒分享您的感受。酒店有專線網絡,讓您的遊戲。追劇沒有卡頓。新推出的養生早餐:100%現磨豆漿、當日現做的豆花,手工手抓餅,米脂小米粥等,種類豐富的養生早餐供您選擇。當然您的購物也不能落下,酒店地處地鐵4號線,距離北京南站衹有1.5公里,地鐵一站地就可直達。西單地鐵也可直達,酒店附近還有沃爾瑪超市,滿足您的購物需求。北京的美景也不允許您錯過,故宮博物院,天安門廣場,國家博物館等旅遊景區,讓您賞玩不停!我們深知唯有以堅持不懈的努力,方能做得更好!