Jl. Raya Singaraja - Amlapura No.100, Desa Tembok, Kec. Tejakula, Bali, Province of Bali, 81171, IndonesiaLihat Detail Hotel
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Menginap di Mei 2023
Diposting pada 1 Jun 2023
Saya baru saja kembali dari masa menginap yang sangat menyenangkan dan santai di Spa Village Resort. Saya menyukai setiap menit. Perawatan spa. makanan, staf, dan lokasi menjadikan ini pelarian yang istimewa. Saya merasa seperti di rumah sendiri begitu saya tiba dan merasa diperhatikan serta diasuh sepanjang waktu. Saya tidak menyangka makanannya begitu segar, sebagian besar ditanam di lokasi atau disediakan oleh nelayan setempat. Saya tidak ingat pernah makan dengan begitu bersih. Saya juga sangat terkejut dengan pertimbangan nyata terhadap lingkungan, satu-satunya botol air yang terlihat adalah saat sesi yoga. Jika Anda ingin melakukan sesuatu untuk diri sendiri, renungkan dan segarkan kembali. Saya sangat merekomendasikan Spa Village. Saya menantikan kunjungan saya kembali.
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Tanggapan dari Properti: Lizg68 yang terhormat, Kami sangat senang bahwa kami memenuhi harapan Anda selama Anda tinggal bersama kami di Spa Village Resort Tembok, Bali. Komentar Anda telah dibagikan dengan seluruh staf dan kami berharap dapat menyambut Anda kembali di masa mendatang. Sementara itu, semoga Anda selalu sehat dan bahagia! Yang terbaik, Fauzi Abriansyah
Menginap di Mei 2023
Diposting pada 1 Jun 2023
Kami senang kami menginap di sini. Elemen spa sangat brilian, mulai dari cuci kaki dan pijat leher hingga yoga di halaman. Tapi kami juga menghargai tempat duduk yang nyaman (terutama gazebo dan pelayannya yang ramah) dan taman yang indah. Pesan-pesan kecil di kamar kami setiap hari sangat bagus. Staf membuat liburan untuk kami. Mereka sangat ramah dan bersahabat, mengantisipasi apa yang kami inginkan. Makanannya luar biasa. Bahkan sarapan menawarkan banyak pilihan. Kami menyukainya setiap hari. Kami sedikit snorkeling. Ini bukan karang yang cantik tapi tetap menyenangkan untuk melihat apa yang ada di sana. Saya melihat gurnard terbang. Perjalanan taksi dari bandara harus sekitar tiga jam. Sopir kami menawarkan pemberhentian untuk penukaran uang, kopi, loos, dan kesempatan untuk melihat Gunung Batur - yang terakhir sedikit jalan memutar. Anda mungkin siap untuk ini tetapi berhati-hatilah karena ini akan menambah waktu perjalanan 45 menit atau lebih.
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Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear LindaMB Terima kasih banyak atas umpan balik Anda yang baik. Saya sangat senang mendengar bahwa kami membuat Anda merasa nyaman selama Anda tinggal bersama kami. Seluruh tim kami benar-benar menikmati melayani kebutuhan Anda sama seperti Anda menikmati masa tinggal Anda. Juga senang mengetahui bahwa fasilitas kami dapat menciptakan waktu yang tak terlupakan untuk Anda. Sekali lagi terima kasih atas ulasan positifnya dan kami berharap dapat bertemu Anda lagi di masa mendatang. Yang terbaik, Fauzi Abriansyah
Menginap di Mar 2023
Diposting pada 23 Apr 2023
Saya tidak ingat kapan saya lebih menikmati pengalaman hotel. Semuanya sempurna. Sejak Anda tiba, semua orang mengetahui nama Anda dan ingin Anda benar-benar bahagia dengan semua aspek masa tinggal Anda. Anda akan disambut dengan scrub kaki dan pijat punggung kemudian diantar ke kamar Anda yang indah di mana Anda diberikan rencana perjalanan yang disarankan untuk aktivitas dan layanan spa Anda. Anda bebas menyesuaikan pengalaman Anda. Saya menambahkan layanan spa tambahan dan tur Ubud. Pekarangannya sendiri sempurna, makanannya luar biasa, dan perawatan spa-nya luar biasa. Saya menyukainya. Para tamu perlu tahu bahwa resor ini membutuhkan waktu 3 jam untuk sampai ke hotel, namun itu sepadan.
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Tanggapan dari Properti: Kereno521 yang terhormat, Terima kasih banyak telah meluangkan waktu untuk menulis ulasan tentang masa tinggal Anda bersama kami. Saya pasti akan menyampaikan komentar positif Anda kepada tim dan tidak diragukan lagi mereka akan senang mengetahui upaya mereka dihargai. Senang sekali Anda berada di sini dan berharap dapat menyambut Anda kembali ke rumah. Yang terbaik, Fauzi Abriansyah
Menginap di Mar 2023
Diposting pada 10 Apr 2023
Tim Spa Village Resort yang terhormat, saya harap email ini sampai kepada Anda dengan baik. Saya menulis surat ini untuk mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih kami yang tulus atas keramahtamahan luar biasa yang kami terima selama kunjungan kami baru-baru ini di Spa Village Resort Tembok Bali dari tanggal 29 - 31 Maret 2023. Saya harus mengatakan bahwa kami sangat terkesan dengan layanan luar biasa yang diberikan oleh tim Anda, yang membuat kunjungan kami berkesan dan menyenangkan. Anggota staf Anda penuh perhatian, sopan, dan selalu bersedia bekerja ekstra untuk memastikan bahwa kebutuhan kami terpenuhi. Dari saat kami tiba hingga hari kami berangkat, kami diperlakukan dengan profesionalisme dan perhatian maksimal. Fasilitas dan fasilitas yang disediakan adalah yang terbaik, dan saya menghargai upaya yang dilakukan tim Anda untuk membuat bulan madu kami tetap nyaman. Terima kasih khusus kepada Pengemudi yang melakukan transfer & tur bandara, tim Front Office atas sikap baik mereka pada peningkatan kamar kami ke suite dan selalu memeriksa kebutuhan dan program kami. Kami sangat menghargainya, kami menyukai suite ini. Tim tata graha yang membersihkan suite kami setiap hari. Kami menyukai pesan dan origaminya. Kami menyukainya dan kami menempatkannya di kamar kami sekarang. Tim F&B selalu memastikan kami mendapatkan meja favorit kami dan kami menikmati makanan dan layanan. Koki tolong pastikan Anda mengajari kami cara membuat sambal Bali dan saya ingin mengambil sebotol besar sambal itu. Anak-anak lelaki di kolam renang, terutama lelaki yang membimbing kami selama kunjungan kami ke Air Terjun. Tim Spa, kami merasa dimanjakan oleh mereka yang menantikan pijatan dari para bintang di lain waktu. Kalian membuat resor indah ini terlihat menawan. Sekali lagi terima kasih telah menjadikan kunjungan kami di Spa Village Resort Tembok Bali pengalaman yang menyenangkan. Saya menantikan untuk berkunjung lagi tahun depan, sangat berharap kami mendapatkan paket dan harga yang sama. Kami sangat menantikan Sunset Cruise yang kami lewatkan karena hujan. Berhati-hatilah dan tetap berhubungan. Alangkah baiknya jika kita bisa mengetahui lebih banyak tentang cuaca dan okupansi tahun depan di awal April. Salam hormat, Saravanan Suite Suria #57
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Tanggapan dari Properti: Saravanan yang terhormat. Terima kasih banyak telah meluangkan waktu untuk menulis ulasan yang baik tentang Spa Village Resort Tembok, Bali. Kami benar-benar menghargai ulasan Anda karena kami bertujuan untuk memberikan tamu kami keramahtamahan dan layanan terbaik yang selalu menjadi prioritas kami. Perlu diketahui bahwa kami dengan sepenuh hati menikmati, berbagi hasrat kami tentang tujuan ini dengan Anda dan kami sangat senang mendengar Anda meninggalkan Spa Village Resort Tembok, Bali dengan perasaan segar, beristirahat dan dengan kenangan indah tentang pengalaman Anda bersama kami. Kami akan senang untuk melayani Anda lagi, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi saya jika Anda ingin tinggal bersama kami lagi. Sekali lagi kami ucapkan terima kasih atas ulasan Anda yang baik dan berharap dapat menyambut Anda kembali di masa mendatang. Sementara itu, kami mendoakan Anda banyak kegembiraan, cinta, dan kesehatan yang baik! Yang terbaik, Fauzi Abriansyah
Menginap di Des 2022
Diposting pada 31 Jan 2023
Jalan masuk yang sangat sempit membawa Anda ke halaman hotel dan Anda berada di dunia lain. Dimulai dengan upacara penyambutan dengan membasuh kaki dan berakhir ketika Anda meninggalkan hotel setelah dua hari yang fantastis dengan pemukulan gong besar. Di sela-sela itu, kami dipijat secara profesional setiap hari dan ikut serta dalam kelas yoga. Itu dan setengah papan sudah termasuk dalam harga (relatif tinggi). Rasio harga-kinerja baik-baik saja. Dan: Saya jarang melihat kompleks hotel yang dirancang dengan sempurna. Itu luar biasa.
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Menginap di Sep 2024
Diposting pada 7 Okt 2024
We enjoyed a relaxing few days at the Spa Village. After a long car journey, we really appreciated the foot scrub and shoulder massage on arrival. Although on the smaller side, the Spa Village has plenty to offer. We loved the massages that were included each day, and the therapists were brilliant at working around our sunburn and providing aloe vera to help us out. You would expect the massages at a Spa hotel to be good but somehow they exceeded our expectations as they were so relaxing and professional! Each day there were several activities to get involved in, and we particularly enjoyed the yoga, the tai chi, and the stargazing in the pool. As we were on our honeymoon, we were also offered a blessing by the local priest which was a really special experience right on the seafront. The hotel did also suggest day trips/activities further afield, but as we’d already done some of these before coming to the Spa Village, we stayed on site for the days we were there. The grounds of the hotel are beautiful and well kept. The room was clean and spacious, and we loved the little notes from housekeeping each morning and evening. We enjoyed the food and there was a good variety on the menu across the days we were there. The only feedback we would have for the hotel is to try and ensure more people get involved with the brilliant activities on offer as sometimes we had completely private activities. If you are visiting the hotel make sure you make the very most of the fantastic itinerary on offer. We would definitely recommend this hotel if you are looking for a relaxing stay.
Menginap di Jul 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
Diposting pada 19 Agt 2024
We had an amazing Luxury Escapes getaway for five nights and cannot fault anything at Spa Village Tembok. While it’s a long trip to Tembok our driver ensured our transfer was as comfortable as possible. Every, and I mean every, staff member at Spa Village delivered an amazing service, from always greeting us by name, arranging our itinerary, refilling our water, ensuring our stay was as amazing as possible. The included spa treatments were incredible, daily yoga was wonderful, the food options were fab and the infinity pool and availability of pool beds was all we could ask for. This is the place to come if you want pure relaxation, escape the hustle bustle, excellent service and an indulgent but affordable getaway. Highly recommend.
Menginap di Jul 2024
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Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 19 Agt 2024
A lovely relaxing mini break, everything is inclusive transfers from the airport ( be mindful it’s a 3 hour drive) meals, a cocktail daily, yoga, and 50 min massage. Beautiful location right on the beach - it’s a small hotel that has friendly staff, ever helpful. Its remote location away from shops and bars and restaurants made it for me more appealing as I wanted to slow down and relax.
Menginap di Jun 2024
Diposting pada 13 Jul 2024
The best experience we have ever had! We came to spa village for our honeymoon we were literally treated like royalty. All staff knew our name from the moment you arrived they are all so helpful and couldn’t do enough for you. Singapore airlines unfortunately lost all our luggage for our first 4 days at the resort and the staff provided us with traditional clothes they have on site and sandals so we could enjoy the stay. They rang the airline for us multiple times each day till our luggage arrived. We had a 50 minute treatment daily which was so lovely, the therapists were so kind and friendly. After each massage you get a small warm cleansing drink much I really liked. The Balinese massage was our favourite! The resort has one restaurant which changes its menu daily. The lunch and the breakfast menu stayed the same but the evening was always different. You even get surprise courses each day too. Only small bites but always so tasty! The menu for dinner is small and all traditional Balinese food so very authentic. My husband has a nut allergy and this was a little bit of an issue, not all serving staff could speak the best English/ understand exactly what you meant. The majority did! There was a few times that we were served nuts within dishes after telling the serving staff daily he was allergic. A few members of the serving staff spoke amazing English and understood that nuts were a no no but the lady taking your order who speaks great English isn’t the person serving you the food . So there must be some crossed wires there. He doesn’t have a severe nut allergy but I would be very careful if you do! I had to try all his dishes first and check if there was any nuts in them. It was mainly an issue if there wasn’t a physical nut on the plate as in if the dessert was pistachio flavoured or peanut sauce. But if there was an obvious nut like in granola they understood that that couldn’t be served. We stayed in the pool villa so had a private pool, we never actually used the main pool because of this. Everyone at the resort tended to spend their days by the main pool but as the resort only has 30 rooms it was never too busy. The main pool has a stargazing experience each night where you can get on a float and look up at the stars, we really enjoyed this, it was so beautiful. The resort is so quiet! It’s mainly couples there so never noisy. The only noise we ever heard was the hotel next door which are really loud at night, we could easily sleep through it but this hotel isn’t exactly close to spa resort so they must have their music really loud for us to hear it. It’s mainly the thudding of the beats than the words of the songs we could hear. The spa resort provides you with an itinerary of your stay that you can stick to or change. It really helped us plan our stay. A lot of people don’t tend to go out and do the experiences but we did. We went out of the sunset cruise which is just on the beach in front of the resort this was so beautiful
Menginap di Mei 2024
Diposting pada 1 Jun 2024
LOVED LOVED LOVED it - the setting is magic and incredibly peaceful. The staff, all of them, are gorgeous, so friendly, super helpful and go out their way for you. Many of them know you by name. I loved how one guy reserved our favourite poolside spot each morning & constantly refreshed our iced water. The daily spa treatment for hubby and myself was the ultimate treat. The food was healthy, delicious and plentiful. The waiting staff were fantastic. It’s hard to single the staff out because they were all amazing. They worked together like a family and you felt it. Thank you for making our time with you so special and relaxing ❤️ We had the best time and I highly recommend it.
Menginap di Mei 2024
Diposting pada 1 Jun 2024
What a fabulous resort. From the moment we arrived to the moment we had to leave we were so well looked after. On arrival from Ubud we received a welcoming drink and cool towel followed by a shoulder and foot massage. Although it was 2;30 pm our room wasn't quite ready so we were ushered into lunch, as part of our full board package. About 40 minutes later we were taken to our room on the upper floor overlooking the gardens, with a lovely balcony with a comfy sofa and table for you to while your time away. Our room was spotlessly clean, fully airconditioned, with plenty of hanging and storage space. No iron or ironing board but laundry service should you require it. Fabulously comfy bed, well stocked mini bar, tea and coffee. A coffee machine would have been a nice additional touch. There was also a sofa and desk/dressing table with chair adapter plugs soft lighting and hair dryer, although a more power full one have been appreciated. The bathroom was bright and clean with plenty of towels , shampoo, soap conditioner. although maybe a little dated with a shower over the bath which might have been better if it had been a rain shower. The rooms were serviced daily in the morning and evenings by the room staff who had great attention to detail, leaving you little notes and hand woven trinkets daily. We had a 50 minute treatment booked every day. These were set out on an itinerary which was left in your room, but you were able to change any of the treatments to suit you as long as the staff were able to accommodate you within the spa schedule. All our treatments were amazing, although I might skip the foot massage as it wasn't my favorite . However we were thoroughly pampered, and felt amazing at the end of each session. There was plenty of other things to do like yoga, sunset cruise, crafty activities and trips off site, but we chose to laze around the pool most of the time, with pool service available and water constantly on offer all day to make sure you were well hydrated. The pool was open from 7am-9pm so we took advantage of this for early morning swimming then coffee by the pool before heading into breakfast. Plenty of options with regards to food, always delicious well presented and the staff were just fabulous and would explain all options and alternatives if you had dietary issues. We were also lucky enough to have a Balinese evening being entertained my local children doing traditional dancing. The beach was black volcanic sand and you do need beach shoes if you are swimming in the sea as its very rocky just off shore. Do go snorkeling off the beach there was lots to see as well as crystal clear warm water there was corals regenerating and plenty of fish. Walk to the left of the beach past the locals with their fishing boats to view the sunset in the evenings. This place was kept immaculate by the ground staff and gardeners. In fact I don't think we have ever been to a resort where the staff have been so friendly and eager to talk to
Menginap di Apr 2024
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 9 Mei 2024
Excellent resort which is extremely peaceful, being located in a quiet part of Bali and which has a small number of rooms keeping the guest count small. Also, kids are not allowed so that adds to the peace. The pool area was nice and chairs/cabanas were always available. The beach is rocky but definitely swimmable. The food was delicious though a bit small in portions. Rooms were perfectly comfortable. Lots of helpful staff and the included spa treatments added to the experience. There are a few excursions the hotel can arrange which was convenient. Only reason I can't give 5 stars is the long and grueling drive to and from the airport! It is 3-4 hours of traffic, bumps, road-sickness etc, so just be prepared for that. But maybe that's the only way you can get peace on Bali!
Menginap di Jan 2024
Diposting pada 7 Feb 2024
Tembok Spa Village Resort is completely beautiful! The sound of the waves on the black sandy beach is always with you as the pebbles wash in with the waves, it is incredibly relaxing. We loved the day beds by the pool, the perfect place to read a book. The reflections of the palm trees in the pool are what dreams are made of. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were all delicious - and having them included in our package made our stay so easy and decadent. Even when we went on a day trip to Amed and a sunrise boat trip in Lovina Bay, the resort staff carefully organised our meals for while we were away. The suite was exceptional, so much space, a wonderful balcony and the daily notes and gifts on our pillow a thoughtful touch. But three things really stand out about this wonderful resort, the incredible welcome foot bath and neck and shoulder massage, the attentiveness of the staff and provision of a proposed itinerary on check in (including lots of ideas we hadn't thought of and thoroughly enjoyed - like the sunrise dolphin tour in Lovina Bay) and the other worldy massages provided in the spa. I had a massage from Wayan that is the best I have ever had (and I have had a lot of massages!). So, do yourself a favour, and book this resort - it is outstanding! PS Request Sono to drive you from the airport :-)
Menginap di Des 2023
Diposting pada 21 Jan 2024
The drive from the airport took around 3 hours, and though it was a long drive after the delayed flight from Brisbane, being able to see a part of Bali and the way of life in the little villages that you don't see in the city venues, meant it was a really good way to ease into our holiday. The greeting at the car on arrival with a cold towel, foot rub, and neck massage pretty much set the scene for the next 5 days. The personal service we received at check-in (and throughout the stay) was outstanding. We felt like VIPs! We stayed in a suite and enjoyed the spaciousness it afforded - as well as the great view of the pool and across to the black sandy beach. It was clean and well maintained, with good internet access. There are no TVs in the room, which is perfect for me (but if you need a Netflix hit, the internet works well if you have a device with you). The restaurant had a great selection of food that changed daily. I have food allergies and the F&B team was very good at accommodating me, which isn't always easy as a soy allergy in southeast Asia does throw a spanner in the works for many of the local dishes - but the chef was able to look after me and I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything. The food looked amazing, tasted amazing and despite some reviews saying it was small portions - we were stuffed after every meal. The portion sizes aren't huge but they don't need to be - they are more than adequate and there are multiple courses at every meal setting. There is also a pool bar area where the team will mix a cocktail, a jug of sangria, or some other cold beverage - and then bring it to you as you sun yourself by the pool. They make sure you're hydrated by topping up your water (all filtered/spring water) - no need to ask, they just quietly top you up then disappear into the background. We had daily spa treatments, which were divine. A tip from me is to book a treatment for the day you arrive - the spa is open into the evening so if you arrive during the afternoon, you have time to settle into your room, have a massage then go to dinner. Now that's a holiday! The treatments were fabulous and every day there was something different to enjoy. Daily treatments were part of our package but there are upgrades available, which I indulged in, and the prices are very reasonable. The spa team has years of experience - some of the team have been there for 15+ years and you turn to putty in their hands. The resort was quiet while we were there - only about 45% occupancy so you never had to rush to hold a spot by the pool. There were plenty of cabanas and deck chairs to go around. In the time that we were there, we counted no more than 15 guests, including us, so it was like having your own private resort. Unfortunately, I got sick (not gastro) while I was there and the team organised for a doctor to come and see me. The doctor spoke English, which I wasn't sure would be the case, and she was able to provide me with th
Menginap di Des 2023
Diposting pada 2 Jan 2024
This was the first time ever that we thought that the staff is perhapes even too kind and hospitable. Spa tretments are outstanding here. There are excellent in all hotels, but here was even better. We took one of two vilas, with private plunge pool and direct access to the ocean. Magnificent. (So I do not know what are normal rooms like). Goody all in all.