Good Diner Inn Copain

Ulasan Good Diner Inn Copain

Good Diner Inn Copain

1 Chome-8-1 Kamiikebukuro, Toshima Ward, Tokyo, 170-0012, JapanLihat Detail Hotel
Good Diner Inn Copain
Good Diner Inn CopainGood Diner Inn CopainGood Diner Inn Copain
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Guest User
Bunk Bed in Mixed Dormitory Room
Menginap di Feb 2024
Solo travelers
4 ulasan
Diposting pada 25 Mar 2024
Clean, neat environment. Pretty convenient spot that is located closed to all the anime stores in ikebukuro (around 7 min walk). Only thing to complain is how loud the staff talk over phone through out the night in the shared space area, they should consider that other people is also on call and should lower their volume when others are around. Note that there's only one toilet and one shower for each female area and mix gender area. It worked fine for me but there might be times you can't shower/go to toilet if someone else is using it.
Chi Ho Jeffrey
Bunk Bed in Mixed Dormitory Room
Menginap di Nov 2023
Solo travelers
4 ulasan
Diposting pada 28 Des 2023
not bad
Bunk Bed in Mixed Dormitory Room
Menginap di Mar 2024
Solo travelers
65 ulasan
Diposting pada 5 Jun 2024
It was okay because it was spring, but I think the room would be really hot in summer. It's right next to the road, so there's a lot of noise from traffic, but there's Shibuyani and Shinjuku nearby, so it might be quiet if you fall asleep from exhaustion after playing around. Avoid if you have sensitive eyes at night. Avoid if your body has a lot of heat. Other than that it's okay
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Single Bunk in Female Dormitory
Menginap di Okt 2023
Solo travelers
9 ulasan
Diposting pada 24 Nov 2023
It was about a 20 minute walk from Ikebukuro Station. It's about 10 minutes from Sunshine. Enter the room using the pin code received by email. You can also enter your room using your password. The living room has games, a mini-kitchen, and a refrigerator. Basically, it is very well kept and clean. There are two electrical outlets in the bedroom. When I have something to do in Ikebukuro, I plan to use it again since the prices are low.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Single Bunk in Female Dormitory
Menginap di Okt 2023
Solo travelers
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 17 Nov 2023
If you choose self-service check-in, you will receive the door lock code and check-in process 1 to 2 days before check-in. If you do not receive it, please remember to contact us as soon as possible. Basically, 11:00-15:00 is the cleaning time in the museum. First change your shoes at the entrance to the second floor and then go to your bed. There will be a form to fill in on the bed. There is also a small note with the door locks and wifi passwords for all floors, which you can take with you. The shower room and hair dryer are available from 7:00 to 24:00. Only shampoo and shower gel, hair dryer, and disposable paper slippers are provided, but no towel rental is provided. Therefore, you need to bring your own towels, toothbrushing supplies, and facial washing supplies. If you really don’t have it with you, you can buy it from LAWSON or Daiso. The saloon on the second floor is the only place where you can eat and drink, and both the refrigerator and the kitchen can be used. The day of check-in was a Saturday, so many girls left the next day. There were many people packing their luggage and dressing up on Saturday night and Sunday morning, so it was quite noisy. After these guests left, it seemed that there were only four residents left on the floor (one of whom should be a hotel helper). It was very quiet at night and in the morning for two consecutive days. It's a little way from the station, but if you're familiar with Ikebukuro's otaku stores, like Animate and Otome Street, or even if you're a road junkie like me, you'll probably be familiar with them after just two visits. There is LAWSON nearby which is very convenient. If there is a chance next time, I would like to stay here again.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Shared Dormitory, Mixed Dorm
Menginap di Jul 2023
Travel with friends
17 ulasan
Diposting pada 16 Agt 2023
It's a bit of a walk from Ikebukuro Station, but I don't think it's that far if you're just walking for a walk. But it's better to bring a towel
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Guest User
Single Bunk in Female Dormitory
Menginap di Mar 2024
Solo travelers
1 ulasan
Very Good
Diposting pada 2 Apr 2024
Feels cheap
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Guest User
Bunk Bed in Mixed Dormitory Room
Menginap di Okt 2023
Travel with friends
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 12 Nov 2023
Very satisfied
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Guest User
Menginap di Des 2024
Diposting pada 25 Jan 2025
JR東日本のトレインスタンプラリー参加で利用させて頂きました。 1 朝食について    コロナ前はあったのですが、今はないです。    但し、共用ルームには、コーヒー、ブレンディー、紅茶、お茶は自由に使えます。     T-falもあります。    共用ルームの水は、東京の水道(おいしい水道として有名)を更に浄水器を通しているので、お茶とかの余ったペットボトルに補充しておくと、滞在中、有効に使えます。 (写真参照) 2 池袋駅からのルートについて    少し曲がっていますが、明治通り沿いに来たら間違いが無いです。  埼京線と山手線の線路を超えると、宿まで直ぐです。    駅から宿は、駅前の横断歩道を渡り、宿まで進んで下さい。    宿から駅は、宿近くの横断歩道を渡り、駅まで進んで下さい。    埼京線と山手線の手前の交差点、事故が多く、滞在中、車同士ですが、ヒヤリハットを見ました。    このあたりは、実際に歩いてみて、感覚を掴むのが良いです。 (写真参照) 3 池袋サンシャイン付近から    私が乗った夜行バス乗り場が池袋サンシャイン到着だったのですが、宿まで直線でもいけるのですが、冬場の早朝とかだと方向感覚が狂うので、一度池袋駅に出てから、宿まで行くことをお勧めします。 4 入口等について    サイファーロック(アルファベットと数字の組み合わせ)になっています。  予約の後、チェックインの1日前くらいに送られて来るのですが、たまに来ない時もあるので、その時は、アゴダの予約欄から連絡して下さい。    チェックインの際に、指定されたベッドに置かれた、エントリーシートに記入するのですが、そのエントーシートに、サイファーロックの番号が書かれた小さめの紙があるので、 取り忘れないようにしてください。滞在中、1人の方が、取り忘れの上、メールを消したか何かで入れないと連絡がありましたので、安全のため、フェイルセーフでお願いします。 (財布かスマフォケースにでも入れてください) (写真参照) 5 お礼    初日、いきなり、スマフォの充電がどんどん減って、故障かと思う事態がありました。    auショップへ行き、充電器を大きくして、性能の良いケーブルを使うと充電出来たので、宿へ戻り、お願いしたら、滞在中、スタッフの方の予備の充電器とケーブルをお借り出来て大変助かりました。    初日、行く予定だったスタンプラリーの場所のリカバーを翌日以降に行ったのですが、その際、新幹線の中(フリーWifi)でリスケしたのですが、スマフォが必須でした。