Lane 56, Xijing Street, Qingpu District, Shanghai, ChinaLihat Detail Hotel
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Zheng Han
Guestroom - Double Occupancy
Menginap di Feb 2025
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 20 Mar 2025
We stayed here at the beginning of our trip and it could not have been more perfect.
The B&B was well maintained and decorated, providing many photo moments. In fact, they are so guest-oriented that the turning down service included heating up the bed as well as the floor. As we travelled during cold weather, it gave us the perfect end to the night.
We also checked in and went to the restaurant on a boat, making it a complete Zhujajiao experience.
The staff were all contactable via wechat to attend to our needs or provide advice. They were also very friendly, making tea for us and sat down for a chat.
My wife and I were very well fed not just through the complimentary afternoon tea and the breakfast, but also the snacks that were placed in our room.
The 1-time transfer to or from a nearby location also helped us alleviate any stress related to transport as they were taken care of by the staff.
ho kh
Guestroom - Double Occupancy
Menginap di Jul 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 6 Sep 2024
A very atmospheric tradition accommodation. Was pleasantly surprised at the level of service provided. Place was very clean and concierge was very hospitable. Boat services provided when we want to go for breakfast and afternoon tea.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您對我們民宿的肯定,期待您的再次光臨
Guestroom - Double Occupancy
Menginap di Jan 2025
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 23 Feb 2025
It was a wonderful trip for me. I enjoyed both the ancient town and the hotel incredibly. I had a wonderful weekend. I stayed very comfortably and pleasantly in this hotel with a history of hundreds of years. They restored the hotel incredibly successfully. The staff is friendly, sincere and helpful. There is an endless cycle of treats in the hotel. I don't remember a hotel I enjoyed this much in recent years. I thank myself for choosing this hotel :-)
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest,We are absolutely delighted to hear that you had such a wonderful trip and weekend with us! Your kind words mean the world to our entire team.We're extremely proud of our efforts in restoring this centuries - old hotel, and it's a huge compliment to know that our restoration work met your high standards. Our staff strive to create a warm and helpful environment, and it's fantastic that you felt their friendliness and sincerity.We're also glad you enjoyed the treats we offer. Your satisfaction is our greatest reward, and it's truly humbling to be the hotel that you've enjoyed so much in recent years.We sincerely hope that you'll choose to stay with us again soon. We're already looking forward to welcoming you and your family back and making your next visit even more memorable!Best regards,Sean
Alexandra Schroth
Guestroom - Double Occupancy
Menginap di Jun 2024
5 ulasan
Diposting pada 7 Jul 2024
Hi! It was such a wonderful experience to stay in your well-preserved heritage house. We loved the atmosphere and the silence while watching the hustle and bustle outside. Thanks that you were so nice and friendly to Meimei 🐶. She really enjoyed walking around or resting in the cool entrance hall.
The breakfast in the old tea house was very delicious 🤤
We definitely will come back 🥰
Tanggapan dari Properti: 你好,我們非常感謝你對我們井亭民宿的滿意評價,我們會不斷改進和提升服務質量,為您創造更好的住宿體驗,而且我們這的人也非常喜歡Meimei🐶,Meimei非常的可愛對我們也很熱情,我們非常歡迎您們和Mei'mei下次的到來🥰
Guestroom - Double Occupancy
Menginap di Apr 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 31 Mei 2024
An unique & wonderful experience for city dwellers. Place is very beautiful & clean. We never go hungry with all the free-flow snacks & drinks. The boat ritual to bring us to have breakfast is so nice and breakfast is delicious.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you for your love and look forward to meeting againThank you for your love and look forward to meeting again
Business Suite
Menginap di Feb 2025
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 15 Mar 2025
Best stay in my life!! Thank you so much!
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest,We're thrilled you said it was the "Best stay in my life"! Your kind words encourage us.We look forward to hosting you again when you're around. We'll keep up the good work.Thank you for your review and choosing our inn. Enjoy your future adventures!
BP Pan
Guestroom - Double Occupancy
Menginap di Apr 2024
5 ulasan
Diposting pada 20 Jun 2024
very nice stay staff very friendly we enjoy very much
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您的好評!祝您一切順利
Guestroom - Double Occupancy
Menginap di Sep 2023
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 22 Okt 2023
Everything about Jingting Inn was absolutely incredible.
From the staff meeting us and taking us to the Inn, to the welcome snacks and drinks and all the intricacies and attention to detail that the owners put towards making our stay perfect.
The Inn itself is magical and the room is very beautiful, with all the amenities you could ever need.
The staff are courteous and polite and try their best to give you the most unforgettable experience.
My only regret is that we only stayed 1 night, next time I'm going to stay for at least 3 nights.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you very much for your recognition and welcome to stay again.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,您好!非常感謝您對井亭民宿的喜愛與細緻評價!我們一直致力於為每一位客人提供温馨、舒適的居住體驗,您的滿意是我們最大的動力。得知您對民宿的環境、服務以及我們的“小夥伴”——狗狗和貓咪都如此喜愛,我們感到無比欣慰。井亭民宿的設計理念正是希望每一位到訪的客人都能感受到古色古香的氛圍,同時享受到現代生活的便利與舒適。我們精心挑選的日用品和床品,都是為了讓您有賓至如歸的感覺。您的肯定讓我們更加堅定了這一初衷。關於您提到的未能續住的遺憾,我們深感抱歉。井亭民宿的房間確實常常供不應求,這也激勵我們不斷提升服務質量,以滿足更多像您這樣熱愛生活、追求品質的客人。再次感謝您的光臨與分享,期待您的再次到來,我們將一如既往地為您提供最優質的服務。祝您生活愉快,旅途平安!井亭民宿敬上
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊貴的客人,您好!看到您將首次攜程點評給了井亭,我們滿心都是感動與驚喜。非常感謝您對我們民宿的喜愛與認可,能成為您旅途中的美好記憶,是我們莫大的榮幸。還記得您第一次路過時,對客廳滿是好奇的模樣,如今您真的入住體驗,還如此滿意,這感覺就像一場美好的約定終於實現。您對庭院景觀的誇讚,讓我們覺得所有精心佈置都太值得了。中式庭院裏梅花飄香、流水潺潺,房間又正對梅花樹,還有那象棋桌,都是我們想要打造的獨特景緻,能符合您的審美,我們太開心啦,也期待您未來房子能如您所願般美好。服務方面,能給您帶來温暖舒適的體驗,是我們一直努力的方向。從停車場接送,到入住時管家的細心介紹,再到貼心準備的點心、熱飲和水果,還有誠意滿滿的下午茶,衹要您能在井亭度過悠閑愜意的時光,我們就無比滿足。知道您丟了眼葯水,我們第一時間送去,這都是我們應該做的。能分享一些養生知識給您,也是希望能為您的生活添一份健康。您的肯定就是對我們最大的鼓勵,期待您再次光臨,遠離城市喧囂,回到井亭這個專屬您的“桃花源”,我們一定為您準備更棒的體驗!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 非常高興能收到您的評論!能得到您這麼高的評價,我們心裏暖烘烘的!管家大姐跟我們唸叨了,説一見到您們就覺得特別投緣,打心眼裡想把您們照顧好。您留意到我們民宿的裝飾、擺設和設備這些小細節,還誇乾淨整潔,真的讓我們特別有成就感。每一處裝飾、每一件擺設,都是我們精心挑選佈置的,就是希望能給大家營造出温馨又舒適的家。能因為這次住宿,讓您對朱家角留下深刻美好的印象,這就是對我們最大的褒獎!我們也盼着您能把這兒當成第二個家,以後常回來看看,我們隨時準備用最熱忱的服務迎接您!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 非常感謝您如此細心地體驗我們民宿的點點滴滴,對民宿設施和服務給予認可,這對我們而言,是最珍貴的禮物。 新年來臨,主理人事務繁雜,沒能及時回覆您,實在抱歉。這段時間,大家都在為迎接新年忙碌,力求給每一位客人更好的體驗,卻疏忽了對您及時迴應,還望您海涵。您的支持就是我們前進的動力。我們誠摯地期望,之後您能帶着家人再次光臨,就像回到温暖的家一樣。我們會一如既往,用更貼心的服務和更温馨的環境,讓您擁有難忘的住宿時光。再次感謝您的喜愛,祝您和家人新的一年幸福安康,萬事順遂!