18 Haitang North Road, Haitang District, Sanya, Hainan, 572000, ChinaLihat Detail Hotel
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Kamar Superior dengan Tampilan Taman dan Tempat Tidur Ukuran King
Menginap di Jan 2024
49 ulasan
Diposting pada 6 Feb 2024
Taman hotel, kolam renang, pantai, dan perangkat keras lainnya semuanya bagus, dan tepi laut di luar taman sangat nyaman dengan sedikit orang. Yang down adalah layanan perangkat lunaknya. Ini juga merupakan masalah lama hotel seri Wanda. Yang benar-benar tidak bisa ditolerir adalah kenapa kamu membuat wanginya begitu menyengat di dalam ruangan, membuatku jadi bau. Ketika saya menelepon layanan pelanggan, mereka pada dasarnya memberi saya jawaban asal-asalan dan tidak pernah datang untuk menyelesaikan masalah.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Tamu yang terhormat, terima kasih telah memberi tahu kami tentang masalah yang Anda temui selama menginap. Kami menyesal bahwa kami tidak memenuhi harapan Anda dan izinkan kami menyampaikan permintaan maaf kami yang tulus. Di saat yang sama, manajemen hotel menghargai saran setiap tamu. Jika Anda memiliki saran yang lebih rinci, silakan menghubungi kami kapan saja, kami akan berusaha membuat Anda puas! Saya harap Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman baru pada kunjungan Anda berikutnya. Kami dengan tulus menantikan kunjungan Anda lagi. Kami pasti akan memberi Anda pengalaman akomodasi yang lebih baik dan berharap Anda hidup bahagia!
Garden-view Double Room
Menginap di Des 2023
16 ulasan
Diposting pada 24 Jan 2024
Tempat terburuk yang pernah saya tinggali. Kebersihannya sangat buruk. Suami dan anak-anak saya semua digigit pinang. Saat kami masuk kamar, baunya apek. Bisa dibilang kami belum pernah menginap di hotel mana pun di Teluk Haitang . Kami meminta pengusaha hotel untuk belajar dengan yang lain. Fasilitas belajarnya terlalu tua. Saya pikir kamar yang diupgrade akan lebih bersih. Saya dan suami sama-sama mengajukan kartu anggota. Saya sangat kecewa.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Tamu yang terhormat, terima kasih telah memberi tahu kami tentang masalah yang Anda temui selama menginap. Kami menyesal bahwa kami tidak memenuhi harapan Anda dan izinkan kami menyampaikan permintaan maaf kami yang tulus. Mengenai pertanyaan Anda tentang bau apek di kamar, sudah kami diskusikan dengan departemen terkait.Karena cuaca yang dingin akhir-akhir ini dan lokasi hotel yang dekat dengan pantai, hal ini akan menimbulkan masalah bau apek di kamar. Dalam hal ini, kami juga akan menempatkan komputer di dalam ruangan Dehumidifier untuk membantu menjaga ruangan tetap kering. Sekaligus kami turut berduka cita karena suami dan anak anda digigit nyamuk. Pendapat Anda telah diteruskan ke departemen terkait untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan. Tidak sabar untuk berkunjung lagi! Kami berharap dapat memiliki kesempatan untuk melayani Anda dengan lebih baik dalam waktu dekat.
Kamar Twin dengan Pemandangan Taman
Menginap di Okt 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
4 ulasan
Diposting pada 2 Des 2024
The hotel is very clean. Breakfasts are top notch. The service person is very friendly. I serve level 100. Thank you, Mike Liu .. 环境非常好。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您下榻我們酒店並做出全面的好評,賓客的認可是對我們的最大鼓勵。我會轉達您對我同事的誇獎。我們的酒店位於享有“國家海岸”的海棠灣黃金地帶,是萬達集團的高端酒店品牌。我們的早餐有各種熱帶水果和中西餐可選,開啟您的愉快一天;也有火辣的重慶火鍋,精緻的各式麪食,衷心期待再次與您相遇在三亞海棠灣萬達嘉華度假酒店,我們一定會為您奉上更好的住宿體驗,祝您和家人生活愉快!
Kamar Twin dengan Pemandangan Taman
Menginap di Okt 2023
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 11 Nov 2023
Great journey. We had really good time here. All staff so friendly and they can speak english
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, hello! Thank you for your full score review. Your support and encouragement are the biggest driving force for us to move forward! Sanya Haitang Bay Wanda Jiahua Resort Hotel is a high-end hotel brand of Wanda Group. Our hotel is located in the beautiful Haitang Bay and is built in a tropical garden, with 11 different types of rooms to choose from. Whether you are a business guest traveling alone, a leisure traveler traveling with a family, or a conference organizer, we will create a comfortable accommodation environment for you, making you feel at home. We hope our hotel can bring more surprises and emotions to your journey, and look forward to your next visit!
Kamar Twin dengan Pemandangan Taman
Menginap di Des 2023
38 ulasan
Diposting pada 29 Jan 2024
the hotel is in a good location, in a beautiful park. however, there are many weak points. SPA was closed, 2 swimming pools were also closed. There was no information about this when booking. There should have been a discount for that. There are also too few deck chairs available. Breakfast was the same every day, the fruit juice was of poor quality and eggs and pancakes took a long time to prepare, it was not adapted to the large number of guests. Overall, the price was too high for the service offered
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, Thank you for choosing to stay at Wanda Realm Resort Sanya Haitang Bay. We apologize that your stay could not be a perfect experience. At the same time, we are always listening to different guests and constantly upgrading and improving the food and beverage, thank you for your positive feedback. We have shared your feedback with the relevant management and will take your concerns seriously. If you have more detailed suggestions, you are welcome to contact us at any time, we strive to make you satisfied! Hope your next visit has a new feeling, sincerely look forward to your visit again, we will provide you with a better accommodation experience, I wish you a happy life!
Kamar Twin dengan Pemandangan Taman
Menginap di Sep 2023
15 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 7 Okt 2023
Very Good~~~~~~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您選擇我們的酒店,非常榮幸能為您服務! 三亞海棠灣萬達嘉華度假酒店不僅有多種多樣的客房類型、大小不一的四個室外泳池,更有着完美無瑕的服務,我們熱情好客,親如家人,為賓客提供熱情周到的貼心服務是我們一直以來的追求。能夠為您服務是我們的榮幸,期待您的下次光臨! 祝您旅途愉快!
Kamar Twin dengan Pemandangan Taman
Menginap di Okt 2023
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 3 Des 2023
What I like regarding this hotel is the breakfast and the beautiful garden. What made me disappointed was the uncomfortable bed and the pillows.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, thank you for informing us of the issues you encountered during your stay. Unfortunately, we were unable to meet your expectations. Please allow us to express our sincerest apologies to you. Your valuable feedback is very important to us, and it has been conveyed to the relevant departments to improve service quality. Looking forward to visiting again! We hope to have the opportunity to offer you better service in the near future.
Family Room
Menginap di Des 2024
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 25 Jan 2025
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您的認可,您的支持與鼓勵,是我們前進的最大動力! 三亞海棠灣萬達嘉華度假酒店是萬達集團的高端酒店品牌,我們的酒店坐落於風光旖旎的海棠灣,建於熱帶花園之中,擁有11種不同類型的客房共您選擇。無論您是單獨旅行的商務客人、全家出行的休閑旅客,還是會議的組織者,我們都將為您營造舒適的住宿環境,讓您賓至如歸。 希望我們的酒店能給您的旅途帶來更多的驚喜和感動,期待您的下次到來!
Kamar dengan Pemandangan Laut Deluxe(king bed)
Menginap di Jun 2022
7 ulasan
Diposting pada 28 Jul 2022
This was our first time in this hotel and we enjoyed a lot! The staff is really kind. Apple could speak English and she offered an upgrade for the room during check in. The view was amazing. But especially Beck helped us a lot, resolving all our doubts or questions. He was great for us to spend a great time. The breakfast at the hotel is really good, with a lot of options ( noodles, guangdong steam, a bakery room…). The hotel has 4-5 pools, one of them with slides. And there was a foam show everyday 17-18h. The beach , 5 minutes walking was wonderful: clean, almost empty. What we also liked was all the plants around the hotel. There were also a hainan restaurant and Chongqing hotpot. We are looking forwards to come back very soon! We loved this hotel!
Tanggapan dari Properti: "尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您選擇入住三亞海棠灣萬達嘉華度假酒店,您的認可是對我們最大的鼓勵!我們的酒店建於熱帶花園中,與天然旖旎的沙灘僅一步之遙,可以眺望碧波蕩漾的海棠灣。獨特的地理位置,宜人的自然美景,多個室外的泳池和多種房型的客房,讓這裏成為了歡樂寧靜的悠然假期之選。願酒店別樣的熱帶海島風情給您的假期增添了無限美好的回憶,期待與您再次相聚在這座熱帶天堂。我們懷揣着您的這份信任,將不斷進步並時刻準備着為賓客帶來優質的服務,期待您的再次光臨!"
Garden-view Double Room
Menginap di Jun 2022
7 ulasan
Diposting pada 3 Agt 2022
The outside area of the hotel is nice, and the beach is beautiful.
The breakfast is good, and suitable for both Chinese and foreigners.
People who work at the hotel are smiley and friendly, especially the front desk lady (good English if you have trouble speaking Chinese), she upgraded my room, because the previous one was mouldy and had a damp smell, but still... The new room had the same problem, but a beautiful view though.
The only and main problem is the cleanliness of the room.
The floor, the bed(damp bedding with a strange smell)
, the carpet(full of people's hair and stains, impossible to step on without slippers), and even bath robes (with fresh foundation stains)are just shockingly not clean.
There are bed bugs that bite at night time as well.
Tried to cancel my booking, but it wasn't possible because of the type of my booking.
Anyways if you stay 99% of your time outside everything is OK, the only problem is sleeping time when you need to stay in the room.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Valued Guest, thank you for sharing comments but sorry to disappoint you during your stay. We felt deeply sorry to have brother you with such situation. Cleanliness and hygiene is the priority of our job. We will definitely strengthen staff training, meticulously do a good job to improve work efficiency and service quality, I believe that our colleagues will be more meticulous when serving you in the future, thank you for your valuable advice! In the next work, we will pay more attention to the details of the work, and sincerely look forward to your visit again! I wish you a good mood every day!
Garden-view Double Room
Menginap di Nov 2022
46 ulasan
Diposting pada 27 Des 2022
I booked four nights stay at the Wanda Realm hotel with my partner over Christmas for a getaway. Trip.com had a deal where breakfast + either lunch/dinner for two was also included. I paid 4036 RMB by wechat for this on Trip.com.
When checking in, the hotel took a further 6000 RMB “payment and deposit” (so to check in I needed to have 10036 RMB in my account). I was assured that I would be refunded my deposit after checking out. Quite frankly this is an astronomically ridiculous amount of money for a hotel of such poor quality.
The customer service representatives at reception were truly awful. The receptionist (who could speak some English) absolutely refused to commune with me, but instead only spoke to my Mandarin-speaking partner. At this point they told us the ONLY option for lunch or evening meal was the on-site hot pot restaurant. There are no other alternatives such as a buffet “because of covid”.
When we got to our room, the floor had a layer of dust and hair on it like I’d never seen in a hotel before. We asked for it to be cleaned, and it took hours before someone knocked on the door.
The refrigerator in the room wasn’t working. We asked to have it fixed or replaced, at which point reception tried to feed us some BS saying “it keeps things fresh, not cold”. It’s a bloody fridge, it’s primary function is to keep things cold. Some time later a handyman came up to “fix it”. He flicked a switch at the back, and said it’s done. It changed nothing.
With frustration growing, we decided to go back to the reception area. I saw a Starbucks sign so wanted to grab a coffee. At the “coffee counter” with Starbucks logos, there was no one and it was filthy. Asking reception what time they open, they said 2pm (at was already 2:30pm). We wandered back over as a man appeared from behind the counter. We asked for coffee, but they had no coffee beans.
On our first nights stay, we decided to go for hot pot, where at the restaurant they give very limited (and I mean very limited) options for those on the half-board package. They were missing a number of items from the menu, but at least did try to offer an alternative.
All of this was on day one.
To be fair, the hotel on day two offered to change our room. My partner inspected the room, and said it wasn’t worthwhile to change.
The next day we went to breakfast, which was actually really good. Funnily enough it was buffet - something the hotel said they couldn’t do for evening meals “because of covid”. Go figure.
We didn’t eat at the hotel hotpot on the 2nd night because no one wants hotpot everyday.
On our 3rd night, we went back for more hotpot, but this time the restaurant had so little available on the menu, the waitress told us it wasn’t worth eating there. This was the straw that broke the camels back. After 3 nights of our four nights stay, we asked for a refund on our 4th night, and we were going to check out early.
After hours talking to Trip.com customer service and with agreement from hotel reception, a refund was agreed. We checked out on Dec 26th.
Today (27th December), trip.com just called me to say that the hotel had gone back on their agreement that they now were not going to refund the final night stay.
To summarise:
The room was good, but dirty on arrival. Once cleaned was very nice. The fridge didn’t work. The shower head was damaged, and the shower hose in the bathtub didn’t work.
Breakfast was very enjoyable.
The hotpot restaurant was terrible, mainly because their menu was unable to be fulfilled.
Customer service is shockingly bad.
Of the two times we went to the filthy coffee counter, they either didn’t have coffee beans or didn’t have milk.
My recommendation: stay away. Pay more and go somewhere else.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Valued Guest, thank you for sharing comments but sorry to disappoint you during your stay. Meanwhile, you can also reach out our Front Office person in charge to help you solve this problem in time as well! In addition,we will definitely strengthen staff training, meticulously do a good job to improve work efficiency and service quality, I believe that our colleagues will be more meticulous when serving you in the future, thank you for your valuable advice! In the next work, we will pay more attention to the details of the work, and sincerely look forward to your visit again! I wish you a good mood every day!
Garden-view Double Room
Menginap di Des 2022
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 17 Jan 2023
Iris. Is better
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您選擇三亞海棠灣萬達嘉華度假酒店,非常榮幸能為您服務! 三亞海棠灣萬達嘉華度假酒店不僅擁有11種不同類型客房,更有着細緻周到的服務,我們熱情好客,親如家人,為賓客提供熱情周到的貼心服務是我們一直以來的追求。至善盛情,源自我們的內心。 為您服務是我們的榮幸,期待您的下次光臨! 祝您旅途愉快!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您選擇入住三亞海棠灣萬達嘉華度假酒店,您的認可是對我們最大的鼓勵!我們的酒店建於熱帶花園中,與天然旖旎的沙灘僅一步之遙,可以眺望碧波蕩漾的海棠灣。獨特的地理位置,宜人的自然美景,多個室外的泳池和多種房型的客房,讓這裏成為了歡樂寧靜的悠然假期之選。願酒店別樣的熱帶海島風情給您的假期增添了無限美好的回憶,期待與您再次相聚在這座熱帶天堂。我們懷揣着您的這份信任,將不斷進步並時刻準備着為賓客帶來優質的服務,期待您的再次光臨!