I was in a ground floor room which was right at the side of the main hotel entrance and was also the smoking area outside. Day and night there is people, including reception staff, right outside the window smoking and talking and generally making noise. Also there is no privacy as they can just look straight in the window so you have to have the curtains closed all the time and the window. This is an issue as the room is very very warm and other than opening the window there is no way to cool it down. There is no parking, the site recommends a nearby car park but this only has a 4 hour stay limit and the roads around the hotel only have a 1 hour limit. The reception staff were clueless about the area and parking situation when I asked. The room was clean but everything else just over rides that. The room was right next to a store room and when the staff were in there they were inconsiderate, slamming doors and banging against the wall which was right where the head of the bed is, it shakes the bed and the whole room. You can not sleep in there at all, the noise levels are ridiculous. I will not be returning to this hotel and would not recommend to anyone.