Near No.061 Road (next to Lovers' Bridge, Qinglongshan Pier), Qiubei, Yunnan, ChinaLihat Detail Hotel
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Birds And Flowers 180° Lake-View Deluxe Standard Room
Menginap di Sep 2023
24 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 10 Okt 2023
Hotel is good all around. Unfortunately we’re there during low season, right after the moon festival and national day long holiday. All activities and restaurants around the area were either empty non operating or feeling like a deserted town.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感恩遇見!感謝細緻的點評 ,雖然您分數點錯; 酒店在情人橋畔,山湖荷塘環繞,稻香四溢;慢品這人間煙火,閑觀萬事歲月長:一站有一站的風景,熱愛從不降温,時間和我們都在往前走,願君歲月歡喜一步步,成就人間朝與暮
Fresh Elegant Courtyard Deluxe Standard Room
Menginap di Mar 2023
7 ulasan
Diposting pada 3 Apr 2023
We stayed at this hotel at the recommendation of friends who had a good experience. Location was excellent, right at the foot of Lovers Bridge and QingLong Mountain. We got upgraded to the lake view room (first photo is the view of the lotus pond from our room - we didn’t go during lotus season though) and the view was spectacular. They were kind enough to give us free breakfast as a bonus (even though our booking did not include it) and it was a good amount of food for our family of 4 (incl. 2 kids). Beds and linen were comfortable. Rooms were serviced daily and service was very attentive. They arranged pick up from the high speed rail station and also gave us suggested itineraries and recommended restaurants. There was a cute little coffee shop right across from the hotel where we got some good coffee. This was definitely an unbeatable location to stay and we will definitely stay here again and recommend our friends to stay here too.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Yeah, I met! Thank you for your recognition and support, Xiaoya is characterized by the natural integration of vision with the humanities: listen to the light sense of hearing insects singing birds: if there is no smell of lotus fragrance: if there is no smell of lotus fragrance: watch the boat row across the lake layer by layer waves, coupled with our Hansgarya Shuda mattress to add your sleep touch: the original ecology of farm vegetables and fresh ecological meat to meet your taste. I think our existence is to give you a different prosperity from the city. We look forward to seeing you again! I wish you a happy life and good luck! Pen core.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝生活的多姿與生命的精彩,讓日子永遠停留在最美的微笑裏,感謝您對我們的支持並給予了用心的點評,我們一直在進步,一直在追求,我們執着於用心服務好每一位客人,努力不辜負每一次相遇。美好的相遇總是那麼的短暫,但美好的回憶永留心中,您的一個好評,一句簡單的認可和滿意,足以感動到我們內心澎湃,感謝您的肯定,有您相伴我們一定會做的更好!
Birds And Flowers 180° Lake-View Deluxe Standard Room
Tanggapan dari Properti: 哇哦!看到您的這般好評,我們簡直興奮得要跳起來啦!太感謝您對我們酒店的高度讚揚!您説服務周到、環境優雅、設施完善,這真是對我們最大的認可和鼓勵呀!您的入住體驗如此之棒,我們真的是滿心歡喜,請您放心,我們一定會再接再厲,把服務做得更貼心,把環境打造得更迷人,把設施維護得更完善。我們無比期待您的再次光臨,到時候一定會給您帶來更多的驚喜和超棒的體驗喲!再次誠摯地感謝您的強烈推薦,祝您生活幸福美滿,每天都有好心情!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您的點評,看到您的點評小雅十分開心,小雅的宗旨是讓小雅的家人們,玩的開心,住的舒心。吃的放心。小雅會入住的家人們準備好普者黑遊玩攻略,遊玩地圖,為您規劃行程,小雅房間是180度落地窗,45平米的超大空間,乾濕分離的衞生間,設施是漢斯格雅衞浴,西雅圖床墊,熱水循環系統,觀光電梯,酒店頂樓還配備了自助洗衣房,有全自動洗衣機烘乾機,會議室,一樓有休閑區,茶吧。桌球桌,小雅還有餐廳,做的當地特色菜,小雅餐廳飲用水都是純凈水,小雅期待您的再次光臨,邀您一起賞荷!祝您萬事隨心!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 每一位客人對我們來説,不僅僅是賓客,更是我們不可或缺的朋友親人,遇見本身,在旅途中本就是一道美麗的風景,我們都一直在旅行,一直在旅行中尋找一場美麗的遇見,能夠陪我們經歷一段特有的記憶...很開心遇到您,也很開心陪您在這個城市有這麼一份温暖的記憶,親愛的朋友,歡迎隨時回來,也期待您下次的好評!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 哇哦!看到您的這般好評,我們簡直興奮得要跳起來啦!太感謝您對我們酒店的高度讚揚!您説服務周到、環境優雅、設施完善,這真是對我們最大的認可和鼓勵呀!您的入住體驗如此之棒,我們真的是滿心歡喜,請您放心,我們一定會再接再厲,把服務做得更貼心,把環境打造得更迷人,把設施維護得更完善。我們無比期待您的再次光臨,到時候一定會給您帶來更多的驚喜和超棒的體驗喲!再次誠摯地感謝您的強烈推薦,祝您生活幸福美滿,每天都有好心情!
Pengguna Anonim
Birds And Flowers 180° Lake-View Deluxe Standard Room
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客您好!感謝您對小雅如此細緻的點評,酒店是2017年開業,2024年裝修升級改造完成的。,距離青龍山碼頭400米 出行便利感謝生活的多姿與生命的精彩,讓日子永遠停留在最美的微笑裏,感謝您對我們的支持並給予了用心的點評,我們一直在進步,一直在追求,我們執着於用心服務好每一位客人,努力不辜負每一次相遇。美好的相遇總是那麼的短暫,但美好的回憶永留心中,您的一個好評,一句簡單的認可和滿意,足以感動到我們內心澎湃,感謝您的肯定,有您相伴我們一定會做的更好!
Birds And Flowers 180° Lake-View Deluxe Standard Room
Tanggapan dari Properti: 哇哦!看到您的這般好評,我們簡直興奮得要跳起來啦!太感謝您對我們酒店的高度讚揚!您説服務周到、環境優雅、設施完善,這真是對我們最大的認可和鼓勵呀!您的入住體驗如此之棒,我們真的是滿心歡喜,請您放心,我們一定會再接再厲,把服務做得更貼心,把環境打造得更迷人,把設施維護得更完善。我們無比期待您的再次光臨,到時候一定會給您帶來更多的驚喜和超棒的體驗喲!再次誠摯地感謝您的強烈推薦,祝您生活幸福美滿,每天都有好心情!
Birds And Flowers 180° Lake-View Deluxe Standard Room