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Pengguna Anonim
Menginap di Sep 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
7 ulasan
Diposting pada 22 Okt 2024
Pengalaman ini murni berdasarkan perasaan sepupu saya tentang kamar mereka.
Pertama, tidak ada kulkas, mesin setrika yang tersedia di kamar. Seperti di hotel bintang 5 pada umumnya, mereka menyediakan dua kartu kunci (satu untuk setiap penghuni), namun, hanya satu yang diberikan kepada kami.
Kedua, sarapannya sebagian besar adalah masakan Cina (mi, pau, pangsit, bayam, nasi, dll.). Ketika diminta telur dadar, staf tidak bisa mengerti. Kopi dan teh sudah dibuat sebelumnya dalam kendi dengan gula (yang sangat) tinggi dan tidak panas maupun enak. Tidak ada air yang disediakan dan ketika ditanya oleh staf, kami diarahkan ke bagian resepsionis.
Ketiga dan yang terpenting, orang-orang merokok di mana-mana. Ini seperti rumah asap - di lift, di kamar, di koridor, di bagian resepsionis, dan bahkan di ruang makan. Dan hotel ini berjarak 25 hingga 30 menit dari pusat kota.
Hal positifnya adalah — staf di meja resepsionis luar biasa dan mereka sangat membantu dengan semua permintaan kami. Hotel ini lebih dekat ke bandara.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Tamu yang terhormat,Terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu untuk memberikan ulasan lengkap tentang pengalaman menginap sepupu Anda di hotel kami. Kami menghargai masukan berharga Anda, karena masukan tersebut membantu kami mengidentifikasi area yang dapat kami tingkatkan untuk melayani tamu kami dengan lebih baik.Pertama-tama, mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya atas ketidaknyamanan yang dialami selama sepupu Anda menginap. Kurangnya fasilitas tertentu seperti lemari es dan setrika, serta kurangnya kartu kunci, adalah masalah yang akan segera kami atasi. Sebagai hotel bintang 5, kami harus menyediakan berbagai fasilitas dan layanan di dalam kamar yang diharapkan.Mengenai sarapan, kami memahami kekhawatiran Anda tentang terbatasnya pilihan hidangan Barat dan kualitas kopi/teh. Kami akan meninjau penawaran sarapan kami untuk memastikan kami melayani lebih baik berbagai preferensi tamu internasional kami, termasuk memperluas pilihan a la carte. Menyediakan minuman yang bersih, panas, dan lezat adalah suatu keharusan, dan kami akan berupaya memperbaikinya.Masalah merokok yang Anda sebutkan merupakan masalah serius, dan kami akan mengambil tindakan cepat untuk menegakkan kebijakan bebas rokok kami secara ketat di semua area umum hotel. Menjaga lingkungan bebas asap rokok sangat penting untuk kenyamanan dan kepuasan tamu. Kami menghargai Anda yang juga menyoroti hal-hal positif - staf resepsionis yang membantu dan penuh perhatian serta lokasi hotel yang dekat dengan bandara. Ini adalah kekuatan yang akan terus kami kembangkan. Yakinlah bahwa kami menanggapi masukan Anda dengan sangat serius. Kami akan menggunakan ini sebagai katalis untuk meninjau operasi kami secara menyeluruh dan mengatasi kekurangan yang telah Anda identifikasi. Tujuan kami adalah untuk memberikan pengalaman yang luar biasa secara konsisten bagi semua tamu kami. Di masa mendatang, jika sepupu Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk menginap bersama kami lagi, kami sangat berharap kami dapat melampaui harapan mereka melalui layanan dan fasilitas kami yang lebih baik. Terima kasih sekali lagi atas waktu dan masukan yang membangun dari Anda.
Pengguna Anonim
Deluxe Twin Room
Menginap di Sep 2024
93 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 17 Okt 2024
Kamar bersih, resepsionis ramah, sarapan ala Cina.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Tamu yang Terhormat,Terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu untuk berbagi umpan balik Anda tentang masa inap Anda baru-baru ini bersama kami. Kami sangat menghargai komentar Anda dan senang mendengar tentang pengalaman positif Anda.Kami senang mengetahui bahwa Anda merasa kamar kami bersih. Menjaga standar kebersihan yang tinggi adalah prioritas utama bagi kami, dan kami senang tim tata graha kami memenuhi harapan Anda.Senang mendengar bahwa Anda merasa staf meja depan kami ramah. Kami bangga memberikan layanan yang hangat dan ramah, dan kami senang bahwa hal ini tercermin dalam interaksi Anda dengan tim kami.Kami juga senang bahwa Anda menikmati sarapan ala Cina kami. Kami bertujuan untuk menawarkan hidangan pagi yang autentik dan memuaskan untuk memulai hari tamu kami dengan benar.Umpan balik Anda sangat berharga bagi kami karena membantu kami untuk terus meningkatkan layanan kami. Kami harap Anda memiliki masa inap yang nyaman dan menyenangkan secara keseluruhan.Kami berharap dapat menyambut Anda kembali di masa mendatang. Jika ada yang dapat kami lakukan untuk membuat masa inap Anda berikutnya lebih baik, jangan ragu untuk memberi tahu kami.Terima kasih sekali lagi telah memilih hotel kami untuk masa inap Anda.
Deluxe Twin Room
Menginap di Apr 2024
8 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 21 Mei 2024
kamar hotel bersih, sarapannya banyak variasinya dan rasanya enak. Namun manajemen hotel perlu menyediakan tempat parkir VIP di depan lobi hotel untuk sepeda motor besar, karena sangat tidak nyaman jika harus parkir di ruang bawah tanah dan kemudian berjalan sekitar 5 menit ke hotel.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Terima kasih banyak atas ulasan positif Anda tentang hotel kami! Kami senang Anda puas dengan kebersihan kamar dan variasi serta rasa sarapan. Kami selalu berusaha memberikan layanan berkualitas dan lingkungan yang nyaman bagi setiap tamu. Mengenai masalah parkir yang Anda sebutkan, kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang Anda alami. Kami akan mempertimbangkan saran Anda dengan serius dan berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk meningkatkan layanan kami. Kami akan mengomunikasikan permintaan Anda kepada tim manajemen hotel dan bekerja keras untuk menemukan solusi guna memberikan pengalaman parkir yang lebih baik. Terima kasih sekali lagi atas masukan dan dukungan Anda! Kami berharap dapat kembali memberikan Anda pengalaman menginap yang menyenangkan. Jika Anda memiliki persyaratan atau pertanyaan lain, jangan ragu untuk memberi tahu kami dan kami akan dengan senang hati melayani Anda.
Deluxe King Room
Menginap di Jun 2024
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 3 Agt 2024
Very nice location and service, the room is big and clean! foods also very good!
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear customer,Thank you very much for your good review of our hotel! We are very happy and encouraged to know that you are satisfied with our location, service, room and food.We are glad that you are impressed by our location and service. We are committed to providing convenient location and thoughtful service to make you feel comfortable and convenient during your trip.Regarding the room, we are glad that you are satisfied with the size and cleanliness of the room. We pay attention to ensuring that each room is kept clean and tidy to make you feel comfortable and at ease.In addition, we are also glad that you like the food we provide! Our team is committed to providing guests with delicious and delicious meals, so that you can feel our heart and enthusiasm while tasting the food.Thank you again for your good review and support. We will continue to work hard to maintain the high-quality service level, provide spacious and comfortable rooms and delicious and delicious meals, so that you can spend a pleasant time with us. If you have any other needs or suggestions, please feel free to let us know and we will serve you wholeheartedly.Looking forward to welcoming you again and wish you all the best!
Menginap di Agt 2024
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 7 Sep 2024
Petra is very helpful, and help solving the necessary request
Room is big and clean, only the air-con abite noisy and not cold enough even I set 16degree.
But overall is satisfied. Will try on Tower A next time
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear customer,Thank you very much for your good review! We are glad that you are satisfied with our employee Petra's helpfulness and solving your needs.In addition, we also thank you for your evaluation of the room. We will pay attention to the air conditioning noise problem you mentioned and try our best to improve it to provide a more comfortable environment. Your feedback is very important to us.Thank you again for your valuable comments! We look forward to your next stay in Building A, and hope that you can experience more satisfactory service and comfortable environment there.If you have any other needs or suggestions, please feel free to let us know, we will do our best to provide you with better service and let you spend a pleasant and comfortable time in our hotel.Looking forward to seeing you again! I wish you all the best, and I hope you will feel more improvements and surprises in your next stay!
Prakash Ranjan
Deluxe Twin Room
Menginap di Jul 2024
10 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 26 Agt 2024
very good caring staff specially Petra. From booking to check out personalized care was provided.Though front desk not so good wrt language but Petra complimented all shortcomings .
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you very much for your kind review! We are very pleased that you were satisfied with the friendly service of our staff and the personalized service from Petra. Guest satisfaction is our greatest pursuit, and we will continue to work hard to provide a high-quality service experience.Your feedback is very important for us to improve the quality of our service. We will further strengthen language training for employees to ensure a better communication experience, and will also convey your praise to Petra to motivate and recognize her outstanding performance at work.If you have any other needs or suggestions, please feel free to let us know. Thank you again for choosing our hotel, and we look forward to providing you with high-quality service again in the future! Have a nice trip! Thank you for your support!
Deluxe King Room
Menginap di Nov 2024
4 ulasan
Diposting pada 13 Feb 2025
it's very comfortable and the location is good.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的貴賓:感謝您對天藝酒店的簡短評價!關於舒適度:很高興能為您提供舒適的住宿體驗我們一直注重客房的舒適度持續優化房間設施與服務關於位置:感謝肯定我們的地理位置便捷的周邊配套方便的出行選擇我們將繼續:維持優質住宿體驗保持地理位置優勢提供更貼心的服務期待再次為您服務!祝您身體健康!天藝酒店管理團隊
Deluxe King Room
Menginap di Mar 2024
9 ulasan
Diposting pada 26 Apr 2024
I requested for a non-smoking room, however the room i stayed in was covered completely with the smell of cigarettes. AC was not cold either.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Customer,Thank you very much for choosing our hotel and providing feedback on your experience during your stay. We are very sorry that you experienced the smell of smoke in your room and that the air conditioner was not cooling. This is inconsistent with our service standards and your expectations.We take a smoke-free environment and a comfortable stay very seriously, so your feedback is very important to us. We will take immediate steps to ensure that the no-smoking room policy is strictly enforced and to step up room cleaning and smoke indoor elimination efforts. At the same time, we will also check the air conditioner system to ensure that it is operating properly and providing you with a cool and comfortable indoor environment.We sincerely appreciate your understanding and patience and hope you will give us another chance to provide you with a better stay. If you have any other questions or needs, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to serve you.Hope you have a great day!
Deluxe Twin Room
Menginap di Mar 2024
14 ulasan
Diposting pada 17 Apr 2024
Nice hotel, but to Chinese based.. almost no English spoken. Big pool but no chairs.
Good location for the airport, not for the center
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, thank you for your review and support of our hotel! We are glad to know that you are satisfied with the hotel's facilities and services. We have always been committed to providing guests with a comfortable and convenient accommodation experience. Airport transfer services, self-service laundry rooms, gyms, swimming pools, parking lots, and conference rooms are all free facilities we provide to meet our guests' needs. We look forward to your coming to our hotel again. We will continue to work hard to improve service quality and bring you a better experience. I wish you a pleasant journey and all the best!
Menginap di Agt 2023
111 ulasan
Diposting pada 3 Okt 2023
The room was not in the hotel but in the 99% onsold apartments behind the hotel. No fridge and rediculous list on what the price was for everything in the room.
Breakfast included but no coffee. The room is large enough with sofa and kettle.
There is an outside pool and gym in the other building, onky one key which is not convenient as without a keycard you cannot get to the street. Asked for second key but not possible.
On departure they took $10 from the deposit as one towel was dirty. It was dirty from the floor!
Pitty I had looked forward to staying but service was more two than five star.
Tanggapan dari Properti: We are sorry to hear that your experience at our hotel did not meet your expectations. We will carefully review and improve our services and provide feedback to relevant departments based on your comments. Regarding the room not being in the hotel but in the nearby apartments, we will make it clearer during the booking process. We will also consider providing better facilities such as a fridge and coffee in the rooms in future improvements. In addition, we will adjust our key and deposit management to avoid similar issues from happening again. We hope you can give us another chance to provide a better stay experience for you.
Satishkumar Shyam
Deluxe Twin Room
Menginap di Nov 2023
4 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 1 Jan 2024
Good location convenient to access and good clean rooms. Very good for business trips and quick in and out.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you for your positive feedback! We're delighted to hear that you found our location convenient and our rooms clean. We aim to provide a comfortable and efficient experience for business travelers like yourself. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we look forward to welcoming you back for another seamless stay. Safe travels!
Seng Pey
Deluxe King Room
Menginap di Des 2023
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 31 Jan 2024
Hotel is very clean, freshly smelled, modern and right sized…
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, thank you for your review and support of our hotel! We are glad to know that you are satisfied with the hotel's facilities and services. We have always been committed to providing guests with a comfortable and convenient accommodation experience. Airport transfer services, self-service laundry rooms, gyms, swimming pools, parking lots, and conference rooms are all free facilities we provide to meet our guests' needs. We look forward to your coming to our hotel again. We will continue to work hard to improve service quality and bring you a better experience. I wish you a pleasant journey and all the best!
Menginap di Agt 2023
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 14 Sep 2023
Service very good
Food delicious
Room clean
I like it and next time when we visit Cambodia again ,we will stay here
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear valued guest, Thank you for choosing to stay with us and for taking the time to share your feedback. We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed our excellent service, delicious food and clean rooms. It is always gratifying to know that our guests had a pleasant stay. We look forward to welcoming you back on your next visit to Cambodia. Best regards,
Deluxe King Room
Menginap di Jul 2024
42 ulasan
Diposting pada 15 Agt 2024
good for business traveller
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您的評價!“適合商務旅客” 這句話非常簡潔明瞭地概括了酒店的優勢。 這説明酒店在商務旅行方面擁有獨特的優勢,例如:便捷的交通: 酒店可能靠近商務區、會議中心或交通樞紐,方便商務旅客出行。完善的商務設施: 酒店可能提供會議室、商務中心、高速網絡等商務設施,滿足商務旅客的需求。高效的服務: 酒店可能提供專業的商務服務,例如行李搬運、文件打印、預約服務等,提升商務效率。您的評價將幫助其他商務旅客更快速地瞭解酒店的特點,並做出更明智的選擇。 再次感謝您的反饋!
Menginap di Jul 2023
25 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 24 Agt 2023
The location of hotel is good, but the cleanness of pillowcases need to improve and the breakfast time is too late that is not good for the earlier flight.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest,Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. We are glad to hear that you found our hotel's location convenient. However, we apologize for the inconvenience caused by the cleanliness of the pillowcases. We will make sure to address this issue with our housekeeping team to ensure that it does not happen again in the future.Regarding the breakfast time, we understand that it may not be suitable for guests with earlier flights. We will take your feedback into consideration and see if we can make any adjustments to better accommodate our guests' schedules.Thank you for choosing to stay with us and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future.Best regards,