Just arrived and secured a single room less than 50 quid, that's OK. The room was strange had a few stairs, but fine. The young fella that appeared to be about the only employee informed me the hotel was almost full, ergo, no upgrade. Did not see very many other guests. The young fella was the reception person / bartender / waiter, in fact, apart from the cook, that's it for staff. I did have a few beers, only one on tap????? strange for a large British hotel. Supper, one had a two hour window to get in. This I did and ordered lamb shanks, now being from Canada, I had seen this on many menu's, thus I tried it. I see now this stringy morsel is part of the lower leg. Pass next time, could not pick a desert I wanted, so I opted for the cheese / cracker board, had a nice blue and an aged cheddar.... very nice. Good British breakfast, hot and fresh, exellent coffee. Very happy. Parking............... very limited. Breakfast was good, the usual.