Premium Pool Villa Pattaya

Ulasan Premium Pool Villa Pattaya

Premium Pool Villa Pattaya

Moo 12. Palm Oasis Village, Thepprasit Road Soi 17, Nongprue Sub-district, Bang Lamung, Chon Buri Province, 20150, ThailandLihat Detail Hotel
Premium Pool Villa Pattaya
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FAMILY 2 Kamar Tidur Pool Villa
Menginap di Des 2024
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 5 Feb 2025
The service and atmosphere was great, I would like to stay there again.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you so much for staying with us at our private pool villa. We are pleased you enjoyed your stay and we hope to welcome you again soon.
FAMILY 2 Kamar Tidur Pool Villa
Menginap di Okt 2024
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1 ulasan
Diposting pada 17 Nov 2024
Was perfect staff very helpful let us check in early and check out late no worries
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you so much for staying with us at our private pool villa. We are pleased you enjoyed your stay and we hope to welcome you again soon.
FAMILY 2 Kamar Tidur Pool Villa
Menginap di Feb 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 15 Mar 2024
So good
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you so much for staying with us. We appreciate your kind feedback and we are so pleased you enjoyed your stay. We hope to welcome you again soon.
Pengguna Anonim
Villa Kolam Hollywood 3 Kamar Tidur
Menginap di Jul 2024
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7 ulasan
Diposting pada 6 Okt 2024
卫生:ok 环境:ok 服务:ok 设施:ok
Tanggapan dari Properti: thank you so much for staying at our private pool villa in Pattaya. We hope to see you again soon
FAMILY 2 Kamar Tidur Pool Villa
Menginap di Des 2024
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 31 Jan 2025
出行前,其實真的找了很多別墅,因為是親子游,還有家人一起,想着別墅比較舒適,而且自由度高一點。這個別墅之前的評價,那個都看過,有褒有貶,所以定了之後,還是很忐忑的。 到別墅前一天,電話給房主,房主告知,當天到達前半個小時電話給她就行了。於是,第二天到別墅了,我才電話給她,房東告知我們別墅是180號,她需要10來分鐘到,運氣特別好,我們剛好在180門外,所以就在門外等候。房東Kate很快就到了,人很和善,就帶我們進入別墅。一一告知了一些注意事項,例如鑰匙,保險櫃怎麼使用,廚具等等。在此,我要補充一點,房間的電是免費使用的,但是房間不包含清潔費,如需清潔,費用是580🐷每次,如需使用,另外付費。但是我們由於人少,然後早出晚歸,所以也沒有叫。另外,房屋的按金是5000🐷,我付的是現金。要注意,房屋提供的浴巾是單次,如需更換,每條50🐷,我覺得價格合理,所以請Kate幫我每天更換。牙刷牙膏,建議自備。 有一點,需要房屋改進下,就是衞生間的下水道味道有點重,第一天入住的時候,是沒有的。但是過了一個晚上,第二天一早味道就出來了,本來想着叫房東來看一下,但是因為白天人也不在,打開衞生間的門,晚上回去也就散了很多。 另外,要表揚一下Kate, 人很和善,我微信她一些問題,都很及時的回答了。而且,我跟她説房間蚊子有點多,(因為小朋友總是進出,門關的不及時),第二天,她還特意準備了滅蚊液以及防蚊水給我。
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you so much for staying with us, we are so pleased that you enjoyed your stay and we are very happy to know that Kate took special care of you. We hope to see you again in the future.
Premium 5 Kamar Tidur Pool Villa
Menginap di Apr 2024
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64 ulasan
Diposting pada 27 Mei 2024
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you for choosing our private pool villa for your stay in Pattaya. We are sorry that you overlooked the location of the villa before making your booking. We apologise that the pool table is crooked, it is due to the previous guests trying to sit on it, despite us asking guests not to do so. We recommend that people bring their own toiletries to avoid any disappointment as everyone has their own preferences for toiletries.
Villa Kolam Hollywood 3 Kamar Tidur
Menginap di Des 2023
12 ulasan
Diposting pada 25 Jan 2024
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Shenxiankaixinhuluwa, yes, it is correct, this is not a hotel, it is private villa rental with full independence. We do provide additional towels and cleaning upon request. We also recommend that guests study the location carefully before booking so they can decide how they will travel from one place to the next. It's only 10 minutes from the beach, which we consider not to be far, so this is purely a matter of opinion. It should also be noted that all the relevant information is posted on the platform to inform guests that this is not a hotel like property and daily housekeeping, towel change and bedsheets are offered for an additional fee. We recommend guests read all the fine print before completing their booking.
Vila Kolam Presiden
Menginap di Jun 2024
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1 ulasan
Diposting pada 8 Jul 2024
他們酒店續房了 還不給搞衞生 搞衞生還要給錢 1300泰銖 然後洗漱用品也要錢 哪有這樣的?還有他們酒店泳池不乾淨 我跟朋友遊了次泳 我身上到處起疹子 我朋友也是
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Jingya, unfortunately, this is not true. First of all, the platform states very clearly that the room rate does not include any housekeeping/daily cleaning. You clearly overlooked this information. After you complained about it, we provided you with cleaning, fresh towels and toiletries completely free of charge. We challenge you to provide us with the evidence that you had to pay for such items as we can guarantee that this is not the case at all. The swimming pool has the pool pump running around 12 hours per day and is cleaned by a professional cleaning company 3 times per week. The pool is chlorinated. Perhaps your friend was sensitive to chlorine. It seems highly viable that this was an allergic reaction to something because it only happened to your friend and nobody else who went swimming in the same pool. It should be noted that it is not normal for someone to extend their stay at accommodation that they are not happy with. Normally, people will check out and not book further nights after checking in and staying. But you actually extended your stay, as mentioned in your own comments, despite being unhappy?! Lastly, it should also be noted that you were in breach of your rental agreement as you smoked inside the property, which is strictly against the rules and is a fire hazard for our property. We wish you a pleasant stay at your future choice of accommodation.
Vila Kolam Presiden
Menginap di Mar 2024
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6 ulasan
Diposting pada 18 Mei 2024
怎麼説呢 我真的可以説很多很差的地方 我們住了五天 第一天的時候就想換個地方住了 第一真的很偏 幸好我們是有車的 不然有一段路真的烏漆嘛黑 沒路燈的 很嚇人 不建議女生一個人住 兩個女生也不建議 不是很安全 第二 除了第一天入住送水和洗漱用品 後面幾天就不送了 問他理由 就是説不送 需要的話要給錢 太離譜了??????在哪我也沒遇到過這樣的 反正不管是換下床單被套還是送水啥的 都要給錢 就這麼説吧 我如果住一天 第二天退房 你是不是也要打掃衞生送水這些 真的有些泰國人就是想錢想瘋了 第三 收費的價格堪稱是五星級收費價格 打掃清理一下要大概400多……反正這家名宿 永遠拉黑
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Fashenjingde. We are so sorry to ready your review here. The platform does state that this property is not a hotel and additional fees are required. This property is a homestay, and you are completely independent, you have to look after your own provisions and laundry, cleaning, cooking, etc. We can provide a private maid but it is an additional charge because most people who book with us want total privacy and to be left to their own devices. Regarding street lighting, this is something that is completely beyond our control. Public roads and street lights are outside of our jurisdiction and must be taken care of by the government of Thailand. May we suggest you complain the the authorities about it being dark on the road.
FAMILY 2 Kamar Tidur Pool Villa
Menginap di Okt 2023
4 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 5 Des 2023
Alles super immer wieder
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Jochen, thank you so much for staying with us at our private pool villa. We are so happy that you enjoyed your stay. We hope to see you again in the future.
FAMILY 2 Kamar Tidur Pool Villa
Menginap di Jul 2024
1 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 7 Agt 2024
พอดีสำหรับ ครอบครัวใหญ่คับ ห้องพักสะอาดคับ
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you so much for staying at our private pool villa. We are pleased you enjoyed your stay and hope to welcome you again soon
Villa Kolam Hollywood 3 Kamar Tidur
Menginap di Apr 2023
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 31 Mei 2023
ทางเข้าหายากมาก ถนนปิดซ้อม สั่งแกล็ปส่งของก็ส่งไม่ได้ จองห้อง 3 ห้อง นอน แต่ได้ 2 ห้องนอน แล้วทำห้องรับแขกเป็นอีกห้องนอนแทน แล้วไม่มีห้องน้ำ ต้องไปเคาะประตูเข้าห้องน้ำในห้องแทนลำบากมาก
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Guest, we are sorry that the authorities have blocked some roads. We try to inform our guests only to use Thepprasit Soi 17, but they do not follow the instructions and follow their own way and reach a roadblock. There is some road construction, which we cannot change and cannot control because we do not own the road. The villa you booked is the villa that you received. We checked and it is 3 bedroom villa. The layout of the villa is unique, but it is exactly 3 bedrooms. We are sorry you are disappointed and hope to have the opportunity to serve you again next time.
Vila Paradise Pool 6 Kamar Tidur
Menginap di Mar 2023
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2 ulasan
Diposting pada 2 Mei 2023
呢間Villa 真係有史以來最差的住宿體驗!我地凌晨一到達!已經發現間Villa對門係自己開左既!跟住入去睇既時候!已經覺得同網上既照片有所出入明顯陳舊得多!但係最令人震撼嘅都係全屋滿佈污跡!廚房用具生鏽啦、杯極污糟、衣櫃門好污糟、廁所鏡發霉、床單有不明血跡、有小強、浴缸爛咗用膠紙痴返、泳池邊係爛、嘅而且梳洗用品嚴重不足!有兩間房無獨立廁所!而且訓落張床仲會痕!基於以上種種原因、我地一行九人都覺得真係無辦法係度住多四晚!於是早上就聯絡、trip.com果邊一直同villa 果邊溝通、但Villa 方面一直不肯退款、直到有一個Villa職員來checkin ,然後一直在whatsapp 同Villa staff周旋!但一直都堅持只肯搵人黎清潔!不肯退款! 跟著溝通左一輪,堅持唔肯比清潔人員清潔,因為實太大範圍清潔,不可能在數小時清潔完成,同時我們一直傳送有問題的照片給對方職員,然後負責check in 職員一直他是不能下任何決定的,要問他老闆,但是他不能夠給他們老闆直接的聯絡方式,終於又等了很久,突然說給我地展示兩次翻譯器,說是他老闆答應只收取一晚的住宿費,退回四天的住宿費,然後需要在check in 的空白位置寫明就可以了,我們多次詢問是否就可以了,他說只需要等trip.cpm退款就可以了,然後叫我們立即收拾行李及交還鎖匙,直到3天後,我們再聯絡trip.com詢問退款事宜,得知對方不承認是次退款,原因是他們老闆稱該名職員沒有權利下任何決定,同時說我們是因為位置不方便而要求退款,這間villa的老闆行為非常卑劣,除了反口覆舌,仲要無中生有誣陷客人,直至現在都不行退款,希望大家都不要中伏 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear SO YI YIP, We are so surprised that you would take photos of bedsheets after you slept in them, we have photographic evidence that the the villa and bedsheets were clean before you arrived. It should be noted that the only thing you complained strongly about upon arrival at 3am was not being able to find cup noodles and you were dissatisfied with the location of the property. We did ask the beach and the local shops to move closer to the villa to pacify you, but sadly, they declined. Guests are expected to check out the maps and location of properties before booking as we cannot be held responsible for the location. All these photos you posted here - you did not send them to our management team at all. We feel that all of this was a ruse to get relocated/upgraded or refunded. The villa is advertised as 6 bedroom with 5 bathrooms, so it is not really feasible to complain that one of the bedrooms didn't have a private bathroom. As for your refund, it has been processed already, so this is another untruth written in your review. We have nothing further to say.
Vila Kolam Renang Princess 3 Kamar Tidur
Menginap di Jun 2023
5 ulasan
Diposting pada 10 Jul 2023
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest. We are so sorry to read your review. We understand that the air con started to leak during your stay. Unfortunately, this can happen any time, without warning. We did fix it immediately. The toilet seat was broken upon your check out and we replaced it. The villa is not new and that is why the prices are modest and relate to the age of the villa. We are sorry that you were disappointed. We hope to see you next time at our brand new villas.
Villa Kolam Hollywood 3 Kamar Tidur
Menginap di Apr 2023
3 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 28 Mei 2023
ห้องพักสะอาดน่าอยู่ ครัวกว้างสวย ห้องนั่งเล่นโซฟากว้างมากๆ
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you so much for staying at our villa. We are pleased you enjoyed your stay and we hope to see you again soon