Sun Siyam Olhuveli Maldives

Ulasan Sun Siyam Olhuveli Maldives

Sun Siyam Olhuveli Maldives

South, Olhuveli, Kaafu Atoll, 08400, MaldivesLihat Detail Hotel
Sun Siyam Olhuveli Maldives
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Vila Grand Beach Pool
Menginap di Jul 2023
17 ulasan
Diposting pada 1 Sep 2023
Rumah pasir kolam renang dibangun di pulau baru. Semua fasilitas sangat baru. Luas kamar lebih besar dari rumah air. Pantai dan laut berada tepat di luar pintu. Terdapat pancuran terbuka dan privasi terjamin sangat bagus. Pujian khusus kepada pengurus rumah tangga Cora karena telah mengoordinasikan banyak masalah selama jadwal sibuk.
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Vila Grand Water dengan Kolam Renang
Menginap di Jun 2023
18 ulasan
Diposting pada 21 Jul 2023
Rumah air dengan kolam renang ada di Xindao, dan fasilitas di dalamnya relatif baru, tetapi agak jauh dari resepsionis hotel, dan perlu naik shuttle bus. Pada malam terakhir, pihak hotel membantu mengatur perpisahan yang sangat mengharukan.
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Vila Grand Water dengan Kolam Renang
Menginap di Jul 2023
33 ulasan
Diposting pada 3 Sep 2023
Great location.Amazing views.Very kind and helpful staff.But little bit pricey.
Vila Grand Water
Menginap di Agt 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
129 ulasan
Diposting pada 8 Sep 2024
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear HuangyanlingwinsyThank you for your wonderful review! We’re thrilled to hear that you and your friends found our resort to be so beautiful and that you had a memorable stay.We are delighted that Leo’s attentive service made a positive impact on your experience. It’s great to know that you enjoyed the spacious Water Villa, the dining options, and the opportunity to explore our three islands. Each island does offer its unique charm, and we’re pleased that you had the chance to experience them all.Thank you for your kind words about the resort’s value and the tranquility of Romance Island. We truly appreciate your recommendation and hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back for an extended stay in the future.Best regards,Mohamed Ali Director of Operations Sun Siyam Olhuveli Maldives
Vila Grand Water
Menginap di Des 2024
8 ulasan
Diposting pada 28 Jan 2025
先説好的地方:島很大,風景多樣,還不錯,林夕島Grand water vila水屋設施很新,收拾屋子的小夥子名叫默罕默德, 是個不錯的人。 再説一般的地方:林夕島水屋都是向東的,面對印度洋,風浪比較大,就算在低潮的時候,直接從水屋下到海里浪也都比較大,浮潛環境一般。自助餐廳提供的食物還比較多樣,但是都是偏南亞風味,不怎麼好吃。整個島嶼魚和珊瑚都比較少,膚淺環境一般。個別沙灘還行,多數沙灘沙子比較粗紮腳。 最差勁的地方:歧視半餐的客人。島上有一箇中文管家很差勁,英文名叫hollis,中文名叫珊珊,據自己説是廣東人,看着不像。剛上島,知道我們是半餐就開始甩片湯話,什麼“我接待的客户都是全餐的,或者是一價全包的”,半餐怎麼了?半餐給你的錢也是美元,也不是**!給發訊息也不怎麼及時回。這個酒店對於早餐、半餐和全餐的客户,在晚餐的時候是不給提供免費的軟飲的,衹有水,一價全包的才能免費暢飲。這個也不提前明説,衹是給你發一張全英文的接待説明裡面有很不起眼的一行字,説了這麼一句。我當時在攜程訂的時候,攜程説是免費暢飲軟飲。後來知道,攜程也是中介,是通過agoda定的。最後,攜程處理的還算比較好,給我報銷了晚餐的軟飲費用。這個中文管家在我和餐廳因此發生爭執的時候,讓我告訴服務員我SAI的客户,也不告訴我SAI是什麼意思,我以為SAI是一個人名(後來我才知道SAI代表一價全包),餐廳查了記錄以後告訴我,我不是SAI,是半餐,沒有免費軟飲。我不知道這個中文管家這麼做是什麼意思,不要告訴我是她弄混了,島上有好幾個中文管家,她個人一次才能接待幾個中國家庭?總之我覺得小黑很鄙視我,好像我要騙他們的飲料喝。對於半餐的客人,這個酒店給你安排的水屋都是即不朝東,也不朝西,南北都有房子遮擋視線,而且離水屋連接島的橋非常遠。滿滿的歧視。臨走了,在賬單上還多打出來40美元,多虧我仔細看了,他們才很不情願的給刪掉。 馬爾代夫也不是第一次來。這個島整體給我的感覺是不滿意,下次再來馬爾代夫,不會來這個島了。甚至可能都不會再定SUN SIYAM集團的任何島。
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Jack,Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. We truly appreciate your comments as they provide us with valuable insights into your experience.We're happy to hear that you enjoyed the island's size, scenic diversity, and the new facilities at the Grand Water Villa. We're also glad to know that Mohammed, your villa attendant, made a positive impression.We sincerely apologize for the issues you faced regarding food preferences and the service provided by some of our team members. We take feedback seriously, and we will address this matter internally to ensure our staff provides the highest level of service to all guests, regardless of the meal plan. It’s concerning to hear about the communication difficulties you encountered with your butler and the misunderstanding regarding the soft drink policy. We’ll be reviewing our procedures to ensure that guests receive clear information in advance and that all team members maintain a professional and respectful attitude.It’s also unfortunate that you were dissatisfied with some of the environmental aspects, such as the water and snorkeling conditions, and the beach sand. Your input will help us assess areas where we can improve the overall guest experience.Again, we thank you for sharing your concerns and will work diligently to make improvements based on your feedback. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you again in the future, providing you with a more seamless and enjoyable stay.Best regards,Mohamed AliDirector of OperationsSun Siyam Olhuveli Maldives
Vila Grand Water
Menginap di Nov 2023
6 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 12 Des 2023
モルディブ旅行にしてはとにかく安い。水上コテージに泊まったが、景色も良く部屋は清潔。ハーフボードプランにしたが、料理もこの値段なら十分。 悪い点 水はとても綺麗だが、開発の仕方が悪いのかサンゴが死滅してる。 清掃スタッフが水をこぼしてバックが水没していたが、報告なし。 面倒くさそうに対応するスタッフがいる。 英語が喋れないとキツいかもね。 ただし、この値段ならめちゃくちゃコスパの良いリゾートです!
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear TAKAHIROThank you for taking the time to share your detailed review.We’re glad to hear that you found Sun Siyam Olhuveli to be a great value for your Maldives trip, especially enjoying the views and cleanliness of your overwater cottage. It’s also wonderful to know that you were satisfied with the quality of our Half Board plan.However, we sincerely apologize for the issues you encountered during your stay, particularly with the coral condition, the incident with the spilled water, and the staff's response. We take such feedback seriously and will address these concerns to improve our services.We understand that language can be a barrier for some guests, and we are continuously working on enhancing our team’s communication skills to better assist all our guests.Thank you for highlighting the excellent value our resort offers. We hope to welcome you back and provide an even better experience on your next visit.Best regards, Mohamed Ali Director of Operations Sun Siyam Olhuveli Maldives
Vila Grand Water
Menginap di Okt 2023
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 12 Nov 2023
아름다운경치와 밤하늘, 따뜻한 바닷물 충분한휴식을 즐길수있는 곳입니다 식사는 좀 짠느낌이 있었지만 그것만빼고는 다 만족스러운 곳이었습니다
Vila Grand Water
Menginap di Agt 2023
11 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 26 Sep 2023
Vila Grand Water
Menginap di Jul 2023
5 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 13 Sep 2023
設施:完善 衞生:良好 環境:良好 服務:良好
Vila Grand Water
Menginap di Jun 2024
26 ulasan
Diposting pada 6 Agt 2024
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Guest,Thank you for sharing your feedback with us.We’re pleased to hear that you enjoyed your stay in our water villa and found it to be top-notch. We appreciate your suggestion regarding the all-inclusive package and understand that different guests have different preferences when it comes to dining options. We also value your feedback on the dinner buffet. Your insights are important to us, and we'll certainly take them into consideration as we continuously work to improve our offerings.We hope to welcome you back to Sun Siyam Olhuveli in the future and provide an even better experience.Best regards, Mohamed Ali Director of Operations Sun Siyam Olhuveli Maldives
Vila Grand Beach Pool
Menginap di Feb 2023
Bepergian dengan teman
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 12 Mar 2023
Nous avons séjourné dans l’hôtel avec la chambre avec piscine, celle ci était très bien mais le service laisse à désirer. L’hôtel contient 3 îles, il n’est pas possible de manger sur une autre île que la nôtre par rapport au buffet et les prix des restaurants sont hors de prix. Quand aux activités rien n’est gratuit prévoyez un gros budget activité (plongée sous marine à 350$ par personne par exemple), point positif vous trouverez 4 piscines dont 2 adultes only. Pour ce qu’il en est de notre « référent » il a été totalement absent et inutile nous devions aller à la réception pour demander tout et n’importe quoi comme pour le Check out par exemple. Cependant le reste du personnel a été très agréable tout le séjour et vraiment à notre petit soin. C’est un petit coin de paradis dans lequel nous avons pu voir des baby shark magnifique et un aquarium de poisson mais si nous devions revenir ce ne serait pas ici. (Petit déjeuner dans la piscine a éviter)