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Summer 1
Boutique Twin Room
Menginap di Mei 2023
5 ulasan
Diposting pada 24 Jun 2023
The hotel is new therefore generally it’s clean. The swimming pool was small, and the cafe of the 2nd floor was too hot because they didn’t turn the air conditioner on.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you for staying at Hotel Indigo Nanjing Garden Expo. We regret to see that this stay did not meet your expectations and apologize for the inconvenience. We apologize for the careful review and summary by the hotel team to avoid such incidents from happening again. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we are an opportunity to revisit our service standards, strengthen our daily maintenance and further train our staff. We look forward to seeing you again so that we have the opportunity to provide you with a high level of facilities and services and experience our progress. Vincent Chen, General Manager of Hotel Indigo Nanjing Garden Expo
Boutique Room - Garden-View (2 beds)
Menginap di Jun 2022
8 ulasan
Diposting pada 16 Jul 2022
Excellent stay with family for one night. My check in was 3 pm but we arrived around 12 noon still they checked us in. They also allowed free stay and meals for my daughter, although my booking was for only two adults. The hospitality of all staff was very friendly and the food and rooms were great. I would definitely recommend this place as an exotic and friendly stay.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, Thank you for choosing Hotel Indigo Nanjing Garden Expo and for taking the time to leave us this amazing review. This review really made our day. We'll pass along the kind words. Our hotel aims to provide a truly unique experience, and we are thrilled that we were able to exceed your expectations. We look forward to welcoming you back to our hotel in the future. Vincent Chen
Tanggapan dari Properti: 非常感謝您對我們酒店的肯定與寶貴意見。很高興得知您欣賞到了園內的煙花秀,並對園博園的美景讚不絕口,這讓我們倍感榮幸。對於春節期間入住等待時間較長的問題,我們深表歉意。春節期間確實是人流量較大的時期,我們會加強人手調配與優化入住流程,以減少賓客的等待時間。關於早餐質量,我們已將您的意見反饋給餐飲部門,他們會努力提升早餐的品種與品質,以滿足賓客的口味需求。很高興您喜歡早餐的環境,我們會繼續保持併發揚這一優點。再次感謝您的點評與建議,期待未來有機會再次為您服務,並向您及家人表示最誠摯的感謝。祝您一切順利!南京園博園英迪格酒店管理層。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客您好,感謝您此次旅途中選擇入住南京園博園英迪格酒店。酒店是南京首家英迪格酒店,坐落於江蘇園博園紫東中心地帶-半山之間。步入大堂,耀眼的天光被眼前的流光溢彩取代。八根亞克力和原木廳柱支撐着這方空間,如身披銀色風蝕銹衣般散發著星星點點的光亮。瞬間,就讓人置身於神祕的礦坑基地。誠摯期待您的再次光臨,感受與靈感為鄰的英迪格人生。南京園博園英迪格酒店管理層
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客您好,感謝您選擇入住南京園博園英迪格酒店並享受了令您滿意的服務,您的認可與推薦是對酒店莫大的鼓勵。以品質、位置與風景取勝的南京園博園英迪格酒店為賓客提供了理想的小憩之所,優美的自然風光與城市難得的清新生態讓到訪酒店的賓客一見傾心。英迪格酒店全體員工將繼續努力,打造賓客摯愛的傑出酒店。南京園博園英迪格酒店管理層
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客您好,感謝您選擇入住南京園博園英迪格酒店並給我們留下五星好評。非常感謝您對酒店的支持和各方面的認可,我們所做的一切都衹為每一位賓客帶來不一樣的度假體驗,看到您的滿意和肯定,我們真的是非常的感動,我們會繼續努力時刻準備着您隨時回來。您的高度讚譽鼓舞着酒店每一位員工越做越好。感謝您的積極推薦,衷心期待您的經常光臨。南京園博園英迪格酒店管理層
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客您好,非常感謝您的五星好評以及圖片分享,同時也感謝您對南京園博園英迪格酒店的喜愛與信賴。很高興看到您對酒店服務、設備、早餐等各方面的多方面關注及品評。您的評價將幫助我們更好地完善我們的服務,提升賓客體驗。衷心期待您的再次入住,感受時刻陪伴的洲際真正待客之道。南京園博園英迪格酒店管理層
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客您好,感謝您選擇入住南京園博園英迪格酒店並給我們留下五星好評。非常感謝您對酒店的支持和各方面的認可,我們所做的一切都衹為每一位賓客帶來不一樣的度假體驗,看到您的滿意和肯定,我們真的是非常的感動,我們會繼續努力時刻準備着您隨時回來。您的高度讚譽鼓舞着酒店每一位員工越做越好。感謝您的積極推薦,衷心期待您的經常光臨。南京園博園英迪格酒店管理層
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客您好,感謝您在此次旅程中選擇下榻南京園博園英迪格酒店及您詳細的點評。正如世界上沒有兩片相同的葉子,世界上也沒有兩家相似的英迪格酒店。酒店致力於提供超越居家舒適感,靈活周到的服務,充滿靈感的設計,給予賓客充分放鬆休憩。讓每位賓客都能感受到賓至如歸的感覺是我們服務的最終目標。酒店客房温馨的佈置,並配有免費高速 WIFI,是您外出旅遊的最佳選擇。為您服務是我們的榮幸,酒店全體員工期待您的下次光臨。南京園博園英迪格酒店管理層