Fino Hotel (Nanjing Jiangbei Hongyuecheng Longhua Road Subway Station Branch)

Ulasan Fino Hotel (Nanjing Jiangbei Hongyuecheng Longhua Road Subway Station Branch)

Fino Hotel (Nanjing Jiangbei Hongyuecheng Longhua Road Subway Station Branch)

4th Floor, Building 01, Dingye International Garden, No. 15, Wende East Road, Jiangpu Subdistrict, Pukou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, ChinaLihat Detail Hotel
Fino Hotel (Nanjing Jiangbei Hongyuecheng Longhua Road Subway Station Branch)
Fino Hotel (Nanjing Jiangbei Hongyuecheng Longhua Road Subway Station Branch)Fino Hotel (Nanjing Jiangbei Hongyuecheng Longhua Road Subway Station Branch)Fino Hotel (Nanjing Jiangbei Hongyuecheng Longhua Road Subway Station Branch)
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Kamar Boutique
Menginap di Okt 2024
4 ulasan
Diposting pada 7 Nov 2024
Kamarnya bersih dan higienis. Rasanya nyaman untuk orang yang bepergian sendirian. Sangat tenang. Ini adalah pilihan terbaik untuk pasangan yang bepergian dalam perjalanan bisnis. Tokonya juga mudah ditemukan ramah untuk orang seperti saya yang suka nonton TV layar lebar 🧑🤝🧑, lain kali datang lagi
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Tamu yang terhormat: Terima kasih banyak atas pujian dan penegasan Anda terhadap hotel kami. Kepuasan Anda adalah tujuan terbesar kami. Terima kasih telah menginap di hotel dan berbagi. Saya sangat senang bahwa setiap aspek hotel telah diakui oleh Anda melalui Anda deskripsi yang cermat. , Anda dapat merasakan kebahagiaan yang dibawa oleh perjalanan ini kepada Anda, yang selalu dikejar oleh penyedia layanan kami. Pujian Anda memberikan dorongan yang besar bagi hotel dan juga merupakan kekuatan pendorong bagi kemajuan kami untuk terus menciptakan yang baru pengalaman bagi para tamunya. Kami berusaha keras untuk menciptakan lingkungan hidup yang hangat dan nyaman serta memenuhi kebutuhan tamu yang berbeda dengan kinerja biaya tertinggi. Kami menantikan kunjungan Anda lagi! Semoga berhasil dengan pekerjaan Anda! Hidup bahagia~
Menginap di Sep 2024
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 7 Okt 2024
Izinkan saya berbicara tentang kesimpulannya terlebih dahulu: kebersihan yang buruk, lingkungan yang buruk, suara yang keras, dan pelayanan yang buruk! Saya sedang dalam perjalanan bisnis di Nanjing. Saat itu hampir jam 12 pagi. Di luar sedang hujan deras. Berpikir bahwa saya pernah tinggal di rumahnya sebelumnya, saya terus memilih rumahnya , saya mengantuk dan lelah. Saya ingin mencari kamar dan segera tertidur. Pelayan tetap berwajah datar sepanjang waktu. Saya tidak berhutang uang kepada Anda kecil dan baunya menyengat. Saya bertanya kepada pelayan apakah dia bisa meningkatkan atau mengganti kamar. Dia mengatakan kepada saya bahwa ini adalah satu-satunya. Oke, ayo kita mandi dan bersiap untuk tidur , banyak serangga kecil tiba-tiba muncul. Saya menelepon pelayan untuk menanganinya. Pelayan meminta kami untuk check out, yang berarti kami diizinkan pergi di tengah malam di tengah hujan seprai dan selimut. Dia baik-baik saja, tapi dia terus mengatakan tidak. Pekerjaannya dilakukan oleh bibi pada shift siang hari, dan kita harus menyelidiki perusahaan pembersih yang dialihdayakan. Kalian serangga tidak melakukan pekerjaan kebersihan dengan baik. Apa apakah ini ada hubungannya dengan perusahaan pembersih? Lucu sekali. Ada rambut yang tidak bisa dijelaskan di asbak di samping tempat tidur. Ada banyak air dan alkali di dalam ketel, dan ada abu yang mengambang di mana-mana di ruangan itu benar-benar tidak bisa berkata-kata. Aku bingung sekali sampai ingin tidur. Alhasil, aku bisa mendengar obrolan di sebelah dengan sangat jelas. Aku tidak bisa tidur nyenyak sampai paruh kedua malam sama saat saya check out keesokan harinya dan mengganti pelayan. Tidak ada seorang pun selama seluruh proses. Saya tidak tahu. Bagaimanapun, itu semua adalah pertanyaan pelanggan.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Tamu yang terhormat: Pertama-tama, terimalah permintaan maaf kami yang tulus karena mengalami pengalaman buruk di hotel kami kali ini, yang sepenuhnya bertentangan dengan niat awal kami untuk memberikan layanan berkualitas kepada tamu kami. 1. Mengenai sikap pelayanan dan penanganan masalah. Kami sangat bersalah atas sikap acuh tak acuh staf meja depan dan penanganan masalah yang tidak tepat. Kinerja karyawan kami tidak memenuhi standar pelayanan kami, hal ini disebabkan oleh manajemen dan pelatihan internal yang tidak memadai. Kami telah memberikan kritik dan edukasi yang serius kepada karyawan yang terlibat, sekaligus memperkuat pelatihan kesadaran pelayanan bagi seluruh karyawan, sehingga setiap karyawan dapat memperlakukan tamu dengan sikap positif dan antusias, terlepas dari jenis kamar tamu atau termasuk tiket parkir. , semua harus memberikan layanan berkualitas tinggi yang konsisten. Saat menangani masalah ruangan, kami mengakui bahwa perilaku pushback karyawan tersebut sepenuhnya salah. Kami telah memperjelas kembali tanggung jawab masing-masing posisi dan menambahkan kursus pelatihan mengenai keterampilan pemecahan masalah karyawan. Kedepannya, kami akan memastikan bahwa ketika karyawan menghadapi masalah, mereka akan menyelesaikannya secara proaktif dan tidak melimpahkan tanggung jawab kepada orang lain. 2. Mengenai masalah kebersihan, masalah kebersihan yang Anda sebutkan pada rumah kayu seperti bau, serangga, rambut, alkali air dan abu yang mengapung merupakan kesalahan besar yang tidak bisa kita abaikan. Terlepas dari apakah tipe rumahnya adalah rumah kayu atau tipe rumah lainnya, kita harus memastikan standar kebersihan yang sama. Kami telah melakukan pembersihan menyeluruh dan disinfeksi mendalam pada kabin Anda. Pada saat yang sama, proses pembersihan seluruh hotel telah ditinjau secara ketat, frekuensi dan intensitas pembersihan telah ditingkatkan, dan pengawasan serta manajemen perusahaan pembersih outsourcing telah diperkuat untuk memastikan bahwa setiap kamar dapat tetap bersih dan rapi. untuk menyediakan lingkungan hidup yang nyaman bagi para tamu. Menanggapi masalah air dan alkali dalam ketel, kami akan memperkuat pemeriksaan dan pemeliharaan rutin fasilitas dan peralatan kamar untuk memastikan bahwa semua fasilitas dan peralatan bersih dan digunakan secara normal. Tamu apa pun jenis kamar dapat menikmati fasilitas yang bersih dan higienis . 3. Mengenai permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan (isolasi suara) dan tipe ruangan, insulasi suara yang buruk di dalam ruangan mempengaruhi istirahat Anda, ini merupakan permasalahan yang perlu kami perbaiki secepatnya. Kami telah mengatur personel teknik untuk melakukan inspeksi dan penilaian komprehensif terhadap insulasi suara rumah kayu dan jenis rumah lainnya, dan berencana untuk menginvestasikan sumber daya untuk meningkatkan fasilitas insulasi suara, seperti mengganti pintu dan jendela, menambah bahan insulasi suara, dll., sehingga dapat meningkatkan kenyamanan hidup setiap tipe rumah. Kami mohon maaf karena Anda tidak menikmati kupon parkir sebelumnya dan layanan peningkatan kamar kali ini. Kami akan memeriksa kembali kebijakan reservasi dan sistem layanan anggota kami untuk memastikan bahwa tamu dapat memahami dengan jelas layanan yang dapat mereka nikmati saat memesan jenis kamar yang berbeda. Pada saat yang sama, kami juga akan merumuskan aturan peningkatan kamar yang lebih masuk akal untuk menghindari situasi serupa terulang kembali dan membuat tamu merasa adil dan puas. Terima kasih banyak telah memberikan tanggapan Anda kepada kami. Pendapat Anda sangat penting bagi kami untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan kami. Kami harap Anda dapat memberi kami kesempatan untuk merasakan perubahan dan peningkatan kami saat Anda menginap lagi di masa mendatang.
Kamar Boutique (Tempat Tidur Double)
Menginap di Agt 2024
17 ulasan
Diposting pada 28 Sep 2024
Hotel ini sangat nyaman dari Metro Jalur 10. Kami memutuskan untuk menginap di sini karena nyaman untuk bepergian ke konser. Makanan yang dibawa pulang tidak dapat diantar ke kamar, tetapi jika tidak nyaman untuk dibawa, staf meja depan akan membantu membawanya ke pintu, yang sangat bagus. Secara keseluruhan menurut saya tidak apa-apa.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Tamu yang terhormat: Terima kasih banyak atas pujian dan penegasan Anda terhadap hotel kami. Kepuasan Anda adalah tujuan terbesar kami. Terima kasih telah menginap di hotel dan berbagi. Saya sangat senang bahwa setiap aspek hotel telah diakui oleh Anda melalui Anda uraian yang cermat., Anda dapat merasakan kebahagiaan yang dibawa oleh perjalanan ini kepada Anda. Hal inilah yang selalu diupayakan oleh penyedia layanan kami. Hal ini juga akan menjadi motivasi bagi kami untuk terus bekerja keras dan mencapai kemajuan waktu! Fino Hotel menantikan kunjungan Anda lagi dan berharap Anda hidup bahagia!
Kamar Boutique
Menginap di Des 2024
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 26 Jan 2025
I recently stayed at Hotel Fino and had a comfortable experience. The room was clean, modern, and well-lit, with a large window that provided natural light and a view of the surroundings. The standout design feature is the mural of a beautifully lit bridge at night above the bed. While it’s just a picture, it adds a unique and stylish touch to the room’s decor, creating a calming and contemporary vibe. The bed was well-made, with crisp white linens and comfortable pillows. The room is thoughtfully equipped with bedside tables, accessible power outlets, and a mounted TV, making it convenient for both relaxation and work. The wooden accents and warm lighting enhanced the cozy atmosphere. Overall, Hotel Fino offers a comfortable and stylish stay, ideal for both business and leisure travelers. Highly recommended for those who appreciate a well-designed space with modern amenities!
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest: how do you do? Thank you very much for choosing to stay with us, and thank you for taking the time to give us detailed comments. After upgrading your room free of charge, we are sincerely gratified to know that you feel comfortable and warm at home in the room. The pleasant temperature of the air conditioner, the convenient screen function of the TV, and the spotless room environment are all the embodiment of our dedicated service. I am glad to be recognized by you. All along, we are committed to making every guest feel at home and meeting the needs of different guests with the highest performance-to-price ratio. Your satisfaction is not only the greatest encouragement to us, but also the driving force for us to move forward. We will continue to adhere to the original intention, continue to carve out the details, and continue to improve the service. Looking forward to your coming again, we will bring you comfort and peace of mind with better service. Thank you again for your recommendation support and love! I wish you a happy life!
I love to eat fries
Kamar Boutique (Tempat Tidur Double)
Menginap di Nov 2024
8 ulasan
Diposting pada 2 Jan 2025
The staff is very friendly. The location is near to the mrt station and the amenities provided is very complete. Will still book this hotel if I come to Nanjing again.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you very much for your recognition and love! We always firmly believe that friendly service, superior location and complete facilities are the key to creating a perfect accommodation experience for you. Look forward to meeting you again in Nanjing, we will, as always, provide you with more intimate service!
Meii Meii 1316
Kamar Boutique
Menginap di Okt 2024
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 24 Nov 2024
I stayed here for 2 nights and everything was perfect. The location is a bit far from some famous tourist attractions of Nanjing, but it’s ok because it’s near the metro. The surrounding area has a lot of options for food and shopping. The lady at the front desk was super friendly and helpful. Since my flight was in the afternoon, I asked her to pay some extra money to stay a bit longer and that lady solved the problem for me immediately. Even though I don’t speak Manderin and she doesn’t speak English, she used translator apps to help me. So everything went really smoothly. The facilities inside the room is new and clean. I’m really pleased while staying here.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, we are overjoyed to receive your wonderful review! It's our pleasure to know that you had a perfect two-night stay. Although our location is a bit far from some renowned tourist spots, we're glad the proximity to the subway made up for it. The variety of dining and shopping options nearby added to your convenience.Our front desk staff is always committed to providing exceptional service. We're proud of the lady who went above and beyond to assist you with the late check-out, even with the language barrier, using translation apps to ensure a seamless communication. It's delightful
Nick @老外
Kamar Nyaman (2 tempat tidur)
Menginap di Okt 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
7 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 12 Nov 2024
Was reallly great and the rooms surpassed my expectations. The only downside is say was that it was 1 hour away by subway from all the major sites to visit in Nanjing which was quite inconvenient. Apart from that, really great! Never took lots of pics sorry
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guests, thank you very much for your comments! Your satisfaction is our biggest motivation, and it's great to have a room that exceeds your expectations.As for the traffic problems you mentioned, we fully understand your troubles. However, in addition to the subway, there is also bus rapid transit around the hotel to some scenic spots, which can save you a lot of time. You can consult the specific route information at the front desk. At the same time, the taxi service in Nanjing is also very convenient and the cost is relatively reasonable. We will strive to optimize the provision of travel advice, so that every resident can easily go to the scenic spots they want to visit.It's a pity that you didn't take a lot of pictures, but it doesn't matter. I look forward to leaving more good memories when you come again. Thank you again for your feedback, we will continue to improve.
Menginap di Okt 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 9 Nov 2024
The hotel is good and clean, the service also good, we enjoy it we will book it again
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guests, we are so happy to see you so satisfied! We are committed to creating a comfortable accommodation for all of you. Our environment is elegant and pleasant, and every corner is carefully arranged so that you can enjoy it. Service is our top priority, warm, thoughtful, meticulous, and strive to meet all your needs. We have strict control over hygiene, from guest rooms to public areas. And we also provide you with parking convenience, so that you do not have to worry about parking. Look forward to your reservation again, we are waiting for you to come back!
Kamar Boutique
Menginap di Des 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 29 Jan 2025
Nice place to be and what a good reception I received. These guys are just good and I plan to go back their hotel next time. Keep the fire burning guys.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Guest:We sincerely thank you for giving us such a high evaluation of our hotel! Your praise is invaluable recognition for us, and it is also an incentive for us to keep moving forward.We are always committed to providing every guest with a warm, comfortable and personalized service experience. We are honored to be able to provide you with a warm welcome during your stay. All the staff of the hotel are sincere and professional, only to create a warm home for every guest.We look forward to your next visit, and we can't wait to start your next wonderful journey. At that time, we will provide you with a more thoughtful service and better facilities to create an accommodation experience beyond your expectations. May your life be filled with sunshine and joy, wherever you are, we are here, looking forward to reuniting with you!
Kamar Boutique (Tempat Tidur Double)
Menginap di Des 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 24 Jan 2025
I highly recommend it for any kind of travelers who are looking for abordable prices and good quality of hotel at the same time! I’ve enjoyed my stay here 😊
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, thank you so much for your heartfelt recommendation! We're absolutely thrilled to hear that you had a delightful stay with us. At Fino Hotel (Nanjing Jiangbei Hongyuecheng Longhua Road Subway Station Branch) , we've always been committed to offering a blend of affordability and top - notch quality, and your kind words are the best validation of our efforts. We can't wait to welcome you back on your next journey, and we'll continue to strive to exceed your expectations. Safe travels!
Kamar Boutique
Menginap di Okt 2024
30 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 9 Des 2024
I like this hotel. Rom is clean n spacious n importantly no cigarette smoke smell. The only disadvantage is the location coz it takes about an hour to get to scenic spots. I also appreciate the hotel's gesture in upgrading my final night's stay. Would recommend.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guests, your satisfaction is the biggest driving force for us to move forward! Although the location is slightly inferior, your understanding and tolerance are like warm sunshine. Upgrading your stay is a matter of course, but we are honored by your recognition. We look forward to seeing you again in the future and continue to create good memories for you!
Kamar Boutique (Tempat Tidur Double)
Menginap di Sep 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
8 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 16 Jan 2025
Hotel staff very polite and tried to help us despite the language barrier using translators. We were upgraded and could check in earlier than expected which was great! However, the room was not super clean, there were marks on the walls, dust and spider webs on the ceiling. There was a smell of cigarette and the window didn’t fully open. The bed was comfortable and the shower has good pressure (see through door). Walking distance from the subway and convenience stores and restaurants, but far from the city center and tourists spots.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Guest:Hello! Thank you very much for choosing our hotel and taking the time to share your experience. Your feedback is very important to us.First of all, we are very pleased to know that our staff can still actively use translation tools to help you when facing language barriers, and have upgraded your room and allowed you to check in early, which makes you feel convenient and thoughtful. This is exactly what we have been striving to create for every guest, a warm atmosphere, and hope to bring you a home-like comfortable experience in a strange environment.However, we sincerely apologize for the room not meeting the standard of cleanliness. The marks on the wall, dust and spider webs on the ceiling, and the smell of smoke and the inability to fully open the windows all seriously affected your stay, which is far from the level of service we should provide. We have recorded your feedback in detail and corrected it. We will strengthen the management of cleaning and improve the inspection standards in the future to ensure that such problems do not occur again.We are glad that the comfort of the bed and the good water pressure of the shower can bring some pleasure to your stay. As for the location of the hotel, although it is a little far from the city center and tourist attractions, the surrounding transportation is convenient, near the subway, convenience stores and restaurants, providing convenience for your travel and life, which is also one of the characteristics of our hotel.Once again, thank you for your frankness. Your opinions are the driving force behind our improvement and enhancement. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you again in the future and provide you with a more perfect hotel experience.I wish you a happy life and all the best!Hotel Fiore20250116
Menginap di Jul 2024
8 ulasan
Diposting pada 20 Agt 2024
Great price and greta place to stay. It is about 10 mins walk from a subway station
Tanggapan dari Properti: 每個城市總會有讓人惦念的理由,每個季節都有我們難捨的景色,每個酒店都有他們甜美而有温馨的回憶,希望菲諾酒店會是您回憶裏最温馨最獨特的那個。很高興能為您的出遊帶來美好的時光。您的讚美給與酒店很大的鼓舞,也是我們進步的動力,我們會繼續保持熱愛,致力讓每一位賓客有賓至如歸的體驗,菲諾酒店熱切期待您的再次光臨,祝您生活愉快!
Kamar Boutique (Tempat Tidur Double)
Menginap di Mar 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 7 Apr 2024
very good
Tanggapan dari Properti: 【❤️免費停車❤️】非常開心看到您的評價。擁有您這樣有心的賓客,是我們全體員工的福氣。酒店一直致力於為每一賓客都帶去優質的入住服務體驗,滿意只是起點,驚喜和感動才是我們的終極目標。在菲諾您能感受到最真誠的鄰里服務,衹為您來到菲諾的入住體驗能夠變得簡單而不平凡,盼望您的旅途中,菲諾能夠常伴。期待與您再次相遇,祝您生活愉快,事事順心!
Kamar Bisnis (Tempat Tidur Double)
Menginap di Des 2024
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 6 Feb 2025
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,您好!非常感謝您選擇下榻我們酒店,並給予如此暖心的評價!能得到您對我們衞生、床鋪舒適度、停車服務、酒店位置以及服務質量的認可,我們倍感榮幸。一直以來,我們都致力於為每一位客人打造 “家外之家”,您提到的乾淨、舒適、便利,都是我們努力的方向。從精心打掃每一間客房,到為客人提供便捷的停車服務,再到不斷優化與周邊交通的銜接,衹為給您帶來更好的體驗。我們深知,一次美好的入住體驗是我們最珍貴的口碑。期待未來的日子裏,還能有機會再次為您服務。無論您是商務出行還是休閑度假,我們都將以最熱忱的服務,歡迎您回家!願您往後的每一天都充滿陽光與美好!再次感謝您的支持與推薦!