LiJiang Fog Gallery Mountain Riverside ·  Old Town Panorama Hotel

Ulasan LiJiang Fog Gallery Mountain Riverside · Old Town Panorama Hotel

LiJiang Fog Gallery Mountain Riverside · Old Town Panorama Hotel

120 Chongren Lane, Qiyi Street, Gucheng District, Lijiang, Yunnan, ChinaLihat Detail Hotel
LiJiang Fog Gallery Mountain Riverside ·  Old Town Panorama Hotel
LiJiang Fog Gallery Mountain Riverside ·  Old Town Panorama HotelLiJiang Fog Gallery Mountain Riverside ·  Old Town Panorama HotelLiJiang Fog Gallery Mountain Riverside ·  Old Town Panorama Hotel
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Kamar Queen Apasan 1
Menginap di Jun 2024
7 ulasan
Diposting pada 21 Jul 2024
Dekorasi mewah hotel ini berpadu sempurna dengan ***a kota kuno Lijiang, dekorasi pemandangan malamnya sangat indah dan desainnya kelas satu. Pengalaman keseluruhannya sangat memuaskan! Hotel tidak hanya meningkatkan kamar kami secara gratis, kamar itu juga dilengkapi dengan hampir semua yang kami butuhkan. Staf sangat ramah dan membuat kami merasa seperti di rumah. Hotel ini juga menyediakan layanan penjemputan bandara, yang sangat nyaman. Meskipun trotoar batu di kota kuno itu unik, pihak hotel dengan cermat mengatur seseorang untuk membantu kami membawa barang bawaan kami, jadi kami tidak perlu khawatir. Ketika meninggalkan hotel, pihak hotel memberi kami makanan ringan yang lezat sebagai oleh-oleh, yang sungguh mengharukan. Saya sangat merekomendasikan hotel ini. Baik itu kualitas layanan, fasilitas lengkap, atau perhatian terhadap detail, ini adalah yang terbaik di kota kuno.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Tamu yang terhormat, terima kasih telah memilih untuk menginap di Lijiang Shanlan Xipan Hotel. Merupakan suatu kehormatan besar untuk menerima komentar dan berbagi yang begitu mendetail dari Anda. Kami sangat senang Anda merasakan lingkungan hotel yang nyaman, keindahan yang tenang, dan pengalaman kamar tamu yang penuh perhatian sejak Anda check in. Keramahan kami adalah mengupayakan keunggulan dalam setiap detail untuk memberikan pengalaman kelas satu kepada setiap tamu. Kami merasa sangat terhormat dapat melayani Anda. Sungai Shanlan berharap dapat bertemu Anda lagi di pemandangan indah Lijiang
Kamar Queen Deluxe Elegant
Menginap di Jun 2024
8 ulasan
Diposting pada 19 Jul 2024
B&B ini terletak di Kota Tua Lijiang. Pengurus rumah tangganya sangat baik. Hujan deras ketika kami tiba. Setelah check-in, mereka dengan cermat mengatur teh jahe dan meningkatkan ke kamar twin yang lebih besar. Halamannya dihias dengan indah, ada penyanyi tetap di malam hari, kafenya juga bagus, pemandangannya indah dan orangnya baik. Layanan ini sangat penuh perhatian. ***a Lijiang yang tepat.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Tamu yang terhormat, terima kasih telah memilih untuk menginap di Lijiang Shanlan Xipan Hotel. Senang bertemu Anda di Lijiang yang indah, kota kuno Lijiang yang indah, warisan budaya dunia sekitar 2.400 meter Budaya Naxi dan budaya Dongba adalah Bagian penting dari budaya kota kuno Lijiang, Shanlan Riverside mendoakan Anda mendapatkan pengalaman menginap dan perjalanan yang menyenangkan di Lijiang, dan menuai kenangan perjalanan unik Lijiang Anda yang indah dan berharga.
Kamar Queen Deluxe Elegant
Menginap di Apr 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 16 Mei 2024
Hotel ini terletak di sebelah gerbang selatan kota kuno, dengan lokasi yang bagus. Ruangan yang tenang dan nyaman, seolah-olah berada dalam pelukan alam. Saat berbaring untuk istirahat di malam hari, Anda merasa senyaman bantal di aliran sungai, yang membuat orang merasa rileks dan puas. Sarapannya yang berlimpah dan bervariasi, dengan segala jenis hidangan lezat, akan membuat Anda memulai hari baru dengan memuaskan. Karena kami berencana pergi ke Gunung Salju Naga Giok pada hari pertama dan harus berangkat lebih awal, kami pikir kami akan melewatkan sarapan, tetapi staf hotel dengan cermat menyiapkan mie beras Yunnan untuk kami sebelumnya, yang membuat kami sangat puas dan hangat. Duduklah dengan tenang di hotel selama waktu minum teh sore dan nikmati makanan ringan dan teh gratis. Secara keseluruhan, ini adalah hotel yang megah dan artistik. Baik itu layanan atau lingkungannya, banyak orang yang sangat puas.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Tamu yang terhormat, terima kasih telah memilih untuk menginap di Lijiang Shanlan Xipan Hotel, dan telah meluangkan waktu berharga untuk berbagi pengalaman menginap Anda secara detail dari semua aspek. Bagian utama hotel dibangun di sebelah Sungai Zhonghe, sistem perairan terbesar di Kota Kuno Lijiang. Lokasinya nyaman. Lihat juga Magpie Bridge Coffee Tempat check-in selebriti internet dengan anggur ini memiliki pemandangan Jalan Qiyi dan sungai yang indah , dan Dashuiche. Saya sangat berharap setiap wisatawan yang datang dapat mendapatkan pengalaman menginap yang memuaskan di sini. Sekali lagi terima kasih atas pujian Anda, Shanlan Riverside berharap dapat bertemu Anda lagi!
Dr Yeap
Kamar Queen Bisnis Peerless
Menginap di Jan 2025
24 ulasan
Diposting pada 21 Feb 2025
This hotel provides superb hospitality, best I've ever received indeed! From the chinese tea with pastry session upon checking in, to the afternoon tea/coffee at their beautiful garden, they even provide dessert at night before sleep! Not to mention the friendly receptionist 婷婷 who proactively contacted me to arrange for my pick before check in and transport after check out. Make sure u choose this hotel when u come to Lijiang... U won't regret it!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的賓客:您用詩意的文字記錄下的入住時光,是我們收到最珍貴的春日禮物。作為煙雨長廊上的一方靜謐院落,能讓您在第一縷晨光中感受推窗見山的畫意棲居,在繁星滿天的夜晚體味古城慢時光,正是山嵐溪畔最引以為豪的待客之道。願這份麗江記憶常伴您心間,期待與您重逢在下一個花開的季節。 春祺夏安 山嵐溪畔全體家人
Kamar 2-tempat tidur Satori
Menginap di Jan 2025
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 24 Feb 2025
Exceptional service! I felt at home thanks to the warm and welcoming staff. I would definitely recommend this place to others.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Hi my friend,Thanks a million for your lovely review! Reading your poetic words felt like receiving a warm hug this spring. We’re just a cozy little spot by the rainy alley, so it makes us super happy to hear you loved waking up to the mountains right outside your window and chilling under the stars at night. That’s exactly the slow, simple vibe we try to share with everyone here.Hope you carry those Lijiang memories with you forever! Come back anytime – we’ll save a room (and maybe some flowers) for you next season!Take care and hope to see you again soon!The Shanlan Xipan Crew
Kamar Queen Deluxe Elegant
Menginap di Jan 2025
5 ulasan
Diposting pada 15 Feb 2025
We stayed at the hotel for two nights and were very impressed overall, especially with the staff, who provided excellent care and assistance with everything. The hotel offers an airport transfer service, which is very convenient. The location is excellent, right in the heart of the old town, with beautiful surroundings, a peaceful atmosphere, and a great ambiance. If we have the chance, we would definitely stay here again.
Tanggapan dari Properti: thanks.
Kamar Queen Bisnis Peerless
Menginap di Des 2024
4 ulasan
Diposting pada 10 Feb 2025
LiJiang Fog Gallery Mountain Riverside Old Town Panorama Hotel impressed me with the perfect combination of an ideal location, attentive service, and memorable experiences. Located right in the heart of Dayan Old Town, the hotel is the perfect starting point for exploring Lijiang. The dedicated staff is always ready to assist you anytime, ensuring you have a truly relaxing and comfortable vacation. Afternoon tea here is also a delightful culinary experience with delicious and beautifully presented pastries. 丽江雾山河畔古城全景酒店以其理想的地理位置、周到的服务和难忘的体验征服了我。酒店位于大研古镇中心,是您开启丽江探险之旅的完美起点。敬业的员工随时准备为您提供帮助,确保您拥有真正轻松舒适的假期。这里的下午茶也是一次愉悦的美食体验,提供美味又精美的糕点。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住麗江Fog Gallery山嵐溪畔·煙雨長廊古城全景酒店(木府南門店),非常榮幸收到您如此細緻的點評和分享。很高興您從入住的那一刻起,就已經感受到了酒店的舒適環境,靜謐的美景,貼心的客房入住體驗,我們秉承的待客之道是在每一個細節精益求精,為每一位賓客帶來一流的體驗。為您服務我們深感榮幸,山嵐溪畔期待與您再次相遇在風景秀麗的麗江,祝您愉快~
Kamar Queen Aspriat 2
Menginap di Nov 2024
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 28 Des 2024
Very hospitable hosts and a great location. Beware of the sweet pizza in the restaurant though. It has nothing to do with Italian pizza.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住麗江Fog Gallery山嵐|大研溪畔·煙雨長廊古城全景酒店(木府店),非常榮幸收到您如此細緻的點評和分享。您的文字也引發了我們很多的思考與暢想,很高興酒店的服務團隊及相關工作人員的服務得到了您的認可,我們感到非常榮幸。我們將不斷保持和進步,為每一位客人奉上高品質的服務,麗江Fog gallery山嵐 | 大研溪畔期待與您再次相遇,祝您愉快。
Pengguna Anonim
Kamar Queen Aspriat 2
Menginap di Sep 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 7 Des 2024
Words can’t even describe how great the level of hospitality we have received on this trip. It felt like China was so warm and welcoming, I want to introduce all my friends and family to visit Lijiang because of this experience. Shout out to one of the boss, Xiang Zi, he’s now our dear friend! I have booked 2 of the bigger rooms, the view was beautiful, well furnished, spacious and clean. The house keeping was good and trustworthy. The cafe has decent breakfast, the drinks are world class. I kid you not, the special drink menu is better than your CHAGEE, and I love CHAGEE. Their barista has been well trained, no wonder my husband speaks highly of the coffee he ordered. The inn also provide photography services, you can just engage their service and avoid the nearby big photography service. I find that outside photography is a scam. Paid about 1300yuan for the whole thing, only had 7 photoshopped photos and 30 other low res original photos. I don’t even like the photoshopped ones. We arrived late at night and had no problem getting to our beautiful room. There were ppl who helped us with our luggages, and we just walked 5mins to our cosy inn. The place is an ancient city, so you get to experience living in an ancient city, with modern furnishings. The view from the room is different and intriguing, the view at the cafe is romantic and calming. There are many hidden spots in this inn that we stayed in, every corner is a photo opportunity. The tea at the reception was the best I have ever tasted. Xiang Zi is a very cultured man, he makes tea, and he make sure everyone knows how to serve tea. We had so much fun here, we even extended another day here because of the owner. I highly recommend this place, not because I’m bias, but because for the price we paid, we have received toooooooo much. We are so grateful for everything for the team has done for us. From providing oxygen when we want to head up the mountain, to doing us a favour to help us to book the snow mountain tickets, to paying for our transport in advance, to helping us find our way and making sure we are safe. We are looking forward to host Xiang Zi when he visit Singapore!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住麗江山嵐溪畔酒店,非常榮幸收到您如此細緻的點評和分享。很高興您從入住的那一刻起,就已經感受到了酒店的舒適環境,靜謐的美景,貼心的客房入住體驗,我們秉承的待客之道是在每一個細節精益求精,為每一位賓客帶來一流的體驗。為您服務我們深感榮幸,山嵐溪畔期待與您再次相遇在風景秀麗的麗江,祝您愉快~
Kamar Queen Deluxe Elegant
Menginap di Okt 2024
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 30 Nov 2024
This hotel exudes a unique warmth and care in every detail. The guest rooms are designed with a spacious and elegant atmosphere, facing south with exceptional lighting and a superb view of the nearby stream, creating a serene and comfortable environment for rest. Equipped with advanced smart room control systems, guests can easily adjust the lighting and air conditioning with just a touch. The intelligent toilets provide convenient and enjoyable experiences. The hotel's meticulously prepared breakfasts and afternoon teas, featuring a variety of coffees, selected teas, exquisite pastries, tempting snacks, and fresh fruits, are truly captivating. With its picturesque scenery, this hotel stands out as a leader among Yunnan's homestays, offering exceptional value for money. A highly recommended stay!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住麗江山嵐溪畔酒店,非常榮幸收到您如此細緻的點評和分享。您的文字也引發了我們很多的思考與暢想,很高興酒店的服務團隊及相關工作人員的服務得到了您的認可,我們感到非常榮幸。我們將不斷保持和進步,為每一位客人奉上高品質的服務,山嵐溪畔期待與您再次相遇,祝您愉快。
Kamar Queen Deluxe Elegant
Menginap di Okt 2024
19 ulasan
Diposting pada 30 Nov 2024
Environment: The courtyard of the homestay, is incredibly cozy and romantic. It's located in a great spot, within walking distance to several popular restaurants that I had on my list. It's also conveniently close to the road for taking taxis, and luggage transportation is provided. Service: The staff at the homestay were truly warm and welcoming. They upgraded our room type and were concerned about our stay. After adding their WeChat, any questions we had were promptly answered. Personally, I think this place is perfect for families with children or girls traveling alone, as the courtyard is absolutely stunning.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住麗江山嵐溪畔酒店,非常榮幸收到您如此細緻的點評和分享。您的文字也引發了我們很多的思考與暢想,很高興酒店的服務團隊及相關工作人員的服務得到了您的認可,我們感到非常榮幸。我們將不斷保持和進步,為每一位客人奉上高品質的服務,山嵐溪畔期待與您再次相遇,祝您愉快。
Kamar Queen Deluxe Elegant
Menginap di Okt 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
4 ulasan
Diposting pada 30 Nov 2024
this inn boasts a café right by the stream, which is absolutely fantastic. Sitting there, you can see the clear stream flowing gently, with sunlight sparkling on the water surface and green plants swaying in the breeze. This picturesque scenery is truly enchanting. Moreover, they have superb afternoon tea here. The variety of afternoon tea is rich and diverse, featuring delicate pastries with exquisite taste, as well as a selection of drinks from which you can choose two out of ten options, catering to the needs of most people. It's so thoughtful. In the afternoon, sitting by the window in the café, accompanied by the sound of the flowing stream, savoring the afternoon tea, and gazing at the beautiful scenery outside the window, time seems to slow down, and your body and mind are extremely relaxed. This kind of cozy feeling is really hard to find elsewhere. Highly recommended!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住麗江山嵐溪畔酒店,很高興與您相遇在風景秀麗的麗江,美麗的世界文化遺產麗江古城,麗江地處高原,海拔2400米左右,納西文化和東巴文化是麗江古城文化的重要組成部分,山嵐溪畔祝您在麗江擁有愉快的入住與旅遊體驗,收穫您美好而值得的獨特麗江旅遊記憶,感謝。
Kamar Queen Deluxe Elegant
Menginap di Okt 2024
9 ulasan
Diposting pada 29 Nov 2024
Located right within the ancient city, just a 300-meter walk away, the owner provides attentive pick-up and drop-off services. They also offer detailed introductions to local attractions and culture, along with comprehensive travel tips! Staying at the inn is very relaxing and free, with a warm-hearted owner, welcoming bartenders and musicians, a laid-back atmosphere, abundant fruits, hearty afternoon tea and desserts. It's a homestay experience I've never had before, and I'll definitely come back!Enjoy stay!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住麗江山嵐溪畔酒店,並抽出寶貴時間分享了您的入住體驗,酒店主體建於麗江古城最大水系的中河旁邊,網紅打卡地,拍照美美,地理位置便利,可步行至四方街、木府、大水車等麗江知名景點,真心希望每一位到達的旅客能在此收穫滿意的住店體驗。再次感謝您的到來,山嵐溪畔期待與您再次相遇!
Kamar Queen Apasan 1
Menginap di Okt 2024
29 ulasan
Diposting pada 29 Nov 2024
The inn provides excellent service, including airport pickup to the nearest location. A young man from the inn comes out to help with the luggage, and then it's just a few minutes' walk to the inn.Meanwhile, it's also very close from the inn to Sifang Street, making it convenient for shopping and other activities. The hardware facilities of the inn are all advanced.thanks this helps!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住麗江山嵐溪畔酒店,非常榮幸收到您如此細緻的點評和分享。很高興您從入住的那一刻起,就已經感受到了酒店的舒適環境,靜謐的美景,貼心的客房入住體驗,我們秉承的待客之道是在每一個細節精益求精,為每一位賓客帶來一流的體驗。為您服務我們深感榮幸,山嵐溪畔期待與您再次相遇在風景秀麗的麗江,祝您愉快~
Wai Yuen
Kamar 2-tempat tidur Satori
Menginap di Okt 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
5 ulasan
Diposting pada 20 Nov 2024
Visiting Lijiang is not complete without staying at this wonderful hotel. We had such great experience during our stay here. We were treated with respect,care and kindness. Hospitality is truly remarkable. We have nothing but praises for the management and staff. We will be back. Footnote: By the way, the complimentary coffee is aromatically divine.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Guest,We extend our heartfelt gratitude for choosing to stay at Lijiang Shanlan Hotel. It is truly an honor to receive your meticulous review and share in your experiences. From the moment of your arrival, you have been immersed in our hotel’s serene environment and picturesque beauty, complemented by the thoughtful and comfortable guest room experience. We strive to excel in every detail, ensuring that each guest enjoys an unparalleled experience. It is a great privilege for us to serve you, and we look forward to welcoming you back to the enchanting landscape of Lijiang at Shanlan Cree