No.21 Qianyuan North Road (150 m from the Railway Station), Tunxi District, Huangshan, Anhui, ChinaLihat Detail Hotel
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Kamar Cosy(queen bed)
Menginap di Nov 2024
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 27 Des 2024
Fasilitas: lengkap
Kebersihan: bersih
Lingkungan: indah
Layanan: hangat
Saya datang mengunjungi seorang teman dan merekomendasikan hotel ini. Lingkungan lobi sangat bagus, kamarnya sangat luas dan saya ditingkatkan ke kamar secara gratis.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Terima kasih telah memilih Pudding Hotel. Hotel telah direnovasi dan ditingkatkan serta dibuka kembali. Kami melayani setiap tamu dengan hati dan memberikan Anda pengalaman terbaik, sehingga Anda bisa betah meski berada di kota asing. Dalam perjalanan menuju pertumbuhan Puding, saya senang menerima Anda, terima kasih!
Kamar Cosy(queen bed)
Menginap di Nov 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
4 ulasan
Diposting pada 15 Des 2024
Setiap kota memiliki alasan yang tak terlupakan, setiap musim memiliki pemandangannya yang tidak bisa kita lepaskan, dan setiap hotel memiliki kenangan manis dan hangatnya, saya harap hotel Anda akan menjadi hotel terhangat dan terunik dalam ingatan saya. Terima kasih banyak telah menjaga kami. Kami bisa merasa senyaman dan senyaman di rumah sendiri selama perjalanan.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝親選擇布丁酒店,酒店煥新升級,重新營業。我們用心服務每一位客人,給您帶去最好的體驗,讓您即使在一個陌生的城市,也能找到家的感覺。布丁成長的路上,慶幸有您,謝謝!
Konstantinos Yian
Triple Room
Menginap di Jun 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
21 ulasan
Diposting pada 26 Jul 2024
Tempat yang bagus, sangat bersih, dekat dengan stasiun kereta api, banyak restoran di dekatnya, staf yang membantu! Direkomendasikan!
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Terima kasih telah memilih Pudding Hotel. Hotel ini telah direnovasi dan dibuka kembali. Kami memberikan layanan penuh perhatian kepada setiap tamu, menghadirkan pengalaman terbaik dan membuat Anda merasa seperti di rumah sendiri bahkan di kota yang asing. Perjalanan pertumbuhan Pudding, bersyukur memiliki Anda, terima kasih!
Sacha Louis
Triple Room
Menginap di Des 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 28 Jan 2025
The hospitality was exceptional, and the staff provided excellent advice to make the most of our visit to Huangshan Mountain. Their warm welcome and detailed recommendations ensured an unforgettable experience. The guidance we received helped us discover the most beautiful spots and fully enjoy the breathtaking scenery. Highly recommend for anyone planning a trip to this magnificent destination!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝親選擇布丁酒店,酒店煥新升級,重新營業。我們用心服務每一位客人,給您帶去最好的體驗,讓您即使在一個陌生的城市,也能找到家的感覺。布丁成長的路上,慶幸有您,謝謝!
Kamar Nyaman (2 tempat tidur)
Menginap di Des 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
4 ulasan
Diposting pada 30 Jan 2025
Clean, big, spacious room very modern. Nice wardrobe. They didn't replace toilet paper . Nice heater and not noisy at all Beds are pretty good. Be aware that this is 20 mins away from Huangshan North railway station which I didn't realise but would stay again but location to the actual mountain isn't the best.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的朋友,感謝您對阿布的認可,您的滿意讓我們更有動力不斷向前走,把服務發揮的更好。您的滿意就是我們最大的動力,希望您可以把我們推薦給您的朋友哦!我們酒店在黃山市中心的老城區,高鐵站在新建設的經濟開發區,黃山景區離市中心大概50分鐘車程。阿布歡迎您再次回來哦!
Family Room
Menginap di Jul 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
11 ulasan
Diposting pada 11 Agt 2024
Check-in was very smooth. Big rooms, very clean. Laundromat available
Tanggapan dari Properti: We are glad to receive your recognition and affirmation, and we will continue to work hard to do better! Satisfaction is just the starting point. Surprise and emotion are the ultimate goals, but unfortunately, I couldn't receive a five-star rating from the guest. There must be some areas that I didn't do well in. I hope you can share your suggestions with the front desk staff. Your suggestions are the driving force behind our progress. We are not omnipotent, but we will definitely do our best! Welcome home anytime. Abu is waiting for you here!
Kamar Cosy(queen bed)
Menginap di Mar 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
2 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 30 Apr 2024
The room, the staff, the location (close to food and tea) were all amazing.
Tanggapan dari Properti: I am glad to receive your recognition and affirmation. We will continue to work hard to do better! Satisfaction is just the starting point, surprise and emotion are the ultimate goal, but... it is still regrettable that we did not receive full five-star praise from the customer. There are definitely some areas that have not been done well. I hope you can share your suggestions with our front desk colleagues as the driving force for our progress. We are not omnipotent, but we will do our best! Welcome home anytime, Abu is waiting for you here~~
Kamar Nyaman (2 tempat tidur)
Menginap di Jan 2024
19 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 26 Mar 2024
All the amenities in the room were not cleaned by housecleaners from the previous client.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you for your feedback and sharing of your stay experience. We apologize for not providing you with a satisfactory stay experience during your stay. Regarding your suggestions, we have informed the relevant departments and worked hard to learn and improve ourselves, in order to provide every guest who stays in pudding with a warm and perfect stay experience. We strive to move forward and never forget our original intention. We hope to continue choosing pudding next time and witness Abu's growth!
Family Room
Menginap di Agt 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
6 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 24 Des 2024
hard beds
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you for your feedback and sharing! I'm sorry that we couldn't provide you with a satisfactory stay experience during your stay. Regarding your question about the hardness of the bed, our hotel's king rooms are very soft and offer various room types and facilities to meet the needs of customers as much as possible. The hotel also strives to learn and improve itself, in order to provide every guest who stays at Pudding with a warm and perfect stay experience, forge ahead, never forget the original intention, and hope to continue choosing Pudding next time and witness Abu's growth!
Triple Room
Menginap di Jan 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
7 ulasan
Diposting pada 10 Mar 2024
lots of noise
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝親的點評及分享!很抱歉在您入住期間沒能給到您一個滿意的入住感受,酒店也努力的學習並提升自己,為的就是能夠給到每一位入住布丁的客人一個温暖、完美的入住體驗,砥礪前行,不忘初心,希望下次還能繼續選擇布丁,見證阿布的成長!