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Urjgee Undrakh
Kamar Liburan - Pemandangan Kota
Menginap di Des 2023
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 8 Jan 2024
The room and service was excellent. Definitely will suggest to people
Tanggapan dari Properti: 任時光荏苒,任風月流轉,一路上衹要有您的相隨,縱然雨霧漫天,葉落傾城,我們的眼眸裏,照樣有美景的映現,明媚一片,感謝親親對我們寶發勝意酒店的支持與讚賞,我們酒店全體員工真誠的期待您的再次到來
Pengguna Anonim
Premier Suite - 2-Room (1 living room)
Menginap di Nov 2023
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 6 Des 2023
Good location, room was big, older hotel, carpet was dirty.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guests, thank you for visiting our hotel and not meeting your expectations. Please allow us to apologize. We will strengthen the cleaning management and maintenance of the rooms. I hope your next visit can bring you a different feeling. I wish you a happy life.
Supreme Large Screen Audio-Visual Double Bed Room
Menginap di Jan 2023
21 ulasan
Diposting pada 3 Feb 2023
I do not recommend this hotel unless you are just going to sleep there only. If you plan to spend anytime in the hotel room, order food, or even just think that someone will come and bring fresh towels then stay somewhere else. The location is great. In the past I've stayed at this hotel before and it was much better. It has fallen a lot. The service is just sad. Though they did know how to register a foreigner and that part was easy.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear customer, we are very sorry for your bad experience. Regarding your feedback, we have communicated with relevant service departments to understand the specific situation and improve our service. We are sorry to have missed you on the journey of life. I hope you can get more happiness in your future journey and gradually forget the unhappiness and unhappiness we have brought you. Once again, I would like to extend my most sincere apologies, regrets and best wishes.
Idalia Travelista
Kamar dengan Pemandangan Laut Deluxe(queen bed)
Menginap di Jun 2023
18 ulasan
Diposting pada 15 Jul 2023
Has friendly staff and great food nearby.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Hello Sir, thank you for your recognition, Baofa Hotel looks forward to your visit again.
Kamar Deluxe Business
Menginap di Mar 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
14 ulasan
Diposting pada 8 Apr 2024
Need upgrade
Tanggapan dari Properti: I'm sorry, sir.We are very sorry for the trouble we have caused you.We are very sad, if you have any questions in the process of staying at any time to contact us Oh ~ will be happy to serve you ~ We are willing to listen to your voice, but also value your valuable opinions. Because of your supervision and spur to make us better and better ~ once again to express our apologies to you, we sincerely look forward to your visit again, I wish you a happy life
Lewis W
Kamar Deluxe Business
Menginap di Agt 2023
Bepergian dengan teman
6 ulasan
Diposting pada 2 Des 2023
Happy with the stay
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感動於您言辭間流露的真心喜愛,您的讚賞和推廣是對我們最好的鼓勵,服務好每一位入住的賓客們是我們寶發勝意酒店的精神所在,您的方便,您的快樂,您的滿意便是我們的追求,有時間記得常回來哦
Kamar Eksekutif
Menginap di Mei 2023
31 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 17 Sep 2023
It was a good stay.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, thank you for your comment. Welcome to visit again
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的賓客:您好!非常抱歉此次入住沒能讓您滿意。您入住當天,酒店側面舉辦煙花秀晚會,周邊實施交通管制,大量電動車擁堵在酒店附近道路,給您造成了不便。保安沒有為您抬槓,是因為停車場規定衹有車輛可以進出,還請您諒解。得知您從花壇進入時不小心受傷了,前台備有消毒創可貼,您若有需要可以隨時聯繫我們。此外,您反饋的酒店早餐、設施以及衞生問題,我們已向上級彙報。酒店領導高度重視,親自組織客房部、工程部進行全面自查與整改,致力於提升客房設施水平。您的寬容和理解是我們前進的最大動力。再次向您致以誠摯的歉意,衷心祝您萬事勝意,生活愉快!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的賓客,非常感謝您選擇入住我們寶發勝意酒店,我們會更加努力,為更多的賓客帶去温暖,努力做好服務中的每個細節,爭取讓到店的每個賓客都能有完美的入住體驗,而且考慮到所處在國貿中心位置,我們認為您的選擇是物有所值的,我們真誠的期待並歡迎您的再次光臨,祝您生活愉快!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客您好,感謝您百忙之中抽空給我們點評,有您的督促和關心才使我們發現工作的不足,獲得改進和進步的機會。您評論中所提到的問題,酒店領導非常重視,我們很抱歉且很遺憾此次入住給您帶來不良的體驗。您提出的的客房設施、衞生問題,小寶已彙報酒店總經理,領導親自組織督查客房部、工程部做好工作自查並整改,提升酒店客房設施。您的寬容和理解將給予我們最大的鼓勵和支持,再次誠懇的向您表達歉意,在此也祝您萬事勝意,生活愉快。