When you book from your home country into a vacation country you have some reservations, little did I know that the choice I made to reside in Florence, Italy, would be the worst experience of them all. The joy of my experience at Millennium residence started by this “slender man”, asking if I had Covid, not the usual remarks of: did you have trouble getting here“ or “how was your trip”, here being the hotel (which I say loosely as the later will clarify my reasonings.) Other possible responses would be; how was your travel; how are you liking Italy, basically anything anyone with common sense who possesses a remote amount of customer service would ask. After giving the Slender man our passports and showing our proof of vaccination, he proceeds to advice us that he needs to download something to read the vaccination QR codes and would followup later, which he never does, sheer incompetence. My guest and myself were then taken to room (#3). I booked this reservation about 2 weeks in advance, stating 2 people. 1) The room was not set for 2 people; as a result the Slender man asked if a second set of bed sheets was needed for the 2nd unmade bed in the room, which we obliged and said yes. We immediately responded by saying we can make the bed 2) he decided to do it himself. 3) This person decides to say “he has had Asians complain in the past that it was too cold, that Asians tend to sleep above the sheet, but here in Italy, Italians sleep between the sheets”, racist. We were advised before the man left that the AC unit would turn on shortly after we arrived back to the room. Following some unpacking my guest and myself went out on the town and returned at roughly 9:45pm, Italian nights are hot, simply put. The room we returned to was hot, we waited 10 mins or so and the ac unit would not turn on. Shortly after the man came knocking on our door and rudely advises there is an error message he received on his phone regarding the ac unit from our room, that the AC unit is blocked and cannot be fixed, That the AC unit would be blowing out HOT AIR all night and cannot be fixed until the technician comes the following morning. As guests to the loosely said hotel, we took his word. So we made arrangements to stay at another hotel last min following your rude visit, to resolve the heating issue. My role in seeking a solution to getting a new hotel is in no way accepting blame you so clearly expressed by yelling at us while the door was open for all the other guests to hear, saying we somehow tampered with a ac unit 13 feet in the air, Ever though you specifically stated an error, We told you the unit would not turn on when we arrived… roughly around 9:50pm, a Time you specifically stated… like a stalker creep. Fast forward to when me and my guest to our surprise return to the room to get our clothes to go to the other hotel that has AC, the AC unit at your room 3!! appeared to be working fine. Either you somehow got a technician to come w