No.26 Yingbin Road, Gangkou District, Fangchenggang, Guangxi, ChinaLihat Detail Hotel
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Ulasan Tamu
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Kamar Tamu - Pemandangan Kota (Tempat tidur double)
Menginap di Okt 2023
15 ulasan
Diposting pada 30 Nov 2023
The hotel has an excellent location,clean and comfortable rooms,a wide selection of breakfast options,diligent housekeeping staff,and especially good service from the front desk staff,particularly Ms. Huang.It is a five-star hotel worth recommending,and I will definitely choose to stay here again next time.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, thank you very much for your praise of our hotel, we will make continuous efforts to live up to your praise. Thank you again for your recognition of the hotel, look forward to coming again, wish a pleasant trip!
Family Room
Menginap di Mar 2024
7 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 9 Apr 2024
Second time staying here. First time came in directly and just got a room. Was more expensive than using The shower curtain has mold. Should really change to them blackout ones. Lots of noise due to construction or remodeling. Breakfast was simple but was good enough. Close to night time street food and lots of food a block away. All the mosquitoes hung out in the elevators. Staffs were mostly friendly. 
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Customer:First of all, we thank you for choosing Ctrip and staying at our hotel. We value your feedback and apologise for any inconvenience you may have experienced during your stay.Regarding the issue you mentioned about flying insects in the lift, the hotel management team has been contacted immediately and a comprehensive inspection and cleaning programme has been initiated to ensure that all public areas meet the highest standards of hygiene. In addition, we will also work with a professional pest control service to take the necessary precautions to avoid the recurrence of such problems.As for your complaint about mold in the room, we have assigned our housekeeping team to conduct a thorough inspection and cleaning of the room and have dealt with all areas that may have been affected. We are committed to carrying out regular inspections and maintenance of all guest rooms to ensure a clean and comfortable environment for our guests.We understand that these issues may have affected your stay and we would like to compensate you for this unpleasant experience. Please contact our Customer Relations department and we will offer you a special offer or service to show our sincerity.Thank you again for your feedbacks, which are vital to our continuous improvement of the quality of service. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you again and show you our commitment to excellent customer service.If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kamar Tamu - Pemandangan Kota (Tempat tidur double)
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客:非常感謝您選擇入住我們酒店!您反饋的問題,我們領導層非常重視,已責令相關部門整改培訓,為此我們表示深深的歉意。我們一直致力於提升客房的質量和服務標準,確保每位客人都能享受到舒適愉悦的住宿環境。如果您願意,我們希望能夠了解更多關於您住宿體驗的具體細節,以便我們能夠採取針對性的改進措施。祝您旅途愉快!
Gelang Business Twin Room (Cozy Comfort + Quiet Sleep)
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,非常感謝您下榻榮興格朗大酒店。很高興看到您對我們酒店的設施設備及服務的認可,三樓的粵式茶點,融合著廣西特色風味,油茶就是其中之一。寬敞的地下停車場,電梯可以直達酒店各個地方。“賓客至上,至誠至臻”是我們的服務宗旨,期待您的再次入住,祝您旅途愉快!
Gelang Business Twin Room (Cozy Comfort + Quiet Sleep)
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客:您好!滿心感恩您的讚譽與支持!您的滿意於我們而言,宛如璀璨星辰照亮前行之路。從您踏入酒店的那一刻,我們便期待能以全方位的貼心服務,為您編織一段美好的旅居記憶。品牌洗漱用品、舒適床品,是品質生活的基石;大堂歡迎茶開啟温馨序幕,下午茶點綴悠閑時光。您的每一次會心微笑,每一句由衷誇讚,皆是對我們團隊最大的褒獎。我們會將這份信任化作動力,不斷砥礪前行,雕琢服務細節,讓每一次重逢都勝似初見。期待與您再次邂逅於榮興格朗大酒店,共續美好時光!
Pengguna Anonim
Gelang Business Twin Room (Cozy Comfort + Quiet Sleep)
Tanggapan dari Properti: 非常感謝您對我們酒店的高度評價和推薦!我們很高興聽到您對房間的大小、清潔度以及早餐的美味都感到滿意。現煮的河粉是我們的特色之一,很高興您喜歡。我們的機器人送外賣服務旨在為您提供更多的便利,很高興知道它給您留下了深刻印象。我們期待着下次您再次光臨時,能繼續為您提供優質的服務。如果您有任何建議或需要幫助,請隨時告訴我們。再次感謝您的支持,祝您有美好的一天!
Gelang Business Twin Room (Cozy Comfort + Quiet Sleep)
Tanggapan dari Properti: 【不愧為防城港五星級酒店】尊敬的賓客:衷心感謝您的好評與支持!您的認可讓我們深知所有努力皆化作了您旅途中的美好體驗,這是我們前行的最大動力。我們在床品上精心挑選舒達床墊與高密度紗織的床品,洗漱用品也甄選自知名品牌,衹為讓您的每一刻停留都能感受到品質的呵護。大堂的歡迎茶水,房間裏豐富的飲品配備,皆是我們努力營造家一般温馨氛圍的小小舉措。期待與您的再次相逢,我們定當以更熱忱的服務、更精心的準備迎接您,續寫您在酒店的愉悦篇章!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客:非常感謝您下榻榮興格朗大酒店,並且很高興聽到您對我們房間大小的滿意,我們的房間設計旨在為客人提供寬敞舒適的住宿體驗;酒店的位置,緊鄰商業街確實為客人帶來了極大的便利,無論是想要品嚐當地美食還是購買紀念品,都非常方便;同時我們提供的增值服務也在不斷優化:如贈送的歡迎水果和瓶裝水放在樓道,接送高鐵站服務,贈送下午茶、大堂迎賓茶等 。如果您需要任何旅遊建議或者幫助規劃行程,我們的前台團隊隨時樂意為您提供服務。再次感謝您的好評,我們期待您的再次光臨,並希望下次能繼續為您提供同樣優質的服務。祝您生活愉快
Gelang Business Twin Room (Cozy Comfort + Quiet Sleep)
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的客人,首先,我們衷心感謝您選擇榮興格朗大酒店,並在您的忙碌行程中抽出時間給予我們如此正面的評價。我們很高興得知您體驗到了我們的免費接站服務及精心準備的迎賓果盤,這些特色服務的初衷正是為了讓每位入住的客人都能感受到便捷與驚喜。我們非常榮幸趙經理、黃經理以及我們的禮賓團隊和前台同仁能得到您的認可。他們的專業和熱情代表了我們酒店對服務質量的承諾,我們將會傳達您的肯定和鼓勵,以激勵團隊成員繼續提供卓越的服務。關於您提出的寶貴建議,我們深表感謝。我們始終希望為客人提供盡善盡美的體驗,在早餐時提供免費餐巾紙是我們的標準服務之一。對於中餐時收取的餐巾紙費用,我們將立即進行評估,並考慮將其納入免費服務範圍,以統一我們的服務標準,讓每位客人在任何時候享有一致的待遇。請您在下次光臨時留意這一改變,並繼續為我們提供寶貴的反饋。我們期待着再次為您服務,為您提供更加完善和愉悦的住宿體驗。如果您日後有更多建議或需要預訂,隨時歡迎您與我們聯繫。再次感謝您的支持與理解!榮興格朗大酒店前廳經理
Gelang Business Twin Room (Cozy Comfort + Quiet Sleep)
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,非常感謝您選擇我們酒店並給予這麼高的評價!我們很高興得知您喜歡升級後的東南亞雙床房,並且我們的服務使您的住宿體驗更加愉快。客房服務員能有機會為您提供優質服務感到特別開心,我們一直盡力確保每位客人的需求都能得到滿足。很高興您也享受到了我們的餐飲優惠,這是我們為答謝顧客所特別提供的。希望您在步行街的遊玩同樣愉快。我們誠摯期待您的再次光臨,並承諾將一如既往地提供高標準的服務與舒適的住宿環境。如果您在未來有任何需求或建議,歡迎隨時與我們聯繫。祝您生活愉快!