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Chinese-Style Classic Room (Ondol)
Menginap di Des 2023
21 ulasan
Diposting pada 26 Jan 2024
This hotel was such a unique and great experience! Read the info book on the desk for fun things to do. The rooms were spacious and comfortable. A little chilly but that is normal for winter in this style old wood building. Shower is hot and food is delicious. Especially the corn pancakes! Be careful if you are vegetarian to ask if the vegetable dishes have meat or not… the gym and yoga room are really great!
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guests, thank you for your careful comments and affirmation of us. I am very glad to let you have a satisfactory stay experience. Looking forward to our meeting again
Chinese-Style Classic Room (Ondol)
Menginap di Apr 2024
5 ulasan
Diposting pada 21 Mei 2024
What a fabulous place. I loved it here - not just the beautiful buildings/ gorgeous room / town - the staff & owner were so warm and welcoming - helping with ideas of what to do/ where to go and also helping with planning my onward journey. Thank you!
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Guest,We are thrilled to hear that you had such a fabulous time at Xi Lin Yuan. It's heartwarming to know that you loved not only the beautiful buildings, the gorgeous room, and the charming town, but also the warmth and hospitality of our staff and the owner.We take great pride in creating an atmosphere where every guest feels at home, and it's wonderful to hear that our efforts in providing suggestions for activities, places to visit, and assistance with your onward journey were appreciated.Thank you for your kind words and for choosing Linden Commons for your stay. Your satisfaction is our greatest reward, and we are delighted that you had a memorable experience with us.We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the future and continuing to be a part of your travels.
Kang Yang
Lerong Family Room
Menginap di Jan 2024
14 ulasan
Diposting pada 19 Feb 2024
It’s not just the facilities but the service and the thinking behind things which makes this place world class and a friendly home away from home.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guests, thank you for your careful comments and affirmation of us. I am very glad to let you have a satisfactory stay experience. Looking forward to our meeting again.
Ancient Residence Courtyard-View Twin Room
Menginap di Nov 2022
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 1 Jan 2023
The Linden Commons is a special place, located in the heart of Xizhou Ancient Town. We appreciated the care and hospitality of the hosts, the delicious food offered by the restaurant and the comfortable and quaint rooms. Jeanee and Brian are lovely hosts who were always going above and beyond to make sure our stay was enjoyable. Highly recommend a stay here!
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest: Thank you for choosing to stay at the Linden Commons and all your good comments. We will offer Linden Centre Tour and Morning Market Tour for all in-house guests. Most guests will have a better understanding of Xizhou village and also the Linden Centre through this two activities. Now, our projects are expanded to Shaxi and Suzhou . We will keep moving . Hopefully, we will meet again soon. Best wish!
Chinese-Style Premier Room (Double bed)
Menginap di Mar 2022
8 ulasan
Diposting pada 10 Apr 2022
Great location by the lake for a bike ride. Little village is at your doorstep. Friendly and very helpful staff. Very unique hotel rooms. Comfy bed!
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guests, thank you for your careful comments and affirmation of us. I am very glad to let you have a satisfactory stay experience. Looking forward to our meeting again:)
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,感謝您選擇入住喜林苑·寶成府,並細緻分享您的入住體驗!我們非常欣喜您和家人喜愛這座百年老宅的獨特韻味,三進庭院的設計正是為了讓客人沉浸於大理白族建築的風雅與歷史脈絡中。能為您一家四口的旅途增添一份文化記憶,是我們的榮幸。關於您提及的木樓板響動問題,我們深表歉意。老宅的木質結構雖承載着時光的温度,但也難免因材質特性產生聲響。為平衡傳統保護與居住體驗,我們已着手對部分房間加鋪軟質地毯以緩解聲響,並會在未來入住時優先為您安排更為安靜的房間。您反饋的臨街噪音問題,我們也會進一步優化隔音措施(如升級雙層窗等),力求在保留古樸風貌的同時,為您創造更靜謐的休憩空間。早餐方面,感謝您對食材品質和飽足感的肯定!我們始終遵循“在地、新鮮、手作”的原則,未來也會逐步豐富季節性餐品選擇,期待您下次來解鎖更多雲南風味!再次感謝您的真誠反饋,您的建議是我們持續精進的動力。誠邀您一家再度光臨這座老宅,感受歲月沉澱的寧靜與温度。祝旅途順遂,闔家安康!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,感謝您將這段充滿温情的旅居時光娓娓道來,更感動於您對喜林苑一磚一瓦、一花一木的細膩感知!您筆下的“舒適與歷史交融”之景,正是我們修繕這座百年宅院時最珍視的理想——既以現代匠心呵護您的休憩體驗,亦讓老宅凝固的歲月在您駐足時悄然流動。得知您沉浸於房間的靜謐與敞闊,我們倍感欣慰。寶成府在改造中始終遵循“修舊如舊”的哲思,以傳統工法讓老木樑柱煥發新生,您感受到的安寧恰是歷史沉澱的饋贈。更令我們動容的是,您捕捉到了服務中流淌的“用心”二字。我們的夥伴不僅是酒店從業者,更是老宅故事的“解讀者”,他們以真誠傳遞白族建築的門楣之韻、雕花之巧,能讓您讀懂時光在此鐫刻的密碼,便是這場相遇最美的意義。您對早餐“豐富新鮮”的認可,讓我們堅守在地食材、現烹手作的初心更添篤定。未來我們還將融入更多時令風物,待您秋日再臨,或可圍爐慢品一盅雲南菌湯,共話老宅四時不同的風雅。臨窗聽風,靜候重逢。願這座宅院留給您的不僅是旅途記憶,更是一份可隨身攜帶的文化温度。祝您歲歲常歡愉,事事皆勝意!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,非常感謝您的寶貴評價和誠摯的推薦!我們深感榮幸能夠為您的喜洲之行增添一份温馨與美好。喜林苑酒店一直致力於打造“家外之家”的温馨氛圍,您的滿意是我們最大的動力。喜洲的美,不僅在於它的古宅庭院,更在於這裏的人文情懷。我們期待着在不久的將來,再次為您服務,繼續為您呈現喜林苑的獨特魅力。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,感謝您入住喜林苑·寶成府並用心記錄下這段旅途的美好點滴!得知您對院落特色、客房環境與出行便利性的認可,我們倍感鼓舞。這座百年老宅的修復始終以“修舊如舊”為初心,您對黃牆黛瓦與庭院佈局的欣賞,正是對我們守護歷史温度的最大肯定。寶成府地處古鎮中軸,既為賓客省去輾轉之勞,也暗合“大隱於市”的東方旅居哲學。您提到的宅院下午茶,是我們以本地風物為靈感設計的慢享時光提案,能為您增添旅途的雅趣,實屬榮幸。未來我們也將持續打磨細節,願您再次歸來時,仍能於一杯茶、一方院中,感受四時流轉的詩意。靜候與您的下一次相逢,祝諸事皆安。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您細緻入微的反饋和對我們酒店的喜愛!我們很高興得知您對房間的清潔度、服務的熱情周到以及古色古香的老宅子給予了高度評價。我們的餐飲團隊也會因為您對晚餐的滿意而倍感鼓舞。關於停車場和位置便利性,我們旨在為自駕遊客提供便捷,很高興這些設施能夠滿足您的需求。同時,我們會考慮您對夜晚燈光的建議,以提升照明,確保賓客的舒適和安全。能夠讓您在火把節期間體驗到當地的文化氛圍,並偶遇林登先生,我們感到非常榮幸。林登先生的熱烈、友善和健談也是我們酒店的一大特色。我們期待您的再次光臨,相信下次的入住體驗將會更加完美。感謝您選擇喜林苑,我們會繼續努力,為您提供更加優質的服務。祝您旅途愉快,生活幸福!🌟🌿🚗🌟
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您的深情分享。我們的服務團隊和圖書館的存在,都是為了給賓客帶來更加豐富和舒適的體驗。很高興您在圖書館找到了心靈的慰藉,能夠與酒店創始人林登在稻田相遇,並透過他的書籍感受到我們的故事,我們感到非常榮幸。我們很高興得知您對我們的早市和小遊活動感到滿意,感謝您的認可,我們期待您的再次光臨,讓我們有機會繼續為您帶來更多美好的體驗。祝您生活充滿書香和温暖,旅途愉快!📚🌾🌟
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,感謝您的細緻分享!我們喜林苑酒店位於寧靜的巷子中,旨在為客人提供一個靜謐的休憩之地。四方街的便捷位置,以及我們的古建遊和早市遊活動,都是為了讓您更深入地體驗喜洲的文化。雖然烹飪課目前因老師休假而暫停,但我們期待您下次再來,那時定能為您呈現一場美食盛宴。早餐的豐富選擇和温馨氛圍,是我們希望每位客人都能感受到的家的温暖。您的滿意和親切感,正是我們服務的宗旨。期待您的再次光臨,喜林苑將竭誠為您服務。祝您生活愉快!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 您好!非常感謝您對喜林苑的肯定和對我們服務的好評,很開心您及家人在這裡有一段愉快且滿意的入住體驗!現在喜林苑在 沙溪石寶山國家公園,蘇州東山太湖和香格里拉納帕海已經有了在運營的門店,是不一樣的人文風情和景色,如果後期有相關行程安排期待您能聯繫我們!祝您生活愉快!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的客人,首先,我們要衷心感謝您對我們喜林苑的認可和美好的分享。您的文字讓我們深感温暖,也讓我們對能夠為您的長輩出遊之旅增添色彩感到無比自豪。我們非常理解您選擇喜林苑的初衷,希望為長輩們提供一個舒適且充滿意義的住宿環境。很高興我們不僅達到了您的期望,還超出了您的意料。宅子的歷史底藴是我們酒店的一大特色,我們致力於保護和傳承這份文化遺產,讓每一位入住的客人都能感受到歷史的厚重和文化的魅力。工作人員的熱情和細心服務是我們一直以來的宗旨,我們很高興您和您的長輩感受到了這份關懷,並體驗到了賓至如歸的感覺。喜洲早市衹是我們精心設計的體驗之一,我們還提供楊品相宅小遊、甲馬體驗、白族三道茶表演、烹飪課學習等文化體驗活動,希望您有機會再臨喜洲,相信喜林苑會為您的旅程增添更多的樂趣和驚喜。