The room was smaller than the size of a bathroom. One could barely move around. The bathroom was even smaller. For a six footer like me, I just about managed a bath. My first visit in this hotel. Its a floor on the 11th of an IT park. I thought that at least the room would have a view, and so asked the lady at the counter if the room had a view. She said that there was a longish window and that's all. So with all eagerness opened the " Longish window" to see that it opens into the staircase of the IT park. For Rs 4000/- this room is a disgrace. You shouldn't pay anything more than 2500 for any rooms in this so called Ginger Pod Hotel. Actually its is a POD hotel. Only if you are completely on the road for want of a room, don't come to this POD hotel. Its a complete RIP OFF. To reach this place you have to pass through numerous security guys who'll ask why on earth you are there. Then there are used plates and glass all ***** the corridor and I was afraid I'll step on one. Luckily I was able to reschedule my flight back and got out of this terrible place at 4 AM. So I only spent only 4 hours. Imagine my plight if I had to spend a day here. For Rs 4000/- you can get much better rooms in Holiday Inn and Turaya. So please be aware of the condition of this Ginger POD hotel before you make a reservation. Avoid this like the plague.