Train Tickets to Guadalajara
Zaragoza to Guadalajara-Yebes
Rp 148,093
Seville-Santa Justa to Guadalajara-Yebes
Rp 1,030,305
Pamplona/Iruña to Guadalajara-Yebes
Rp 1,894,533
Main Train Stations in Guadalajara
There are 2 station in Guadalajara: Guadalajara-Yebes, Guadalajara. Check the cheap train tickets for popular routes to them via our train journey planner.
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How to buy cheap Spanish train tickets
Book in Advance
Booking 60–90 days in advance can get you cheaper Renfe train tickets, available for you to plan your itinerary.
Buy a Return Ticket
A Return ticket includes both the outbound and return journeys, which is cheaper than buying two separate single tickets.
Use Discounts
Frequently offers promotions and discounts.
Popular Guadalajara Train Routes
Trains to Guadalajara