Train Tickets to Monterosso Al Mare
Milan Central to Monterosso
2h 53m
Rp 300,906
Milan to Monterosso
2h 53m
Rp 811,913
La Spezia Central to Monterosso
Rp 89,026
Main Train Stations in Monterosso Al Mare
There are 1 station in Monterosso Al Mare: Monterosso. Check the cheap train tickets for popular routes to them via our train journey planner.
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How to buy cheap train tickets in Italy
Book in Advance
Advance tickets are usually available for purchase 12 weeks before you travel and helps save a lot.
Consider Regional Trains
In Italy, regional trains are typically more affordable than high-speed trains. You can consider them to save money with a flexible schedule.
Split Tickets
Split Tickets offer cheaper train solutions in Italy, saving an average of 25% and up to 85%, while also reducing travel time.
Buy Return Tickets
Book same-day and weekend Return Tickets, enjoy 10%-50% off on Trenitalia's Base ticket for Frecce & Intercity, and Italo's Standard Class.
Popular Monterosso Al Mare Train Routes
Trains to Monterosso Al Mare