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Kereta Api
Destinasi Perjalanan Populer

Berencana Liburan ke China?

Maksimalkan liburanmu sebaik mungkin dengan destinasi terbaik, kuliner enak, dan promo perjalanan menarik. Cek rekomendasi itinerary 10 hari dan mulai pesan sekarang!

📍 Beijing (Hari ke 1 - 3): Jelajahi Tiananmen Square, The Forbidden City, Tembok Besar China, dan tradisional Hutong.
📍 Xi'an (Hari ke 4 - 5): Saksikan langsung Tentara Terakota, situs bersejarah yang wajib dikunjungi.
📍 Chengdu (Hari ke 6 - 7): Lihat panda dan coba makanan khas Sichuan
📍 Shanghai (Hari ke 8 - 10): Rasakan nuansa modern China dengan gedung pencakar langit dan dan kuliner khasnya.

Nikmati harga spesial Tiket Pesawat, Hotel, Tur, dan lainnya! Penasaran kota lainnya? Cek kota di China lainnya di "Destinasi Perjalanan Populer".
Pesan Tiket Pesawatmu!
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Pesan Kereta Cepat MTR!
Informasi Pemesanan Kereta Cepat
Tiket kereta cepat dapat mulai dipesan 15 hari sebelum keberangkatan. menawarkan tiga opsi pemesanan untuk pelanggan, termasuk "Pesan", "Reservasi", dan "Daftar Tunggu". Namun, periode penjualan dapat disesuaikan karena perubahan kebijakan oleh operator kereta api atau Perusahaan MTR.
BOOK ✅Users can purchase high speed rail tickets within 15 days before departure through
✅Tickets will be issued within 24 hours after payment
❌A handling fee is required to cancel the ticket after it has been issued
RESERVE ✅If users plan to book tickets that are not yet available for sale, you can choose to reserve tickets. The tickets will be automatically purchased when the sale period begins.
✅If the ticket is successfully reserved, the ticket will be issued within 24 hours on the day when the sale period begins
✅The ticket can be cancelled for free before it is issued
📝If the purchase is unsuccessful one day after the sale period begins, the order will be cancelled and we will refund the ticket and reservation fee to the users
WAITLIST ✅If users plan to book tickets that are sold out, you will be assigned to the waiting list. We will check the ticket vacancies 120 minutes before departure, and automatically purchase the ticket for the user if there are any available
✅If the ticket is successfully waitlisted, the ticket will be issued within 24 hours on that day
√The ticket can be cancelled for free before it is issued.
📝Users who successfully join the waiting list will receive an email notification regardless of whether the booking is successful or not

Destinasi Perjalanan Populer

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