Good room, good view of mountains and valley below, close to funicular, reasonably quiet…Except when funicular is running or when there are large groups staying there who go tromp up and down metal staircase thumping/drumming up and down thru the night. Food was VERY basic, Asian fair. Service was abysmal, absolutely abysmal, do not expect any service a you will be fine. They won’t get up unless they have too, they won’t look away from their phones, they won’t bother, unless you bother them, most times, it wasn’t worth it. I think they must all be sick to death of looking at or serving tourists/foreigners. Tours (trekking) provided were interesting, some muddy harder going, but also a lot of long walks on road with vehicles/traffic. Overall not very impressed with this selection, I’ve heard worse about other places in SA PA., But I don’t want to let anyone believe this is anything more than a VERY BASIC EXPERIENCE.