About Corner Palace HotelCorner Palace Hotel is located in Ternate. This residence offers modern accommodation. Friendly and professional employees will serve you. During your stay, services available at the hotel can be accessed for 24 hours. This will add the best impression during your visit for a vacation or business trip. You will be not disappointed while in the hotel because around the hotel is near to many best destinations in North Maluku. Corner Palace Hotel LocationCorner Palace Hotel is located at Gelora Kie Raha Stadium Street in Ternate, Central Ternate, Ternate, North Maluku. Its strategic location will make it easier to reach the hotel by vehicle. Many tourist destinations are found around the hotel. You can contact the destination by foot or by cars around the hotel. Check-inYou can book a room through a reservation service that can be accessed 24 hours. The hotel check-in service will serve you at 2:00 PM GMT+9. and check-out service at 1:00 PM GMT+9. Corner Palace Hotel Facility and ServiceCorner Palace Hotel provides various facilities that will facilitate all your business while youre in the city of Makassar. The facilities and services offered include:● Car rental & & & & ● Fitness centre & & & & ● Outdoor pool & & & & ● Billiards & & & & ● Business centre & & & & ● Conference room & & & & ● Karaoke& Corner Palace Hotel RoomsThere are 50 choices for hotel rooms that were built in 2007. The types of rooms that you can choose are Superior, Deluxe, Business and Executive. Each room type has its facilities. In Deluxe rooms, for example, facilities available are Wi-Fi, air conditioning, minibar, refrigerator and TV. The standard room service that you can access is Wi-Fi, air conditioner, TV and bathroom equipment. Each bathroom service is provided with soap, shampoo, slippers and shower. This equipment can be accessed free of charge. Restaurant & CaféCorner Palace Hotel has a restaurant that provides traditional Indonesian and international menus....
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