Newer again!!!! Not a Marriott Standard at all! This hotel was a very bad experience. I can not see why the hotel was described as "modern"?! Nearly Everthing is old and they are so many parts that smells bad. We trusted the Marriott brand, but were extremely dissapointed. At reception it smelled but I couldn´t identify it.. Everything is dark furnished and not really friendly. The room we had was C07. Nice size and view. But this was it! The bath tub which was supposed to be white was rather reddish/brown, never would have used it- the sink of the washing table was brown/black. The shower smelled badly, I only entered it with bath shoes and tried not to touch anything- When we arrived the corridor was not cleaned, feathers of any not identified birds, and some old used tisues. In the wardrobe as well, there was garbage from the guest before ? When we walked through the corridor we saw other rooms which were about to be cleaned and we saw the old matresses, without the cover. They were dark yellow/brown. I didn´t want to think of how old this mattresses were :(( disgusting. We wanted to use the pool - the good thing: it is really big. But when you want to go, you need to ask for pool towels, why they are not in the room from the beginning, no idea- So we had to organizw the towels. They were in the size of hand towels?! I was not able to use for my whole body. Why is this named a pool towel ? There are some old plastic sun chairs around the pool - Obviously with no covers. So we tried to use the "pool towel" but I could only sit on it, it was too small to lean down on the sun chair.... So not really a nice "Wellness Eperience" to sit on the plastic chair on a small towel. The water seemed to be clean and it was nice to swim. But if you use swimming goggles you see things on the floor which you do not want to see. All dirty. You need a pool cleaning machine to get this brown this off the bottom. But apparently this is not used here. The side of the pool is old and the there were broken Tiles outside, when you try to get out. I had to take care not to hurt myself. One evening we came back late from dinner and were told the the ceilling from our room came down. Apparently a water problem. I saw the whole and took a foto! I couldn´t believe it!!!! Luckily we were not there, and good luck that it happened at night. BUT the hotel was not able to inform us during the whole day. So we had to pack our staff at 22:00 tiered as we were and got moved to another room- this was named executive. (nr 104) The room has a nice view and it seemed to have new furniture - but I was wandering where the bad small of the toilet came from??! We did not find out. There was not a possibility to open the big window. Only a verry little part of it. (a very small window flap) and this didn´t help. In the middle of the room was a little bath tub (new- yippi!!!) but when we wanted to use it, the water was only coming out a bit more than water drops. And there