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Superior Double Bed Room (Mini Fridge, Screen Projection TV)
Menginap di Okt 2024
30 ulasan
Diposting pada 17 Nov 2024
Hotel was dirty. My partner ended up getting bitten by something living in the bed.
Wouldn’t recommend.
Price is reasonable if you don’t mind sharing the bed with bugs.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, thank you for your review of the hotel! We deeply regret your experience during your stay at the hotel. Your valuable feedback is very important to us. We will inform the housekeeping department to pay attention to room hygiene, and the three-level room inspection system ensures hygiene. If you have any needs, you can call the front desk and someone is on duty 24 hours a day to solve them. If you come here again next time, we hope you can book this hotel again and give us an opportunity to apologize. Looking forward to visiting again!
Superior Double Bed Room (Mini Fridge, Screen Projection TV)
Menginap di Okt 2024
30 ulasan
Diposting pada 17 Nov 2024
This hotel is dirty and the beds are not cleaned properly.
Ended up with bites from the bed
Left in the middle of the night & stayed in another hotel.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, thank you for your review of the hotel! We deeply regret your experience during your stay at the hotel. Your valuable feedback is very important to us. We will inform the housekeeping department to pay attention to room hygiene, and the three-level room inspection system ensures hygiene. If you have any needs, you can call the front desk and someone is on duty 24 hours a day to solve them. If you come here again next time, we hope you can book this hotel again and give us an opportunity to apologize. Looking forward to visiting again!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客您好:小桔在這裏感謝客官您的喜歡和支持。酒店整體呈現簡單大方的裝修風格,讓賓客整本感受到舒適。自助免費洗衣機讓您輕鬆享受生活的便利,自助中西式餐廳能夠讓您自由選擇合適味蕾的食物。酒店毗鄰上海保利大劇院,最美的嘉定圖書館,周邊吃喝玩樂影院一應俱全,歡迎您下次再來體驗!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 十分感謝您選擇桔子上海嘉定新城遠香湖酒店作為您的下榻之處,酒店地處蓬勃發展中的嘉定新城中心,毗鄰西部最大人工湖“遠香湖",被譽為全球最美的嘉定圖書館,周邊更有寶龍廣場,大融城,萬達等等大型商城,酒店位置在白銀路325號樓頂有酒店標識,門口有免費停車位,滿足您的停車需求,進出口有四個,方便進出,衹需要您退房時到前台領取一個電子授權碼即可,小桔期待您的下次光臨!祝您生活愉快!