At approximately 2200 (10 PM), an unknown male gained entry to our hotel room. My fiancé and I were in bed when we heard someone unlocking the door. He got the door unlocked and opened, and paused for a moment. My fiancé said “Hello?” which was met with two quick “Sorry”’s from the entrant before he left and re-locked the door. Because of the layout of the room, the door is not visible from the beds, therefore we didn’t see the man’s face. We suspect he also successfully entered the closest room to us, down the hall towards the steps on the same side. We heard that door being unlocked and opened, then a couple minutes later closed and re-locked. He then directly walked to our room and unlocked/opened it. We gave no permission to enter, nor did he give notice that he was coming to open the room. The doors in the rooms only had a turnkey lock, no deadbolt or any additional securing methods. The doors did not have peepholes. While we did not see the man’s face, it is worth noting that there was a man working the front desk that evening, and he likely had access to a universal key. The fact that the same individual opened two different doors lends credence to this, but I cannot say for certain because we didn’t see his face.